• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Forgotten Forge Recruiting


I'll have a character sheet up tonight. I was in class all day today and have a doc appointment in 30 minutes for my back. Anyways........ the psion will be up and have a brief history in........... oh............ 3-4 hours.

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First Post
Hello, I'd love to throw my hat into the ring, if I'm missing any info please let me know. I don't have my PHB or Eberron handbook with me so I'll pick my spells later.

Name : Kef the Magnificent | Race : Dwarf | Height: 5’ 0”
Player: Ryan | Gender: M | Weight: 200 lb
Update: | Age : 50 | Eyes : brown
Align : LG | Size : M | Hair : long, red with a beard
Deity : None | Speed : 20 ft | Hand : left
Ability | Temporary | Class Level
Score Mod | Score Mod | Wizard 1
STR 12 +1 | |
DEX 14 +2 | |
CON 18 +4 | |
INT 16 +3 | |
WIS 13 +1 | |XP : 0 Char Level: 1
CHA 10 +0 | |Need: 1000 ECL : 1
Total Current Subdual | Total Dex Misc
HP : 8 8 | Init : +6 = 2 + +4

Total Armour Shield Dex Size Natural Defl Misc
AC : 12 = 10 + 0 + 0 + 2 + + + +
Sans Shield: 12 Flat-footed: 10 Flat-footed sans shield: 10 Touch: 12
Base Attack Bonus:
Total Base Str Size | Total Base Dex Size
Melee : +1 = 0 + 1 + | Range : +2 = 0 + 2 +
SAVES Key Ability
Ability Bonus Base Mod Magic Misc
Fort : Con +4 = 0 + 4 + 0 + 0
Ref : Dex +2 = 0 + 2 + 0 + 0
Will : Wis +3 = 2 + 1 + 0 + 0

Scribe Scroll
+2 save against poisons
+2 save against spells
+1 on attack rolls on orcs & goblinoids
+4 dodge bonus on giants

Improved Iniative lvl 1

SKILLS : Max Ranks (3 + Level): CC Max Ranks (/2):

Key Skill Ability Misc
IC * = Untrained Ability Mod Mod Ranks Synergy Mod
Concentration Con +8 = +4 4 +0 +0
Spellcraft Int +7 = +3 4 +0 +0
X Spot Wis +3 = +1 2 +0 +0
X Listen Wis +3 = +1 2 +0 +0
X Tumble Dex +4 = +2 2 +0 +0

Quarterstaff +1 1d6+1 x2 - 4 lb B two-handed
Light Crossbow +2 1d8 19-20/x2 80ft 4 lb P two-handed

Ammo: 40 bolts TOTAL WEIGHT: 8 lb

COIN: PP: GP: 10 SP: 5 CP:

Belt pouch ½ lb |
Flint and steel - |
Silk rope 5 lb |
Ten candles
Three pages of parchment
Ink & inkpen
Spell component pouch
Spellbook 1 lb |
ID and traveling papers - |

LB LB LB lb lb


A low-ranking member of House Kundarak, Kef has always been slightly "off" as his family is wont to say.
He has a habit of laughing at the most inoportune times and followed the path of a wizard. He caught the eye of a travelling gnomish wizard to his home city of Sharn during his teen years, who requested that Kef become his apprentice. His family was all to glad to have him away from their sight and so his years of tutelage began. They travelled extensively looking for rare spell ingredients and learning new ideas and knowledge in the many libraries. He's good-natured and very polite, does his best not to get in the way if trouble happens, which always seem to follow him around. In the last year or so he's struck out on his own to make a name for himself and , hopefully, have people remember the name of Kef the Magnificant. Kef has a strong belief of right and will always stand up in the face of wrongdoings, which might be the cause of his troubles. His motto is "I've been given a gift and I must share it with the world, to deprive them of me would be a great tragedy along the lines of the Last War" Very showy and has a habit of showing off overly much.

Last edited:


First Post
My rolls for Kezran, Brelish human psychic warrior......
15, 11, 10, 11, 12, and 15.
Two scores high enough to avoid a re-roll by the PHB, but oh so much mediocrity. :\ :heh:

Character sheet follows. The background probably needs a bit of sprucing up, but I'm not sure yet if he should be a friend or associate of the party's Psion or Soulknife.

