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The EN World FREE Character Portrait Request Thread!


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thats some good art!
... i'm jelious...

but i'm a myistery like a dungeon.

but remember..."cuz if u don't u will never explore the dungeon"

(if u like my slogun or just want to talk email me)

:) ;) :cool: :D :p :lol:

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Request for a much loved character...

I posted my character Mithras many months back, but unfortunately no one has given him a try, so I'm reposting him (along with a few changes to his appearance). I hope that someone will give it a try this time and I would be endlessly appreciative of anyone who did. The quality of work here has always amazed and impressed me and I'd love to see an interpretation of him. Well, here is his description of

Mithras Talant the Bladesinger:
This extremely tall (6’5”) elf has a thin and gangly body with very pale skin that has a slight silver hue. Framed in straight, long black hair is an angular and strikingly beautiful face. Sorrowful amethyst eyes stare out, as if lost in old memories. He wears a silk shirt underneath a thin leather coat; midnight-blue pants and knee-high elven boots. Hung over his left shoulder going across to his right hip is a small leather satchel (Handy Haversack). He has a large red scarf/drape with silver highlights, over his left shoulder. Lastly, hanging from his belt is a strange blade. It is a sharp and straight four-foot long sliver of ancient, pocked marked adamantine which has one end wrapped in leather to form a handle. I'm including an image of this blade that I made in Photoshop: One Thousand Broken Dreams

Well, I really hope someone gives him a try. Thanks again (and for all the amazing work posted here).


For those interested, here is the history my version of One Thousand Broken Dreams from Magic of Faerün... we've changed the actual abilities to be something like a kensai's sword, in that it gains powers as the wielder invests in it (through both permanent loss of xp and hp). The name of the sword was much too poetic and epic to be a simple blade.

One Thousand Broken Dreams:
Common History: This adamantine blade was created by the elven hero Datharian Mistwatcher, a worshiper of Sehanine Moombow, when the dark elves destroyed his home city thousands of years ago. He fell in battle to a host of driders shortly after the weapon was created, and the blade eventually reached the hands of another elven hero, known only in the ballads as Stargazer, who used it to slay hundreds of drow over the course of her life. The Stargazer died of grief after the Battle of Nine Arrows when she realized her sister had been slain, and a young elven archer left with the weapon before drow reinforcements could arrive and seize it. The sword has appeared in the hands of an elf at least once every few hundred years since that battle—only to disappear again each time.
True History: Much of the true history of this item is lost to the aeons. What little is known may be found among the eldest of the elven races or spoken in whispers within the Seelie and Unseelie courts of the fae. One Thousand Broken Dreams first appeared before the elves left the realms of the Faerie, or before this world was known to them. King Mhesos and his two sisters ruled and protected the Faerie realm from the tyranny of the Titans, the Abominations and elder beings that sought to conquer all. The Sy-tel-quessir (green elves), the Ly-tel-quessir (lythari), the Aril-tel-quessir (avariel) and the Leshay, were to protect their realm and the life of the king from their enemies. The King’s two sisters became jealous and sought to oust him so that they might rule in his stead. Over time, the divide between them became known, and the elves squabbled amongst themselves as to what to do.
Growing impatient, the two sisters betrayed their brother, leading him into a trap, where a Titan horde waited to slay Mhesos. As the enemy attacked, the Sy-tel-quessir, Ly-tel-quessir, and the Aril-tel-quessir guardians fled from the king’s side, seeing no hope in the battle. Only the Leshay remained; forsaken by their kin and left to die with their king.
Mhesos and the Leshay guards, led by the hero Aiden, fought the Titans but to no avail. The last of the attacking titans, Non, split King’s Mhesos adamantine breastplate in twain with a blow from his powerful spear. Broken shards of adamantine rained down on Aiden and the last handful of Leshay. As Non pulled his spear from Mhesos’ corpse, a single drop of blood from Mhesos’ heart fell on a large sliver of armor that landed near Aiden. With a yell, the Leshay warrior picked up the adamantine sliver and attacked Non with it, slaying the titan.
What happened to Aiden, the remaining Leshay guardians, or Mhesos’ adamantine sliver is unknown. The sliver is rumored to be cursed and brings doom to any that wield it, but if there is any truth to this, it is not known. Some whisper that Aiden himself still lives and guides the sliver to elven hands, perhaps as reward, perhaps as punishment. What is known is that the Queen of Air and Darkness of the Unseelie court has long searched for the sliver in order to finally destroy the last remaining memory of her brother.


