The Four Lands - The Colony


J. Alexander said:
The party was sent/invited with only the information that a unique and once in a lifetime business opportunity wold be presented that was benefical to you, the church, the dwarves mention of establishing a colony was made.

OOC: Oops! Sorry I guess I made the assumption we knew about the colony. Oh well, most folks probably ignored what Alvar was saying anyway. :heh:

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Randal Lucius Stormweaver

Lean man of average height, Randal still has a way of attracting everyone's attention when he so desires. His deep baritone, normally kept at quiet tones can grow to thundering volume when he so desires. He wears combination of dark colors, mostly black and midnight blue, long cloak rimmed with bright blue lightning motive. His above average looks are augmented by pleasant voice and piercing dark eyes.

At his side is sometimes brash young woman, pleasing to the eyes, but not so refined in behavior.

While he tends to participate in discussions, especially in history of Four Lands and racial relations, she retreats to some quiet corner and practically disappears.

He talked with everyone, talking with dwarves in their native language when alone with them. He sometimes after a good meal would take his lyre and would tell heroic tales of the past while gently playing the instrument. Sometimes, when tempers frayed at long imprisonment, he would weave a story of value of friendship or virtue of patience.

He never scoffed at anyone, regardless of race or religion and in turn never showed any strong affiliations to any particular power group.

Not once has he raised his voice in frustration or anger and he refused to comment on their imprisonment, content to wait it out. And enjoying good food and better company in the process.

"Yet, all this non-planning by humans has one interesting consequence. Namely, very rapid expansion in any niche that city can exist. Even totaly non-defensible, barely survivable, marsh bordering location will have thriving city if it is in favorable location such as trade crossroads or middle point between two important locations within dangerous area. While dwarves would disdain such location for it's instability or lack of stone and sane city builder would say that it is impossible to build walls to protect the city, there would still be those with will to succeed, driving need to carve a place for themselves in this world."
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

"Indeed, Randal. It is that hopefulness, that absolute belief that they can accomplish anything that I love about humans. On the other hand, this ambition to fill every available space and niche is also why my conservative kinfolk fear humans and are so cautious of them. There is great fear among the Dwarves - and likely the other races as well - that when humans run out of available niches they will begin trying to make previously unavailable niches come open to them."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Randal Lucius Stormweaver, historian

Yes, unfortunately, history teaches us that same happens whenever one culture, mark, culture not race runs out of space. It will then attempt to assimilate those around itself to spread it's influence. Also, unfortunately, we all resist outside attempts at change and that leads to wars, of ideas, cultures, races...

I like to believe that before this world becomes so populated that humans have need to go underground, we will be cultured enough to allow others to live as they want and control our primal urges instead of allowing them to lead us to war.



Listening to Randal and Pandak discuss racial issues, Hennett has the good sense not to enter the debate. He thinks, "If only the so-called 'civilized' races would stop their brutal exploitation of the natural world. The Dwarves by ripping apart the mountains from the inside out, and the humans by heaping their cities and their filth upon the world's back. Then nature could heal herself, the beauty of the land would return, and the beasts would have their full range once again."



"The average man goes to war for those primal urges of which you speak, but for men of power war is just another tool. It has it use just as the hammer and the plow do. The trick of higher purpose is knowing when it is the right tool for the job which must be done. Some craftsmen become specialists with their tool of choice and think it is the best tool for any task and so it is for men and war. Some men see war as the answer to every problem. That is the folly we should strive against. If you believe mankind should abandon war altogether then you've never seen the orcs on the march. Until they give up war we would be fools to even entertain such notions."



Scotley said:
"The average man goes to war for those primal urges of which you speak, but for men of power war is just another tool. It has it use just as the hammer and the plow do. The trick of higher purpose is knowing when it is the right tool for the job which must be done. Some craftsmen become specialists with their tool of choice and think it is the best tool for any task and so it is for men and war. Some men see war as the answer to every problem. That is the folly we should strive against. If you believe mankind should abandon war altogether then you've never seen the orcs on the march. Until they give up war we would be fools to even entertain such notions."
"Yes. Orcs also very bad. Chop many trees."

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Pandak Kaswitikan

"Quite right, both of you! There is much to be said for both cultures, and there is definitely a time a place for the use of force. And your point, Ederin, is well taken also. I am a happy Dwarf, to be in such enlightened company! Whatever our hosts have in store for us initial indications are that we will work well together."


First Post
Hmm. I am not fool enought to say that war is useless. It is a tool, and it shall be used as a last resort. But it shall be used.

As for expansion, it is true: human expansion is great and speedy and all. But does it really bring happiness and riches? I don't think that the proportion between rich people and poor people has changed in the last thousands of years. Humans waste, and until they learn to expand and grow in a rational and balanced way, both humans, other races and nature will suffer.

The Light and Nature reward those who respect them. I've seen it with my own eyes: there was a merchant outpost that I once projected and guided, from its beginning to its transformation into a steady growing city. The merchants were wise enought to recognize my advice to respect nature, and the Light rewarded them: they discovered a big copper mine.

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