• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Gray King - A game of morally gray fear - Calling Zurai!


Back from the frontiers... I'm on a forced hiatus from my normal routine due to some immigration troubles and saw that you were recruiting for a game.

I'd love to hop back in a game with you Isida.

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ferrix said:
Back from the frontiers... I'm on a forced hiatus from my normal routine due to some immigration troubles and saw that you were recruiting for a game.

I'd love to hop back in a game with you Isida.
Ferrix! Long time! Hope all is well. :)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ferrix said:
Heh... unfortunately not so great if you consider I've been expelled from Canada for a year due to an immigration snafu. Otherwise, yes.
Silly Canadians. :( Boycott Maple Syrup!


First Post
In for the penny, in for the pound. Here's my character sheet and background for Valerian (Aerenal grey elven Archivist):

[sblock=Character Sheet]
Male Grey Elf Archivist 3
N Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Initiative: +2
Senses: Listen+4, Spot +4; Low-light Vision
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Auran, Quor, Giant

AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15; +5 Armor, +2 Dexterity
Hit Points: 18 (3 HD)
Fortitude +5, Reflex +4, Will +6
Immune magical sleep

Speed 20'
Melee longsword -2 (1d8-1) or
Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8)
Base Attack Bonus: +1; Grapple: +0
Spells Known:
0th - all
1st - Bane, Bless, Cure Light Wounds, Comprehend Languages, Endure Elements, Hide From Undead, Shield of Faith, Summon Monster I, Summon Undead I, Produce Flame
2nd - Cure Moderate Wounds, Summon Monster II, Flame Blade, Healing Sting, Winter's Embrace
Spells Per Day: 4/4/3, DC 14 + spell level (+2 for Conjuration spells)

Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 10
Special Qualities: Elven Traits, Dark Knowledge, Lore Mastery
Flaws: Murky-Eyed (roll miss chance for concealment twice, take worse roll), Noncombatant (-2 to melee attacks)
Feats: Scribe Scroll <Bonus>, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning <Flaw>, Beckon The Frozen <Flaw>, Energy Substitution (Cold)
Trained Skills: Concentration +7, Decipher Script +12, Knowledge (Arcana) +10, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +10, Knowledge (History) +10, Knowledge (Religion) +10, Knowledge (The Planes) +12, Spellcraft +10
Untrained Skills: Listen +4, Search +6, Spot +4
Equipment: breastplate, longsword, light crossbow, quiver with 20 bolts, backpack, bedroll, 5 trail rations, prayerbook, scroll case, 10 sheets of parchment, scribing kit, waterskin, everburning torch, silver holy symbol of the Undying Court, spell component pouch, wand of cure light wounds (CL 1, 50 charges), shroud (cloak) of resistance +1
Note: Produce Flame, Flame Blade, Healing Sting, and Winter's Embrace were bought on scrolls then scribed into the prayerbook (total cost 937.5 gp)
Money: 1 pp, 15 gp, 20 sp, 10 cp, 2 gems worth 10 gp each

Elven Traits: Immune to magical sleep; +2 saves vs enchantment effects; +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks; can detect secret doors by passing within 5'
Dark Knowledge: 4 times per day, Hugin can activate one of the following abilities by targetting an aberration, elemental, magical beast, outsider, or undead within 60' (no line of sight required, but he must be aware of the target's presence) and rolling an appropriate Knowledge check (DC 15). If he exceeds the DC by 10 or 20, there are greater benefits. Dark Knowledge may only ever be used once on each individual creature, no matter which particular aspect of Dark Knowledge is used. Using Dark Knowledge counts as a move action.
Tactics: All allies gain +1 to hit vs creatures of the same race as the target for 1 minute. Success by 10 grants a +2 bonus while success by 20 grants a +3 bonus.
Lore Mastery: Hugin gains +2 to Decipher Script and Knowledge (The Planes) checks.

