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The Festival


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Tormal, as boring as it is will certainly attend both the opening eents and the general celebration afterwards. While he takes no particular interest in what everyone has to say - unless it seems important - he does want to make a good impression on any prying(sp?) eyes. He will try to interact with everyone and get to know a little more about the people, customs and ideals of the area or travelers that may come through.

Tormal will certainly be taking part in a number of the "unofficial" events, if not all of them, at some point during the festival. Tormal will, however, avoid getting too drunk or obnoxious at any point to avoid any uneeded attention. He certainly enjoys playing cards, and may perhaps take part in any recognized boxing matches, wrestling or even arm wrestling.

As far as the official events go Tormal is interested in taking part in the craft show if there is anything to which he can apply his sculpting skills. While he is not the best this would be a great time to practice and - who knows? - he may do better then he thinks he can. He will also enter the wrestling contest. He has learned much since he left the academy and would like a controlled environment to test those skills out. On day 6 Tormal will partake in the wine tasting and, maybe, the dance later on. He does make a note to everyone though, that he hasn't tasted much wine in his lifetime. He would also like to take some time to watch the debate contest at it's opening. On day 8 tormal will certainly try to enter the Combat Steeplechase. He thinks he may be able to handle just about everything except the bow/crossbow accuracy - but it wouldn't hurt to try. Tormal would also love to take part in any open-combat duels he can enter.
He will have to be at the announcements and proclamations but as far as that day is concerned he may take a break and just "mingle" with the crowds. During the festival Tormal seems to be pretty excited for the Lists. He will participate in that combat. Finally Tormal will be there, if things go ok, at the ending dance.

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Hello everybody!
I have been camping in Colorado for the past few days and unable to post.
Felix will definitely be in tha arms and armor crafting competition.
He would also like to be in some others though. Would I have time to do some of the other competitions while still doing the arms and armor one?
Also, will the Felix have to purchase his own materials for the competition?


First Post
BardStephenFox said:
Okey Dokey. That's kinda too bad since this is a great place to be a Ranger or a Druid.

So, we have Ayla going for Archery.
Li is going for Duels, the Lists, the Diplomat's Debate, possibly some Poetry and he will hang out at the Wine Tasting.
Keldorn will be doing the Duels, the Lists, humanoid wrestling, and probably try to get in on some arm wrestling. He is also going to show off weapon's drills.
Rose has told me she is looking at the Diplomat's Debates as well.
Deborah might show up as a guest appearance.

Have I missed anyone? Nope, not yet. OK, that's the stuff I will be prepping the most for then.

As Brother Oceas main craft skill is weaving, He will make a few baskets and household type items for display at the craft competition ( I don't have enough time to attempt a tapestry type affair). I will attend all 12 days of the festival as I wish to study the people and gather information and knowledge. I will attend the wine tasting and will enter the debate contest and the weapons play on day 9 I believe. The grand melee sounds like fun so I will match their efforts there as well. This will give me an opportunity to practice my skills as well as observe and learn from others. During the times when I am not engaged in the activities, I will browse the various merchants and visit with the people at the festival.


First Post
Wow! There's gonna be all kinds of stuff going on. Festivals are a concept that Ceru is familiar with, but never has he dreamed of something on this scale. It seems there will be a whole bunch of things to do, and Ceru is willing to try just about anything. The idea is to get us out there so that people get to know us a little better and don't totally hate us right? Ceru is all for that. He will attempt to sign up for the following (if they let him):

Duel of illusions
Archery competition (if someone will lend him a bow)
Wrestling competition (non-shapechanger)
Wine tasting
Dance #1
Diplomats debate
Combat steeplechase
Combat duels
Pass on bread baking
Pass on boulder toss
Grand melee
Dance #2

It's hard to hate a guy who comes in last place in something, which is sure to happen at least once. He really doesn't have much hope at any of these, but he's a pretty good dancer. Ceru will also be making as many of his signature stick charms as he can before the festival (they really aren't very good quality so he can probably make a bunch). These he intends to just give away to anybody that wants one.


Day 2

The Eastern horizon lightens with the approaching dawn and early morning birds begin their happy chorus, greeting the new day. Those that pary at dawn awake and make their way to temples, Sacred places, and quiet spots for mediation. Several small squads weave through the Festival grounds clearing up trash while a group of Greerson militia awake the slumbering revellers that are sleeping off the previous night's celebration on the grass. Many of the sleepers are grumpy and a few are belligerent, but nobody causes any real trouble.

