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The Funeral (Stonegood judging) [finished]

Rystil Arden

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*Siobhan moves forward.*

"Brother, ask him what the first thing he said to us was and where he met us. The one to whom you speak is likely our enemy," she suggests.

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Raven stands and says to the chapel officer, "Please help him. He's merely a hired hand, I believe. She then draws her sword and moves cautiously towards where she recalls the dead warforged to be.

OOC: Raven is a woman.


ooc: I should probably clarify this; the fog is located right in the middle of the chapel and is 40 feet across; that's most of the platform. This means:

-Latharion, Siobhan and Raven, who are approximately at the gates, can see each other, but can't see anybody else.

-Niccolo can see the Cannith he's fighting with and nobody else.

-Stulgar can see Orerreth and nobody else.

Now that I think on it, all of you can make Listen and Spellcraft checks. Have in mind that Orerreth is speaking softly (he has a handkerchief against his mouth), and you only could hear the spel's vrbal component.

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Siobhan should be able to get from the gates all the way to the platform this round, though, if she double-moves--she'll do that so that nobody has to make Listen checks to hear her)


The man with the probe
"Stay back. Only sister gets near," Stulgar says. "I have crystal." If Orerreth persists, he will treat him as an enemy (Attack).

OOC: Stulgar is not a good lier at the moment (He can't due to rage :confused: ), but he says. Basicly, Orerreth wasn't close enough to appear last Stulgar knew, and he can tell his own sister appart from imposter, even in rage.


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Niccolo - male human swashbuckler

Niccolo shakes his head impatiently as the mist swirls around him. "You'll make tracks if you know what's good for you," he says to his opponent as they fence back and forth. "Your side's lost -- I hope you got paid in advance."

OOC: Listen check to hear things: 1d20+0=13

OOC: Then a bluff check to encourage the guy to run: 1d20+6=12


ooc: This is quickly becoming the most bizarre combat I’ve ever DMed, or watched for that matter. I hope you're enjoying it, but from now on I’d ask you to bear with me and read only your spoiler block, and also to reply with sblocks:

Last round you heard spellcasting and fighting from within the cloud of mist, and Stulgar talking with someone she doesn’t recognize (though she can’t make the words)

This round, Raven picks up her sword again and leaves her patient under the care of a well intentioned man, then enters the mist. She spots Orerreth fighting one of the guards with little success and finish her turn adjacent to both.

She also hears the following:

-Niccolo taunting someone (“I hope you were paid in advance” that someone replying “Thank you. I was paid, unlike you”) and the clash of steel against steel, both events just a few paces away.
-Stulgar talking to someone, saying that nobody shall get near the warforged.
-A man casting a spell, by the sound of it nor far from Stulgar’s voice.[/sblock]

You’re very tired (your rage and shifting finished a round ago), and can barely hold your axe, but something makes you not trust this guy. As you speak with him, you can hear the sound of fighting from within the mist. When you finish, he shakes his head and says ”I’m sorry my friend, but this is something I must do. I hope you understand.” Then steps away, disappearing within the mist, and the next thing you notice is that you’re surrounded by an explosion of color. You groan as your overloaded senses threaten to shut down your brain.

Ooc: Make a Will saving throw, DC 15[/sblock]

You attack your opponent with the same success as a few seconds ago. Your taunt, “I hope you were paid in advance” is replied with a smirk and a “Thank you. I was paid, unlike you”.

After a few seconds, Siobhan appears and joins the fight. The man you’re fighting adquires some confidence, since you’re not showing a lot of skill, and attacks, but you can parry his sword thrust.

You also hear the following:

-Clashing steel, just a few paces from your position.
-Stulgar talking to someone, saying that nobody shall get near the warforged.
-A man casting a spell, by the sound of it nor far from Stulgar’s voice.[/sblock]

You move forward, entering the fog, and find Niccolo fighting with one of the guards. You’re now adjacent to both.

You also hear the following:

-Clashing steel, just a few paces from your position.
-Stulgar talking to someone, saying that nobody shall get near the warforged.
-A man casting a spell, by the sound of it nor far from Stulgar’s voice.[/sblock]

Latharion’s actions are pending.

Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=Someone]Looking back at the old maps, a double move should easily bring her from the entrance to the altar with Stulgar and Ceshil, so she does that, as mentioned.[/SBLOCK]

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