• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Hand of Quoad

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First Post
An Exercise in Futility

As the newest threat of gargoyles fly towards us from across the large inlet, we take a quick moment to assess our situation. Behind is the trail we have already taken, ahead is the way we are going...obviously. To our left, East, the gargoyles, with their king approach at a steady pace above the sixty foot drop to the rocky shore. To our right is a shallow alcove of a cave that is split at the entrance like an ancient double arched doorway. I take my place in the small amount of shadow that this pseudo pillar affords; it is more than enough for me to hide in. Mythyria, calculating the enemies approach, begins her all too familiar chant; ending any thoughts of banter with the approaching creatures. Mort and Hekuba take position in front of my pillar; the monk goes into a fighting stance, and the half-orc draws one of his crossbows.

"How you gunna hit 'em elf?" Hekuba asks as he loads a bolt into his crossbow and lines up a shot, waiting for the gargoyles to get closer. Mort has no time to reply before Mythyria finishes her spell and a small bead of orange light sails toward the creatures. We lose sight of it just before it becomes a sphere of inferno around three of the five winged beasts.

"What about elves? Orcling?" Mythyria remarks with a smirk. The proud ranger is cut short by Hoppup, "Argue semantics later you two, we've an enemy to face, and five of five still fly."

They lizard wizard draws his short bow and readies himself next to Mythyria with a confidence that he did not offend the often sarcastic elf caster.

Karyan rolls her eyes, not for the first time, as she draws her long bow. "One of these days our wagging tongues will be the end of us all, mark my words."

Kamal smiles a knowing smile and simply moves alongside the human ranger; the only one privy to the knowledge that she and I are in fact twins, the priest softly sings a prayer to Sarenrae that holds no magic, but reassures us to a one.

I listen with a measured interest and maintain my shadowy cover. "Where's Eriks?" Mort notices at last, and answers his own question; "oh right, he's sneaking. Hekuba, I thought you were going to shoot them." The monk taunts his friend.

"Concentrating here." Mythyria replies with annoyance; even as she quickly chants another spell and three rays of flame strike the king gargoyle hard leaving a trail of smoke behind his highness and visible scorch marks on its wildly glyphed skin, even as she dives immediately into another incantation. Hekuba gives a resigned "Harumph", deftly switches from his crossbow to his sword and shield, and answers; "Might as well keep at what we're best at."
"Agreed" Hoppup states, as he lets fly an arrow from his short bow; it falls short of the mark however and Karyan comments, "Too far for that one" Her long bow shot finds its mark.

Kamal draws the power of his goddess and a concentrated beam of sunlight also lands home among the gargoyles. "Steady all, they are almost upon us, and still number five."

"Five Schmive" Mort replies, "Hey ugly! When we kill you, I want that crown!" the monk taunts. If the gargoyle king understands the words, he makes no indication. The first of the gets close to the cliff edge and is struck by Mythyria's enfeebling ray and is visibly weakened but still closes in and swings weakly at Mort. The blow falls short of connecting with the agile monk, who now stands beside Hekuba nearer to the edge. Another gargoyle gets dangerously close, and our ranged options grow thinner.

Hekuba raises his sword against the monster, and the strike digs much deeper than the strength of the ranger should allow. "Die! You vile creatures!" he shouts as he notices the gash his enchanted sword has opened on the gargoyle. "Good hit Hekuba!" Hoppup encourages as he conjures a small flame into his palm, throwing it at the nearest creature. The small orb, while nowhere near the size of Mythyria's explosion finds an already opened spot on the creature's skin, scorches its insides and it falls to the rocks below.
Kamal's armor deflects the blows of his enemy, and he begins chanting another prayer.

A third gargoyle advances, swipes a fiendishly sharp claw at Karyan, and misses. "It will take your king to even scratch me beast" she threatens as the king swoops upon Hoppup. A keening screech that I do not think I could have weathered nearly as well assailed the lizard wizard, and though his head lolled once, Hoppup kept his composure enough to avoid a clawed strike from the gargoyle king.

I shudder as I see that Karyan has no way to fire her bow so pressed. She realizes the same thing and drops the weapon in favor of her swords. In the instant her guard is down, the creature upon her connects and draws a shallow cut in the crease where her armor bends for her hips. She grunts through the pain and returns a slice that looks much worse than the one she took for her trouble. Kamal notices the blood drawn on his ally, and invokes a prayer that guides our actions and confuses our enemies.

Having seen my sister injured, I step from the pillar and fire a shot into the eye of the enemy closest to me, my shot works in keeping me from its sight, for I am able to quickly take a second shot that pierces the other eye; dropping the creature in a world of darkness and pain.

With three of the five creatures down ,Mort flies into a flurry of fists and feet, I can hardly discern one blow from the next, but the the coordinated monk lands each one precisely. Although the gargoyle still breaths, Mort has managed to find pressure points with each strike, causing it to go rigid and begin to fall from the cliff face. Hekuba seizes the opportunity of the creature's dropped guard and swings into; drawing a line of red even as it begins to fall.

"These things are barely worth my spells" Mythyria laments; the elf takes a shot with her bow, but the missile skips harmlessly off the tough skinned enemy. "Silly elf, it's like this." Hekuba taunts the wizardress as he quickly draws his crossbow and connects to flesh where her own shot was just repelled. Karyan gives another shout as the gargoyle upon her has learned how to breach her armor, its efforts are rewarded five-fold as she starts a series of swipes high and low, connecting with all, and bringing the to a wet and sloppy end before it can even sort that the first swing drew blood. Kamal and Hoppup finish their spells nearly simultaneously as an arc of lightning flashes on the Gargoyle king and a burst of pure sound erupts on the same target. Good thing too, for the Gargoyle king, though pressed from two spells rakes his claws into Hoppup. The burst of Kamal's spell muffled out the cries of pain that nearly double the lizard wizard over. How he kept his feet after seeing the tissue under his scaly skin, I do not feign to know.

With only one enemy left on the field, I advance upon the Gargoyle king, even I hear Mort shout, "You're about to be a king without a crown sucker!" I chuckle even as the point of my thinblade buries itself within the enemy's side. It grunts in pain, but still presses us. Hekuba prepares to slice at the king just as he notices that the gargoyle we thought had fallen has winged its way back onto the cliff face. With a feral shout of pure rage at the creature's refusal to die, Hekuba swings his sword in a downward arc that takes the persistent monster's wing off. "Fly back up now beastie." the half-orc taunts, "ain't you done yet?" he regards to Mythyria. "Not my fault you all like to stand in the way of my spells" she retorts, "such it shall be, I suppose" the elf sighs and quickly begins chanting. Hoppup, who managed to keep his concentration held enough to maintain the flame in his palm, which he desperately thrusts at the Gargoyle king to ward off the terror. "No worries Hoppup! I'll get him" Mort cries, as the fleet footed elf moves beside the lizard man and punches a vital area on the last remaining enemy. We all see the crowned thing go rigid, and Karyan steps in. Just as the ranger begins her first double slice into the gargoyle, Mythyria's spell fires and four bolts of arcane energy fly unerringly toward and strike the creature. It shows no sign of falling, but this could be due to Mort's earlier strike. Karyan ignores the missiles flying about her and with striking speed commits two double slice maneuvers, high and low on the beast's torso. Deep lines of red, follow the strikes, and the Gargoyle King falls.

