• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



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we so gotta start making full use of a game time, it seems like we have been standing still for the past few sessions.
or maybee Cedious just needs to get back to civilisation where he once again can do what he does best..... stealing is more profitable then working for a living :)

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mega said:
(CEDIOUS) HALFLING ROGUE [ Binge Drinker and general Trouble-maker ] ALIVE!!!!



The villa is dark and foreboding. It lays within a deep rock walled valley in Karrnath’s Ashen Spires. It is the home of a cleric of Vol. It is the home of Keltis Doran.

The dark skinned human reached his home after a day of travel on foot. As he reaches the courtyard the human’s skin lightens and becomes pale. By time he knocks on the door the Changeling stands reveals. “Garrow.” Says the Keltis as he opens the door. “You are in time for the hunt. You are welcome to join.”

“As hunter or the hunted?” asks the changeling Emerald Claw member.

“In your case- would it matter for long? Welcome and please enter. You will need to accept the mess here. My friends are known for keeping a good house.” Weapons and armor lie everywhere. The tools of war are of medium and large sizes.

“Ah good- I had hoped you may be entertaining The Brood.”

“Sounds like you have need of them.”

“Do you remember the halfling in Cyre?”

“Yes.” Answers Keltis now slowing down and turning. His eyes become darker and darker. “What of him?”

“He still seeks the Schema. I know where he is.”

“Tell me and I will send the Brood to him.”

“Talenta Plains ….The Gorge.”

Keltis snarls and opens the back door.

“There is something else Keltis. Something you need to know.”

Keltis waits even as his mood darkens.

“He works for House Cannith. He has new allies and has killed Mallora.”

Keltis growls and kicks at the door. It breaks free of its supports. Outside, the Brood turns to see what has happened.

“Get me there- now. The Brood and I will go hunting".


Boddynoc Grinkle began his current adventure in Sharn. He and several of his friends came across the murdered body of a Professor Bonal Geldem. A warforged assassin sent to learn about the Creation Schema murdered him. Professor Geldem had a forgotten journal (Was found in the Pathfinders Story Hour) that gave details on the use of the Schema and how to create War Forged warriors. Following clues found within and the guidance given to him by a House Cannith aid, they found one piece within the dungeons of Under Sharn. The warforged tried to stop them but could not.

In another adventure into the dungeons Lady Demise of the Emerald Claw stopped them. She was searching for an “amulet”. Later it was discovered this amulet was another piece of the schema. Though Boddynoc and his friends did not go after this piece they read within the Korranberg Chronicle how the Emerald Claw and the War Forged were at war within the dungeons of Under Sharn. Recently it was suggested the War Forged have successfully retained the piece but there is no evidence of it beyond the fact the war is no longer within Sharn.

Unknown to anyone, Boddynoc was trying to enter the Zilargo Trust. The Trust was a spy group that gathered information and power from all over the continent. The Creation Schema seemed very important and worthy to report. Boddynoc made contact with Gnome informants within Sharn. He had a copy of the original piece made and much of the first journal was looked over. Unknown to him, this Gnome was visited by Warforged assassins who set fire to his library. Whether anything survived the fire is uncertain.

Lady Elaydren d’Vown of House Cannith was so pleased with the group that she contacted them yet again. When asked, she spoke of working with Baroness Jorlanna d’Cannith of Cannith North. In truth she worked for Baron Merrix d’Cannith of Cannith South. She was being hunted by the warforged and indeed was attacked by them even as she spoke to Boddynoc and his friends. He was given a pack of supplies, a map and travel papers and tickets and they went on their way into Cyre. Cyre was destroyed during the Last War and renamed the Mournlands.

It is uncertain is Baron Zorlan d’Cannith of Cannith East is aware of these struggles and plots. If he is then he is very quiet about it and thus perhaps the most dangerous player after the Schema.

