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“Time is a Problem it Seems”

Cedious leads the group around another trap and to the door. He opens it and the buzz of 1000’s of flying insects can be heard.

“You wanted a swamp and you got a swamp.” Says Cedious.

Looking in, the air is thick with gnats, mosquitoes and flies. The very room is a colossal swarm. Cedious drops to the ground and looks around. Taskerdoo and Logan come down next. The trees here are all thick willow trees with moss. The umbrella of vegetation could conceal anything within its hold, even another large elephant man. Looking, Cedious sees a huge face hidden in the brush. Clearing it, it is a face of a dwarf. The head sits about 3x3 foot. A lone lizard crawls over the bushy carved eyebrows. If Cedious is curious at whom the sculpture represents he doesn’t voice it. Taskerdoo merely notes there are others here.

There are at least a dozen busts and possible standing stones hidden within the willows and tall grass and hanging moss. They look around even as Black sands and Sharshek drop into the soft earth behind them. Vale more falls than jumps down (reminder- put points into Jump skill) but shakes it off. The others have already moved forward without him.

A narrow but deep trough of swamp water flows along the five trees and the various stones. Cedious hops over a narrow area with no effort. Logan sloshes through then stops to sniff around. The fighter and barbarian wander in a separate direction hoping not to cross the water directly. Vale inspects the dwarven face.

Cedious stops and circles a willow. Logan sniffs and growls quietly as Taskerdoo wanders what Cedious is up to this time. He calls up a Detect Magic power and scans the area. The very rooms and the five adventurers glow but that is all. Then he hears Cedious speaking and something comes in and out of the detection range. Someone, with magical items, is among them!

Cedious peers through the thick vegetation and sees something move. A glint of armor or polished metal has caught his eye. “Hello?” he says not expecting an answer.

“What brings you here?” comes a voice hinted with a hiss.

“Who is there?” says the halfling rogue suddenly on full alert. He peers into the darkness caste by the willow tree. A glow appears as the hiss of a sword being drawn can be heard. Cedious already has his out. Out steps a thin, almost gaunt lizardfolk with full plate armor on.

“I am Assath, I repeat myself – who are you?” The lizardfolk has a walk and presence that reminds the rogue of the rich and riotous.

“I am ..an adventurer. What brings you …here?” He begins to make motions to draw Taskerdoo over.

“A thief no doubt. I and my strikeforce are here to destroy a great evil.” The lizardfolk in metal armor lowers his sword but it remains readied as a precaution.

Cedious wonders where the others are when Logan sticks his nose through the willow’s hanging branches and sniffs a few times. Suddenly he snorts projecting nasal fluid out as if unhappy with what he has sniffed out. Using the wooden sword, Taskerdoo pushes aside the branches and looks at the source of magic he saw. The weapon and armor are both magical. “Hello. I am Breland Taskerdoo and this is Logan.” He quickly assumes this person is a paladin and worries about Black sands.

“I am Assath. I am here to destroy a great evil. You are also an adventurer?”

“Adventurer …ah yes. Yes I am.” The halfling druid / mage quickly begins to think about the tracks outside the trap and wonders about the role this paladin has here. “What evil do you seek? Is it a vampire? We destroyed a vampire already.”

“The evil essence of a demon. He was trapped within this prison and we came to kill it. The defenses of the trap are very strong however. In the three weeks we have been here- only myself remains.”

Taskerdoo doesn’t miss the time reference. To have been here for mere weeks, tracks would have been left. “How did you come in here?”

“We traveled across the cavern over the colored runes to a stone block. We entered and have remained. We battled many guardians and now only I remain.”

“How many rooms have you traveled? Do you know how to leave?” He looks up to where the door should be (35 feet up).

“Rooms? We have traveled this swampy dimension for the first few weeks here. When my comrades were killed I wandered until I came to these stones and decided to stay here.”

Cedious looks at Taskerdoo. He thinks the lizard is crazy. Taskerdoo thinks something else.

“What year is it?”

A suspicious look crosses the paladin’s eyes. “668.”

“That is not weeks!” exclaims Cedious.

The paladin gives him a sharp look. “You have an appearance I can not place. Where do you originate from?”

“Talenta Plains.” Answers the druid / mage.

“Sharn.” Says Cedious with little enthusiasm.

“I have never heard of such places.”

“You have never heard of Sharn!?!” exclaims Cedious in disbelief and annoyance. “Where have you been – in a cave?”

“In a way…”, whispers Taskerdoo, Where do you hail from?”


“Not what you are but…” Taskerdoo softly kicks the rogue.

“Where is that?”

“Vigil …,” it is the paladin’s turn to suspect serious confusion of the adventurers. “Vigil is east of the beast lands, along the shoreline.”