I am the first upon the fallen king's body, which is well..."He has eight rings", I report, "some bracers, and..." I am cut short as Mort does not even wait for Mythyria to identify the magical headpiece before he grabs it from the still bleeding corpse and dons it. "Wait you fool!" Mythyria tries to warn even as Mort adjusts the enchanted crown atop his head. "Well, at least let me tell you what it can do if you are so insistent upon wearing it." The wizardress proceeds to examine the gear with her knowledge of the arcane and reveals that the monk's new accessory is indeed very magical and can even harden the wearer's skin to that of stone! "You know, some items just like that will take your head off without the proper handling", Mythyria scolds mostly to herself; as Mort has found a mirror and adjusts the crown to his liking. "I feel inclined to inform you, Morty", I say with a poorly hidden smirk, "that is definitely a princess's crown."

"Jealousy doesn't look as good as I do right now Eriks." Mort quickly sends back. Hekuba and Karyan make no attempt to hide their own laughter, though whether at me or the monk, I do not know. Hopup shares a hissing laugh that would be quite menacing under different circumstances. Even Kamal cannot contain a controlled chuckle at the exchange. Mythyria just rolls her eyes and suggests we set camp inside the alcove.

As we set a watch, Kamal again recalls the answer he received from the spell cast to help us locate the 'presence' that has haunted our steps of late.
"To finally confront the demonous ape,
find the growing place of the canyon grape;
But beware the ravine's funnel-type shape,
for it barely affords a narrow escape."

"I like the rhyme scheme, but the whole 'narrow escape' bit puts me ill at ease" I say, not for the first time. Hoppup reminds us that we are not, in fact, very far from where he believes the 'canyon grape' to be. "Now, more than ever, we should be on guard, this means no idle distractions while on watch, and no drinking", he directs the last part of his warning toward me. I give a sheepish smile and hold my hands up in resignation. "Alright, no drinks on watch." I agree, "good thing I'm on third watch!" I exude as I take a long draw from the Aranea liquor. Ignoring us with precision born of practice, Mythyria casts a spell that keeps us all comfortable during the night.
Perhaps too comfortable. When we are at last all awake, and take stock of our gear to begin our travels, we notice that several items have gone missing in the night. Not the least of which is my magical bag!

"Okay, really no one saw anything?" I ask for perhaps the hundredth time as we walk on. "No one saw any more than you did Eriks, and good Hekuba and Karyan both report no sign of a trail to follow." Kamal tries to calm my ever diminishing resolve. "And besides," Mort adds, "If it's that 'grape ape' thing, we're about to take it down anyway." All the encouragement does little to lift my mood, but I act the part for their benefit. Karyan comes alongside me, puts her hand on my shoulder, and reassures; "Cheers Eriks, be glad we all yet breathe, whatever came to us in the night could have slit our throats or taken us away." I give her a slightly more genuine smile. Mythyria, perhaps taking the nocturnal invasion as hard as I, berates herself for not casting a spell to alert us all if any other than us enter the camp. The day goes much in this manner, as we all have the sobering thought that tonight we will be invaded again. We come to another abandoned village, and decide to travel slightly away from the place as night falls and we mush again set camp. Mythyria casts her comfort spell once more, and adds to it an incantation that will cause a loud alarm to sound if any enters the area without the password.

During second watch, around the opposite of noon, while Mythyria and Karyan are keeping vigil, the alarm sounds. We all awaken with a start, but none of us can see who or what has caused the spell to trigger. Mythyria quickly chants a spell and keeps it charged on her hands, ready to direct it at the assailant as soon as it is revealed. Hekuba is up in a flash and draws his weapons scanning everywhere and seeing nothing. Karyan is sure she heard a disturbance at the perimeter of the camp, and using her ranger abilities, summons a cone of wind where she thinks the invisible stalker to be. Mythyria, trusting Karyan's judgment, directs her spell into the funnel of wind and a hideous, ape-ish laughter howls even over the sound of the alarm and wind. Kamal, targets the disembodied laughter with a spell to dissolve invisibility. Hekuba, luckily standing close, is there as the demonic ape's invisibility is countered. The half-orc takes a swing and connects with the enemy, and battle is joined by us all.

With a whisper, my thinblade is drawn as I move upon and piece the menacing ape. The effect of Mythyria's spell expires and the creature's terrible laughing stops. Hoppup summons the energy of his weird spell source and Hekuba, Mythyria, and I are all given a burst of energy. Hekuba's bolt shoots wide of the beast, as it is also countered in the wall of wind. Mythyria, perhaps of caution, perhaps of fear creates a hand of energy to attack for her. I find another opening in the the ape's defense. Karyan lets down the wall of wind, draws her blades and attacks. Where a line of red formed from her swing, she notices that it disappears almost instantly. "It heals as a troll might!" the ranger warns the rest of us. Even as I at last notice that the holes I found in its flesh are smaller than they should be. "Once again, magic trumps might" Mythyria boasts. She has charged her spectral hand with a spell, and touches the ape with it...and the spell is resisted. "You were saying elf?" Hekuba mocks. The hulking ranger stows his crossbows and pulls out sword and shield. Making his way to the ape, he lets loose a slice that goes wide and a bash that connects but is absorbed in the thing's thick skin. "Back to the Abyss with you demon!" Kamal growls. A blast of holy energy bursts from his hands, pierces its resistance to spells, and drives into the demonic ape. It howls in frustration and throws both of its huge arms around Karyan. I can hear bones crunching as it squeezes with unholy strength. A rage boils in my veins and as I scream in anger, the beast disappears with Karyan still wrapped in its arms. My scream turns to frustration as I swing wildly at the air, where the ape once was.

"It is gone, teleported" , Mythyria reports.

"But to where?!" I scream. Holding back tears I did not know I had. I wash my face a palette with a splash of alcohol to ease my nerve and hide my emotion. "You can track them can't you?" I ask Mythyria with more desperation in my voice than I would like. Kamal cuts the elf's response, "We know where she is Eriks, there is nothing for it but to continue to the canyon. Pray for calm in troubling times friend." Following his advice , I ask Cayden to ease my temper; he responds with a desire to have another drink. Who am I to question his motives? I pull out the coaster he gave me and let the magic of it drift into my thoughts. Perhaps there is something I can do to hurt this ape...

Morning finds me in much better spirits, determined to end this creature and return any harm it has done to my sister. Not long into the day, we come to the canyon of grapes, they are large and ripe for picking. Inspiration strikes me, and I ask Kamal to fashion a planter out of the stone. With the help of Hekuba, I locate a taproot and take some of the grapes with me. "These will make an excellent wine" I say, and though the others do not share my enthusiasm, none argue the point. Around mid afternoon, long after the grapes are behind us, the canyon narrows. We get the sense of being watched once more, and before any of the others, I see the figure of Karyan tied to a huge boulder in the center of the depression. I pull a wand of protection and trigger its effects as I begin to run toward my sister.

A howling laughter, not born of a spell's effect, begins to echo through the canyon. Bouncing from side to side, it is almost deafening. Hoppup and Mythyria begin casting and advancing behind me. Hoppup chanting quickly to bless our actions and put a ball of flame in his palm; Mythyria from a wand to increase her vitality. Mort outruns me to get to Karyan, just before I arrive myself; she is alive, but bound by thick viney ropes. "Take a blade, start cutting!" I command to Mort as I begin to free my sister. Behind us, Kamal advances cautiously, Hekuba draws his sword and shield; and the howling laughter continues. I do not even bother a glance as I hear a huge rock flies from the canyon wall and strikes truly against Mythyria. It makes a terrible cracking sound, as it is broken upon a magical force of armor surrounding the wizardress.

