• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Evil Eye - IC


Thy wounds are healed!
Looking to the sky Jiles extends a hand. "Jiles Du'Lamir, traveler, tale teller, and all around nice guy."

Eyeing the wagon Jiles thinks a moment. "You should get Nikko inside. And perhaps something hot while we wait for your poor wife. Perhaps I can convince her that she is hurting you both."

Jiles will follow Raul inside and find a seat.

[sblock=Jiles Du'Lamir]
[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Human
Class: Bard (favored)
Level: 8
Experience: ????
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Languages: Common, Elf, Dwarf, Draconic, Gobin, Giant
Deity: Oghma[/sblock]
STR: 11 +0 (01pts)
DEX: 18 +4 (10pts) [+2 from item]
CON: 12 +1 (02ts)
INT: 14 +2 (05pts)
WIS: 12 +1 (02pts)
CHA: 20 +5 (05pts) [+2 racial, +2 item, +2 level ups][/sblock]
HP: 51 = [8d8=43 + 8 (CON)]
AC: 18 = 10 + 3 (armor) + 0 (shield) + 4 (DEX) + 1 (Dodge)
AC Touch: 15 = 10 + 4 (DEX) + 1 (Dodge)
AC Flatfooted: 13 = 10 + 3 (armor) + 0 (shield)
AC: 25 = 10 + 6 (armor) + 4 (shield) + 4 (DEX) + 1 (Dodge)
AC Touch: 15 = 10 + 4 (DEX) + 1 (Dodge)
AC Flatfooted: 20 = 10 + 6 (armor) + 4 (shield)

INIT: +4 = +4 (DEX)
BAB: +6/+1 = +6/+1 (Bard)
CMB: +10 = +4 (DEX) + 6 (BAB)
CMD: 20 = 10 + 0 (STR) + 4 (DEX) + 6 (BAB)
Fort: +4 = +2 (base) + 1 (stat) + 1 (item)
Reflex: +11 = +6 (base) + 4 (stat) + 1 (item)
Will: +8 = +6 (base) + 1 (stat) + 1 (item) + 2 (trait*)
Speed: 30'
Damage Reduction: N/A
Spell Resistance: N/A
* +2 to save vs fear

Colored AC's is when wearing chainshirt and wielding shield (i.e ready for combat)[/sblock]
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
+1 flaming longsword(melee): +7 = +6 (BAB) + 0 (STR) + 1 (item) / DMG = 1d8+1(S) + 1d6 (fire), CRIT 19-20x2
FULL ATTACK: +7/+2 = +6/+1 (BAB) + 0 (STR) + 1 (item) / DMG = 1d8+1(S) + 1d6 (fire), CRIT 19-20x2
Dagger(melee): +7 = +6 (BAB) + 0 (STR) + 1 (item)/ DMG = 1d4(P or S), CRIT 19-20x2
Dagger(range): +11 = +6 (BAB) + 4 (DEX) + 1 (item)/ DMG = 1d4(P or S), CRIT 19-20x2[/sblock]
[sblock=Racial Traits]
* +2 to one ability score - chose STR
* Medium - (no bonuses or penalties based on size)
* Normal speed - Base speed is 30 feet
* Bonus feat - chose Toughness
* Skilled - +1 skill rank at 1st level, and +1 skill rank whenever a level is gained
* Languages - Common [/sblock]
[sblock=Class Features]
Bardic Knowledge
Bardic Performance
Inspire Courage +2
Versatile Performance
Well Versed
Inspire Competence +3
Lore Master
Dirge of Doom
Prof. with all simple weapons plus longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, short bow, and whip
Prof. with light armor
Prof. with all shields (except tower)
Agile Maneuvers (human bonus)
Dodge (first lvl)
Combat Expertise (3rd lvl)
Improve Disarm (5th lvl)
Second Chance (7th lvl)

