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The EN World FREE Character Portrait Request Thread!


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If anyone might need a creative spark, here is my most recent character:

-1/2 elf, Chaotic Neutral, 30ish in apparent age
-Ranger 5/ Abjurer 7/ Witch(Mage) Hunter 4
-5'9"(1.74 M); a lean 160 lbs(72.7 Kilos)
-Long, Straight Raven Black Hair
-Grim, piercing eyes. Left is Milky White, Right an Emerald Green
-Branded with the name "Anshar'neroth" on right forearm, A vertical scar from forehead
to mid-cheek over left eye
-A single tattoo on left forearm of flowing vibrant blue runes(Elvish?)

Jharlek's equipment is an eclectic mix of early medieval(c. 1200) to colonial America(c. mid 1600s). He generally wears a fur trimmed cloak, high boots, several belts with (spell component)pouches and small sacks, a mithril chain shirt beneath his outer garments, and dons a bolero style oiled leather hat. His obvious weaponry includes an ornate hand crossbow, an obviously magical bow, twin short swords, a warhammer, and several daggers. Other equipment includes bone scroll cases, two wands, masterwork manacles, assorted charms and talismans, a torch, and silvered stakes.

Having been sold into a wizard's slavery by his own grandfather(a mage of no small repute), Jharlek is a grim and determined hunter of all users of the arcane arts. His career began the day he escaped the clutches of Anshar'neroth, and was summoned to the Oerthian hive of scum and villiany known as Rook Roost by a diety of great power but unknown name or visage. Since that time he has defeated many mages and other dabblers of evil intent, and continues his search for both Anshar'neroth, and his grandfather.

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what the hey

This is actually a long time character I've played on a fantasy d&d style roleplaying mud, I'll try to convert it over to d&d type stats as best as I can.

Canter (no last name or house)

Class: 20Fighter/15Ranger (I realize this seems extremly high, but the character is among the most powerful in the game both phyically and politically)
Race: Albino Elf
height 6'2
Hair: Short cropped white and spiky
Eyes: White and pupilless (you'd have to read the mythos of the game to see why this is possible)
Weight: Circa 150 Muscular, but more of a streamed line muscle typical of fey than conan the barbarian bulding type muscles.
Age: 40 (like being late twenties early thirties human years)

Canter's most noticeable peice of equipment is his brown draghonhide trench style coat with a collar that reaches half way up his face. (I modeled this much after Aurons from final fantasy x) He carries a sword and an axe, and wears much of the typical amor/equipment for a ranger. On his belt is a mark which has two swords crossing over a black obelisk, this signifies him as Captain of the Lawkeepers of Airu. (biggest city in world)

Canter was a ranger. Was, being the key word. He had raised himself without parents in the wood, and quickly learned to provide for himself. He was a good person who would never strive not to harm other intelligent beings, and most certainly not kill one. Was, being the key word. He spent much of his early life this way, only entering cities to sell skins, and repair the weapons and armor he needed to keep his way of life. Then, he entered Airu. The crown jewel of the world. To say he was lost in the beginnnig is akin to saying it hurts a bit when you are stabbed twenty five times in the chest. But he quickly made friends, was shown around, and soon grew to love the city. So much, he didn't leave. While he still ventures out into the woods for small adventure, and a good hunt, his greatest life is within the city. Over time he grew on people, gained trust, and was put into positions of leaderships. Eventually he was even Captain of the Lawkeepers, the police force of this great nation. But it would be this, that would change him. He would have to fight people more. Harm them more. Eventually he was forced to kill something more than an animal for the first time. And with each decision made in leadership, he hardened some. No longer the life loving elf of the woods, he was growing into an elf who did what needed to be done to ensure the safety of those who couldn't protect themselves. Then the military attacked. The cities own protective force, those who were supposed to keep the outside dangers at bay, was now the danger. They had been trained by Canter. Shown how to fight, and to even decimate an enemy. And they did. Killing most of Canters lawkeepers, and throwing many others in jail, the military and its leaders took over Airu on a night that Canter wasn't even present. This too, hardened Canter. Before he fought an enemy he didn't like. Now he would have to fight an enemy that was once a friend. Each day he trained himself, grew strong, made contacts devised plans. Each day he made a decision that Canter the Ranger would have never considered. Each day he changed, just a little more. Canter is still good. But not the saint he once was. Stonger and harder, yet lacking of the innocence that defined him so long ago. War IS hell, and it changes the very fibre of one's being.

Eh, it's long, sorry. I can answer any questions though. Have fun if you try :)


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New request

I would like to request an image of my newest character in D&D.

Name:Trevor Panler
Species: Half Celestial Ghost Elf (Ghost elves are basically thin, glowing tinier elves that have cool perks and look really sweet)
Class: Cleric
Skin: Whitish Blue
Hair: Silver
Eyes: His eyes are all one colour without pupil or iris (from the Ghost elf side of him) and they are light blue
Weight: Rather thin *too lazy to get her char sheet*
Description: He is rather thin. He is very happy looking. He has wolf-esque ears and a long and bushy tail, otherwise he looks like a normal elf. He has wings (much to my DM's dismay but he can't argue with the roll of the die ^_~ that are mostly white but shine golden. His hair reaches down to his mid-back. He is quite skinny as I mentioned and is by no means muscualar.
Clothing/Shinies/Floaty Things He Has: He wears a white turlneck shirt, a light brown cloak witha silver clasp, a silver pendant of Pelor (the symbol is just a weird sunish thing), he has brown/goldish boots and darker brown pants. He has black fingerless gloves that go up to his elbows (the shirt tucks into his gloves). He has two regular silver daggers on each hip and a useless dull grey Ioun stone that floats around his head (it may be painted some kind of blue pattern).

If you have any more questions feel free to e-mail me. :lol:


First Post

Cleric lvl 4

Morian Targis

210 pounds
black hair
blue eyes
fair skin
pretty strong
2 sickles

I am not so good an artist and i hae tried to find pix online or get my uncles to draw the char for me but they are not up to it.... my uncle cameron is actually a very good artist, he draws EXACTLY like marvel artists and he almost worked for them. My uncle jim is very good to but not to the same extent. PLEASE DRA THIS CHAR FOR ME PLEASE!!!!


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We need more artists! Help!
I am still in the middle of Alex De Noirs. Where are you guys: Chain, ml3, Bastionlightbringer, babette,...???? We need ya!



I have been lurking these pages again, but have been too busy to draw. I will over the next week or two get some more free time so hopefully I'll get to some of these requests.

Can't believe how much action this thread is getting recently.



First Post
Well, I've remembered an important truth about drawing, you must keep at it and not stop. I'm going to keep practicing from now on scout's honour.

thebeeve said:
Ok, I have a request pretty please.

The character's name is Blackmask.

He's a wizard/ guild wizard/ archmage

I'm trying to do this one at the moment. Hopefully will put it up on sunday/monday........ if I can manage to figure out scanning and uploading :eek:


Hunter: Dracha are humanoid, standing at or taller than human height. They all have wings ranging from 5-10' wingspan - some are just for gliding, some are capable of clumsy flight, some full on perfect flight. They are, essentially, humanoid dragons - claws, teeth, tails, scales, natural armor, and the lot. Some of them can use their claws and teeth in battle (V'kan'ri can), some don't have the development. They're a fairly new and arrogant race.

Anything else you'd like? ;)

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