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The Dungeon:The City of Clocks

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Aska sits stareing at Kazareen with a look of pitty and murder. It's quite disturbing. Kazareen?
Kaz is bouncing on the cot and having a ball in his new "fancy dress clothing", Yes? Aska isn't this great? Nothing can eat us in here. we have new clothes and real beds! Is this a hotel?
Aska's head is swelling a vain the size of the kender himself throbbing on her temple, Do you have any idea just how bad this situation is? We're in jail. they took all of our things and put us in these! She says pulling at the pink polyester like it were a disease only a paladin could cure.
But Aska.. Why are we here in a jail? what did Taklinn do to get us in jail?

The vain is now so evident that she must be able to hear her own blood. Aska just sits and shakes her head wondering what ancient god of evil she must have pissed off to find herself tied to Kazareen Bricklebottom.

Hey Look! cried Kaz. There's writing on the wall. Must kill the Kender. signed Bollovir. Hey I knew a guy called Bollovir!
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First Post
Valendir reaches out to touch James Samuels and Jack Lobbins, uttering a few divine words, and Dimension Doors to a nearby rooftop (preferably one that's next to an alley). Peering over the edge, he watches his companions being shackled and taken away. He then attends to the unconscious James and Jack, waiting for them to recover.


Living EN World Judge
silentspace said:
Valendir reaches out to touch James Samuels and Jack Lobbins, uttering a few divine words, and Dimension Doors to a nearby rooftop (preferably one that's next to an alley). Peering over the edge, he watches his companions being shackled and taken away. He then attends to the unconscious James and Jack, waiting for them to recover.

After about an hour, the unconcious folk awake. Water and fresh air seem to do them some good, andthey look able to stand and/or walk. Around you, Gnomes look on in bewilderment, though they are too busy cleaning things, fixing things and breaking things to pay much more than a cursors glance your way.


First Post
Valendir pulls them to their feet and glancing around at the crowd says in a low voice "You guys ok? Come on, lads, let's get out of here and somewhere quiet."


Living EN World Judge
OoC:Er...shore up. Odd how things turned out...



After several hours sitting around and listening to Kaz's droning and endless questions and comments on everything from the color of the walls to the dubious nature of Jail-Food, the cell door opens and before you all stands a Gnome dressed in a dark blue suit (complete with a triangular badge made from three interlocking cogs). Behind him stand a dozen grey clothed Gnomes. Stepping aside, the blue suited Gnome motions for you all to step out into the hallway.

After a few heavy moments,with the air as thick as pea soup, you all decide that anything is better than sitting here in this dreary (albeit comfortable) cell, to while away the next century in contemplation of just what went wrong.

Shackled (although Damien and Taklinn are both sure that they could break free from such flimsy chains), you are all marched along several long corridors until you are standing in front of a row of pale yellow doors.
The blue suited Gnome says ' I am Marshall Yngdryne, and it is my task to ascertain just who you folks are and why you are here as well as what your motives were for causing the Scene upon the steps this morning. Please, after you...'

You are each led to a door, which,upon opening, shows a small room with a chair (complete with straps and manacles, as well as several strange devices,the nature of which befuddles you).
After each person is escorted and deposited into a seperate room,strapped in and has had strange disks and bulbous devices attached (painlessly) to various parts of their bodies, the Findings Process begins.

Hours pass, with many spells, as well as numerous questions about your origin, mission and motives end in a strange result.
For Aska,Taklinn and Kaz, a Wizard (obvious due to his silver nametag that spells out 'Wizard' in Dungeontongue) enters and enacts a spells, with the help of several aids.Aska recognizes the spell cast ,Break Enchantment, and upon it's completion, the three feel as if a massive weight has been lifted from their shoulders.

The Geas is gone...

A short time later, all are gathered, unfettered and offered refreshments in the form of juices,water and sweet cakes and fruit. The air has certainly changed in the place.