“Beast lands …large reptiles……?”

The paladin tries to be certain these strangers are not liars.

“That is Talenta Plains in my ….tongue. You said you came here in 668. What were the other countries doing?” The druid is beginning to understand the problem.

“The goblin nation is to the South West of Vigil….” He is interrupted by Vale calling out for the location of Cedious and Taskerdoo. “More…?”

“Why have you not left this swamp?” asks Taskerdoo. He knows the next step will be difficult but also understands it is just a matter of time before the ½ giant arrives then who knows what will happen.

“The swamp is long and large. I suspect the entire dimension may be a swamp.”

“Have you tried the door?” says the rogue in annoyance. If he had thought of it, he would have asked for the half giant by now.

“There is a way out?”

“I hope so.” Taskerdoo watches Cedious walk to the edge of the willow and point up to the door “floating” 35 feet up.

“I see nothing” says the Paladin.

“This may seem crazy,” begins Taskerdoo, “But could you walk about ten paces that way?”

The paladin looks at the druid trying to decide what the true purpose of this is but sees no harm forth coming so begins to walk. When he reaches the “wall” he steps into it. A visible ripple can be seen but the paladin doesn’t seem to notice that he is walking no where. Taskerdoo suspects this paladin has somehow become a part of the trap. He is suspended within time and space in such a way he is unaware of it.


Suddenly the paladin whips his scaled head to the direct of the original door. Taskerdoo had just begun to spider climb the wall to prove a point. “How do you explain this?”

Trying hard to see through the haze created by the insects, the paladins answers quickly- “Flight. Magical. Something approaches. Something …unkind to the world.”

Cedious and Taskerdoo turn to each other and mouth the name silently- Black sand.

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“Lawful Good vs. Chaotic Bad”

“Who is the reptile?” asks Black sands as he sticks his head into the willow.

“Who is this creature?” The paladin’s eyes turn purple.

“uh-oh.” Sighs Taskerdoo.

“Action…” smirks Cedious.

Sharshek and Vale are still on the wrong side of the creek to notice anything but they do hear the barbarian’s voice.

“Is this creature a companion of yours?”

“What of it?!?” says the barbarian as his full 8 foot plus frame enters the area.

“He was hired by Cannith to help us.” The druid quickly says hoping to stop a fight.

“You have a problem with me scales?” says the ½ giant as shows the paladin his sword.

Cedious finds a nice dry and flat stone to sit on and gets out his pack. His dried spiced meat should be a good show snack.

Taskerdoo tries to get Logan to separate them but it is too late. They face each other. Each judges the other, one through magic and the other through attempted intimidation.

Vale and Sharshek wade through the deep creek and arrive just as the ½ giant steps so close to the lizardfolk that when he breathes, the forked tongue licks the chest of the barbarian.

“Arhhhhhhhhhhh” the barbarian steps back to swing. The eyes of the paladin turn purple and suddenly Black sands can not see very well. He swings anyway. A satisfying smack and grunt is heard as the paladin is struck.

“Wait!” yells Taskerdoo hoping to avoid this. He knows this paladin could be a great deal of help.

Vale begins to caste a spell to stop the fighting even as the druid does. But before either can say the final word or give the final motion, the paladin strikes. The sword cuts deeply twice, the bite stings, the tail slap hurts and the claw draws blood. Still unsteady from the dragon attacks, Black sands finds himself in trouble.

Suddenly webs spread out across their area. Black sands becomes entangled but the nimble paladin easily avoids it and takes down the encumbered barbarian. He stands on the brute to avoid the magical webs. Then a small pebble falls into the area and darkness spreads. Vale hopes to balance the battle but the paladin’s hyper senses allow it to know where everyone is.

Cedious pours out some water to drink. “Go Black sands! Go Lizard guy.”

“You are enjoying this?”

“I was there when Boddynoc decided to fight a holy roller. I sat that one out also. I’m here, he isn’t.”

Sharshek sits down and asks for a drink.

Vale, annoyed, wonders what else he can do. He is a healer. Not a combatant.

Black sands cries out again as the paladin strikes him again. The darkness disappears as Vale wishes it away. This is not going well.

Revealed is the paladin with his blade at the barbarian’s throat asking everyone to stop. The ½ giant is feigning entrapment within the webs.

“Can we discuss this- ?” pleads the druid.

“This is an evil creature. I sense his evil. I…” Distracted, Black sands grabs at the weapon and easily pulls it free of the paladin. The paladin’s armor crackles as he steps back. Listening carefully, the barbarian decides where to strike and grabs the paladin to hurt him. Instead electrical currents course through him. Smoking he stumbles back a step or two into the webs once more.

