The goblin BombMage


First Post
Alright, so we have goblins and we think: Yeah, those guys are nasty little buggers.

Now, what could make them nastier... The obvious way would be to use traps.

Now I enjoy fire, and that being said, I believe most goblins would also enjoy burning their enemies to smithereens, thus the idea for the goblin Bomb mage.

The concept of the monster is simple, he sticks magical mines around the battlefield. When someone has the badluck to step on one, he blows up.

Here comes my beasty!

Goblin Bomb Mage, Level 3 controller, 150 XP
Small natural humanoid
HP:46 Bloodied: 23
AC:17 Fort: 15 Ref: 16 Will : 15
Initiative : +2
Perception : +0, low light vision
:bmelee: Quarterstaff
+8 VS AC, 1d6+3 damage
:ranged: GRENADE!
Range 10, +8 vs AC, 1d6+3 fire damage, ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends)
:close: Minefield, Recharge :5: :6:
Choose 3 squares within burst 5, they now have a mine on them. Have everyone who sees the square make a DC 20 perception check, if any PC notices it, mark the mines on the map.
When anyone steps on a mine, the mine is destroyed and makes an attacka against the creature.
+7 VS reflex, 3d6+3 fire damage, slide the target by 2.
Goblin tactics(blah blah blah)

I tested it, it's a very funny monster to play with. Maybe a bit cheap :p, but the attacks are avoidable and the players get a chance of seeing them coming.

Tell me what you think!

[Edit for HP!]
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First Post
Actually, when they get hit, they just blow up.

Seriously, though, I'll post the HP is on my laptop, I'll post it after work tonight.


Penguin Herder
If a grenade deals fire damage, why is it vs. AC instead of Reflex?

Ongoing damage is fire damage, right? (If it is you should say "ongoing 5 fire damage".)

Cheers, -- N


Tehnai said:
Actually, when they get hit, they just blow up.

Seriously, though, I'll post the HP is on my laptop, I'll post it after work tonight.
You know, that's not a bad death-activated power. :D


First Post
Updated for fire damage.

It hits against AC because it's a vial of some sort. It actually needs to hit the target, kinda like the kobold slinger's bullets.


Penguin Herder
Tehnai said:
It hits against AC because it's a vial of some sort. It actually needs to hit the target, kinda like the kobold slinger's bullets.
Ah, gotcha. So it's more like alchemist's fire than like a grenade. :)

Cheers, -- N

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