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The EN World FREE Character Portrait Request Thread!

Mithril Dragon

First Post
dead_radish said:
Another suggestion, if you're interested, is commissions. Kip used to do that - something like $10 for a black and white, with original, and $25 for colored.

I would only do that if requests got out of hand. Otherwise I really don't mind doing portraits for players for free. For publishers its altogether another matter. They will make money off of the publication so the artist (obviously) has gotta get paid or the system isn't working.

So ... I will keep on doing requests (as long as time permits) and hope my work snares the attention of a prospective client.

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Mista Collins

First Post
I have a request for someone if they want to have a hand at it.

Appearance: Owen Cathenis is a 16 year old boy who stands at the height of 5'7" and weighs 147 lbs. He wears a green coat and black slacks. Little wisps of his dark brown hair can be seen from under neath the black wide-brim hat that sits atop his head. His hazel eyes have a young innocent look to them that have gotten him out of trouble on more than one occasion.

Personality: Growing up on the streets has made Owen a very resourceful man. He could find a use for just about anything, and this trait alone has caused him to collect many knick-knacks throughout his young life. He is a very fun-loving boy, who has used his winning smile and charm to convince the law and thugs that beating him to a pulp isn't a very nice thing to do. He has a sense of humor and a love for harmless pranks that has found himself on the bad side of many gruff people. He is indebted to those who have helped him out in the past, and hopes he can find a way to pay them back.

Race/Class: Owen is going to be a 1st level human rogue. As for prestige classes, he will probably be going towards the Nightsong Infiltrator PrC. But as with all my characters, his goals and class structure change depending on the story. But he will focus a lot on diplomacy, because he feels he can talk his way out of almost any situation.

Never knowing his mother due to her death during his labor, and hardly remembering his father because of his death in the mines so many years ago, Owen has been forced to resort to activities that not many people would be proud of to survive the hell everyone calls Diamond Lake. Having a small handful of people he could call his friends, including a girl named Alexi who he considers his older sister, he found himself hanging out a reckless group of thugs and crooks. Collecting debts, running scams, and pilfering certain objects for some of these thugs gave Owen the oppurtunity to learn the tricks of the trade. All these skills Owen has learned from these shadier individuals has helped Owen survive the notice of the other thugs that make up the constabulary.

But his skills of going unnoticed aren't perfect and he knows this. Lucky for him, his winning smile, quick wit, and ability to make people believe what he wants them to believe has helped him survive confrontations with a wide variety of ruffians. Unfortanetly this has not been perfect either. After being caught for not having the funds to cover a bet he lost to one of Kullen's brutes, he was confronted in an alley just out side the Feral Dog. Beat within inches of his life, he awoke to see a kindly dwarf named Azten brandishing the symbol of Moridan. Owen owes plenty to Azten, for if he had not showed up to help, Owen would not be alive to this day. These two had struck up a great friendship and Azten has inspired Owen to try and achieve greater things.

Equipment: Traveler's outfit, leather Armor, rapier, 2 daggers, silent shoes, fingerblades, backpack, bedroll, thieves' tools, 3 pieces of chalk, flint and steel, ink (1 oz. vial), inkpen, hooded lantern, flask of oil, trail ration, signal whistle, full waterskin, and a map case with 5 sheets of parchment. Belt pouch containing 6gp, 3sp, 7cp. Total weight carried is 42lb.
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These are some fantastic pics. I'm going to have to poke my players and see if they want their characters done up in lights. Keep up the great work.

((Waves a candle in the dark for Hunter. Still hoping.))

Chain Lightning

First Post
Sorry I've been gone so long guys. Feel bad about that. But my work gets super busy from time to time. By the time I get home I'm rather spent and don't feel like drawing anymore. Too tired ... need sleep....

Or sometimes other side projects I'm involved with eat up any freetime I do get. So those are my excuses...blah, blah, blah.

Because I had let so much time go by before finishing Grilok for D20Dazza, I felt guilty about it. Heh heh. So I was thinking, if D20Dazza has to wait this long, I might as well try and do a better job on the drawing than just merely sketching out something in a half an hour or so. So I went back into the drawing and took some more time. Then I threw it in Photoshop and colored up as well.

Artist Notes: (if you're curious as to what I was thinking when I did this) With smaller drawings on eight and a half by eleven pieces of paper, there's only so much detail you can put in. True, I could go to my .5 mechanical pencil or something, but at certain point the viewer will just see a jumble of lines. So unfortunately, I had to leave out certain things. For instance, I left out the pattern & runes on his fangs. At the scale in which I've drawn him, it would be just a mess of lines around his mouth. I left the fangs free of detail so you could at least see their form and shape.