[sblock=Appearance and Personality]
Valerian is a tall, reed-thin elf, bundled in a wispy, diaphanous shroud wrapped tightly around his body. The edges of the shroud are frayed and threads dangle and dance in even the slightest breeze. His skin is a pale, deathly gray, but his eyes are bright; icy blue in shade, they follow the actions of everyone around him with a mixture of curiosity and paranoia.

Valerian is a free soul. He bridles at any attempt to put him under the dominion or command of another being, although he will accept a subserviant position if the rewards (or lack of punishments) are great enough. He is curious and inquisitive, but at the same time cautious and pessimistic. He wants to know how everything works - especially magical objects - but is intelligent and sensible enough to know when to be silent and observe. While he is not evil as such, he is willing to perform amoral and dire acts if doing so will serve the greater purpose which drives him.

Valerian is an Aerenal elf of a minor Line. Like many Aerenal elves, he pursued a path of magery; his path, however, was not the traditional Aerenal magical path. Instead of studying under a master or becoming a priest of the Undying Court, he chose to investigate the true source of magic. His studies led him from tomb to temple to monument, across the breadth of Aerenal.

His goals are the same as most of his race; to master the art of magic and further the cause of his people. His methods, on the other hand, are quite different. While most Elven arcanists practice Necromancy, it is usually of the positive energy variety, as Mabar-bound undead are anathema to the Undying Court. Valerian believes that ignoring the source of your enemy's power is allowing your enemy to gain power over you. Since he's not particularly keen for anyone to have power over him, he thus felt it was both wise and justified to learn what he could of Mabar and the negative energy Necromancy that is the norm outside of Aerenal.

At first, no one suspected anything, as Valerian had always been detached, and was rarely among the greater population of elves, preferring instead to either be in the field exploring ruins, or to be locked in his home reviewing and experimenting with his latest finds. Eventually, however, his experimentations were discovered by the Deathguard and he was banished from Aerenal, never to return.

While this upset him deeply, Valerian decided that this was the perfect opportunity to continue his explorations abroad, and set out on an expedition to Xen'drik. Once he reached Stormreach, he advertised his services as a spellcaster to fellow explorers and adventurers, eventually finding a small party headed to a ruin in the heart of the Xen'drik jungles. Over the course of the next three months, he and his companions battled their way into the depths of Xen'drik, explored and looted the temple, and managed to escape back to Stormreach relatively unscathed once their looting awoke the ancient guardian of the temple - a gigantic stone golem made to resemble a writhing mass of tentacles.

The golem intrigued Valerian and he began to research some of the eldritch writings he copied from the once-temple, believing that the two were linked in some deeper fashion. The writings seem to hint at some connection between the magic of the people who built the temple and the plane of Dal Quor. However, before he could fully decipher the writings and follow up on those discoveries, he began to have strange dreams... even stranger for the fact that elves do not dream.

[sblock=Allies and Enemies]
There are few that Valerian would truly consider allies. His previous companions into the heart of Xen'drik, however, seemed pleased with his competence and their leader (a human member of House Tharashk named Koll d'Tharashk, who bore a Least Dragonmark) left contact information with Valerian when they parted ways, asking him to look them up again if he ever needed work. For his part, Valerian found their company pleasant enough, as they didn't interfere with his own investigations.

As for enemies - he has similarly few outright foes, but the entire nation of Aerenal is set against him. No elf who is aware of his exiled status will give him aid, and it's possible that the Deathguard would hunt him down if they received word of his continued use of Mabar-linked necromantic magic.

During the Last War, Valerian was still busy with his exploration and studies of the tombs and monuments of Aerenal.

Valerian is unusual both in that he casts divine spells not granted by a deity or the Undying Court, and in that he's an Aerenal elf that practices forbidden versions of Necromancy. He himself sees no problem with it, believing himself strong-willed and wise enough to avoid corruption through negative energy, but he is not flambouyant with the practice. Most of the Necromancy spells he knows are only research aids and tools of last resort.

