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The Dragons Reborn I: Burning Streets (Feng Shui)

John E Smoke

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The streets of Hong Kong have been turning deadly lately. Rumors persist that an all-out gang war is brewing, and the Tongs and Triads are certainly stepping up their operations. Several street gangs seem to be consolidating. Those who aren't are dropping like flies, the most recent casualty being the Poison Thorns, wiped out to a man by an unknown group. To top it all off, several Yakuza groups have increased their activity; many believe they are swooping in like vultures, perhaps to provoke the impending street war, and presumably planning to descend and pick off what remains. Whatever the truth, nobody is conducting business as usual...

Golden Flower Bar
Wanchai District, Hong Kong
10:00 PM

The Golden Flower Bar wasn't especially busy, but drew a decent crowd tonight nonetheless. Its laid-back atmosphere was a nice change of pace from the crowded city of Hong Kong, and despite the noise of conversations and the loud jukebox playing a chinese reggae song, the place was quite relaxing.

Ji Jiao Mao couldn't help but smile despite his nervousness. He had just won yet another game of mah jong against Mark "Steel Body" Huan, a man rumored to be a very important member of the Han Bao Triad. The fact that he was attended by apparently armed and most likely dangerous men supported this.

"Ha! Looks like you got me again, huh? I suppose we had better get down to business before you take the shirt off my back as well!" Mark Huan smiled, showing remarkably good sportsmanship. After whispering something in the ear of the beautiful woman in a flattering green dress sitting on his knee, she smiles and kisses him on the forehead before walking downstairs to the common room of the club.

"So, I assume you've come here because you wanted something from me, right? Something involving the Black Dragon Tongs, I'd wager." With his smile disappearing, he leans forward and adds "And I don't think your good luck will win you that bet, now would it?"

"Jack" Frost sat slightly slumped over the bar, hard at work drowning away bad memories. Though several people had come and tried to start a conversation, he managed to ignore or shrug off all of them. A true professional to the end, he couldn't afford to suffer any distractions from the task at hand.

A beautiful woman in a slinky green dress sits at the bar next to him and orders a drink, then turns to him with a smile and says "Hi! My name is May, what's yours?"

"Jadefinger" Long, having just returned to Hong Kong after an unpleasant trip to America, has made the Golden Flower Bar his first stop. He wanted some answers, and wanted them now. As he walks in, one of the bouncers moves to intervene but stops short after recognising Long, then quietly nods and gives a meaningful look to the stairs in the back.

Western District, Hong Kong
10:00 PM

Takamura Kane walked the crowded narrow streets of the Western District, occasionally stopping to browse the stalls and small shops still open. Though he was supposed to be in hiding, he was certain that he'd be reasonably safe; the Yakuza barely had a presence in Hong Kong, and he made sure to stay clear of any Triad territory. It seemed his greatest danger of the moment was boredom.

As he makes his way through the streets, he stops dead in his tracks in shock; a group of thugs walking towards him, though they haven't actually seen him. The man in the lead is wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt, and the tattoos on his arms are clearly recognisable as Yakuza markings.

Takamura slowly turns around, hoping to avoid attention as he walks away from the group. As he steps by a rickety shack of a restaurant, however, a man steps out and turns towards him. Though he doesn't know his name, he recognises him as one of the killers of the Santoryu Group!

Jai Pei's Diner
Western District, Hong Kong
10:00 PM

Shinji Kiriyama finishes eating his late dinner and steps out of the diner, almost walking into a japanese man with green eyes and a streak of red in his hair. Though the man has seems to have a shocked recognition, what he notices more immediately is the group of thugs further down the street. The man leading them is none other than Eiji Hagiwara, one of his former associates.

Hai Lee Fong's Apartment
Mongkok, Kowloon
9:50 PM

Hai Lee Fong awoke with a start. After spending all of last night most of the day working on his car, he had decided to take a short nap before going out to meet Mark Huan. After a casual glance at the closest clock, he bolts upright - his meeting is supposed to be a ten o' clock!

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Paxus Asclepius

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John E Smoke said:
As he makes his way through the streets, he stops dead in his tracks in shock; a group of thugs walking towards him, though they haven't actually seen him. The man in the lead is wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt, and the tattoos on his arms are clearly recognisable as Yakuza markings.

Takamura slowly turns around, hoping to avoid attention as he walks away from the group. As he steps by a rickety shack of a restaurant, however, a man steps out and turns towards him. Though he doesn't know his name, he recognises him as one of the killers of the Santoryu Group!

Silently praying that the man isn't here for him, Kane veers to avoid him, trying to appear merely courteous, rather than on the brink of panic. Once past, he intends to turn into the nearest through-alley and run like the wind.