The source of the howling is revealed as a mob, beyond massive, of various ape and monkey creatures appears on the canyon wall. It rolls towards us, a shambling swarm of teeth, claws, and fur. Everyone else secures their positions, as Mort and I continue to cut Karyan's bonds. I do not even react as the monk screams a warning and another boulder flies at me from the canyon wall. With a similar sound, the rock is broken upon the magical force I warded myself with earlier. Hoppup summons an ant to fight alongside us and begins summoning energy for the coming battle.

The summoned ant flies into the mob of creatures and connects as Hoppup's next spell lends power to Mort, Kamal, and Mythyria. "I'm sorry, but I must join battle." Mort laments as he moves from my side. The nimble monk charges the swarm and flies into a flurry of feet and fists that each connect with the mass of evil. Mythyria shouts, "the demon ape is likely here and invisible, stay alert!" She calls a protection upon herself and then quickly mouths the words to a familiar spell. The ball of flame ignites around where she predicts the demon to be, and the screech of pain assures us all that the spell connected. I do nothing but continue to cut the ropes binding Karyan. Kamal incants a fast prayer to Sarenrae before calling down the very power of the sun. A burst of pure and holy light fills the canyon. The demon ape, and the swarm give terrible keens of pain. The blast reveals the demon ape, for a split second, before it is invisible once more.

The mob of creatures, though diminished, moves closer toward me, taking glancing blows from the summoned ant, and Mort for its effort. The entirety of the mob moves around Mythyria, but her arcane protection from evil keeps even the lightest of blows from connecting. Hekuba chases the mob and connects with a powerful blow.

Hoppup and Kamal each begin chanting again as Mythyria emerges from the mob unharmed. The wizardress runs for cover behind a large rock and realizes just too late that she has tripped a wire. Three large and deadly spears thrust at her, but are pushed aside by her unseen armor. Mort, seemingly caught within the huge swarm of creatures kicks, punches, and bites at every available target; enough of the mob must have been harmed by the monk's attacks because the swarm begins to crumble around him. The summoned ant attacks the demon ape, but cannot connect a blow as the demon ape rushes and slams into me. I take the hit and continue to cut at Karyan's bonds. Hekuba rushes to my side and aids my struggle as Kamal and Hoppup's spells are both absorbed by the demon ape's natural resistance.

I at last free Karyan, and Hekuba notes that she is badly injured. Mythyria, Kamal, and Hoppup all begin chanting as Mort runs to the creature. With a flying kick that could have gone through a wall, Mort flies wide of hitting the demon ape. The ape makes a running attack upon Mythyria, but again the elf is saved by her energy armor. A barrage of spells target the creature even as the summoned ant still cannot seem to harm it. Darts of magic fly from Hoppup and connect, Mythyria fires an arrow made of acid and Kamal again summons holy might to scorch the creature. It howls as some of the energy finds its way into its flesh.

Kamal and Hoppup begin chanting once more as the ape, looks skyward. I use my wand to heal Karyan, noting that even as her flesh reknits, there are many bruises and cuts apparent. Hekuba, quickly sheaths his blade, draws a crossbow, fires and misses hitting the ape. Hoppup's spell trigger and a wave of energy is transferred to Mythyria, Mort, and Kamal. Mythyria moves into better position as Mort and Kamal's attempts to strike the beast both fail. The demon ape gives a sinister smile and begins flying. Kamal quickly chants a dispel magic spell, but it fails to stop the flight. Mort connects a glancing blow but it does nothing to stop the ascent. The monk tries to climb the canyon wall to give chase, but slips and falls back down. Angered, the elf goes to the remains of the swarm and begins footing through the carnage.

Hoppup lets loose another series of magical darts as Mythyria sends two rays of fire at the quickly rising foe. Hoppup's spell connects while the elf's is absorbed. With little other option, I cast a spell from a wand that also fails to connect. Karyan takes my wand of healing and uses it on herself once more. "Worry not, Eriks, we will get him" she assures me, but I am too frustrated to listen. I take a drink and lose some memory...

Mythyria casts a spell and reports,"I'm following it with a clairvoyance, it won't get away!" I begin to climb the cliff wall. I climb the wall, nearly as high as Mort before me and Mythyria creates her spectral hand to deliver more spells to the fleeing creature. The rest move to join my climb except for Hekuba and Karyan. The half-orc reports that my magical bag is not in the bloody mess on the canyon floor, and Karyan uses the wand once more to heal her broken flesh. "By the ancients you sneaky devil!" Mythyria curses. "The foul beast has teleported once more." And so we stand, beaten, tired, and ultimately outmatched.
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First Post
Session 30