“Have you seen enough?” asks Sharshek to the rogue as he puts his remaining food and water away.

“Yup.” And now pulls out his rapier once more and makes a wide circle around the combatants.

“We need each of you to escape- NO !” yells out the druid.

Cedious cleans his blade and returns to his rock. The paladin is dead.

“His sword is mine.” Says the barbarian and no one disagrees.

“Dangerous Dice Dan Dunworth of Stormreach”

“Stormreach rises over the harbor, the only apparent evidence of civilization along this otherwise jungle coastline. Great stone buildings form the foundation of the trade city, though all manners of smaller wood structures fill in the gaps between the large structures. A stout stone wall surrounds the city, a complex series of docks and wharves connect the city to the sea.” [From Grasp of the Emerald Claw]

The earliest discoverers and settlers have claimed the remains of ancient giant structures. The tall and massive stone buildings were cleared of the dangerous animal inhabitants and filled with ramps and new wooden and bamboo floors to create sturdy homes. As new settlers came wood and bamboo structures were built outside the stone structures. Some of these created a maze-like wall as they were between stone structures. They used the sturdy stone foundations as supports.

Zoberraz* remembers when others lived here. She remembers the tribes of dark skinned and cursed elves known as the Zuccutuni and the Ven’dril. She hopes what killed them will someday punish these new settlers whom brazenly use these structures to infiltrate Xen’drik. But for now it has a purpose. She needs to stop the Emerald Claw, Cannith houses and Warforged from finding the tomb of Xulo. She can do only so much of this by herself. However, the ants that now occupy the ruins may be able to help her.

She circles once more over the ruins. She enjoys the masses looking up in awe and many pointing. Some in proper fear of her. Then she lands within the jungle nearby.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Stormreach has many businesses other than the collection of artifacts and relics. Some are fair and trustworthy. Most are not. Dice Diversions are not.

“Dangerous Dice” Dan Dunworth is a very good gambler and rumored to wield probability magic. He only plays dice games against explorers new to the settlement. All others know better than to test their luck against him. Since new money laden explorers come daily, he does very well for himself. He is also a very good troubleshooter. He never asks questions. He is a sturdy man of his forties with a wardrobe of colorful feathered hats he collects from native birds here that he also collects and sells.

His office is built into an upper level of a stone structure that overlooks much of the bay. From here, he watches ships come and go and records this information. He has learned many will pay for this kind of information.

He saw the dragon coming with purpose over the horizon. Perhaps this is why when a woman dressed in a blue exotic dress of glass coins appears at his door he is not alarmed. His guards should have let him know someone was coming at the lower levels.

“Dunworth?” she purrs.

“You may stop with the magical charms. This specific area is warded against them. What may I do for you?” He pours himself and another shot of a dwarven Whiskey and offers one to her. She waves a no and downs hers then sits with the other shot, the bottle in easy reach.

“I am aware of the wards. I seek someone to detain several factions from entering the jungles.” She reaches to a large obsidian and ironwood chair placed so that Dan can monitor the door and watch the person sitting. It weighs over 500 pounds. With one hand she slides it before the desk then gently sits.

Dan was right. It’s the dragon.

“Detain? Why?”

“If paid- does it matter to you?”

“Maybe- depends on how much money we speak of and the task. You spoke of factions.”

The Emerald Claw will be sending several groups here within the year. House Cannith may be there also. Both need to be stopped.”

Dan likes the odds. They are against him. It will be a good test of his abilities. “How much?”

From virtually no where, she reaches from behind herself and presents a pouch with blue diamonds. Dan does his best not to leap from his chair.

“Then you will accept?”

“Tell me more Blue.”

* Blue Dragon guardian Segment 108


I love the way Black Sand interacts with Paladins. Head on collision, whoever walks away afterwards wins! :] And to the victor, goes the spoils! :p

On the other hand, we see things building up for Grasp! :] Now I get to laugh along as people who don't step lightly become a part of my dead peoples collection. :]


First Post
ummm actually black sands was about to die......until cedious got tired of watching and decided to kill the paladin.....so im the victor but he still gets the sword.... that does not seem fair to me :( :(


First Post
LOL im not scared of your wolverine... just like im not scared of anyone or thing else mwhahahahahahaha. well actually i think cedious might think twice before stepping into a gold and bling blingy room again, that was a little to close for comfort in the HP department

i think i might go into shadowdancer just think of all the fun i could have with that :lol: :] :lol: :]

Cedious said:
i think i might go into shadowdancer just think of all the fun i could have with that :lol: :] :lol: :]

The sobbing you hear in the background is the DM trying to figure out how to contain the wretched halfling thief

Voidrunner's Codex

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