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Chain Lightning

First Post
Arravis said:
I posted my character Mithras many months back, but unfortunately no one has given him a try, so I'm reposting him (along with a few changes to his appearance).

I'll give it a try Arravis. Might take some time, if that's okay. I'm also in the middle of working on another one from earlier.

Btw, Mithril Dragon, I really like your work. Your half dragon is well designed. I've seen others attempt a similar race (or concept) and I've always thought it fell kinda short. But I saw yours and really like your version. Can't wait to see more. :)


First Post
Awesome, thank you very much Chain Lightning :) :) :).

The original concept was a study in redemption. I wanted the character to have an "iconic" feel to him, so I made him a outcast avariel (winged elf) who had his wings removed for betraying his people. Making him, almost literally, a fallen angel. Anyway, in the last two years of gameplay, the character has ended up being a more moving experience then I had expected. It'll be great to see him in a drawing. Thanks again!


Mithril Dragon

First Post
Chain Lightning said:
I'll give it a try Arravis. Might take some time, if that's okay. I'm also in the middle of working on another one from earlier.

Btw, Mithril Dragon, I really like your work. Your half dragon is well designed. I've seen others attempt a similar race (or concept) and I've always thought it fell kinda short. But I saw yours and really like your version. Can't wait to see more. :)

Hey thanks, CL! I (of course) like your work as well. You are very good ... professional I'm assuming. I especially like the way you handle poses (something I gotta work on myself). I always end up struggling between showing the concept with detail and having a realistic pose. On Whitlock, I went for a pretty straight up portrait because I had such a strong image in my mind of his character / personality and wanted to get that across. Anyway, glad you have come back. I was getting lonely for a few pages there.

On another note I have some bad news for people waiting for portraits from me. The illustartion concepts for the EN World CRITTERS project are in so I have to get slamming on that. So ... I will still be plugging away at Gideon and the rest but I am going to have to ask for a lot of patience. Cool?


First Post
Mithril Dragon said:
On another note I have some bad news for people waiting for portraits from me. The illustartion concepts for the EN World CRITTERS project are in so I have to get slamming on that. So ... I will still be plugging away at Gideon and the rest but I am going to have to ask for a lot of patience. Cool?

Considering that I figured I'd have to wait for a month or so before anyone even got to my stuff, I'm fine with waiting. Especially for stuff as good as yours, Mithral Dragon. :)

Would someone mind giving a try at my character, whenever they get around to it? I put her in a spoiler block to save space.

T’aria is one of the rare cambions (half fiend, half human) that survived to adulthood. When first met, she would be constantly mistaken for a satyr… except for the fact that there are no female satyrs, and satyrs are not six-foot-one in height. Her fiendish heritage is difficult to hide in her physical appearance, although she can do so from all except the most observant when she wishes. She has 3-inch forehead horns, goat legs complete with cloven hooves, slight fangs noticeable when she smiles, and claws that even when retracted are often noted as unfashionably long and sharp fingernails. Ignoring those physical attributes, she has the appearance of a rather attractive human female of about 24 years of age (though she is truly over 100). T’aria has long, thick curly black hair with striking deep red highlights shot through it. Her hair falls past her waist, and is naturally falls into that attractive, semi-wild, tumbled curls state many women struggle to achieve. She will often plait small silver and crystal beads into it using small, hardly-noticeable braids for an accent. She always has at least two tiny, (unnoticeable in the wild mass of hair) finger-length poisoned silver daggers in sheaths that are braided into the mass of hair above her shoulders. Naturally, these are “Just for emergencies.”