Boddynoc and his friends went into the Mournlands to Whitehearth and retrieved the Creation Schema piece they sought and the Base Plate for it as an extra bonus. There was also a second piece of the schema piece there. Only Boddynoc and Cedious survived the trip to and back from the destroyed lands of Cyre.

When they reached the Cannith barge where they were betrayed by Lady Elaydren Vown. Set up for theft, they were placed on a prisoner ship and sent to Sharn for justice. Meanwhile, she left with ALL of the notes and pieces they had gathered to that point. They doubted they would survive the trip over so they went to escape. Cedious had already escaped but hid on board. Here they met several others that would later join them including the Warforged Fighter known as Asunder.

The escape took place during a terrible storm that resulted in the destruction of the ship. Boddynoc, his friends and other survivors were washed up on Starvos Island. Looking for help, the group agreed to help the miners here if they in turn helped them reach the main land. Unknown to most of them- this island was a center of Fiendish operations.

Boddynoc and Bomnel, a Trust member, were both exposed to and contracted a fiendish mutation. The first step was to become an undead thinking zombie. The next step was more devious. A fiendish spirit would travel with them, hidden and in secret. Boddynoc, with the strain of losing his friends at the betrayal of Elaydren, broke down first. Before they reached the shoreline again he was an undead and becoming Chaotic Evil in nature.

A Cleric of the Silver Flame had been contacted weeks before. She arrived just in time to see Boddynoc change. Boddynoc and the two warforged attacked her and were all destroyed. Cedious was now the leader of the group.

Later, unknown to anyone, Boddynoc fully awakened in his powers of being fiendish undead. Unable to dig out, he caste Repair on Asunder and he dug them out. As an undead and a warforged, they began to walk to their planned home –walk into the sea. On the way, they found several sunken ships including a battle ship. Within this ship was about 500 platinum, a wand of Levitate and a Belt of Giant Strength+6. A week after this they made contact with the Sahuagin tribe known as the Red Current. Their curiosity and the fiend’s telepathy powers, allowed them to survive this encounter. They left with their promise of aid and a Helm of Teleportation.

They have surfaced within the boundaries of Darguun near Khraal on Kraken Bay.

House Cannith North has contacted Cedious. Through Lady Beth d’Cannith and Jorlanna d’Cannith he learned much more about the parties involved in the search of the Creation Schema. He and a new team have been sent to the Talenta Plains in search of the clues for the next piece. On the way, they have been attacked by both House Cannith South, Emerald Claw and warforged warriors.

Forces Involved

Known by Cedious
Not Known by Cedious
Background Only

Lord of Blades: Warforged warriors
Emerald Claw, Garrow: Undead and troops
Emerald Claw, Demise: Troops and other contacts
House Cannith, South: Lady Elaydren, Rush Latealot, Warforged, war related supplies
House Cannith, North: Cedious works for
House Cannith, East: actions unknown but they are aware of some activity
Boddynoc Grinkle: Undead and possessed by a fiend but lovin’ it.
Dark Lanterns: Becoming involved due to battles within Under Sharn
The Trust: Aware through contacts / double-agents within Dark Lanterns and Cannith houses
Aurum: Blare Valnnesse had copied most of the journal by the Professor. Took flight when Warforged
came after her. As the only contact known, it is uncertain how much the Aurum Knows.
The Chamber: Involved but for what reason is unclear
The Lords of Dust: Watching Boddynoc and Asunder but curious about the Creation Schema
Cults of the Dragon Below: More about revenge against the PCs than the Creation Schema
And who knows who else id aware and waiting……..


1 Under Sharn Collected by Boddynoc Taken by Cannith South
2 Under Sharn Collected by Falchion Being brought to The Lord of Blades
3 White Health Collected by Boddynoc Taken by Cannith South
4 White Health Collected by Boddynoc Taken by Cannith South
5 Location unknown
6 Location unknown


First Post
*scratch's chin*

yep i just don't like them having all those peices...time for me to take them back i think :)

Cedious said:
*scratch's chin*

yep i just don't like them having all those peices...time for me to take them back i think :)

Now you wouldn't use game information your character doesn't have right Cedious. cedious?

