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The flower brigade

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The woman watches Keldorn with a bemused expression. Her eyes dance over everyone and finally settle on Li.

"Good day Li Xiang Gao. You may call me Lady Morganica. As for the Sprites, they are part of my Court. Please sit down and break your fast. Or, did we err in the food we set out for you?"


First Post
Li will take a seat at the table, but not eat quite yet. "Lady Morganica, any food is very welcome, but first may I ask you some qeustions? These... sprites you said?... were not very helpful in telling us about who you are. We are more then happy to rid the forest of these foul beasts, but if you could explain more to us, about who you are, and why we are here, we would be greatfull."

If the Lady responds, Li will listen attentively. Otherwise he will cautiously, but politely, try the food.


Lady Morganica smiles at Li.

"You are forthright, it is different to deal with the likes of you. Please, enjoy the food and I will tell you a little of what you ask."

She gestures and one of the Sprites walks over with a stack of odd drinking mugs. It looks like they are hollowed out acorns and walnuts. However, these are some of the largest nuts you have ever seen. The Sprite puts them on the table and sets one in front of each person present. Another Sprite slides across the clearing with a silver decanter. She pours a clear liquid into each cup. The first Sprite picks up the largest walnut cup and solemly presents it to Lady Morganica. Lady Morganica accepts the cup and takes a deep drink from it. She then smiles and the rest of the Sprites pick up their cups to take a drink.

Lady Morganica sighs faintly and waits to have everyone's attention before she begins.

"To begin, I choose to overlook your impertinence because I know you do not mean any insult. I am the Lady Morganica. Typically, that would suffice for an explanation. But, I can see in your face, and feel in your heart, that this means little to you. So, I will try to explain. I am tied to the land here and ... elsewhere. I travel between these places at will and exert my presence as I wish. I do not often deal with those such as you, but I have chosen to do so now."

Lady Morganica sips from her cup and her eyes seem to glitter.

"As for my Court, I asked them to find somebody willing to help the forest here. Those beasts you slew were destroying much that was beautiful. They exist because they must, but I do not tolerate their presence near me. We will know repair some of what was lost, but to you it may seem to take a long time."


Those of you drinking from the cups will discover that the liquid is fresh water. Cool and pure.

Lady Morganica sits quietly for a short time. Then, sitting up, she laughs and say,
"But, we thank you for your help today. We gave you a little gift of gratitude, but I wanted to personally meet you before you went on your way. Sit back, enjoy the meal, and the company, and relax." She claps her hands twice and you hear a fiddle being played very slowly. The song slowly speeds up and soon the ethereal sound of a flute can be heard adding to the song, then the low bass of some sort of drum. Lady Morganica is sitting back with her eye's half closed, listening to the music. Some of the Sprites are playfully dancing or flying around the clearing.

If you look around, you will soon spot the musicians. Sitting on the branch of a nearby tree is a leather-clad man with green hair and deeply tanned skin. He is playing the violin while leaning his back against the trunk of the tree. A lovely looking woman, not unlike Lady Morganica, is sitting on a rock in the sun playing a flute that almost looks like it is crystal. A short, ruddy faced man is cross-legged on the ground nearby, playing a bodrhan.
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The sound of a harp interjects itself into the songs. Looking around, you realize that hours must have past because the clearing is darkening with the shadows of twilight. Luminescent green and blue motes of light hover in the lanterns and the clearing has filled with creatures, or so it seems. You can see a few animals scattered about. A large stag, a bobcat, a few squirrels, and a large owl are easily seen. There are also many more Sprites in the clearing. As well, you can see smaller creatures that look like Sprites, except they are much smaller. There is even something that looks like a large cricket with a human torso playing a fiddle to accompany the first player.

The harp player is sitting across from Lady Morganica. She has pale skin and blond hair that almost glows in the faint light from the lanterns. She looks up and her eyes seem to be twin pools of compassion gazing at you. She smiles shyly before she closes her eyes and raises her voice in a wordless song. For a moment, each of you feels a deep love for her, but the feeling passes. Her song is mesmerizing and when she finally stops, the moon is far overhead.


First Post
Tormal gathers his equipment and dresses himself accordingly when he gets the chance. He seems a bit satisfied with himself and the situation as the group walks back. He would tell you that he believes the training he recieved helped him refine his technique. When the group enters the clearing with the table he stands quietly waiting for Li to finish conversing before sitting down at the table.

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