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The funniest encounter or moment in your campaign


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the group was running through the forest and ran into a group of raptors (as a random encounter). After kiling them pretty easily, the cleric said, "too bad them werent T Rexes..."

I replied, "be careful what you ask for." with a sly smile

An hour later, they heard loud rumblings, and the sound of huge footsteps. I gave them ten rounds to prepare before the things came. the group decided to tie up the ox that had been carrying their stuff to a tree and hide in the trees as the T Rex came. The wiz then cast inv to all the players and hid in the bushes.

The rogue (idiot of the party) claimed that the ox is too quiet and the TRex wont notice him... so he jumped out of the trees (in 9th rd) and walked over to the ox. I said "the footsteps are extremely close" and he says, "i know"

He then kicks the ox, making it scream out, but in attacking the ox, he becomes visible. At that precise moment, the T Rex makes his way through the clearing, and sees them both (it had scent anyways).

The guy chooses to pull out his rapier and charge the T Rex... bad idea.

He spent the duration of combat in the gizzard of the dino- the party was losing, so i had an NPC take out the Dino- feeling sorry for them- they got 1/2 xp for effort

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Ramien Meltides

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My funniest story comes from a Champions Superhero game I was running:

A desperate battle begins between Vanguard, the forces of good, and the Cyber Six, the forces of evil.

Already outnumbered the heroes must hope for luck. All eyes turn to Elemental, the nominal leader of Vanguard's team.

Elemental's player: "I want to use my feign death talent."
Me: "Er, are you sure?"
Elemental's player: "Yes, I'll set myself to 'wake up' when someone walks next to me and get a surprise attack on them!"
Me: "Well... if you're certain."

Of course, he said nothing to the other players about this...

So, the tense moment arrives. Elemental points at the bad guys, assumes his leader-type stance and bellows the battle cry: "Vangaurd... go!"

Our heroes are poised to leap into action at the sound of the familiar shout, but enemies and allies alike pause to gape as Elemental clutches his chest, lets out choking sounds, and falls to the ground apparently dead, leaving the rest of Vanguard outnumbered 2 to 1.

The heroes: "Wow... that was wierd."
The villains: "Um... yeah. We didn't do it."
The heroes: "Shrug"
The villains: "Shrug"

And so the fight commenced! Despite the incredible odds, Vanguard triumphed... without anyone setting foot nearby the seemingly dead leader.

After all the hash was settled, Vanguard approached the body of their teammate... to be greeted by a pair of eyes snapping open and a bewildered question from the downed comrade:

"Um, did we win?"

Vanguard promptly blasted him back into unconsciousness in a flurry of frustrated fists and energy beams.

So let that be a lesson to you!


Once A Fool
Re: Re: The funniest encounter or moment in your campaign

Sammelsurum said:

Now all that does is make me curious! How bad was it? :)

You've read worse. But it would probably have made Eric's Grandmother cringe.


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In our session last night, we had a series of brain farts that could only lead to a truly odd encounter. We had just entered an underground area in which we knew there were undead enemies wandering about and had finished off two ghoulish type creatures without much pain or suffering. Unfortunately it was a very tight quarters fight and the mage didnt get to help. She was grumpy about this but we had survived and the rest of us shrugged and decided to move on down the hallway. We come to a corner and see a door about 30 feet away in a wall. The cleric is standing next to me(the thief) and is detecting undead. He doesnt notice any presence so i decide that I will go check out the door for traps. I say, "I'll be right back." And proceed to sneak down the hallway. The cleric in fine form says "I follow him" just as the DM says "CLICK". My logic for not checking the hallway was that I could just discover traps polish mine detector style and use my high reflex save to jump clear. The clerics intent was to be a good friend. Well after the click, I jump clear of the nice pit trap and hear a "WOAH!" *SQUISH-SPLAT* I spin around and see the cleric up to his neck in sentient goo. I quickly reach into my haversack and toss down some rope to him so that he can try and pull himself out. And thats when i notice that I weigh 30 odd pounds as a halfling with my gear and he weighs about 6 times that much. After several failed attempts at removing the cleric from the pit followed by the sounds of *WHUMP* and "OUCH THAT BURNS!" from in the pit, the mage says "Well since im not helping anyway..." and tosses a pebble of obscuring mist into the pit. Luckily the cleric managed to not lose his grasp on the rope and we got the entire party to pull a very acid eaten goof out of the pit.

Us: "So whats happening in the pit now."
DM: "You're not sure because you cant see anything, but that sounded painful."


First Post
These are some really funny stories... maybe someone should publish a "funny-campaign", like there are horrorcampaigns ;)


Here's one that happened last night. We are starting a new campaign, set in Freeport.

Here's a rough transcript of the conversation that transpired after my arrival. My character is one I had been contemplating for more than a year.

Someone: "So, what are you going to play?"
Me: "A human conjurer. His name is Faust, and he summons demonic creatures."
Bill: "You bastard!"
Me: "Huh?"
Bill: "You're serious?"
Me: "Uh, yeah. Why?"
Bill: "When did you come up with this idea?"
Me: "I've had it for a long time. WHY?"
Bill: "I was going to play a character named Faust, too. He's human, he's a conjurer, and he summons demonic creatures. I was talking to John about it this afternoon."
John: "Yeah, he was"

John is staring wide-eyed in disbelief. I pull out three previous versions of Faust I had written up in the last year. Through some bizarre coincidence, Bill and I had both hit on exactly the same character concept, and we both had chosen to spring him at the exact same moment. There was much amazement, but in the end we found a solution.

"Group, I'd like to introduce you to the brothers Faust, Heinrich and Vokos."


Dark Dragon

Some short stories:

During a sea travel in the tropics, our mage decided to take a bath and jumped off the ship. The moment he has left the ship he remembered he can't swim...

In an other group, the drd/wiz (lvl 1/12) was bound to the outer side of a city wall (why..it's a complex history...). The city was attacked by a red great wyrm. It came to the dragon's mind to fly through the wall. The mage tried to CHARM (!) the dragon, but the spell failed (Time of Troubles...) and created a wall of fire in front of himself. The dragon roared in joy about that big red target flag, went through the flames, the mage and the city wall... The mage was torn into pieces.

The same PC jumped in an earlier adventure in a holy lake of Angarath to take a bath...on the home plane of that deity. The DM was really confused (letting the PC dying of joy or giving him a chance). He got his chance, but he's unable to have joy again.

A druid PC has his best combat stats for a sling (his only long-range weapon), but the opportunities to use it are rare. On a hunt, he tried to hit a bird to get a meal, rolled a 1 and knocked himself prone. Later there was a fight with goblins. The party slaughtered them except one who tried to escape. The cleric fired his bow and missed, the ranger hit but didn't deal enough damage to kill the goblin. So the druid used his sling, rolled a 1 and dislodged his arm. The elven mage got the goblin down with a shot from his short bow...

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