While in her home city of Sigil or elsewhere where her demonic heritage is not a cause for immediate panic, T’aria generally wears more daring attire consisting of a black leather shorts that reveal her legs and cloven hooves, as well as a leather-and-silk top. The top is a simple band of black leather wide enough to cover her ample chest with a network of thin straps to hold it over her shoulders. A foot-wide length of silver-grey sheer silk is sewed to the bottom of the leather, in effect covering her torso from just below her chest to her waist. The overall effect is of the top half of a babydoll teddy, or some similar form of lingerie. One of her companions once wondered aloud which succubus she had robbed for her wardrobe.

When T’aria travels on the Prime Material Plane (where people are generally less accepting of her heritage than the Planes, and her home city of Sigil), she generally uses her skills at disguise along with many years of practice to assume the appearance of a ‘normal’, though highly exotic, human. While in disguise, she rarely utilizes her full six-foot-one height, instead opting to stand about five foot nine, allowing to her legs (and extensive practice) to alter her apparent height. She generally wears a unique headband studded with three-inch spikes that are set two inches apart and are slightly curved to match her forehead horns perfectly. Two of the ‘spikes’ are missing, and there are holes in the headband to correspond to where they would be set; when the headband is on and her horns are through the holes, it is nearly impossible to tell that it is anything other than an unusual piece of jewelry. A full, floor-length gypsy-like skirt conceals her legs and hooves. From the waist up, however, she generally wears much more daring attire – a form-fitting black leather vest, low-cut (and laced only far enough to barely be acceptable in public) is one of her favorites.

There is only one part of her appearance that is only rarely hidden when she travels to the Prime Material Plane. On T’aria’s right arm, she has a large design with geometrically precise and complex curves and twists tattooed to her skin. The design flows from the top of her forearm down, gradually spreading until it wraps completely around her arm at her wrist, where it ill-conceals (but serves to distract from) an old scar, which appears to have been the result of her wrist being nearly completely severed at some time in the past. The tattoo narrows and continues over the top of the back of her hand to her middle finger, on which she wears a silver ring set with a large gem that appears to be a black diamond the same smoky colour as her tattoo. The ink used replicates that smoky shadow-grey that true shadows have; and if one looks too long at the tattoo, it seems to shift slightly with her movements and breath as if it were truly a shadow projected onto the skin. When asked, T’aria merely shrugs and says it is simply a well-done tattoo – nothing more, nothing less.

Although her physical appearance is the most noticeable, T’aria has other, less blatant, traits inherited from her demonic sire. When she becomes angry, her eyes change from their normal cat-like green to a deep red, and seem to glow slightly. Her claws become excruciatingly noticeable (as she either cannot, or does not, retract them), her horns lengthen to between five and six inches, and she is surrounded by the smell of the Abyss – sulfur and brimstone. However, few people have seen her descend deep enough into anger to the point of her losing control, and fewer still have lived to tell the tale.


Love your work Chain, thanks heaps mate, Grilok is perfect. I really appreciate the effort you have gone to, now to find a colour printer ;-D>


World of Kulan DM
Chain Lightning said:
Sorry I've been gone so long guys. Feel bad about that. But my work gets super busy from time to time. By the time I get home I'm rather spent and don't feel like drawing anymore. Too tired ... need sleep....

Or sometimes other side projects I'm involved with eat up any freetime I do get. So those are my excuses...blah, blah, blah.

Hi Chain, good to hear from you. Don't worry about the delay in sketches... after all, Real LifeTM has to come first.

Chain Lightning said:
Because I had let so much time go by before finishing Grilok for D20Dazza, I felt guilty about it. Heh heh. So I was thinking, if D20Dazza has to wait this long, I might as well try and do a better job on the drawing than just merely sketching out something in a half an hour or so. So I went back into the drawing and took some more time. Then I threw it in Photoshop and colored up as well.



Holy smack me with a silver shovel! That is amazing!

Chain Lightning strikes again! :)



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