First Post
Shinji Kiriyama finishes eating his late dinner and steps out of the diner, almost walking into a japanese man with green eyes and a streak of red in his hair. Though the man has seems to have a shocked recognition, what he notices more immediately is the group of thugs further down the street. The man leading them is none other than Eiji Hagiwara, one of his former associates.

Shinji steps back from the man he nearly bumped and pauses to light a cigarette, another face in the crowd as he looks past red-streak and watches Eiji approach. So much of the past is a blur now, and it's hard for him to remember if Eiji was one to watch or just another in the parade of faceless flesh that the Yakuza liked to send on errands. His adam's apple ticks in his throat once in anticipation as his fingers leave the tapered length of cigarette paper, the knuckles standing at attention as he spares another glance at red-streak, wondering if this was also someone he should know.

"What's wrong buddy?" he asks as the first puff of menthol-loaded smoke drifts past his lips, "You see something you need here? 'Cause if not, you should know that something will be very wrong on this street in a moment, and you may want to step inside."

Paxus Asclepius

First Post
Cepter said:
Shinji steps back from the man he nearly bumped and pauses to light a cigarette, another face in the crowd as he looks past red-streak and watches Eiji approach. So much of the past is a blur now, and it's hard for him to remember if Eiji was one to watch or just another in the parade of faceless flesh that the Yakuza liked to send on errands. His adam's apple ticks in his throat once in anticipation as his fingers leave the tapered length of cigarette paper, the knuckles standing at attention as he spares another glance at red-streak, wondering if this was also someone he should know.

"What's wrong buddy?" he asks as the first puff of menthol-loaded smoke drifts past his lips, "You see something you need here? 'Cause if not, you should know that something will be very wrong on this street in a moment, and you may want to step inside."

Relieved that the man has no idea who he is, Kane slips into the building. His common sense swiftly losing a war with his curiousity, he stays where he can see the confrontation.


John E Smoke said:
A beautiful woman in a slinky green dress sits at the bar next to him and orders a drink, then turns to him with a smile and says "Hi! My name is May, what's yours?"

Frost hesitates, but after a second decides he doesn't have a cover to blow. "Frost. Jack Frost." Sorry. I had to.

He raises his shot glass, and studies it intently.

"What can I do for you, May?"


First Post
Hai Lee Fong's Apartment
Mongkok, Kowloon
9:50 PM

Hai Lee Fong awoke with a start. After spending all of last night most of the day working on his car, he had decided to take a short nap before going out to meet Mark Huan. After a casual glance at the closest clock, he bolts upright - his meeting is supposed to be a ten o' clock!

You really don't want to know what Hai Lee just said.
say Hai Lee when he saw the time. He just up out of the bed, take the nearest pants and shirt and put it take a pair of sock, put it in his pockets. Jump in his shoes. Run to the door. Grab the bread lying in on the kitchen table on his way. Open the door, check he has his keys, and close the door. Run to his car, start it.

It is 9:52, and he starts his car, open the radio to learn about the criculation, and push as much as possible on the gaz. He starts to race through the cars on the road, on hand on the wheel, the other in the bag of bread to eat a bit.
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John E Smoke said:
"Jadefinger" Long, having just returned to Hong Kong after an unpleasant trip to America, has made the Golden Flower Bar his first stop. He wanted some answers, and wanted them now. As he walks in, one of the bouncers moves to intervene but stops short after recognising Long, then quietly nods and gives a meaningful look to the stairs in the back.
Jadefinger walks purposefully toward the stairs. Whoever's waiting in the back undoubtedly has some answers for him concerning who trained his son to be a killer.

They'd better have some answers for him.


First Post
John E Smoke said:
"So, I assume you've come here because you wanted something from me, right? Something involving the Black Dragon Tongs, I'd wager." With his smile disappearing, he leans forward and adds "And I don't think your good luck will win you that bet, now would it?"

Idly spinning an ivory tile, Ji Jiao Mao flashes his best smile at the Triad Vip before him and inclines his head, "As always your understanding of the undercurrents in our society is correct, my friend. I've found myself in an unpleasant situation, and am looking for the least noxious way out. I'm am not the sort that can simply hide in fear, waiting for the day when an assassin comes."

Kami fixes his gaze on the genial man across the table, "With the storm brewing in Hong Kong, I thought that perhaps the Enemy of my Enemy might be interested in becoming friends, at least until we both weather the storm."
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John E Smoke

First Post
Golden Flower Bar

Mark Huan nods and sits back in his chair with a contemplative expression. "I had figured as much. Well, it's a good thing you've come to me. Unlike many of my associates, I've always made sure to keep my ear to the door, so to speak. With the recent troubles we've all been having lately, it's become very important to know these things. Who's loyal to who, who's in trouble, and most importanly, who you can trust. Everything I hear about you indicates that despite the company you have a habit of keeping, you are still a man of principle at heart."

