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The Continuing Adventures of the Knights of the Silver Quill

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I can answer that question for you!

Gorgoldand's Gauntlet is an adventure that came with the Dragon Annual magazine last year. It also came in a handy little CD that came with a Dragon (and a Dungeon) a while back.

Dr Midnight

Dartan stopped. "What's the problem?"

"Remember the Fate card I drew? I just used it."

The others looked confused. Dartan said "No you didn't."

"Yes, I did. All of you were just killed downstairs. I was about to die as well. I used my card's gift to come back here and stop you- so that we can prepare for a battle we're far outmatched for."

"Impossible! How..."

"Yes, Dartan, you too can die. We all can... and we almost did. Wee Jas has deemed us worthy of one more chance. We must use it. We must prepare."

They camped in the second level that night, sharpening their weapons and talking tactics. Vek went over every detail he could remember about the battle, and what weaknesses the half-dragons had that had been revealed. He made certain that everyone had an easily accessible, small slashing weapon on their person, for cutting out of the beasts' bellies. They bed down for the night.

Toddek, Dartan's personal bodyguard, leaned up on one elbow and said "Sir Vek?"


"Did... Did I die well? Did I die defending Dartan?"

Vek thought for a moment. "Yes.. though Wee Jas took him before you, it could be said that you fought bravely, and well." Vek lay on his back with his hands laced together on his chest and closed his eyes. Toddek was saddened by the revelation and lay awake in his bedroll for hours. He hadn't saved Dartan. He'd failed.

Freeday, 28th of Suns'ebb

The group woke to the sounds of a deep growl. They found Vek standing fully armored amidst a group of four immense white lions. The lions were as large as cows, and roughly fifteen feet long from nose to tailtip. "Beautiful, aren't they?" Vek asked, petting one. "They're celestial lions. I've called them to aid us in the coming battle."

Katya stood, approaching one nervously. It let her pet its mane. "They are beautiful. It's too bad not all of them are likely to live through the combat."

Vek smiled. "On the contrary, my dear! That's what they're here for. The blue dragon, yesterday, was full when it had eaten two of us. After that, it only fought in self-defense. These lions will be sent down first to fight them, then to feed them. With the half-dragons full of lion meat, they'll be much more sluggish and indifferent to us." He scratched one behind the ear. Katya stared at him, halfway between horrified and impressed.

Dartan strapped his sword around his waist and flexxed his hands. "Enough talk. Remember the plan. Let's go."

Vek sent the lions. Roaring, they ran down the stairs and leapt at the blue half-dragon. The blue turned its head towards them and opened its mouth. The first lion flew down its throat, its roar mingling into a deep swallowing noise. Just like that, the first lion was gone- but the blue was filled. Vek snickered to himself above at the almost comical scene.

The group charged down the stairs. Katya stayed at the top, casting spells from out of reach. The fighters joined the lions and began hacking at the blue from different angles. The black began approaching, and the lions were sent to it while the party finished off the blue. A ball of flame appeared behind the dragons, engulfing them both. They roared. The blue fell dead. The black turned its head to see Katya a mere fifteen feet away and breathed a horrible, bright green line of acid at her. It washed over her with a sickening sizzling sound.

Kyla, Dartan, Vek and Toddek joined the fray with the black. Two more lions were dead, and the other was badly damaged- but none were eaten. It seemed the black had no taste for fur. It lunged at Dartan. The jaws rushed forward.

"NO!!!" Toddek flung himself between Dartan and the half-dragon. It snatched him out of the air and lifted him up as he cut against it with his sword, frantically. The teeth sank into him, piercing him through in a dozen different places. He died and was swallowed. The heroic young man had sacrificed himself for Dartan- and in doing so, accomplished all he'd been conjured by the Deck of Many Things for.

Vek and Dartan slammed the creature. Dartan plunged his sword in and out of the black half-dragon's bleeding body, and Vek repeatedly bashed his shield against its scales. Katya and the others had pulled back, far too badly wounded to continue. The thing was suffering- Vek's shield was sucking the life from it with every attack. It lowered its head to bite Vek in half, and then made a guttural choking noise. It fell, rolling its length out on the ground. Its head slammed into the stone. A cloud of dust arose around it. It was dead.

"Can we get out of here now?" Dartan asked almost feebly. The group supported each other as they fled from the Inner Fane, from the Outer Fane, from the Crater Ridge Mines, and from the Temple of All-Consumption, for the last time.

Next time: Pelor's champion, Elmo's plan, New Year's Eve


First Post
I would just like to add that I did quite abit of damage to that blue dragon. Also I probably saved the other party member lives by taking on the black dragon by myself then getting eaten and with Toddek filling up that dragon. I took a total of over 80 points of damage before I came bursting out of the black dragons side wielding nothing but a sharped grappling hook. Most of our party would have died if it had been them but I had another 40 hp to spare :p , due to rage and my dwarven constitution. And I don't whine I grumble and complain! :D

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