Valerian does have one semi-phobia: he's touch-averse. Any person touching him, no matter how incidental, causes him to flinch away. This makes things difficult for him in bustling towns such as Stormreach, so he tends to take back allies and avoid the main streets.

He's curious about the message he received (via Sivis courier at Stormreach) and the hint of power it contains. Not to mention that the signature of the message seems to be linked to his odd dreamlike hallucinations during his nightly meditations.

OOC: Valerian is aiming for the Alienist prestige class. At 6th level, he's going to take his first level in Alienist if possible, as well as pick up the "Lord of the Uttercold" metamgic feat from CArc to further both his RP (negative energy-suffused magic) and his actual power (turns cold spells into half-cold, half-negative energy damage, helping to bypass energy resistance). He'll probably also pick up Piercing Cold from Frostburn (likely at Alienist 3, from the free metamagic feat) to further help against cold-resistant critters.

OOC Note: I apologize if there are any obvious inconsistencies in Valerian's background as it relates to Eberron's lore. This would be my first Eberron game and I'm not 100% familiar with the entire world's background. I've done my best to match it up with what's contained in the campaign setting and the player's guide, but please let me know if there's anything I need to fix.


First Post
I Live!


Alright, but seriously.

Ok, so here I go.....

I've got a couple of things swishing inside my head.

Here's the list:

Shifter Barbarian 1/Totemist 2 going for totem rager
Cynad wizard 1/psion 2 going for cerbromancer
Human Truenamer 3


First Post
Here is my background for Oliver, a binder. I'll have the full character sheet ASAP.

[sblock]Oliver grew up in Thrane, in the shadow of The Silver Flame. His mother was a Priestess of the church and it was she that initially kept him from practicing his art. She found him in the alleyway outside their home. They lived in rundown building in the bad, but not dangerous part of town. Oliver’s mother didn’t believe in niceties or personal wealth. She found Oliver at the tender age of five drawing in the dirt in the alley outside their home. Upon seeing the dark symbols that Oliver drew, she grabbed the boy by the wrist and dragged him inside, making the sign of the flame over her chest as she went.
“Where did you learn that!” His mother, Diana cried. The woman’s long golden hair seemed more like the mane of a great lion to the child that was Oliver.
“My friend,” he said meekly his mother’s rage filling him with fear. “The Shadow Man.”
“Oh, I see…” Diana said. “You’ll not be seeing any of your imaginary friends for a long time. You are going to go to a monastery, where the Brothers and Sisters will instruct you in the discipline of the Flame. You’ll come back a better boy, one that would be fit to lead a church, not slinking about in alleyways with imaginary friends, and the Flame knows who else!”
Her words were not harsh, but they seemed so to the young boy. With his Mother gone on church errands most of the day, her promises were shattering to the young boy. But he had no choice, so he went to the secluded monastery, and learned from the monks. There he learned discipline but he didn’t forget the harshness that his Mother always seemed to carry about her, even though she was a good mother at heart.

OOC: He learned the N part of NG from his mother and the L of the LG from the monks, resulting in his LN alignment. The church near his home was predominately NG, while the monks were strictly LG.

He learned discipline alright. Secretly while the monks were asleep, he carved the drawings he had learned from the shadow man into the wooden floor under his simple wooden bed. Many years passed in the monastery. The Shadow Man returned. Oliver, now a young man still practiced the things he was taught many years ago, but by now he dismissed The Shadow Man as just a figment of his imagination. The Shadow Man came when the moonlight didn’t illuminate the grounds. Here he taught Oliver the secrets of the drawings, how to unlock their power. If Oliver continued to practice, The Shadow Man whispered promises of power and wealth, everything the young man didn’t have while growing up in the shadow of The Silver Flame. The Shadow Man also praticed with Oliver the art of swordplay, and Oliver discovered, at least in part, why he was so named. Oliver however was so entranced with the idea of gaining power from things outside the Gods, he carefully tucked away the techniqes that The Shadow man taught him into the back of his mind. They might be of use later, when he has more time to practice them.