Resolutions and Riddles

Standing in the canyon, I feel utterly helpless. Karyan, looking much more her actual color now, passes my wand of healing back to me. "What now?" She asks, so nonchalantly for one who until so recently was unconscious and bound to a huge rock.
"Don't we have a village to get to?" Mort asks, "I, for one, am in no mood to wait around for more of those monkeys."
"I still need my bag, and owe that creature some blood." I reply as I rub my bruised side; the cut has stopped bleeding already, but the pain lingers still.
"Well, how is the APE", Hekuba corrects Mort, "finding and infiltrating us so easily? Maybe it is tracking us as a wizard might." The half-orc gives an wary glance to Mythyria and Hoppup.
"An excellent suggestion Hekuba", the lizard wizard comments, "Mythyria, will you assist me in searching our gear for some sort of scrying trigger?"
"Indeed, and we should give extra care to inspect Karyan, just in case." The elf agrees.
The two arcanists systematically search each of us and our equipment, focusing on Karyan. They both report nothing out of the ordinary and begin a lengthy discussion about how else to prevent the demon ape from returning.
"If the thing is everywhere, then it does not matter where we go." Mort points out matter of factly.
"He's right", I agree, "and I would rather walk than talk."
The canyon continues on for several miles, but Hoppup assures us that according to his memory and the map, that the village should be three or four days away. As the sun sets behind the canyon wall, we are met with a brilliant orange red glow that reflects spectrums off the dozens of tributary waterfalls that drain into the valley. We follow the gathering stream and as night approaches, we come to the edge of a fog dense jungle.
"This is the Fog-mire", Hoppup reports, "It is sacred to our people, and few of us ever venture into its borders."
From our vantage point, we can see a crystalline lake within the jungle, and even from the the fringe and through the fog an inexplicable number of snakes and lizards can be seen slithering paths to and fro.
"Let us find a trail, Hekuba." Karyan calls to her fellow ranger. We all venture into the edge, and the two scout ahead.
Some time later, they return; faces ashen with an unknown disquieting visage.
"Dark and empty" Hekuba swears, "Nothing in here is as it should be, and there are no large game. This place is cursed. What do you know lizard man?"
"Many rumors, nothing more." Hoppup calmly replies. "I sense unease too. It is late, and we need rest though."
"Perhaps, outside the edge this night?" Kamal suggests; we all readily agree and make camp outside the edge of the fog shrouded jungle.
Our watches go uninterrupted, despite the feeling of being watched the entire time. When dawn breaks at last, we realize that we are already in the Fog-mire.
"Cayden's empty tankard!" I exclaim as the reality of the situation sets in.
"There is nothing for it now." Hekuba remarks, "We make for the village and out of here as fast as we can." Several voices put in a defused agreement, and we start to traverse the Fog-mire.
The abundance of reptiles does not relent, and neither does the thickness of the fog. Our packs and clothes quickly become saturated with sweat and humidity.
"I like drinking my ale, not my air." I complain.
"I think I see a clearing up ahead, Eriks." Hekuba reports. "From the bush and the fog, it seems."
We breach the edge of the clearing, to a ruined stone village. Only a skeleton of what was likely once a towering wall remain in any form of repair. A solitary building, that may have once been a temple stands in the center, and all around it there are overgrown stone frames where other structures formed the village. I feel ill at ease, and get a sense of evil surround the ruined village; the entire Fog-mire itself. As we circumnavigate the ruin, there are a few glyphs discernible on the wall; surprisingly, the symbols are not Nythyian; a fact that unsettles us all, but perhaps Hoppup most of all.
The temple, which shares a border with the West most wall, has visible scaffolding, as though when the village was abandoned, the people there were still keeping it in repair. But what we witnessed next gave us even more pause. A Nythyian man is crucified to a makeshift cross secured to the scaffolding, and though he shows the decay and rot of many days dead in the jungle, he grins at our approach.
"You will all join me soon." the Nythyian hisses through its ruined mouth, "Trapped! Trapped all of you!" The creature cackles a terrible laugh that makes a rattling and wet sound.
"The Light will bring us through!" Kamal exclaims as he clutches his holy symbol and becomes a living conduit of Sarenrae. Light bursts from the priest and destroys the thing utterly.
"Yeah, eat it!" Mort taunts the ashes, as he squeezes the juice from one of my taproot's grapes onto the powdery remains. We continue on our way; victorious?
Back in the Fog-mire, the thickness of the air has become somewhat bearable. Just as the sun moves past the mid-day point, a hulking figure appears from seemingly nowhere, rakes two bestial claws across my path, and draws blood with each lightning fast strike. It comes to a stop a good seven paces from where I stand wounded; the demon ape, grinning a sinister smile.
"Blood for blood demon, and I'll take all I'm owed now." I threaten the creature. If it understands me, it makes no sign other than to continue its mocking grin. "By skill or luck, you don't escape this time!" I lift my sword to the demon threateningly and feel the power of Cayden Cailean flow into me; warming me as no drink ever has.
In my vow to smite the creature, I notice an ant appear directly in front of my query. The ape, muscles roped under too-tight skin deftly grabs the ant as it makes a feeble attempt to bite. A sickeningly wet crunch is heard as the demon tears the ant into two not so equal halves and tastes the dripping entrails, even as the summon insect evaporates in a puff of gray smoke. I begin a casual stride toward the demon, pulling out my protective wand. Behind me twin rays of fiery power slam into the creature; but he and I have eyes only for each other. Sharing a moment of pure hatred toward the other. I can hear Karyan casting a spell of some sort; then the surprised shouts of the others as two more apes, females I'm later told, appear and attack our formation. Hoppup is pinned beneath one of the beasts, his legs only barely visible; while Mort, showing no fear, tackles the second one before it can grab the lizard wizard's exposed limbs and tear them off.
I advance slowly, and use my wand to cast a protective dweomer that will block the demon's attacks. Karyan finishes her spell and a living wisp of cloud and air invades the space of the fiendish ape.
"He does not escape this time!" I hear Kamal affirm as a pale orange glow covers first his hands then shimmers around the ape; for a heartbeat, the glow appears to be repelled, but then clings to its slick fur. "I have locked him against teleporting!" Kamal reports to me. I cannot hide a pleased smile.
"No running this time beastie." I threaten as I continue to close the distance between us.
Behind me I catch the last syllables of a spell I do not recall hearing from Mythyria prior to this day. A sickly green ray reaches the demon ape and pierces its defense. For a moment the orange from Kamal's anchor and the green from Mythyria's ray coalesce and shed wisps of yellow all about the creature. When the smokey lights clear, the orange shimmer remains and the ape looks visibly weaker than before the spells struck. I hear a blood curdling scream as Hoppup begins to teleport with the ape that has the lizard wizard pinned. It is not a scream of terror however, but one of defiance; as the sheer force of his will keeps him locked in place while his grappler vanishes. He is left drenched in sweat, prone on the ground, but still with us. The other female ape tries to escape the same way, but Mort's hold on her is too strong to allow enough space for her to shift dimensions.
"Alright there elf?" Hekuba asks Mort. Before getting an answer, the half-orc deftly climbs a tree near the demon ape, gets a good position and loads his crossbow.
The living air pocket around the demon ape slams its force into the creature. The ape draws a huge breath, nearly inhaling the vapor and tears into the air with a keening howl. The animated wisp is no more. The creature is a dagger's throw away and still has not unlocked its gaze from mine.
Mort, despite the female apes bulging muscle mass and alarming agility, keeps a firm hold on the creature; even freeing an arm to strike a blow against the wrestled foe, but causing no visible harm. Hoppup gives a loud hiss of defiance and drives a dagger, crackling with electricity, into the female ape. Though the weapon buries to the hilt before the lizard pulls his strike back, the wound begins to close the instant the blade is free.
"Curse you demon!" Hoppup growls in frustration.
"Like this!" I yell as I lunge the remaining distance to the fiend ape and drive my thinblade into its flesh. A flash of bright blue light accompanies the wound, and it pierces deep into the creatures side.
"And again!" I draw my blade free and spin, using the momentum to take the tip of my Cayden blessed weapon into the ape's other side; giving it matching wounds and eliciting a singular howl of pain and rage.
"Karyan, do likewise!" Kamal intones the power of light into the ranger's blade and she charges toward the ape.
"Mind the magic!" Mythyria warns, as she lets loose two more streams of fire at the beast. This time the rays absorb harmlessly in its natural defense and the elf swears in a foreign tongue.
Karyan ends her charge with a cross swipe on the apes corded chest, drawing a deep line of red that penetrates its innate defense as easily as my own strikes.
"You are not the only one who owes this creature blood Eriks." She oaths as her blade drips with the blood of the demon ape.
"That's right! Eat this!" Hekuba reveals his perch and fires his crossbow. The bolt flies true, pierces the ape's skin, but draws no blood. Hekuba jumps down cursing and draws his blade.
