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The Crux of the Matter


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Rinaldo di Senzio 22/40 hp

"What was that?" asks Rinaldo, drawing his rapier, ready to attack if they reappears.

Hogarth draw his weapon and do the same but he also takes a 5 feet toward the group and Laynie.

[SBLOCK=OOC] :confused: What? Sheesh? If both attack would have hit me instead one of me and one on Tenebrynn, I would be at 0 hp... sheesh?

Rinaldo is readying an action: Attack on teh next monster who appear and come in reach. He will also use Cmobat Expertise to lower his attack by 3 and raising his defence by 3.[/SBLOCK]

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Rystil Arden

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(OOC: Yeah--he probably should have put that up come the fog (was waiting to see if he did. The only thing that kept him whole from that was that the two 1s were both on him :()

*Ashnar has never heard of this particular beast, but its appearance and vanishing seem vaguely reminiscent of a tale he heard about planeshifting stalkers.*

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: When you advance a monster 2 HD and they get bumped up to Size Large, the attacks suddenly become much more dangerous, despite the gain of only 1 CR ;))

*Rinaldo prepares his attack for the next creature that gets near.*


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Rystil Arden said:
(OOC: When you advance a monster 2 HD and they get bumped up to Size Large, the attacks suddenly become much more dangerous, despite the gain of only 1 CR ;))

I won't go see teh stats of that monster, but I think I know what they are (that what happen when you have been playing for too long, your memories gives you too much information :\ But I am not sure they could do 18 or 22 damage with only 1 size increase. But there always have 'I am the DM, I can do what I wish', which I don't care. Only thing I hope, it is we don't need to raise from the death someone before reaching the tower.[/SBLOCK]

Knight Otu

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Rystil Arden said:
(OOC: When you advance a monster 2 HD and they get bumped up to Size Large, the attacks suddenly become much more dangerous, despite the gain of only 1 CR ;))
(Of course, if those critters are outsiders or dragons, the CR bump is 2 (1 for HD, 1 for reaching Large size))

"Innate planeshifters." Ashnar informs his comrades of his suspicion, casting his mage armor and drawing his newly created wand. Plans for the next round: Get into a position less open to attack, ready actions to shoot scorching rays at the attackers from the wand.

Rystil Arden

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(OOC: Remember Velmont--a size increase yields a commensurate +8 bonus to Strength. I'll also say that they got above average damage rolls and have taken the Improved Natural Attack feat since I needed to assign a new feat ;) Also, Ashnar's statements about them may not be correct based on the info I provided :])

*Ashnar puts up a protective Mage Armour and draws his wand.*


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Rystil Arden said:
... have taken the Improved Natural Attack feat since I needed to assign a new feat...

Evil :uhoh: I forgot about that possibility... and I must tell, as I told, I tell that from my memory of a monster who used similar tactics... it might not be that one. It's just god damn scary to have eight monsters that can do an average of 20 damage per hit (based on the two hit we recieved) Hogarth is the character with the most HP in our group (41) which mean with two hits, anyone have a chance to fall (or one if it is a critical). I just imaginate teh worse. With some luck, Four character can fall in one round (now 5, as two character are at half there HP...).

The other thing that make me nervous, it is Rinaldo strength in combat is his sneak attack, and I doubt he will be able to use it against those creatures.

But you know what they tells: 'Qui risque rien, n'a rien' (i.e: No risk, no gain)

And one last thing that make me nervous, in M4 and Battle of Earth and Sea, I've seen many death (and among them, Opale, anotehr of my character).

Hey, and Rinaldo told that even death wouldn't prevent him to come back home... how do you ressurect a man whose body is in another plane of existance?[/SBLOCK]

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: It's a fairly weak feat for certain damage dice (like d6 to d8), but the d8 to 2d6 bump is simply huge, as you have seen. That's why a CR 1 Orc Barbarian NPC can do 21 Damage in one hit, the 2d6 that is.)
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First Post
Rystil Arden said:
(OOC: It's a fairly weak feat for certain damage dice (like d6 to d8), but the d8 to 2d6 bump is simply huge, as you have seen)

That feat should follow a progression similar to the monk unarmed attack evolution, the d8 to 2d6 leap worth more than twice a leap from d6 to d8, but it still just one feat... I understand it must be somehow progressive improvement, as raising teh average damage by 1, when you roll d6, is a lot better than when you roll 3d6, but I always found it a bit too drastic.

Ok, back to our main program, we have a hide to save and monsters to kill :] [/SBLOCK]

Voidrunner's Codex

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