The area for the Duel of Illusions is roped off, a circle some 120' across. Tents are erected around the circle and a few merchants setup food and drink carts nearby. the Duel of Illusions is always an impromptu meeting place for the spellwielders that attend the Festival. The tents will soon fill with practicers of the arcane discussing various theories on everything magical. It isn't the largest crowd that will gather during the Festival, but they are a solid clique. Within hours, smoke will rise from scores of pipes and a variety of drinks and food will be sold. By nightfall, the tents will be filled with vari-colored smoke of at least a dozen different scents. There will be a low hum of chatter and minor spells will occasionally erupt into existance. Anyone looking for esoteric arcane spellcasting would do well to brave the tents near the Duel of Illusions.

The crafting contests begin in the early morning, after breakfast. Soon there are people carving logs, painting, weaving and of course the sound of hammer on metal, among other things. Speaking of smithing, the Arms and Armor competition has begun. Lord Tannerson sponsored Felix in, so if Felix does well, it will also bring prestige to Lord Tannerson. There are two dozen forges setup. Non-competitors are not allowed in the area, so each smith must do his or her own work, or ask for help with particularly difficult tasks. Most of the smiths are happy to assist in kind. Basically, you scratch my back and I will scratch yours. There are a couple that are protective of their "trade secrets" and they absolutely refuse to help anyone else. Throughout the competition, they will find it harder to complete their work (-2 circumstance penalty). The Festival is providing masterwork tools to be used and personal tools are not allowed. There are more competitors than there are forges, so there will be rotating shifts when the forges are available. Felix wanders in shortly before the competition begins and can negotiate for time slots that are good for him.

If there are any other crafting competitions that you guys want to join in on, most of them are far less formal. Let me know what you are doing.

The archery ranges are ready by mid-morning and Lord Tannerson is the one to officially begin the contest. Li is one of the marshalls and is committed to the arduous task of making sure each competitor follows the rules of the competition. He has been shown how to do a brief inspection on each arrow and as each pair of competitors arrives, he draw forth 6 arrows, checks them to be sure they are straight and fletched, then divides them between the two competitors. He then makes sure the shots are fair, and verifies the scoring. If it is a tie, he has the targets moved further down range, then goes through the process again, until there is a winner. In this first round, there is not much need to move the targets further down range.

Ayla easily outshoots her opponent in the first round. Her turn comes up before lunch and she hits three bullseyes while her opponent only manages one. The target isn't even moved downrange.

Late in the afternoon, the next set of competitors is called forth for Li's range. A herald calls out "Breht Carver and Sheila Honeybaker." From out of the growd steps a tall, atheletic young woman with sunstreaked hair and a dark tan. Her eyes are green and she is wearing midriff baring forest green blouse. A long, white scar cuts across the muscles on the left side of her stomach before disappearing up under the blouse. A short, dark cape covers her shoulders and she is also wearing tight fitting brown breeches with low cut boots. She is carrying a modestly decorated composite bow. Much of the bow is wrapped with birch bark while feathers decorate the tips and the handle is wrapped in leather. She smiles at the young man that hesitantly steps out from the crowd.

"Good afternoon Breht. I see you took my advice and entered the competition."

Breht bites his lip for a moment before he nervously smiles back. "Yes Miss Honeybaker, I just didn't think I would be competing against you right away."

She laughs. "Don't worry so much about it. Just do your best."

Sheila takes off her cloak and sets it onthe ground. The shoulders of her blouse sport a small patch with the Oak leaf of Greerson with a low-cut boot superimposed across it. She then turns to Li. When Li finishes examining the arrows and presents them to Breht and Sheila, she nods curtly. "Thank you Li."

Breht lines up for the first shots and nervously looks at Sheila. With an approving nod, he takes one shot after another. Three bullseyes! With a relieved grin, he steps back and watches as Sheila steps into place and sticks two of the arrows into the ground. With three easy draws, she also sinks three arrows into the target. Li verifies the scores and then has the targets moved back another 100' before he hands out the next set of arrows.

Breht's first shot on the second series is another bullseye, but his second shot is off to the right. With a cluck to her tongue, Sheila gently chastises him for being off balance with his footing. His third shot is another bullseye, but the damage is done. Sheila steps up into place and casually draws the arrow to her ear.

"So, I find myself wondering why Lord Tannerson would accept your service Li Xiang Gao."

*thunk* The first arrow sinks into the target 200' downrange. It's a bullseye. Without looking down, Sheila plucks a second arrow from the ground.

"You are supposed to be an honorable warrior, but really, what does that mean?"

*thunk* The second arrow sinks into the target, another bullseye. Without any seeming effort, she draws the third arrow.

"I find myself curious who you are and who your companions are and why you are here. I find myself wanting to know how you think you make this a better place to live."

*thunk* The third arrow hits so close to the first two that they almost seem to merge. Sheila turns and looks at Li.

"You can find me and answer my questions, or I can find you and ask you my questions. One way or another, I will have answers. I'll see you soon."