The ape does not flinch from the bolt, and to my horror, wraps it's muscled arms around Karyan and begins to squeeze.
"Support!" Hoppup cries as another incantation, this time of fire, fails to harm the ape entangled with Mort. The monk and the ape are a mass of muscle and fur, but Mort has somehow managed to keep the advantage.
"Eriks?" Mythyria asks, even while moving her fingers in the pattern of an easy spell.
"I have him, help the others. Kamal to me." I respond as the fiend tightens its grip around Karyan. Mythyria turns in a flash and lets loose four bolts of pure arcane power that fly unerringly into the chest of the female grappled with Mort.
"Hey ape, I can see your kidneys." I threaten.
Taking advantage of the beasts disadvantage while holding Karyan, I stab my blade low into the thing's side; black red blood oozes from the wound and the ape gives a cry of pure pain; for once not mixed with rage. "Not done!" I growl as I take a back step left to put my sword in reach of its other side. I drive the blade home, and the same black blood flows freely from both sides now. Its howl is accompanied with dropping Karyan and gripping its sides as its natural healing cannot keep up with the deep strikes I have dealt.
"Sarenrae is with us!" Kamal exclaimed as he calls upon the power of his goddess. A lance of golden energy gathers in the priest's hands and he focuses it toward the bleeding demon. The creature's defense fails and it takes the full force of the holy energy.
Bleeding from multiple wounds and seared with a divine energy, the demon ape falls on top of Karyan. "Off of me you dirty ape!" The ranger cries as she digs her still enchanted sword into the fallen creature's neck and uses it as a grip to stand.
"And stay down!" Hekuba snarls as he bashes his shield so far into the ape's skull that its brain and blood make a puddle of mud and gore on the jungle floor.
We all notice the struggle still unfolding now as Mort grunts through his continued stalemate with the female ape, "Congrats guys; little help?"
I ignore the monk and begin digging through the demon ape's remains for my missing bag. Hoppup, still lying on the ground from resisting the teleportation earlier mimics Mythyria and lets loose a pair of pure arcane bolts that connect and bruise the female ape.
"No spells to offer." Kamal reports as he advances upon the two combatants. "I'll hold her for a strike then." Mort replies and nimbly moves into an arm locking position behind his foe.
"Yes, just like that." Mythyria compliments the monk as she lets loose a bolt of magical energy dripping with acid. The missile hits the ape, but appears to not harm it much. "it grows weary, I can feel it; but so do I." Mort manages through gritted teeth.
"Stand aside Kamal!" Karyan charges with her sword still aglow in holy light. The priest takes a single downward thrust at the ape held by Mort and connects drawing a thin red line on its shoulder.
"Stick with what works." Hoppup remarks as two more bolts fly into the creature causing an eye to swell and eliciting a muffled keen of pain. Kamal uses the momentum of his swing to side step the creature just as Karyan charges and buries her blade half to the hilt in the female ape's chest. Mort releases his grip thinking the battle won, but the obstinate creature grabs Karyan's blade and begins to rise in defiance.
"Oh, just die already!" Mythyria cries in frustration; she hastily recites the words to a spell that will drain the creature of life with her touch. The wizardress spies a patch of skin already raw from arcane bolts pummeling its body and releases her spell. The last vestiges of life within the female ape expire, even as some of the force travels into Mythyria. The ape goes down in a heap and Karyan recovers her blade just as the last bit of holy energy upon it swirls harmlessly into the air.
"Yeah! Score another one for the good guys! C'mon, look like we just won it guys." Mort tries to rouse the group as we, weary, cut, and bruised gather our bearings in the fog ridden jungle.
"I feel like we have been walking for months! When does the jungle end? I thought this was a small, usually uncharted island." I complain, not for the first time.
"So, your new shoes don't keep your feet from flapping your mouth?" Mythyria retorts, with slightly more venom in her voice than she had wanted. The elf gives an apologetic look, and the exchange ends.
"He's right though." Hekuba adds, "We should have at least gotten to that lake by now. "I think we are walking in circles."
As if the jungle actually wanted to prove the ranger's point, we come to a ruined temple; the same ruined temple where Kamal earlier destroyed a living corpse.
"Well, trim my ears and call me human, Eriks and Hekuba were right; at the same time." Mythyria exclaims.
The sun has painted the sky in pinks and reds, as darkness takes a stronger hold on the day.
"We should rest soon, though I dread to in this place." Karyan says, her voice tense and agitated.
Mort looks skyward, "Eriks, can you use those new boots to scout around for anything other than this temple?"
I activate the power of the boots to make myself weightless, but still able to move. I rise steadily, but as I approach the canopy an unseen force pushes and pulls me back to the earth.
"Guess not." I reply even as I pour a drink for the monk and myself. "Growing your tolerance, I see." I state more than ask.
"Gonna drink you under the table before you know it!" Mort replies.
Hoppup looks around, as though the lizard wizard expected to see ghosts rise at any moment. "Not in this place, we have an hour yet, let us make camp elsewhere."
We make good speed away from the ruins, as the jungle's foliage seems to appear all the same, even to Hekuba and Karyan. Sure enough, before the last light of day is gone, we come to the same ruins once more.
"There's nothing for it." Kamal reports, "We sleep here and hope that the dawn brings clarity to our situation."
After a brief inspection of the ruins - just enough to ease our minds that there are no more living dead or ambush areas - we at last lay down for a fitful respite. The fog-mire at night is exactly as pleasurable as it sounds. Dawn breaks at last, and our spirits are lifted little.
"Did anyone else have, uh, dreams last night?" Hekuba asks, clearly agitated, while we walk a narrow game trail.
"Now that you mention it." Karyan looks hesitantly from me to the half-orc. "There was a temple, and some sort of shrine, I felt as though I needed to spill my blood upon the altar." Hekuba gives his fellow ranger a concerned and agreeing look.
"Though I felt no desire to spill my blood, I too saw this temple." Kamal remarks.
"We should seek it out, perhaps it is a way to get out of this accursed fog-mire." Mythyria complains while inventorying her various arcane components.
It does not take long before the structure from our dreams comes into view. A massive black spire, radiating with an evil aura is seen above the canopy long before we enter the clearing that hosts its perverted form. Two ape-like statues that resemble the bar-igura creatures we fought in the forest. There is a set of double doors leading inside, with motifs of demonic apes as handles.
"It is a temple of the evil Immortal, Demigorgan." Kamal reports with a severity of tone that leaves no room for compassion.
"It may have something to do with the curse on this place, if we could destroy it somehow..." Hoppup trails of, talking as much to himself as us in a frightened tone.
Inside, the temple has several winding tunnels, with one clear path to another set of double doors. These with vicious barbed handles. I implore the group to make a full circuit of the other pathways first, only to encounter some crudely made, but deadly traps that could have easily taken one or more of us to a devastating fall. Depicted an every wall, and often the floor and ceiling are twisted and evil serpent and ape motifs. The barbed doors do not seem to open without a certain action.
"I've got this!" Mort boasts, as he grabs both handles. The barbs pierce the monk's palms and fingers, draining a small amount of his life blood, and open. In this room are more ape and serpent designs, two thrones face North and South, each with mirrors hanging over them. To the left is an altar with two solid black candles.
"That altar!" Karyan exclaims. She blanches for a moment, but regains her composure.
There is a small door opposite the altar, it leads to a winding path that connects to the rest of the temple. Although I am almost positive we have gone through the passage before, sitting nonchalantly in a cross path is my haversack.
I occupy the next few moments ensuring nothing has been removed from the bag, and Kamal interrupts me.
"I attempted to consecrate the altar, I was met by a powerful evil. This must be our priority."
I investigate the decor of the throne room, and before I can warn against it, Mort lights both candles on the altar.
The booming echo throughout the room is enough to startle us all, and the monk is sporting scorch and pierce marks on his hands now.
"I need some time to figure this out, these mirrors are trapped, and Mort has shown us likewise of the candles." I report after using a wand to mend Mort's hands.
Kamal sighs. "I cannot abide this temple. If we do nothing, I will not rest well."
"Nothing I can do in here right now, I need rest, as do we all."
"Then I do what I can for now." Kamal states matter of factly, "We leave from the inside."
As we exit, Kamal begins chanting. It is a spell he has used before, but casting it several times -expending a large amount of divine energy. A soft orange glow travels from the priest's hands to the earth as he touches ground near the obsidian spire. The ground trembles as Kamal struggles to keep his incantation strong. Then the spire begins to move, tilt, falter. Fall! the entire spire has been up-grounded by the priest. Only the bottom of the temple remains.
"Faith moves mountains." Hoppup observes with a smile.
I use my latent power to divine evil presences.
"There is less evil here than before, but I still need more time in the throne room if we are to truly end this curse."


