The favored soul


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Hey guys,
A few weeks ago there was this topic about if the favored soul was overpowered or not. Because he seems to be on paper, but I recall people saying it wasnt that bad... Either way I cant find the thread. So does anyone know the conclusion? what's your opinion about him?

Gratz, Zach

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blargney the second said:
It depends if Spell Compendium is allowed. Favored souls get a lot better with the inclusion of that book.
I have only had the SC for a short while so I still have a lot to learn about how it works in play. In fact I haven't even decided how I am going to implement its material yet. I would like to read your insight on why you think this about Favored Souls and the SC and if you think it is potentially unbalancing or if there are certain spells which should be unavailable to favored Souls.

blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
Cleric : Wizard :: Favoured Soul : Sorcerer

I agree with Thanee that it is a well-balanced class (possibly a little low). The reason I mentioned SC is because it gives them a lot more options to choose from when they're picking the only spells they will ever be able to cast. More options = more likely to be something that works well for the character concept.


They seem rather weak to me, and not at all overpowered. They have a sorcerer's spell casting progression with the cleric list, but no domains, no turning, and without the huge access to spells (all those valuable utility spells, and the favored soul gets just a few), no heavy armor, and is dependent on two different stats for casting. If at all, the favored soul seems weak, weaker than the sorcerer, and definitely weaker than a plain cleric. In a campaign I'm running a player is currently playing a favored soul, and though he's only played it a few sessions, I don't get the impression there's any hidden factor I'm missing here. Sure, it has its upsides, but nothing particularly impressive.


First Post
Zachariah said:
Hey guys,
A few weeks ago there was this topic about if the favored soul was overpowered or not. Because he seems to be on paper, but I recall people saying it wasnt that bad... Either way I cant find the thread. So does anyone know the conclusion? what's your opinion about him?

Gratz, Zach

This thread?

Unfortunately the player of mine with the favored soul hasnt been able to make it lately :(


First Post
This thread?

Yeah thats it!

I totally missed the fact that he doesnt get access to domain spells! I think its rather weird that he doesnt though, it seems to me that he has a more direct bond with his diety then a cleric does.
When including SC he gets more spells at his disposal. How is he concidered then? I think in that case he is still within the boundries of balance.

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