Courageous +2 to saves vs. fear
Classically Schooled +1 trait bonus to Spellcraft checks[/sblock]
Skill Ranks: 75 = 48 (6/lvl from class) + 16 (INT) + 8 (human) + 3 (favored class)
Max Ranks: 8 ACP: -0(-2)
Skills                Total   Rank     CS   Ability  ACP  Misc
Acrobatics              +8     1       3       4     -0   +0
Appraise                +6     1       3       2          +0
Bluff                   +5     0       0       5          +0
Climb                   +0     0       0       0     -0   +0
Craft (woodworking)     +2     0       0       2          +0
Diplomacy              +16     8       3       5          +0
Disable Device          +10    4       0       4     -0   +2
Disguise                +5     0       0       5          +0
Escape Artist           +8     1       3       4     -0   +0
Fly                     +4     0       0       4     -0   +0
Handle Animal           +6     1       0       5          +0
Heal                    +1     0       0       1          +0
Intimidate              +9     1       3       5          +0
Knowledge (Arcana)     +12     3       3       2          +4
Knowledge (Dngnrng)    +10     1       3       2          +4
Knowledge (Engnrng)    +10     1       3       2          +4
Knowledge (Geography)  +12     3       3       2          +4
Knowledge (History)    +12     3       3       2          +4
Knowledge (Local)      +12     3       3       2          +4
Knowledge (Nature)     +10     1       3       2          +4
Knowledge (Nobility)   +12     3       3       2          +4
Knowledge (Planes)     +12     3       3       2          +4
Knowledge (Religion)   +12     3       3       2          +4
Linguistics             +8     3       3       2          +0
Perception             +12     8       3       1          +0
Perform    (Oratory)   +16     8       3       5          +0
Profession (Sage)       +5     1       3       1          +0
Ride                    +4     0       0       4     -0   +0
Sense Motive            +5     1       3       1          +0
Sleight of Hand         +8     1       3       4     -0   +0
Spellcraft              +7     1       3       2          +1
Stealth                +20     8       3       4     -0   +5
Survival                +1     0       0       1          +0
Swim                    +0     0       0       0     -0   +0
Use Magic Device        +9     1       3       5          +0
Spells per Day:
Cantrips: 6
1st lvl: 5
2nd lvl: 5
3rd lvl: 3

Spells Known:
Cantrips             1st lvl                 2nd lvl              3rd lvl
spark           cure light wounds      cure moderate wounds   see invisiblity
mending         detect secert doors    tongues                haste
open/close      feather fall           versitile weapon       dispel magic
read magic      vanish                 ghostbane dirge
detect magic    timely inspiriation    heroism
know direction  saving finale          hold person
                touch of gracelessness
ITEM                                  COST    WEIGHT
+1 leather armor of shadow           4,160gp   15lb
+1 flaming longsword                 8,315gp    4lb
(mw) dagger                            302gp    1lb
belt of incredible dexterity +2      4,000gp    0lb
headband of alluring charisma +2     4,000gp    0lb 
cloak of resistance +1               1,000gp    0lb
Traveler's Outfit                       free    0lb
Bag of Holding (type 1)              2,500gp   15lb
 -- +2 chainshirt                    4,250gp    ---
 -- +2 heavy steel shield            4,170gp    --- 
 -- bedroll                              1sp    ---
 -- rope (50'hemp)                       1gp    ---
 -- torches(4)                           4cp    ---
 -- rations,trail(8days)                 4gp    ---
 -- waterskins(2)                        2gp    ---
 -- crowbar                              2gp    ---
 -- hammer                               5sp    ---
 -- pitons(4)                            4sp    ---
 -- sack,empty                           1sp    ---
 -- spade                                2gp    ---
 -- peasant's outfit                     1sp    ---
 -- mw thieve's tools                  100gp    ---
Belt Pouch                               1gp   .5lb
 -flint and steel                        1gp    0lb
 -mirror,small steel                    10gp   .5lb
 -potions cure light(x2)               100gp   .5lb
Treasure: 68gp 17sp 6cp Gems: none
Total weight carried: 36.5lbs
Maximum weight possible: 38-light, 76-medium, 115-heavy [/sblock]
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Height: 5'-11"
Weight: 140lbs
Hair Color: Sandy Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Lightly complexed
Apperance: travel stained and keep up a shoddy apperance so as not to be robbed
Demeanor: jovial but reserved Jiles likes to have fun whenever possible but needs to get to know a person well before he will commit any kind of friendship.
[sblock=Background] Jiles life has been one long road leading from what seemed one mishap to the next. If he wasn't running from Thay operatives trying to put another notion in their scarab, he was talking his way out of joining the Moonstars.

"Ah how long since the Year of the Unstrung harp?"
he asks himself. A lot longer than he cared to remember and more years adding to the little gray starting to show in his hair.