So..heh heh, just imagine they are still there, but you really got look super close cuz they're carved so lovingly small into the ivory of his teeth. If this was a head shot drawing, then yes...I could put that detail in. Another thing that went was the amulet of scale and feather. At first I drew it along with the crystal but it seemed not to visually 'read' correctly as an amulet. The area around his neck got too busy with detail as well. So I just left only the crystal. Plus, I wasn't sure what you meant by an amulet made of scale and feather. True, I could've came back here and asked, but seriously, it was like 2:00am in the morning and I was rather sleepy and lazy. Sorry about that bud. ;)

Another thing is his scarred pit of a left eye. The boar's skull hangs over his head and at the angle I've drawn him, you can't see it. True, I could've picked an angle where you saw both sides, but then I didnt' want him looking at camera. Plus if he did, the skull would obscure both eyes. Then you'd have to lower the camera and make it an upshot so you see underneath the skull. I didn't want to do an upshot drawing for this guy so I just choose to only show one eye.

The green leather armor I made more of a subdued turqoise/emerald green than a straight up ranger green or something like that. Hope you don't mind.

The wooden plugs in his ears I wasn't so sure about. I didn't know how they looked or how big they were so I just winged it. They were gonna be colored in brown (for wood), but as I was nearing completion, I changed it to the turqoise green like color that matches his leather armor and facial tattoos.

Other than those above mentioned compromises, I hope you like it anyways. Grilok was really fun to draw.

D20Dazza said:
Appearance: Grilok is tall for a half orc, even accounting for his slightly stooped stature. This is because his arms and legs are longer and more flexible than the average half orc. He only has his right eye, his left is just a scarred pit. Large curved tusks jut out from his strong jaw and smaller teeth rise unevenly from his black gums. The teeth and tusks have all been pain-stakingly engraved with eldritch patterns and runes. His wide nostrils are flared and pierced with crystal spindles of various hues. His wide, pointed ears have been pierced with wooden plugs. His face is painted with dark shades of ink giving it a leering almost alien cast.

The horrid boar skull that sits lightly a top his head, protecting his skull and neck from serious attack, accentuates his height. A long cape made of the skin of some bizarre creature (probably from the same creature who's skull protects his head), both furred and scaled, is settled upon his broad shoulders.

He wears armour made of leather and stained a deep green. The leather has been carved with magical symbols and eldritch runes and is covered in tiny studs. Patched leather breeches cover his legs and high heavy leather boots protect his feet. A potion belt makes sure that his breeches remain up and his potions close at hand.

A wickedly curved purple hued scimitar hangs from his belt and he grips a long spear with a very sharp, painful looking point. He wears magical rings on the thumb of each hand and an amulet of scale and feathers hangs around his throat, dangling next to the crystal capped necklace that he uses as a focus for his magic.


  • halforcdruidGrilok(s).jpg
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Kai Lord

Mithril Dragon said:
Kai Lord ... sorry I missed this. Consider Elijayess on my list.

EDIT: In fact, Kai Lord, given the lack of activity on this thread ... I may stop work on Gideon Redcloak and do Elijayess next. Im not sure IcyCool ever even checked back to see if his post got a response. If this thread stays "dead" Im not going to force the issue. I will just start posting my work on my personal thread and take requests there.
Awesome! Thanks MD, looking forward to seeing your rendition of Elijayess. :)

Mithril Dragon

First Post
Kai Lord said:
Awesome! Thanks MD, looking forward to seeing your rendition of Elijayess. :)

Hey sorry, Kai Lord. if you read back through the posts IcyCool did get back to me and I have since done a series of concept sketches to get the features down for a half red dragon (Gideon Redcloak). So my list is now: Gideon, then Elijayess, then Taka.

On another note I have taken teh plunge and switched from Photoshop to Painter after an artist I highly respect suggested I do so. So there will definitely be a delay while I get my "feet wet" with the new software. But I will keep you all posted.


First Post
i just want to thank people like mithril dragon and chain lightning for taking time out of thier busy schedule to give the artisticly challenged such as myself visulization of our charecters. I created a campaign set in a section of the magic the gathering timeline. when i fully get my charecter fleshed out i will most likely post a request for him. once again thanks to all the artists on this thread

Mista Collins

First Post
Draven said:
i just want to thank people like mithril dragon and chain lightning for taking time out of thier busy schedule to give the artisticly challenged such as myself visulization of our charecters. I created a campaign set in a section of the magic the gathering timeline. when i fully get my charecter fleshed out i will most likely post a request for him. once again thanks to all the artists on this thread

It is excellent to see such great individuals offering their time and talent free of charge. I am sure I can say this for almost all of us who enjoy the artwork (in this thread and all others), we owe you much thanks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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