A door opens on the far side of the chamber where two dozen Gnomes go about making sure that you are all comfortable (although you are still confused about this turn of events) and a rather jolly looking Gnome enters, flanked by two Gnomes dressed in full suits of some metal, with odd looking weapons, resembling sopme form of firearms. Aska assesses that they are far more advanced than her pistol.
The King (for his Name-tag says King in fact...) smiles, removing his monacle (within which a myriad array of tiny lights and script can be detected for the briefest of moments, before he places it in a pocket), taking out a slim cigar and lighting it with a tindertwig, loking from one and to another of you before he begins Firstly,I'd like to thank you all for visiting our Fair City...'
Twenty minutes later, having recounted his tale, you all stand staring at the King with a mixture of bemusement,confusion and amazement at the ironic nature of how things have played out.
It seems that the Gnome King has been the target of no less than 124 failed assassinated attempts by the Dragon Lord of Whistle in the last two years.
Recently, traditional assassins have been replaced by suprises in the form of bombs.
The Box that had been carried all the way from Whistle was what the Gnome King called a limited payload fission bomb of a sufficient size to reduce the City to rubble, had it not been detected in time. The casing was lined with enough lead and Adamantium to thwart magical detections and scientific scryings as well. Ironically, it was Kaz yelling about a Bomb that saved the City from the detonation of this latest attack.
After the Box was taken to a safe(r) location, far from the King, it was cracked and disabled, and was found to have a timer set to proximity from his August Presence. Had you all gotten closer, you, the Gnome King, the entire City of Clocks would have been vaporized. Now, the King has arranged for quarters in his Royal Suites (as well as someone to go out and get the other friends of yours seen on surveillance devices to join you), with you being his guests for the time being while he sorts out the details of this whole affair.
You are not prisoners any longer, and may ask freely of any reasoble ammenities.


Valendir,Jason and Jack Lobbins are approached by a quartet of Gnomes who explain thate situation withn the Castle. Escorted inside with the utmost of cordiality, they soon join the others in the Royal Suites to refresh and recouperate from this entire ordeal.
All of your gear is returned to you (having been cleaned and polished as well).

OoC:please see OoC thread.
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First Post
"Ahh, this is the life," says Valendir, sampling the sweet cakes and fruit.

Valendir will spend his down time with Cerri, bringing her flowers and taking her out. He'll do the best he can [despite his low charisma ;) ]

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Kazareen spends as much time in the Kings libraries as he can. He seems to be back to his more "contemplative" self. His greatest concern is Aska. She has been cloistered away for a while contemplating her fate. The humans eyes are always so dark and full of sorrow. It breaks Kaz's heart to see her that way.
One night he will call his friends together and as them, Well we suceeded in getting the box to the Gnome King. What do we do from here? I say we use the strength we have together and start trying to fiund a way out of the Dungeon. Sure it may prove hopeless in the end but I don't want to stay here anymore. I miss my wife and kids. HEY! look at the shiney glass of water. he says and wanders off to the pitcher of ice water.

ooc: If I may have everyone's permission. I have fallen in love with both Kaz and Aska. they are the perfect compliment to eachother. I would like to continue playing both characters if I may. But Aska will take up the Samurai/Ranger ways and become a warrior. that way she is not stepping on anyone's toes.


Living EN World Judge
Argent Silvermage said:
ooc: If I may have everyone's permission. I have fallen in love with both Kaz and Aska. they are the perfect compliment to eachother. I would like to continue playing both characters if I may. But Aska will take up the Samurai/Ranger ways and become a warrior. that way she is not stepping on anyone's toes.

I am OK with it. As far as stepping on anyone's toes,having multiple Clerics is never a bad thing.

Wynter Wolf

First Post
Damien contemplates the Kenders wordds up till the point he mentions the water.

"I agree staying together and looking for a way out is a good idea."

ooc: 2 clerics are always a good thing but if you wanna change up a bit thats alright in my opinion also.

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