The first roads led him from Cormyr to the Dalelands. He was what? Sixteen or seventeen that year when he ended up with a small group of misfits like himself and stopped a con artist and his goblin henchmen from running a protection scam on... "What was the name of that little villiage? Scaverdon? Scarsden? I'm not sure but it was just a day east of Tilverton on the road to Ashabenford."

Jiles shrugs he could find the place easy enough and new most of what he needed of the small hamlet, just not the name. "Almost the same as Granville there. Ha!" he laughs smiling. "They are all the same the world over."

Granville was just another end of another road. This one though had a nasty ogre at the end of it. Jiles had used all his skills the day before to best the beast. The first time he had faced ogres he wasn't alone and his skills were not so sharp. "It was outside Harrowdale and poor Trig, he didn't make it through that battle. First time fighting ogres and the first time I had a companion die before my eyes." He frowns and before anymore melancholy thoughts form he says to himself. "And it wasn't the last time for either, push on you lazy old man."

Harrowdale. Memories of that place always made Jiles smile. The Council of Burghers had sent Jiles and his friends on a mission deep into the Pirate Isles. It was months of travel by boat, and then island hopping from secret cove to secret cove till they found a nasty den of thieves that were disrupting traffic up to the MoonSea. "That ended good, least nobody died."

What happen after that? Jiles tries to sort his thoughts. "I lost a few years running errands for a bunch of idiots. That's what happened." True for three years Jiles and his friends ventured all over for the people of Harrowdale. They seemed to need all kinds of help with this plight or that. "But had you not then you wouldn't be where you are today." he berates himself. "Had you not been a help then the Harpers they would have never took notice."

And they had noticed Jiles and one day they approached him with an offer. Join them and help do some good on a grander scale or continue to run errands for the Council. He readily accepted and his first assignment was a duosy to be sure. Travel to Mount Thay, make sure they don't unleash a dark demon, and see if he could steal the scrolls they were using for the ritual, so they can never try it again.

"Now that I remember in full, and like it was yesterday." Jiles says hefting his pack and continuing down the hill towards Granville. "It was winter and a fresh coat of snow covered the ground. Dorn was sitting with his feet up near the fire, and I was...." (to long maybe I'll tell it a little at a time).


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"I hope so. I am pleased to meet you. And it is good to meet a fellow traveler. My people are wanderers. We should swap tales some time."

Inside the vardo are some cots and other simple furnishings and housewares - everything a small family would need. There are a scimitar and a dagger near the entrance. In the cramped quarters of the vardo, it would be difficult to use anything larger than a short sword.

Raul brings the crib inside the vardo and then sets the baby down in it. He brings his violin inside as well. He sets the weapons within easy reach of himself, and begins to fix a pot of tea over a small oil stove.

"She seems to appear around midnight" Raul says "but it's only been a few days, so that's no guarantee."

The rain picks up as time goes on, and the fog outside thickens as well.


Thy wounds are healed!
"Well we shall just have to wait and see. But no since getting drenched," Jiles says stepping into the vardo. "Let's leave the door open though, just in case."

Jiles then tells Raul about the time he faced a horde of jermalines with a few companions early in his adventuring career. The story is light and funny as the little three inch creatures had gotten the better of the party at first.

"You see we took shelter in a cave and didn't know it was occupied by the little critters. To them Nikko there would be a giant. HaHa!" Jiles says laughing at the thought of the baby waddling through a jermaline size town.

"Well they had us believe the cave was haunted. The noises and things moving about on there own it seemed. And when we finally learned what it was we faced well Dorn he wanted to smash them all with his hammer. But there were so many. We ended up fleeing into the woods with I would say fifty or more chasing us. Can't you see it grown men, and a dwarf, being chased by pint size terrors. HaHa!"

Jiles smiles and sighs at the thought of the happier times in his life.


Raul listens closely to Jiles' story, and serves the tea in mugs. It tastes pretty good.

"I've never heard of such people. It sounds like they were just trying to defend their home, so it is well that your friend did not smash them.

There seems to be a wide variety of life in this land of yours - midgets, giants, strange creatures of all sorts.

It appears that I owe you a tale, but my life is not so adventurous, and I am not in a mood to speak of my personal past. So instead I will sing you a song of my people. Well, not of my own tasque, but of another tribe. Yet it suits my mood very well."

The song, which he sings in a soft but clear voice, is reminiscent of the rythms and intonations of the violin music he had earlier been playing.