Unleash the Fiendish, Spellstitched, Dire, Elemental, Axiomamatic Vampiric Lich (Magic AND Psionic) spell knight legionS.


First Post
Game Info? ME!? NEVER!@!#!
just so happens Cedious and I are telopathically linked to one another, what i know he knows and vis a versa! :)


The tired but successful adventurers follow the trail out to the entrance of the caves. They decide to follow the foot trail back to the rail system and then follow that home. They’ll figure out Karrnath when they reach it.

Before they enter the grass, an arrow sails through the air and lands at their feet. Attached to it is a piece of rolled paper. Snickering at it, Cedious walks over to it and picks it up. He smiles at the group as he unrolls it and reads it out loud.

“Thankyou for retrieving the book. Give it to us or play my game” Short

They laugh it off and move on into the tall grass.

About two hundred feet from the caves as they enter the tall grass Gnarl can smell something. Even as he warns his master- Taskerdoo, the warforged leap to the attack. There are ten of them all wielding long swords. Another one stands up very slowly. He holds a glowing Longsword. “Deconstruct them!”

The ten warforged fighters immediately surround the group and block off any exists. Three of them go after Taskerdoo the healer. Gnarl works his way out of the threesome and directly into the leader- Long. Boddynoc is barely alive, as he has taken several serious sword strikes. The Leader misses and is tripped by the wolf before it charges into the deeper brush to protect its master. The sniper then attacks hitting the wolf with an arrow. Wolf and Boddynoc both do down. Gnarl gets up and sniffs at the air. The leader, Long, has the smell of bile on him. He can not detect where the archer is. With no other options, the wolf returns to battle hoping the archer will think his rider is dead.

A Black sands takes two hit then decimates the warforged around him. Cedious can not get a good hit in as the two warforged surround him. Sharshek does everything he can to keep himself alive. These warforged have battled as a group before (all from Aundair, same unit) and function as a group. Suddenly the PCs have discovered a group that uses strategy and cunning with ruthless results.

The battle goes back and forth. If any try to run the sniper attacks. Long gets tripped again by the wolf. The tactic annoys the warrior. He prepares himself and stays on his feet the next time. Gnarl is gutted and cut in two in two swift strikes.

Taskerdoo is near death (self stabilized at –6) in the deep brush and his companion / familiar is dead. The others now move in to Long except for Cedious. He can not hit his foes or they him. The three of them dance and twist near death every second.

Long holds his own against the ½ giant and human. The archer meanwhile has moved to a new location and unknown to the PCs has asked his own animal companion to sneak in.

Finally Cedious takes down a forged and the others get a few solid hits in. Soon all forged are down. When Cedious attempts to pick over the belongings the archer begins to fire on them. They take cover behind a short but thick bush. Black sands takes a few hits, as his large frame is not completely hidden from view. They take cover to individual brush. Black sands again is struck twice as he tries to find cover. The archer is trying to take down the large but fast running barbarian.

“THIS SUCKS!” screams out the frustrated halfling rogue.

“We may have to return to the caves. Then maybe sneak out.” Offers the human fighter.

“So long as I kill the archer any plan works for me.” Curses the barbarian as he works out an arrow from his leg.

“Where is Taskerdoo? I saw Gnarl go down.” Asks Cedious suddenly seeing there are only the three of them.

“He fell off Gnarl in the brush.”


“Don’t know.”

Cedious thinks this over for a moment.

Sharshek brings up the need of his healing abilities. It may be worth seeing if he is alive. A plan is formed. Cedious has a sense of where the archer is. The fighter will try to get the druid’s body and return to the caves. The Barbarian will draw fire since he is the chosen target at this time.

They all shot out to their set targets at once. Black sands takes one more hit. Sharshek finds the druid / mage’s body. He is alive but in bad shape. Cedious stays low and sneaks in to the target. Even as Red Eye sneaks in.

Voidrunner's Codex

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