First Post
Session 31

Never in my life did I ever feel as ill at ease than the day I looked into that mirror. Not only could I see all that is my opposite, Mythyria utterly destroyed my double with one spell! To see my own capacity for evil, as well as my own mortality was more sobering than I care to think about. I have faced demons and living dead, slavers and magic of all kinds, but never do I wish to repeat that encounter. It begs the question though...Where exactly does my evil self reside? Kamal once warned of not losing myself, but who am I in the first place? A son, adopted. A husband and father, to a tragic end. A champion of an Immortal, the truth of which I discover more of each day. A brother, at last. A friend, yes a friend. This is what separates me from the dark side of the mirror. I have people I love, who love me in return. This is what keeps me free, keeps me fighting for the same freedom for all others. Of this I am certain; love brought me this far, and love will see me through. Though, the dangerous opposite is ever present; a thin line between love and its own opposite that I hope to never cross.

Eriks G.

Another restless night passes and the group wakes with more visions of spilling their own blood upon the altar. Kamal and the rangers seem more affected this morning than the rest.
"Dark dreams, and a fog shrouded morning. We end this today." Kamal vows to the rising sun.
"A drink to clear your heads sirs and lady?" Eriks pulls three mismatched cups from one of the side flaps of his bag, deftly pours two fingers in each and offers them to the trio waking from ill omens. Slight and courteous head shakes return from the priest and Karyan, Hekuba reaches for a cup.
"It is to us then, good Hekuba." I say with a smile, "First one of us done, gets the third dose!"
Without pausing to check if the half-orc won the contest, Eriks downs both of the drinks left in his hands. With an exaggerated sigh, the rogue shakes loose the last bit of his night time stiffness and recovers the cup from a toothy grinned Hekuba.
"If you are quite finished." Mythyria leaves the remark open ended to warn them all of the wrath that is her impatience. "I still need an hour to prepare my spells, make yourselves useful and break camp, but do so quietly, I thought you were good at that Eriks."
Without a sound the tall human gives a stage worthy bow and disappears from her sight, leaving Hekuba with the full glare of the wizardress.
While Mythyria is occupied the others begin their own morning routines. Hoppup is also preparing spells, Karyan, Hekuba, and Mort are repacking tack and gear. Kamal, though he has already prayed for his spells and felt the power surge within him excuses himself to just out of earshot of the camp.
"You can stop hiding Eriks. Just because I cannot see you, does not mean I did not see which direction you went."
Stepping through foliage and fog, Eriks gives Kamal a friendly smile. "One of these days, she's just going to burn me to a crisp, I know it."
"And you would likely deserve no less."
"Ouch" Eriks mocks a wound across his face as Kamal's goes deadly serious.
"There is something wrong here Eriks, something inherently out of place, I know you can feel it."
"I can, more acutely perhaps than I thought I ever could." The rogue's hand went instinctively to his coaster - a magical item given to him by the Immortal Cayden Cailean - that is slowly teaching Eriks the path of a hero.
Not missing the hand's destination, Kamal continues, "It is of that which I wish to speak. I have noticed a change in you Eriks. After bringing you from undeath, you told me that Cayden Cailean had chosen you. But it is more, not so?"
"It is." Eriks' face goes tight and his voice becomes barely a whisper.
"I have observed powers from you; granted by the Immortals yes?"
"Yes" is all the reply the rogue can muster.
"Do not misunderstand my intent Eriks, I count you a dear friend, but I know too well the draw of power. Sarenrae grants me the use of her divine energy daily, and I hope always to use it in a manner that befits her. But in so doing, I have given up who I once was. Do you understand?"
"The powers granted me by Cayden are not my own."
"Yes, but they are yours to use. To serve an Immortal the way we do is to relinquish control to that Immortal, while simultaneously keeping yourself. Do you understand?"
"We are more than vessels of power, we are living examples of our chosen patrons." Eriks, had pondered this all for quite some time, but had not the courage to broach the conversation himself.
Kamal nodded his approval and continued. "The immortals choose who they will for a reason Eriks, I have no doubt of that for either of us. Remember that, you were chosen as you were. Power can easily sway lesser men, and temptations appear as an easy path. Do not lose yourself Eriks, Cayden is counting on you to be you."
"But who am I?" The tall man whispered to no one, nearly forgetting that Kamal was still there.
As the pale haze of dawn broke into an opaque brightness in the fog, Eriks pondered his question. Much had transpired since the day he lost his family and vowed vengeance on those who took his girls away. Even then, he had kept his sense of honor in not ever taking the life of another; he had always felt it was not his place to decide who should live or die.
The words resounded in Eriks' mind, "Cayden is counting on you to be you."
"You are you, Eriks. A husband, father, brother, and friend. You have passed through death, undeath, and I cannot say what else. To be a hero, if it is even possible, means making the choices that others cannot, finding the solutions that others do not see.
With that, the priest walked back to the camp and began aiding the others in preparing to re-enter the shrine of Demigorgon.
The group cautiously returned to the room that houses two thrones, two mirrors, and two candles.
"There is certainly something of a duality that must be completed here." Eriks states more to himself than anyone in particular, "And I know that the mirrors are trapped in a most fiendish way; Mythyria, would you lend a hand?"
The rogue and wizardress proceed to successfully stutter through the arcane words of disarming on each mirror and immediately the group goes to work trying to put together a sequence of events to proceed deeper into the temple. Each time, as the second candle is lit, a small explosion accompanies it and raises our frustrations. Eriks tells the group to sit tight, while he ponders what sequence they have not yet tried.
"Of course! Cayden's Cup, why didn't I think of it before?" Eriks takes a drink to sooth some of the remaining char marks from previous attempts and returns every piece of the puzzle to their starting points.
"Okay, watch and remember, 'cause I might not stay in this room once this is done."
First the man lit the West candle, then sat in the East throne, but just as the wryly smiling human turned and touched the corresponding mirror, he realized that the trap in the piece had reset itself. Eriks disappeared into the mirror and a shadowy vile version of the rogue jumped out in his place.
The evil Eriks gave a grin more sinister than sly, drew his sword, and began an approach on the awestruck group.
Wasting no time, Mythyria sped through a flaming ray spell, adding certain emphasis to boost the spells power. Twin rays of arcane fire connected squarely onto the evil facsimile's chest and left little more than a smoldering husk. With the copy defeated, Eriks, the real Eriks, emerged from the mirror with an apologetic face that looked more like child that knows he's in trouble.
"Well, you're still in this room." Mythyria commented sarcastically. "Though, I must say I've wanted to do that for some time."
The group shared a laugh at this and Eriks, defeated, disarmed the mirrors and tried once more.
"So, again. IF this works, I will be transported deeper into the temple. Do as I did, and you should all come to the same place." Eriks reported with slightly less confidence than before.
Repeating the first steps, only this time not being swapped as he touched the first mirror, Eriks smiled knowingly at the group. "Here we go."
Eriks stepped to the East candle and lit it, when no explosion was forthcoming, he virtually skipped to the West throne to sit, turned to touch the second mirror, and disappeared.
"We should make haste" Kamal stated emphatically, "We know not the dangers beyond the mirror."
One by one, the group went through the sequence Eriks had shown them and the party found themselves in a strange room indeed.
The upper level connected to the wall at three points, and in the corner a set of stairs led to the upper chamber. The entire room was cast in an eerie red glow that seemed to be pulsating from the very walls, but originating from a circular pool of deep crimson just in front of them. Above them, the upper level connected to the wall at three points.
"The blood of Demigorgon." Kamal nearly spat the words. Before any of them could ponder more on the nature of the room, two familiar thuds were heard on either side of the group.