"Why do you wander, o maker of music?
Why do your strings weep?
Why do you starve?
Because I have no home.
Because I have no hope.
Because I have no harvest to reap.
Where are your roots, O wandering slave?
Where are your ancestors?
Where are you gardens of plenty?

Torn from the soil.
Torn from the memory.
Torn from the feeble hands of my children.

How can this be, o tearful wretch?
How can this happen?
How can this go on?
Because I murdered my friend.
Because I murdered my comfort.
Because I murdered my place in the sun.

Why did you do this, O miserable one?
Why did you murder?
Why did you kill the one you called friend?

He stole my true love.
He stole my own heart.
He stole my only reason to live.

What will you do, O cursed fool?
What will you suffer?
What will you do to make amends?

Nothing but wander.
Nothing but starve.
Nothing but play my melancholy violin.

When will it end, O pitiable fetch?
When will it rest?
When will it all be over for you?

Never, never, never, never, never ..."

He lets the words die in his mouth, and drinks a sip of the tea. "We should try to get some sleep. There is most likely enough time. Do you want to set watches? I will do as you wish."


Thy wounds are healed!
"Hmm... yes yes a little rest, is an excellent idea." Jiles says finishing his tea.

"You look a little warier than I. Perhaps it is all the worrying about Nikko," Jiles says smiling at the baby. "I will watch first, please take and get some rest."

Jiles knows he wouldn't be able to sleep even if he tried, the words to the song and the mystery behind them racing through his mind. He watches out into the foggy night alert but still wondering at what this is about as he keeps watch.


"Very well. Thanks again." He looks in on the baby. "Good night, Nikko. I hope." Raul lays down on a cot, his weapons nearby, and he cradles his violin as he closes his eyes.

ooc: How long will you keep watch before waking Raul, and where will you do so - inside the wagon, or outside in the rain?


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC] Since Raul said she came around midnight Jiles will stand watch till like an hour after that. And since Jiles is fidgety he will stand/walk around outside in the rain, and try to stay dry.[/sblock]


Jiles gets thoroughly soaked in the rain, and can't see far as the moon is nearly obscured by clouds.

After a long, wet, tense vigil, Jiles is just about ready to wake up Raul and turn in.

That's when he sees her approaching through the rain - captivating beauty with a dancer's tall, supple curves at the height of youth and beauty.

She wears multi-tiered skirts,anklets, and an embroidered halter, revealing a finely muscled midriff.

Her delicately featured face is framed by a splendid cascade of auburn hair, and her almond-shaped eyes sparkle captivatingly.

She appears unconcerned by the driving rain, but then you notice the rain is passing right through her...

[sblock=Leyla (and Jiles?)]

ooc: make a Will save


Thy wounds are healed!
"Well I knew you would come and..." Jiles starts to say.

[sblock=Jiles Du'Lamir]
[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Human
Class: Bard (favored)
Level: 8
Experience: ????
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Languages: Common, Elf, Dwarf, Draconic, Gobin, Giant
Deity: Oghma[/sblock]
STR: 11 +0 (01pts)
DEX: 18 +4 (10pts) [+2 from item]
CON: 12 +1 (02ts)
INT: 14 +2 (05pts)
WIS: 12 +1 (02pts)
CHA: 20 +5 (05pts) [+2 racial, +2 item, +2 level ups][/sblock]
HP: 51 = [8d8=43 + 8 (CON)]
AC: 18 = 10 + 3 (armor) + 0 (shield) + 4 (DEX) + 1 (Dodge)
AC Touch: 15 = 10 + 4 (DEX) + 1 (Dodge)
AC Flatfooted: 13 = 10 + 3 (armor) + 0 (shield)
AC: 25 = 10 + 6 (armor) + 4 (shield) + 4 (DEX) + 1 (Dodge)
AC Touch: 15 = 10 + 4 (DEX) + 1 (Dodge)
AC Flatfooted: 20 = 10 + 6 (armor) + 4 (shield)

INIT: +4 = +4 (DEX)
BAB: +6/+1 = +6/+1 (Bard)
CMB: +10 = +4 (DEX) + 6 (BAB)
CMD: 20 = 10 + 0 (STR) + 4 (DEX) + 6 (BAB)
Fort: +4 = +2 (base) + 1 (stat) + 1 (item)
Reflex: +11 = +6 (base) + 4 (stat) + 1 (item)
Will: +8 = +6 (base) + 1 (stat) + 1 (item) + 2 (trait*)
Speed: 30'
Damage Reduction: N/A
Spell Resistance: N/A
* +2 to save vs fear

