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The Declaration of Sovereignty

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As the DM, I consider it my duty to provide mostly obstacles, which I think we can all agree I do rather well.

Someone will undoubtedly take whatever language you use and pervert it to their own ends.

The question remains about how easy you want to make doing just that.

The simple fact of the matter is that I don't know how to make a declaration based on the rights of Man that can fairly apply to the "Good" races of a fantasy world and exclude the bad ones.

Perhaps the idea here is that a declaration of sovereignty in this case cannot be predicated on the rights of men, but on more ethereal matters? The divine providence of True Kings and Queens, etc.

Not a solution - just an idea.

This is a great starting point, and I cannot praise enough the thought that's already gone into this (even if some of the thought was Thomas Jefferson's). Our declaration of independence is a rejection of the divine rights of kings, and affirmation of the divine rights of the individual. It's an outgrowth of the political philosophy of Locke, Rosseau, and even a little Hobbes.

But the Falcon kingdom might have produced a Hobbes, but probably not a Locke or Rosseau. The Messenger (Oberon) of God (The Light) sacrificed himself to create the Falcon throne, during the life times (and living memory of some) of people still alive today. That is not as easily rejected as (for instance) the throne of England, which (unless one counts the sword in the stone myth as true) never existed by the divine providence of anything (at least in any demonstrable fashion).

The document upon which the current declaration of sovereignty is based is a treatise justifying why America would leave A king, but also ALL kings.

In this game (unless someone reaches an incredible socio-political epiphany) you're really justifying the rejection of a false lord in favor of a "True and Right-Borne" one.

[at this point, I'm just rambling - good stuff. Fun to think about]

So rather than setting ourselves as guarantor's of the rights of people (which this has not been about) perhaps it ought to be based on something simpler.

At it's core, this is a war for the survival. A fight against extinction; extermination and replacement by draconids that wear perversions of humanoid faces.

Might this be our justification? Our greatest grievance?

Keep the ideas flowing. I'm keyed in.


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Another Stab...

The Declaration of the Sovereignty of the Phoenix Kingdom as Evidenced Under the Light

The existence of the races which have long held dominion over the Great Ring - the collected children of the stars - has come under a true and abiding threat for the first time. The true line of kings has long-departed the throne, and a pretender whose soul is tied inextricably to darkness now holds the seat of our ancestors. As peoples, once dire enemies, fight and die for their very right to exist in the face of a strange and implacable invader, the time has come to draw arms beneath a banner of the true Blood. This is not a proclamation of rebellion, or independence. It is a claim for a lost and broken throne, a demand to restore the line of Maelwys. We claim the very right of our ancestors, demanding nothing less than a true and right-born Liege. The age of the Falcon has ended, and a Phoenix rises from the ashes.

We hold certain truths manifest:

That it is the duty of a true throne to shelter those that owe it fealty, to shield their lives and livelihood against threats both great and small. The throne exists through the will of the people, the mercy of the Light. In exchange for the loyalty of its subjects, the throne must too be prepared to sacrfice itself. Blood before blood, life before life. A false king has failed his people. But prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that all who can live beneath a just and rightful law are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by replacing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism and undeniable negligence, it is their right, it is their duty, to cast down such an unwitting and uncaring throne, and to look to a true guardian of their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of the populous of the Falcon Kingdom; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to turn away from a false Lord and seek another - one dedicated to their continued survival; to the survival of the institutions that have sustained it for so long. The history of the present King of the Falcon Kingdom, King Tain Hawkson I, is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over the Ringed Continent and all contained within, till their deaths to last will let the memory of the stars' children die, replaced by the strange and cruel creatures that flood our every shore.
To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has supplied various weaponry, not to exclude Drakespowder and articles reliant, to the draconic forces which plague the land.

Aide and succor have been denied those of need at every juncture, and the invader has operated across our lands with nearly free reign, unopposed by the throne.

By the direction of the throne, the members of many noble houses including but not limited to the House of Rhynn, the Marquis of Sylvannus, the Barony of Atur, the Duchy of Oceanus, the Barony of Hyrwl, the Embassy of Clan Thunderheart in Thanesport, the Clanhold of Arutha’s Forge, and many more not listed here have been kidnapped, tortured, executed, without the due process of the King's Justice.

He has conspired to replace members of the Noble’s Council with puppets of his own choosing, men and women equally dedicated to destruction, suffering.

The reason for this is most terrible, indeed:

The king, the throne, have been tainted with an insidious and ancient evil, and even now conspire with an aspect of the fallen dragonlord Mordred the Black for the ruination and corruption of the kingdom, and all contained therein.

He, in secret, leads the draconic armies which now plague the land.

By his order, countless thousands of innocents have been forced to walk the Shadowpath, and have thus been twisted to his will by dark magic.

Through his control of the draconic armies, he has ordered attack and siege on many cities of the ringed continent, including but not limited to Oceanus, Caer Albion, Hyrwl, Citadel Refuge, Atur, and Arutha’s Forge.


The time has past for us to petition for redress. Our previous petitions were answered only with injury. A bastard prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people. We, the people of the Phoenix Kingdom, declare that the end of the Falcon Kingdom is at hand and the Phoenix Kingdom is newly arisen.

We, therefore, the representatives of the fully sovereign Phoenix Kingdom, appealing to the Light for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name and by the authority of the Light and the people of Aeres, solemnly publish and declare, that this Kingdom, under current rule of her majesty Queen Jaine Rhynn, is the only true throne in our scarred and unhealing land.

The people of the Great Ring are absolved from all allegiance to the crown of the Falcon Kingdom, and that all connection between them and those who freely follow under rule of said tyrant ought to be totally dissolved; and that as free sovereignty, the Phoenix Kingdom has the full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and do all other acts and things which true nations may of right do. As a first act of which, we hereby declare the solemn intent to enforce the dissolution of the Falcon Kingdom and the reinstatement of its lands and peoples under the Phoenix Kingdom. We hereby declare War against King Tain Hawkson I, his draconic and undead followers, and any who may choose to follow him in his quest for tyrannical dominance. —And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of the providence of the Light, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.


Queen Jaine Rhynn, Sovereign of the Phoenix Kingdom
Lord Archonus Bluestar, Prince Regent of the Phoenix Kingdom, Prince of the North
Lord Archonus Arendorr, Marquis Sylvannus, Member of the Circle of the Phoenix
Lady Justice Greyclaw, Duchess Caer Melyn, Duchess Oceanus, Member of the Circle of the Phoenix
Lord Firstname Greyclaw, Duke Caer Melyn, Duke Oceanus
Lady L'Aurel Woodshadow, Baroness Hyrwl, Member of the Circle of the Phoenix
Lord Henry Hansbury, Duke Atur
Joshua Preston, Patriarch, Holy Church of the Light
Jansten Fitzquaron, Member of the Circle of the Phoenix
Kaereth of One Oak, Member of the Circle of the Phoenix
Xath Stormwind Thunderheart, Member of the Circle of the Phoenix



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Cool Gertie-- have to look it over in more detail later, but two quick very small points--

1) L'Aurel added Dorn to the end of her name, but I had her keeping the Woodshadow... so now it's just overly long winded. For daily friendly signatures and such it's just LD, but anything officially it's LWD.

2) if we have Preston on there might as well add Dorn- sturred up enough trouble in his own right and has been a protector and guide of Jaine since he got his mind back :)


First Post
I shifted the socio-political underpinnings a bit, as well. I don't know if it was a good change, but it was a change.

Is there other information that needs to be there? While it probably can't stand the test of time in the same way that the real Declararion of Independence has, is it sufficiently grandiose for our purposes?

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