[sblock=Kezran]Kezran...................................Male Brelish Human
Strength............15 (+2)...........Character Level: 1, Psychic Warrior 1, XP: 0
Dexterity...........11 (+0)...........Medium-Size, Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. armored)
Constitution......12 (+1)............Initiative: +0, BAB: +0, Grapple: +2
Intelligence.......10 (+0)............Melee: +2, Ranged: +0
Wisdom...........15 (+2)............Total HP: 9, Current HP: 9, Nonlethal: 0
Charisma..........11 (+0)............Fortitude: +3, Reflex: +0, Will: +2

AC: 14/16 (+0 Dex, +4 armor, +0/+2 shield), Touch AC: 10, Flat-Footed AC: 14/16
Alignment: Chaotic Good, Age 19, Height 5'-9", Weight 134 lbs.
Lightly-Tanned Caucasian Skin, Blue Eyes, Short & Spiky Black Hair

Languages (Literate): Common.
Proficiencies: All simple weapons, all martial weapons, all armors, and all shields except tower shields.
Human Bonus Feat: Psionic Talent.
Level Progression Feats: Psionic Talent.
Psychic Warrior Bonus Feats: Psionic Weapon.

Skills: Autohypnosis +5 (3 ranks, +2 Wis), Concentration +5 (4 ranks, +1 Con), Knowledge (local - Sharn) +1 (1 rank cross-class, +0 Int), Knowledge (psionics) +1 (1 ranks, +0 Int), Profession (guide) +4 (2 ranks, +2 Wis).

Racial Traits: Medium-sized humanoid (human), bonus feat at 1st-level, 4 extra skill points at 1st-level, 1 extra skill point at each additional level, highest-level class is favored class.
Ability Score Development: Standard rolls, for base scores of 15, 11, 12, 10, 15, and 11.

Psionics: Manifester level 1, Wisdom-based, save DCs of 10 + power level + Wisdom modifier, knows 1 power of 1st-level.
Power Points: Currently 6/6 remaining.
1st-Level Powers: Vigor.

Possessions: Glaive (8 gp, 10 lbs., 1d10 slashing, 20/x3 critical, 10 ft. reach), Warhammer (12 gp, 5 lbs., 1d8 bludgeoning, 20/x3 critical), Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb., 1d4 piercing or slashing, 19-20/x2 critical, 10 ft. increment), 5 Javelins (5 gp, 10 lbs., 1d6 piercing, 20/x2 critical, 30 ft. increment), Heavy Wooden Shield (7 gp, 10 lbs., 1d4 bludgeoning, 20/x2 critical, +2 AC, -2 armor check penalty, 15% arcane spell failure), Scalemail Armor (50 gp, 30 lbs., +4 AC, +3 maximum Dexterity bonus to AC, -4 armor check penalty, 25% arcane spell failure), Traveler's Outfit (free starting outfit, 5 lbs., worn outfit doesn't count towards his encumbrance), Backpack (2 gp, 2 lbs., holds coins, bedroll, soap, torch, rations, and waterskins), Bedroll (1 sp, 5 lbs.), Soap (1 gp, 1 lb.), Flint & Steel (1 gp), Torch (1 cp, 1 lb.), 3 Trail Rations (15 sp, 3 lbs.), 3 Waterskins (3 gp, 12 lbs.).

Wealth: 0 pp, 6 gp, 17 sp, 19 cp.....................Current Load: 91 lbs. (medium)
Light Load: 66 lbs. max..Medium Load: 133 lbs. max..Heavy Load: 200 lbs. max
Lift High: 200 lbs. max..Lift Off Ground: 400 lbs. max..Push/Drag: 1,000 lbs. max
Medium Load Drawbacks: 20 ft. speed, +3 max Dex to AC, -3 check penalty.
Heavy Load Drawbacks: 20 ft. speed, x3 run, +1 max Dex to AC, -6 check penalty.

Appearance: The young man standing before you looks to be a few inches short of 6 feet tall, leanly muscular and wearing some old scalemail armor that looks a bit uncomfortable and poorly-fitted to his short frame. A hefty glaive rests on his shoulder, the pole's blunt end on the ground and the shaft held in place by the teenager's callused right hand. A battered warhammer is strapped to the youth's left shoulder, over an armored pauldron, and a brace of javelins hangs behind his right shoulder. A simple dagger with a worn-down leather grip is sheathed at the youth's belt, and a wooden kite shield is strapped over his bulging, tattered backpack.