"Invisible Bar-Igura!" Karyan warns the group. Before most of the group has had a chance to even draw weapons, one of the creatures pops into view with its hulking arms wrapped around Kamal. Mythyria and Hoppup begin their familiar harmonies of casting, the lizard wizard proves faster. A hypnotic spray of light and colors fan in front of the lizard man and to the left of Eriks. Though the invisibility of the monster is not usurped, a clear howl is heard, alerting the group that the spell has had at least some success.
Mort, seeing Kamal's distress, rushes in and lands a well placed blow to the ribs of the Bar-Igura holding the priest. The beast goes rigid from the attack, but shows no sign of taking any injury. This proved counter productive however, as the huge creature toppled on top of Kamal, pinning the priest of Sarenrae to the floor. Hekuba and Karyan move in and slash at the stunned Bar-Igura, but the lines cut into its flank disappears as soon as it is drawn. Mythyria's spell is at last completed, and a ghostly hand appears in front of the wizardress. Everything seemed under control until a tell-tale pea sized orange orb flies into the group. As an inferno erupts, engulfing the whole group, another creature appears; this one with a thick serpentine body with a human like face that has angles entirely too sharp to be anything of this world.
"A Naga." Mythyria reports almost fascinated, just before she falls into casting another spell.
"It's mine!" Eriks shouted as he activated the flight ability in his boots and soared toward the snake-like creature. As he sails away, the rogue intones a prayer to Cayden that sets his blade and the Naga aglow in a similar faint blue light.
Hoppup joins Mythyria chanting, and again finishes before the elf. Three bolts of arcane energy sail unerringly into the creature atop Kamal. Hekuba, and Karyan continue their ineffective assault on the beast, and Mort begins to climb the wall to join Eriks in the fight with the Naga; which has begun chanting in an alien tongue. Kamal crawls from under his burden, to hear Hoppup cry in pain. The other Bar-Igura reveals itself as it bowls over the lizard wizard in an excruciating crunch. Mythyria finishes her casing at last and directs the spell into her ghostly hand. The hand connects on the thick hide of the creature howling over Hoppup, but the electric charge is wasted as the beast's flesh resisted the spell. It has decided, however that enough is enough and teleports away.
Mythyria and Hoppup continue their mismatched spell song. Hoppup finishes his casting just before the other Bar-Igura tackles the lizard wizard to the floor. The beast's flesh smolders with the electric touch of Hoppup's spell and even as it yelps in pain Mythyria finishes her own casting. The ghostly hand shimmers once more with power as the elf moves it onto the wrestling beast. It visibly drains in color, as Mythyria surges with the life stolen from the creature. Kamal invokes the power of his goddess and the group feels more confident of their blows. Karyan connects with her twin blades, and though her strikes are true, the wounds do little damage. "Let's try somethin' new." Hekuba taunts as he activates his ram-faced ring. A concussive blow just barely misses knocking the Bar-Igura off of Hoppup, as the half-orc curses unpredictable magic.
Eriks flew true toward the Naga, and made a feinting swipe at the thing's head. The snake creature fell for the ruse and bunched into a shorter, wider target. The rogue struck twice against the evil thing, boring deep holes in the things flesh.
"Save some for me!" Mort called out, even as the monk breached the upper level, rushed forward, and connected a flying kick to the bleeding creature. It's incantation lost, the snake creature willed itself back into invisibility, leaving Eriks and Mort wary, but smiling at its pain. "Nothing else for it" Eriks says with a smile as he drives his blade twice into where the Naga should have been. The second point, connects, and though Eriks can still feel a spiritual connection between his blade and the creature, he also is sure that the thing is slithering away. Mort launches into a flurry of punches and kicks, but the Naga is not struck by any of the monk's efforts.
Below, Kamal begins to move toward the stairs to join the drunken masters as he veils himself in protective magic. Mythyria follows the cleric, keeping an eye on the many alcoves set into the walls on the lower level. Karyan's strike remain true, but still ineffective against the Bar-Igura's thick hide. Hoppup and the creature continue to struggle on the floor, the lizard wizard scoring another electrifying hit against the creature. Hekuba, looks to his weapons, and to Karyan's, grunts in frustration, and again activates his ram-headed ring. This time, the concussion strikes the Bar-Igura, sliding it and Hoppup across the floor and into the wall. A howl of pain is heard and the fabric of space bends around Hoppup. The lizard wizard keeps his wits enough to not be transported away as the Bar-Igura retreats in the manner it is so accustomed.
"The Naga remains!" Eriks yells as he flies and blocks a set of double doors on the upper level. Mort moves beside his rogue friend, and the rest of the group begin cautiously climbing the stairs opposite the double doors. Hoppup and Mythyria cast protective spells of their own, and the room goes quiet for a heartbeat.
Never to be outdone, Eriks pulls a wand from his belt and casts a protection of his own, even as Mythyria adds to her layers. The group goes quiet once more and an unease creeps into the room.
Eriks begins looking across the room once more, this time however, his eyes have a soft green glow.
"I'll find that snake, by thinking like a snake." Mort claims as the monk uses astonishing speed to make a serpentine pattern across the upper level toward the stairs. Hoppup and Hekuba spot another door near the stairs and begin investigating it just as an all too familiar orange glow bursts all around them. The Naga appears on the lower level, having lost its invisibility with the attack, and those caught in the flames curse through smoking armor and clothes. Kamal and Mythyria burst into casting, Kamal also running to the edge of the upper level. Mythyria is the faster, her ghostly hand once more lights with power, moves to attack, but is dodged by the slithering foe. The Naga is not so lucky against the priest, who finishes his chant and sends a ray of pure sunlight into the creature, burning its flesh. Karyan and the others begin to run back down the stairs, recklessly taking them two at a time.
Eriks flies at the Naga and proves to quick for his own attack as he thrusts his blade too late to connect to the snake creature. Mort, in an effort of brave heroics or boastful showmanship dives off of the upper level into a flying kick the connects squarely on the long body of the beast. Hekuba and Karyan flank the creature, Karyan drawing its defenses away from the half-orc as he connects to slice of scale and seared flesh. The Naga coils in pain and gazes deeply into the half-orc's eyes. Hekuba can hear a voice in his head assuring him that the snake creature is no foe and this is all a misunderstanding. But the stubborn orcling denies that call and instead roars his frustration back into the Naga's fine featured face. Hoppup throws an enchanted dagger rather haphazardly toward the creature, but misses hitting; fortuitously missing Eriks, Mort, and the rangers as well. Mythyria's ghostly hand touches the snake thing and she assures the group that she has now limited it's spells. Kamal falls ambush as both Bar-Igura reappear on the upper level. The priest rushes through a prayer that allows him to open a hole underneath one of the creatures, but it jumps to safety just in time.
Eriks reorients himself and sees that the Naga is busy with four defenders, just as any rogue would like. "In Cayden's name, die already!" The man screams; the warcry is the perfect addition to the presently distracted Naga, and Eriks drives his blade into the creature's upturned eye. The fine elven blade sinks to the hilt and the Naga crumples in a heap. "Great, now finish these!" Kamal yells at the group. Hoppup, his hand still crackling with electricity, slaps the appendage against the Bar-Igura closest to him. The charge leaps onto the creature, and finally stops its heart. The rest of the group runs back to the stairs to finish the wretched thing, even as it jumps onto Mythyria. The elf is caught but for a moment before her lithe body slides free of the thing's embrace.
"I've not much left!" Hoppup yells as he sends another three bolts of mystic energy into the Bar-Igura. Mort races past the rest and begins his squall of fists and feet. The creature proves more nimble, and turns to jump to the lower level. "Eriks! To you!" Karyan calls, as she see the things intent. The Bar-Igura leaps from the ledge, but is more unbalanced by Mort's attacks than it knew. It's footing is precarious, and instead of a controlled jump, it falls the thirty feet from the upper level. Ungraceful to the last, the beast lands rump first and a loud crack can be heard even through its thick muscle. A heartbeat later, the creature collapses, having broken its own back.