Colored AC's is when wearing chainshirt and wielding shield (i.e ready for combat)[/sblock]
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
+1 flaming longsword(melee): +7 = +6 (BAB) + 0 (STR) + 1 (item) / DMG = 1d8+1(S) + 1d6 (fire), CRIT 19-20x2
FULL ATTACK: +7/+2 = +6/+1 (BAB) + 0 (STR) + 1 (item) / DMG = 1d8+1(S) + 1d6 (fire), CRIT 19-20x2
Dagger(melee): +7 = +6 (BAB) + 0 (STR) + 1 (item)/ DMG = 1d4(P or S), CRIT 19-20x2
Dagger(range): +11 = +6 (BAB) + 4 (DEX) + 1 (item)/ DMG = 1d4(P or S), CRIT 19-20x2[/sblock]
[sblock=Racial Traits]
* +2 to one ability score - chose STR
* Medium - (no bonuses or penalties based on size)
* Normal speed - Base speed is 30 feet
* Bonus feat - chose Toughness
* Skilled - +1 skill rank at 1st level, and +1 skill rank whenever a level is gained
* Languages - Common [/sblock]
[sblock=Class Features]
Bardic Knowledge
Bardic Performance
Inspire Courage +2
Versatile Performance
Well Versed
Inspire Competence +3
Lore Master
Dirge of Doom
Prof. with all simple weapons plus longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, short bow, and whip
Prof. with light armor
Prof. with all shields (except tower)
Agile Maneuvers (human bonus)
Dodge (first lvl)
Combat Expertise (3rd lvl)
Improve Disarm (5th lvl)
Second Chance (7th lvl)

Courageous +2 to saves vs. fear
Classically Schooled +1 trait bonus to Spellcraft checks[/sblock]
Skill Ranks: 75 = 48 (6/lvl from class) + 16 (INT) + 8 (human) + 3 (favored class)
Max Ranks: 8 ACP: -0(-2)
Skills                Total   Rank     CS   Ability  ACP  Misc
Acrobatics              +8     1       3       4     -0   +0
Appraise                +6     1       3       2          +0
Bluff                   +5     0       0       5          +0
Climb                   +0     0       0       0     -0   +0
Craft (woodworking)     +2     0       0       2          +0
Diplomacy              +16     8       3       5          +0
Disable Device          +10    4       0       4     -0   +2
Disguise                +5     0       0       5          +0
Escape Artist           +8     1       3       4     -0   +0
Fly                     +4     0       0       4     -0   +0
Handle Animal           +6     1       0       5          +0
Heal                    +1     0       0       1          +0
Intimidate              +9     1       3       5          +0
Knowledge (Arcana)     +12     3       3       2          +4
Knowledge (Dngnrng)    +10     1       3       2          +4
Knowledge (Engnrng)    +10     1       3       2          +4
Knowledge (Geography)  +12     3       3       2          +4
Knowledge (History)    +12     3       3       2          +4
Knowledge (Local)      +12     3       3       2          +4
Knowledge (Nature)     +10     1       3       2          +4
Knowledge (Nobility)   +12     3       3       2          +4
Knowledge (Planes)     +12     3       3       2          +4
Knowledge (Religion)   +12     3       3       2          +4
Linguistics             +8     3       3       2          +0
Perception             +12     8       3       1          +0
Perform    (Oratory)   +16     8       3       5          +0
Profession (Sage)       +5     1       3       1          +0
Ride                    +4     0       0       4     -0   +0
Sense Motive            +5     1       3       1          +0
Sleight of Hand         +8     1       3       4     -0   +0
Spellcraft              +7     1       3       2          +1
Stealth                +20     8       3       4     -0   +5
Survival                +1     0       0       1          +0
Swim                    +0     0       0       0     -0   +0
Use Magic Device        +9     1       3       5          +0
Spells per Day:
Cantrips: 6
1st lvl: 5
2nd lvl: 5
3rd lvl: 3

