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The Four Lands - The Great North Part 2

J. Alexander

First Post
Bertrand and Finnian
[sblock]Oppnets out of your most horrid nightmare begin to assail you. You are completly surronded and can not even see your friends[/sblock]

Anniston, Jaroth, Vorian, Vadric
[sblock]Both Bertrand and Finnain begin to shout out their warnings of horrid foes but you see nothing.[/sblock]

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Vorian Tolgar

Ignore the last comment to Arrwuh if there are no opponents visible.

"What in the Light!? Arrwuh, can you see something? Bertrand, Finnian, What is it?"

J. Alexander

First Post
For Finnian
[slbock]as you fight the creatures around you, you spot an imenese demon like creature charging at you[/sblock]

For Finnian and Bertrand
[sblock]You hear a great howling coming from the creatures around you[/sblock]

For vorian
[sblock]there is no evil presence that the hound can detect[/sblock]

For Vorian, Jaroth, Anniston and Vadric
[sblock]Bertrand and Finnian begin attacking the air around them[/sblock]


First Post
Finnian Douglas AC 18 117/117 SpD remaining 3, 6, 5, 4, 2

Finnian finishes his spell (Wounding Whispers) enveloping himself in a protective aura of music. Preparing to meet the charging demon, Finnian raises his voice.

"This, Vorian, is why we do not have time for the full services you wish to give. The Light wants to help us, but the darkness refuses to relinquish the time necessary. We can just perform the requiem and let the Light do the work it wants to do. It cannot act if we do not ask it."

Then Finnian's voice raises in a song of prayer.

"Light on high, hear our prayer,
Keep them safe, always ever in your care..."


First Post
Vadric does his best to get out of Finnian and Bertrand's way, dodging their blades as they swing at unseen assailants. Warsong remains ready in his hand, but without a target their is little the knight can do to aid his companions. He studies their actions and words carefully, trying to get a sense of what may be happening.

Knowledge (Arcana) and Spellcraft to try to determine if they are being magically influenced or such:

Knowledge: Arcana check: 26
Spellcraft check: 26

J. Alexander

First Post
For Vorian, Vadric, Anniston and Jaroth
[sblock]As you rush to your friends aid you have to avid their blows which appear to be directed at you as you rush in...you can see no foe they face[/sblock]

For Finnian and Bertrand
[sblock]as you engage in combat with the evil about you..you receive no answer from your friends as you call for their assistance and give out your warnings....(i need each of you to roll a d20[/sblock]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Vorian Tolgar

"Everyone, let them swing about they don't seem to be in immediate danger. Don't risk injury from lucky swing if they are just in grasp of some phantasm."

Few seconds later he thinks aloud:
"Maybe it's same fight we all fought before? Can that be influence of The Book, Morgan deSion?"
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