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The elf ear-itation.



So, there were a lot of complaints of "bah! No anime ears" in the lat art thread, and I didn't feel like dredging the thread for a single question:

Should all elf races have the same ears? And I guess by extenstion, should we do more to physically differentiate them as well?(shorter, taller, stronger, more dexterous, etc...)

A "yes" or "no" answer is fine, but I'd certainly like to know why you think they should or shouldn't be, and specifically what types of ears are your favored flavor on an elf?

My issue with a standard shape for elf ears, and most problematically with small ones, is that it creates the same problem that Star Trek has. Being that everyone is essentially human. On some had funny ears or funny noses or funny foreheads....but wholly alien races are rare in Star Trek. If you want inhuman creatures, Star Wars is the place to be, though even the majority of those retain a basic humanoid structure(arms, usually 2, legs, usually 2, 1 head, but they certainly come in a lot more physical variety).

When different species are essentially all "funny humans" it leads to them demanding a higher level of specific cultural variety, which is harder to houserule away than physical differentiation. Abilities become tied to cultural expectations and norms, stats become tied to them as well. I mean there's a reason we have "evil elves who get bonuses to killing things", "Snotty magic elves with bonuses to magic" and "dirty hippie elves who love trees and bows".

I personally think that sub-races should be physically differentiated, and not just by height or weight. You should be able to look at a defining aspect of the creature(in this case, elf ears) and find out what kind of elf they are. Perhaps orcs of different races come in different colors, blues, reds, browns, all relative to their various heritage.

If there's going to be subraces at all that are worth giving anything more than slightly different cultural fluff to, they should have some physical backing to it. IMO.

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The Human Target

I would like there to be a pretty strong amount of physical differentiation.

What exactly that is is pretty wide open.

But to me, LotR white people with slightly point ears and straight hair elves are boring.


I'd like some differention between the looks of elves, but the current depiction of elf ears turns me off probably as much as 80's pink leg warmers makes others go >bleh<.

And pupiless eyes don't do anything for me either.

Elves, dwarves and halflings used to go by the term demi-human, so I have no problem with them being mistaken for humans in bad light.

Differentiated by what else? Wings? Scales? Prehensile tails? Asexual reproduction? A tendency to break into songs by Pavarotti?

I'm OK with elves as described currently.



The thing is, I think the standard races (Elves, Dwarfs, Gnomes, even Halflings) are essentially just funny looking humans. Because they are essentially derived from real world myth.

Elves in particular were so close to humans that they could interbreed. Hogni Half-elven was from Norse Mythology, so was Skuld

And sorry, the leg warmers aren't pink, but this is what I think Elves should look like (City of Hero character based on a Shadowrun character, a Physical Adept who was also a aerobics instructor. Hey, it was the 80s...)


I also think that the way that human ears are constructed, they really can't be too big or they would be very problematic. Laying on your side, going through doorways, etc. Animals tend to have somewhat softer, floppy ears that give more.

Out of all the alien races on Star Trek, ironically I think it's the Vulcans who come off as the most plausible/different than human. Even though they just have cropped hair and slightly pointy ears.



Differentiated by what else? Wings? Scales? Prehensile tails? Asexual reproduction? A tendency to break into songs by Pavarotti?

I'm OK with elves as described currently.

In Forgotten Realms at least there are 4 different kinds of elves, Wood/wild, Sun, Moon and Dark/Drow. So you're OK with which elves as described? All of them? The Forgotten Realms elves? There's a lot of them, which edition? DDN's description so far, previous descriptions?

Even the Romulans got differentiated from the Vulcans in later series by adding forehead ridges, yellower skin.

So...we've got the skin color down already for most of the elf races, Grey/High Elves/Eladrin are pale, Drow are bluish-black, Sun elves are kinda yellowy, wood elves are more of a browny-to-green, moon elves are a pale greyish blue.

I think the thing that really seperates elves from humans is their longevity and connection to nature.
So, all elves are nature-oriented? I think that's a bit of a stretch.

I also think that the way that human ears are constructed, they really can't be too big or they would be very problematic. Laying on your side, going through doorways, etc. Animals tend to have somewhat softer, floppy ears that give more.

Out of all the alien races on Star Trek, ironically I think it's the Vulcans who come off as the most plausible/different than human. Even though they just have cropped hair and slightly pointy ears.

I disagree, but hey, that's Star Trek.

I'm not saying elf ears have to be huge and anime pointy or something, mainly different angles, narrower, wider, etc...


If you want to have a different race fine, but elves are elves. Elves come from nordic, scottish ... celtic anglo-saxan fey origins. Yes elves are generally nature oriented and magic oriented. Thats why most elves in D&D are... wait for it... nature oriented or magic oriented (or both). Sure FR has different elves, most of them have different colored skin.... and thats about it, those elves are... wait for it... nature oriented or magic oriented. I am aware there are dark elves in FR that are physically oriented but you know what MOST of the dark elf culture is? A Matriarchal magic oriented race. One particular darkelf also worships Mielikki who is... oh what was it??? Oh yeah nature oriented.

Elves are typically human sized, slender with pointy ears and USUALLY nature or magic oriented. If you have a race OTHER than that you can call it an elf all you want, it doesnt make it an elf because an elf is already a standardized humanoid race that simply wont change.


Also the elves that OP is describing sounds exactly like the "elves" of the Elder Scrolls races. Where every race with -mer- is essentially an elf. But those "elves" are called everything from dwarves to orcs to other more recognizable elves. Again, they are SO diverse that people call them Orcs, or Dwarves not elves normally.

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