Spells Known:
Cantrips             1st lvl                 2nd lvl              3rd lvl
spark           cure light wounds      cure moderate wounds   see invisiblity
mending         detect secert doors    tongues                haste
open/close      feather fall           versitile weapon       dispel magic
read magic      vanish                 ghostbane dirge
detect magic    timely inspiriation    heroism
know direction  saving finale          hold person
                touch of gracelessness
ITEM                                  COST    WEIGHT
+1 leather armor of shadow           4,160gp   15lb
+1 flaming longsword                 8,315gp    4lb
(mw) dagger                            302gp    1lb
belt of incredible dexterity +2      4,000gp    0lb
headband of alluring charisma +2     4,000gp    0lb 
cloak of resistance +1               1,000gp    0lb
Traveler's Outfit                       free    0lb
Bag of Holding (type 1)              2,500gp   15lb
 -- +2 chainshirt                    4,250gp    ---
 -- +2 heavy steel shield            4,170gp    --- 
 -- bedroll                              1sp    ---
 -- rope (50'hemp)                       1gp    ---
 -- torches(4)                           4cp    ---
 -- rations,trail(8days)                 4gp    ---
 -- waterskins(2)                        2gp    ---
 -- crowbar                              2gp    ---
 -- hammer                               5sp    ---
 -- pitons(4)                            4sp    ---
 -- sack,empty                           1sp    ---
 -- spade                                2gp    ---
 -- peasant's outfit                     1sp    ---
 -- mw thieve's tools                  100gp    ---
Belt Pouch                               1gp   .5lb
 -flint and steel                        1gp    0lb
 -mirror,small steel                    10gp   .5lb
 -potions cure light(x2)               100gp   .5lb
Treasure: 68gp 17sp 6cp Gems: none
Total weight carried: 36.5lbs
Maximum weight possible: 38-light, 76-medium, 115-heavy [/sblock]
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Height: 5'-11"
Weight: 140lbs
Hair Color: Sandy Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Lightly complexed
Apperance: travel stained and keep up a shoddy apperance so as not to be robbed
Demeanor: jovial but reserved Jiles likes to have fun whenever possible but needs to get to know a person well before he will commit any kind of friendship.
[sblock=Background] Jiles life has been one long road leading from what seemed one mishap to the next. If he wasn't running from Thay operatives trying to put another notion in their scarab, he was talking his way out of joining the Moonstars.

"Ah how long since the Year of the Unstrung harp?"
he asks himself. A lot longer than he cared to remember and more years adding to the little gray starting to show in his hair.

The first roads led him from Cormyr to the Dalelands. He was what? Sixteen or seventeen that year when he ended up with a small group of misfits like himself and stopped a con artist and his goblin henchmen from running a protection scam on... "What was the name of that little villiage? Scaverdon? Scarsden? I'm not sure but it was just a day east of Tilverton on the road to Ashabenford."

Jiles shrugs he could find the place easy enough and new most of what he needed of the small hamlet, just not the name. "Almost the same as Granville there. Ha!" he laughs smiling. "They are all the same the world over."

Granville was just another end of another road. This one though had a nasty ogre at the end of it. Jiles had used all his skills the day before to best the beast. The first time he had faced ogres he wasn't alone and his skills were not so sharp. "It was outside Harrowdale and poor Trig, he didn't make it through that battle. First time fighting ogres and the first time I had a companion die before my eyes." He frowns and before anymore melancholy thoughts form he says to himself. "And it wasn't the last time for either, push on you lazy old man."

Harrowdale. Memories of that place always made Jiles smile. The Council of Burghers had sent Jiles and his friends on a mission deep into the Pirate Isles. It was months of travel by boat, and then island hopping from secret cove to secret cove till they found a nasty den of thieves that were disrupting traffic up to the MoonSea. "That ended good, least nobody died."

What happen after that? Jiles tries to sort his thoughts. "I lost a few years running errands for a bunch of idiots. That's what happened." True for three years Jiles and his friends ventured all over for the people of Harrowdale. They seemed to need all kinds of help with this plight or that. "But had you not then you wouldn't be where you are today." he berates himself. "Had you not been a help then the Harpers they would have never took notice."

And they had noticed Jiles and one day they approached him with an offer. Join them and help do some good on a grander scale or continue to run errands for the Council. He readily accepted and his first assignment was a duosy to be sure. Travel to Mount Thay, make sure they don't unleash a dark demon, and see if he could steal the scrolls they were using for the ritual, so they can never try it again.

"Now that I remember in full, and like it was yesterday." Jiles says hefting his pack and continuing down the hill towards Granville. "It was winter and a fresh coat of snow covered the ground. Dorn was sitting with his feet up near the fire, and I was...." (to long maybe I'll tell it a little at a time).

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Voidrunner's Codex

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