This young human fellow, apparently of Brelish descent, wears otherwise ordinary and cheap-looking clothes like you'd expect on a common vagabond. His face is slightly handsome but otherwise nondescript, without any prominant features. Eyes of blue, scruffy black hair cut short, and a light tan on his skin from frequent but brief exposure to the sun's rays. All in all he looks like a ruffian of some sort, no two ways about it, but not a particularly grubby one. His eyes have a kind look to them, at least, and it seems that he at least bathes on occasion.

Personality: Kezran is a bit erratic and tends to act on the spur of the moment, but his intuition is good. He wanders a lot in search of something to do and ways to make money, but isn't entirely selfish. Although he's loathe to share anything, since he's grown up with very little and always had to scrape by, Kezran never hesitates to help anyone else in need. As long as he doesn't have to do anything too crazy or give away his last coin, anyway.

Kezran likes a good brawl, but isn't stupid enough to pick a fight he has no chance of surviving. His time as an orphan, wandering the streets as a guide and errand-boy, has made Kezran both wary and sensitive to the plight of other poor folks. Kezran prefers actions, not words and plans and other wastes of time, but he can be reasonable sometimes. He gets antsy when he isn't doing anything, so Kezran tends to at least exercise or practice his streetfighting skills when there's nothing better to do.

Background: Kezran is an orphaned lad who grew up on the streets of Sharn, earning his meals as an errand-boy for various people in the lower districts of Sharn, and other times as a guide to visitors in the lower districts. Kezran lost his parents at an early age, and can't remember how anymore, but he thinks he remembers it being a plague. He has toughened up a bit and built up some muscles through some of his courier jobs and the occasional scuffle, but Kezran has had a slight leg up on other poor kids in Sharn's lower districts. Namely, his psionic talents, which began to manifest after he had a brief run-in with an elderly kalashtar, who fended off some thugs with his unusual powers.

Kezran felt a strange pressure in his head on many days following that proximity to the kalashtar's manifestations, and eventually he ran into the old man again. The kalashtar, Nev-Marakai, sensed the potential in the boy and the rough but kind spirit the boy had. After a short, strange conversation that still puzzles Kezran (he still hasn't figured out any of the kalashtar's riddles or proverbs yet), the elderly psion decided to try and set the boy on a path to greater understanding, seeing that Kezran could someday be an ally to the city's kalashtar and would be in their debt.

Kezran met with Nev-Marakai each week to train a bit in developing his talents and controlling them, but spent most of his time wandering the streets and doing odd-jobs, since he couldn't stand being in one place too long. Eventually Kezran managed to master the basic manifestations of his own power, but the old man was growing weary of trying to instill discipline upon the then-teenage Kezran. They parted ways but Kezran said he'd be back to check on the old man once he figured out some more on his own, and after he got some free time away from the lectures and riddles and boring meditation exercises.....

Kezran started working more often as both a guide and a guard to travelers in the lower districts of Sharn, and after a few fights with his newly-awakened powers, Kezran was able to claim a few pieces of armor and weaponry from some defeated thugs. He sold what he didn't need and managed to buy some other equipment and supplies, but still needed to find some more work before he could really be secure and successful as a bodyguard.....

Miscellaneous Notes: None yet.

Glaive +2 melee for 1d10+3 damage
Warhammer +2 melee for 1d8+2 damage
Shield bash +2 melee for 1d4+1 damage
Dagger +2 melee for 1d4+2 damage
Dagger +0 ranged for 1d4+2 damage (10 ft. increment, 50 max)
Javelin +0 ranged for 1d6+2 damage (30 ft. increment, 150 max)

Unarmed strike +2 melee for 1d3+2 nonlethal damage (provokes AoO)
Grapple attempt +2 melee touch to grab, grapple check +2 for 1d3+2 nonlethal damage and establishes a hold (provokes AoO)
Grapple check +2 for 1d3+2 nonlethal damage
Grapple check +2 to resist or escape a grapple or pin[/sblock]


First Post
Ack. Figures that the choice is made while I was in the middle of finishing my character sheet. And I forgot to keep a link to my rolls on InvisibleCastle, mediocre as they were. :\


I have to bow out. My back is hurt alot worse than I imagined. I'm not supposed to do anything but stay in bed. Can't even sit up. Sorry for making you wait. :(

Voidrunner's Codex

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