Huan lights a cigar, then offers one to Mao and continues. "Yes, I do believe we can reach an agreement quite beneficial to us both."

As Mao begins to reply, Jadefinger Long storms into the room. "Mark, we need to talk. Now."

Huan stands up, concerned, and replies. "Of course, Mr. Long! Please, sit down. I was just discussing business with our new business partner here. Mr. Long, this is Ji Jiao Mao. Mr. Mao, this is 'Jadefinger' Long, one of my finest associates of many years. Sit, sit!"

Jadefinger grudgingly complies as Huan reseats himself.

Downstairs, May shrugs in response to Jack Frost's question. "Nothing, I suppose. I've just been exiled from the men and their important business. The usual, I guess."

May tilts her head to the side and leans forward as if to make sure Jack is still paying attention, "Soooo, I figured I'd come down for a drink, and maybe find somebody interesting to talk to. Well, you seem to be the most interesting one here, ok?"

Outside, the screeching of tires is heard, and hardly a moment later, ten men in cheap business suits enter. Several of them are injured, including the one in the lead, a young man with red-dyed hair, who is clutching his right shoulder with his left hand and tightly gripping a glock in his right. A slight trickle of blood runs down his right hand and down his gun, and as he heads towards the stairs in the back, he leaves a light trail.

None of the bouncers move to stop him, though an uncomfortable silence falls upon the crowd and several people begin to leave.

Western District

Eiji Hagiwara at last notices Shinji through the milling crowd and raises a hand to get the attention of his men. They quickly move towards Shinji, pushing aside anybody without the sense to avoid them, until at last Eiji stands face to face with Shinji. His men step around, surrounding Shinji.

"Well now. It's been a while, hasn't it, Kiriyama-san? I've been looking forward to meeting you again. Actually, our boss has been wanting to speak to you much more than I have. Won't you come with us to see him?"

Though Eiji makes no move, his men obviously ready themselves for action.

OOC: Initiative rolls!
Shinji - 13
Eiji - 11
Yakuza Mooks - 9
Kane - 12

To get Paxus up to speed (and to refresh any of you who haven't played in a while), initiative is a d6 plus your speed. This gives you your total number of shots in a sequence. We start with the highest shot, in this case Shinji, and go down until we reach 1, and start a new sequence. Most combat actions cost 3 shots, and very simple actions (usually to dodge or parry, or reload a gun with a clip) cost 1 shot. You may still take a three-shot action on 2 or 1, and they do not carry over to the next sequence. Also, characters with fu or transformed animal shticks use up points of fu or chi respectively to fuel their powers. You have a number of points equal to your rating in those stats. These points replenish with the beginning of each new sequence.

And as a reminder, descriptive combat and neat stunts are expected for Feng Shui, so "I hit him" nets a penalty to attacks. Feel free to insert any scenery or props that are appropriate for your stunts.

(Paxus, just so you know, Embezzle costs 3 chi and 3 shots, while Swindle costs 3 chi and 1 shot.)

Victoria Tunnel

Hai Lee Fong tears through the streets like a bat out of hell and makes excellent time - until he reaches the Victoria Tunnel. The Tunnel is packed, and for some inexplicable reason everyone in it slows down to a snail's pace despite it being a straight shot. (OOC: Oh yes, I know how tunnel traffic goes, oh lordy yes...)

When he finally makes it out of the tunnel he picks up speed again, only to discover that the easiest way to Wanchai is blocked off! Right now his only option is to detour through the tight roads of the Western District.


First Post
Shinji barely raises his gaze as he takes another drag on his Vantage, letting the smoke drift lazily between his slightly parted lips before he responds, mentally counting the thugs around him and noting their positions.

"Your boss wants a lot of things. To talk to me, to not have to pay small boys for sexual favors, to have henchmen who don't come back in body bags. Too bad he's not going to get any of them."

Quick as a snake Shinji launches his nearly burned down cigarette at Eiji's eye with his left hand, more as a distraction than as a serious attack as he lunges to the right, driving his index and pointer fingers into the throat of the nearest Yak thug, his left arm already circling around in a circular motion to deflect a possible attack from Eiji, or to launch a ridgehand strike into his kidney if an openning presented itself.

Simple action. Striking the nearest mook, preparing to follow with either active defense or my next attack, most likely my next attack.
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