She picks up her cloak and strides off through the crowd. Breht watches her walk away then looks at Li. He smiles slightly and shrugs. "If you think you want to hide from Sheila, I would not suggest leaving the city to do it." He looks back at the archery range and you hear him mumble under his breath. "I actually got 5 bullseyes, I am getting better." He too walks away through the crowd as the herald calls forth the next contestants.


Russ, I need you to make 11 d12 rolls for Oceas. There are no modifiers and I just need them in order at your convenience. Posting them here is fine.



First Post
Sheila said:
"Thank you Li."
Li says "Your are most welcome," bows low, and carries on with his duties.

Sheila said:
"So, I find myself wondering why Lord Tannerson would accept your service Li Xiang Gao."

*thunk* The first arrow sinks into the target 200' downrange. It's a bullseye. Without looking down, Sheila plucks a second arrow from the ground.

"You are supposed to be an honorable warrior, but really, what does that mean?"

*thunk* The second arrow sinks into the target, another bullseye. Without any seeming effort, she draws the third arrow.

"I find myself curious who you are and who your companions are and why you are here. I find myself wanting to know how you think you make this a better place to live."

*thunk* The third arrow hits so close to the first two that they almost seem to merge. Sheila turns and looks at Li.

"You can find me and answer my questions, or I can find you and ask you my questions. One way or another, I will have answers. I'll see you soon."

She picks up her cloak and strides off through the crowd.
Before she leaves, Li will ask Sheila for a metting. "You have many valid questions, Lady Honeybaker. Could we have a meeting later, so that I could address your concerns?" Li would like to meet over a meal, and answer Shiela's questions.

I'm going to just post this for now, since it seems like Shiela walks away before Li can really answer. I'd be happy to handle this online, it just seemed like Shiela walked away before Li could respond. If she does give himi time to answer, just say so and I'll post my responses.


Macbeth said:
Before she leaves, Li will ask Sheila for a metting. "You have many valid questions, Lady Honeybaker. Could we have a meeting later, so that I could address your concerns?" Li would like to meet over a meal, and answer Shiela's questions.

Sheila looks carefully at Li for a moment, her eyes narrowing a bit.
"Have a care Li Xian Gao, I am not a landed noble and the title of Lady is not correctly associated with me."

Sheila pauses for a moment before smiling faintly at Li.

"If you must speak formally, then you may address me as Miss Honeybaker. Though, you are also permitted to use my name and simply call me Sheila."

At the mention of dinner, Sheila nods. "That would be suitable. Choose an evening, except the evening before the Steeplechase, and a location. My questions can wait until then."

(OOC: Let's move that conversation out to a different thread to avoid skipping back and forth in timelines here.)


First Post
BardStephenFox said:
Russ, I need you to make 11 d12 rolls for Oceas. There are no modifiers and I just need them in order at your convenience. Posting them here is fine.


Hope I read this right - 11 d12 rolls

5, 6, 4, 10, 12, 8, 5, 5, 12, 6, 10


Day 3 - Morning
The rising sun floods the world with light and warmth. The guards quickly clear the festival grounds of slumbering revelers so that preparations for the day's festivities may begin. In the distance, the sound of hammer and anvil is already ringing through the air.
The Duel of Illusions begins promptly and the herald begins calling the names for the second round archery contestants. People mingle in groups, groups become a crowd and the lull of conversation grows to a roar of people laughing and talking while they make their way through the merchant stalls toward the unsanctioned contests and carnival-style games. It seems there is a log chopping contest today, after lunch. Sign up in the morning.

Ayla's flight comes in the mid-morning. Both her and her opponent hit three bullseyes before the targets are moved back. The second series of shots nets Ayla three strong bullseyes while her opponent only hits once. It looks like Ayla makes it to the thrid round this afternoon.

Sheila easily makes hits three bullseyes at 400'. Her opponent, another athletic looking woman with the oak leaf/low boot insignia, only hits two bullseyes.

Oceas makes his way among the wizards and sorcerors resting and chatting in the tents around the Duel of Illusions. There is a lot of magical theory. (Oceas can try to use Diplomacy to get a polite, if somewhat cold, response. Or he can use Knowledge(Arcana), with Spellcraft for a synergy bonus, to really make good contacts.) If Oceas is looking to apprentice himself, there will be some people looking for likely candidates. If he is looking to purchase anything, this is a good place to find people, but nobody does real business under the tents. You can schedule a meeting though.

There are a couple of interesting games. Perhaps one of the more interesting is a 20' ladder planted in the ground near a greased pole with prizes hanging from it. The object is to climb the ladder, jump to the pole and grab prizes as you slide down. The difficulty comes from ladder rungs that disappear as you climb them.

Voidrunner's Codex

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