Eventually the monks found Oliver’s secret. It was when an influx of new students came to fight in what would be known as The Last War. Oliver was changing rooms, and his old room needed more beds. They moved his old bed and found the scrawled artistry on the oak beneath. Oliver escaped, with only the help of The Shadow Man. The Shadow Man commanded powers Oliver could only dream of. In the forest outside the monastery, The Shadow Man bade Oliver to go and find his destiny, but know that they would meet again.

Oliver joined up with some adventurers, ones that weren’t put off by his practices. They battled the forces of evil in the name of gold. Sometimes the forces of evil offered more gold though. Oliver was no fool though; he knew a life under a good king would be much better than a life under an evil baron. He took his blood money and used it to fight evil in its forms. Sometimes the rules must be bent a little in order for good to prevail. Then the dreams came. Oliver wondered if it was a message from The Shadow Man. He left his contracts behind heading straight for New Cyre.

Oliver tries to keep his bindings as secretive as he can. He knows The Church of the Silver Flame doesn’t approve, and he doesn’t want to make unnecessary enemies. I could see Oliver going straight Binder, though I am unsure, I’ve never played one at higher levels. RP wise he wants to continue to explore his abilities, but in the back of his mind he looks for the promises The Shadow Man told him: Power and Wealth. The dreams and the promises of The Shadow Man are all Oliver needs to go to New Cyre. Allies and enemies could go several or both ways. The Church of the Silver Flame has bent several rules before, they might not persecute him on sight(once he has proven his worth to them). The Shadow Man is intentionally vague, he could be an ally and valuable teacher, or he could be using Oliver for his own ends. The Shadow Man is a binder but who he is and who he works for(if anybody) is anybody’s guess. The biggest fear Oliver would have would be meeting his Mother once more. Edit: I would like to gain a level of swordsage(to mimic the abilities more like The Shadow Man), and take levels later in Knight of the Seal.

I am more familiar with Taint than Sanity, but neither would bother me in this game.[/sblock]
Last edited:


First Post
Isida Kep'Tukari said:
Well, I'm not even going to close submissions until Thursday or so, so I don't mind how many people want to sign up.

frostrune - The current hobgoblin has all pluses with no minuses. A normal hobgoblin, according to page 154 in the MM, has a +2 to Dex and Con, darkvision 60 ft., and a +4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks. All other PHB races have no more than a +2 racial bonus to any skill, and anyone that has a bonus has at least one negative. This is closest to the half-orc in terms of mechanics. So, if you would care to drop your +4 racial bonus to a +2, and take some penalties to Wisdom and Charisma, that would, I think, bring it in line. Unless you had a different idea?

Sounds reasonable to me. I will get something together.

Base concept would be one of the Bladebearer Clan. A fierce warrior trained by the best Deneith weapon masters. He served willingly as a Brelish mercenary during the last stages of the war, before the great betrayal when Lesh Harruc united several of the 'lower' clans and seized a kingdom from Cyre's western flank. While not directly part of the coup, he and his squad were treated as traitors and they had to fight their way clear.

Clever, honorable, and ruthless.

I envision a tactically sound warrior with a reach weapon primary reverting to two-weapon style when things get up close and personal (two weapon fighting, weapon focus (short sword), quick draw, combat reflexes)

More to come.


First Post
Blind Azathoth said:
Mmm... so many options. I've always wanted to try a binder, but a necromantic character of some sort would be fun--a dread necromancer, or perhaps a cleric of the Blood of Vol. In the former case, I think an Aereni elf obsessed with the darker reflection of his people's culture of undead-worship might be appropriate...

Eeep! I'm just now reading through other peoples' ideas and I come across this. Azathoth, if you want to use that dread necromancer Aereni elf, just say so. I can change my character around to suit. I honestly wasn't stealing your idea - I wanted grey elf for the Int boost and from there, the choice was Aereni or Valenar, and the Aereni just seemed to fit better.

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