First Post
Session 32

What is evil? Is it the action of opposition to good? The temple of Demigorgon virtually radiated an aura of evil, a terrible weight on the shoulders of those of us who could feel it. But I left wondering, would the worshipers of this immortal not feel the same oppression in a temple to a good deity? I decided later in life that it is not the action that makes the deed, but the intention behind it. Now, what to say of inaction? Can a good person see evil and do nothing?

The companions regrouped in the large chamber and began investigating the various avenues of escape. “What does your sense tell you Eriks?” Kamal asked thoughtfully, “Can you isolate where the evil presence is coming from?”

It was a good thought, and as the rogue shifted his perception to reveal the auras of evil around him, he almost fainted. Catching himself before he dropped to the floor, Eriks reported. “Except for your own silhouettes, this whole place is pulsing with a vile ambiance.”

“Well, we should waste no time then.” Mythyria stated matter-of-factly.
The team begins systematically checking the exits, and finds three doors. The door on the first level leads to a room filled with offal, refuse, and other smells that they dare not imagine.

“Whoa! What a wonderful smell you’ve discovered” Mort exclaims to Eriks, after the human insisted on opening the door that had been locked moments earlier. A rusty grate topped the room, no doubt the dumping ground from above.

“Can we please move on?” Hekuba asks with his face nearly buried in his leather armor.

The group climbs the stairs once more, Eriks’ flying magic having expired some time before. Opening the door to the room above the refuse dump, they see six columns bordering a short hallway around the rusty grate, and a throne carved in stone and embossed with several depictions of demonic apes and monkeys, all with sinister evil grins on their faces that seem to cast knowing glances to the group.

“There should be more to this room” Karyan remarks. “I think there is something behind this throne.”

They are rewarded for the diligence of the ranger when the throne slides forward to reveal a small room that smells of rotting wet fur with two rusty treasure chests. Eriks barely stops Mort from walking straight toward them.
“A little more caution elf, they may look old, but I doubt anything here is easy pickings.”

True to his prediction, the rogue discovers that one treasure chest is rigged to explode upon opening unless a small trigger is held the entire time that it is open. Looting the belongings of both chests, the party comes away with a wand, some coins, and an oddly shaped ape paw.

“May I?” Mythyria asks extending her own hand to the carved piece. The wizardress examines the paw and reports. “There is a dweomer of some kind on this, similar to the red and blue rods from the underground path. I’d wager this is a key of some sort.”

“Our way out, perhaps?” Karyan asks hopefully. To this point, none had given another mention to the fact that there seemed to be no exit back into the jungle or even a guarantee that they were still anywhere near the jungle.

With only one door remaining, the group moves on.

“Worry not friends, we do good work here, and Sarenrae will not abandon us.” Kamal’s words come as a welcome comfort as the doors to the third room reveal piles and piles of bone that speak to the past occurrences of the temple. Twin fountains shaped as baboons spewing a murky liquid that could barely be called water donned the wall on the right. Eriks began work immediately to unlock the double doors across from their own entrance.

“There is another ape paw here.” Hoppup announced as he peered into the deeper pool beneath the fountains. “Perhaps I should turn off the water with this valve.” The lizard wizard’s hand begins to reach then he pauses. “Eriks, should it be this easy?”

Startled, Eriks looks to Hoppup and frowns, “No, it should not.” Asking Mythyria to finish unlocking the doors, the human examines the valves and notices that one-the one Hoppup very nearly turned-was indeed trapped. He took several moments and his frown turned into a frustrated scowl. “I cannot determine the nature of the trap. I’m sorry, but I think you are getting your hands dirty.”

Hoppup sighs in disgust and dares not to look as he reaches in the bubbling murk. He sinks all the way to his shoulder and is forced to lie on the floor to at last grip the paw. “Done with that door yet?” the lizard man implores, clearly ready to be gone from the room.

“Ready when you are.”

Kamal is the first to enter, and tries hard to mask the slump of his shoulders. “I see where the paws go, I am not sure I want to attach them.”
Directly across the room is another set of double doors made of solid iron. In the center of the polished marble room, two giant simian statues of iron stand; each missing a paw.

“Maybe, we can open the door without using these.” Eriks states more to himself than anyone else. The unspoken fear of animating the iron statues hangs heavy in the air.

After what seemed an eternity of waiting, and several bouts of whispered cursing, Eriks walks away from the iron doors and shakes his head.

“Nothing for it then.” Mort comments and jams one paw onto the statue it clearly belonged to. When nothing happened, Hekuba placed the other hand and with held breath, the group watched the iron doors slowly open.

A long hallway lined with apes brandishing flaming blades and depicted as howling to an unseen presence ends with gleaming copper doors. Mort dashes forward, “This has got to be close to the end.”

“Wait!” Karyan barely finished the word before the ape statues begin howling. The monk’s pace goes from brisk to sprint and he yells to the rest to follow. Showing speed born of fear, the group dashes down the hall to find the copper doors unlocked. They enter quickly and close the portal behind them.

Eriks nearly loses consciousness once more and is steadied by Kamal. “What news Eriks?”

“That one, that’s the source.” Eriks reports.

The room is rectangular with two alcoves East and two West. In each alcove is another ape statue standing in reverence to the center statue that stands nearly twice the height of the tall Hekuba. Where arms should be, there are squid-like tentacles and its shoulders are fanged heads of fiendish baboons. The statue’s stare meets the group then locks on Eriks with hate. Its mouth crunches open and it lets out a keening screech that strikes terror into the human. Eriks runs screaming back through the copper doors.

Undeterred, the group goes into action. Hoppup, Mythyria, and Kamal begin their familiar spell harmony as Mort, Hekuba, and Karyan rush in to meet the animated evil.

“Courage Eriks!” Karyan yells as she knocks her bow and lets loose, the arrow bounces harmlessly off of the stone creature.

“Two can play the stone game!” Mort shouts at the enemy as the power of his crown hardens the monk’s skin. Hekuba, seeing Karyan’s ineffectiveness, stands defensibly and tries to spot a weak spot in the stony hide of the animated statue.

The spells erupt in a surge of arcane, divine, and natural magic. Hoppup and Mythyria’s hands erupt with flames and their spells meet to create scorching and molten stone on the enemy. Kamal’s hands fly toward the sky and divine light covers the group. Eriks, having heard his sister’s plea, and feeling the warmth of the priest’s prayer turns back and rushes toward the creature.

As Mort closes the last few paces between the creature and himself, the floor beneath him erupts in flames. The nimble monk avoids the fiery wisps, but the distraction is all the enemy needs to wrap him in one of its strong tentacles. The creature screams once more, and begins to squeeze the monk. Hekuba, distracted by his own study of the creature begins to shake with fear.

Eriks passes the half-orc, “No time for fear friend!” he yells as he thumps Hekuba on the shoulder.

The cacophony of spells begins again as Eriks gets behind the statue and fires his crossbow; only to have the bolt bounce harmlessly away.

“Already tried that!” Karyan yells as she draws her sword and rushes the creature, Hekuba right behind her.

Mort cries out in pain as the creature wraps its second tentacle around his already grappled body. Even over the spell trio and din of battle, bones can be heard cracking, and the fact that the elf did not fall unconscious then was enough to fuel his companions into a battle fury. Three spells connected in succession, lightning, fire, and holy light creating a blinding spell wall and causing a painful scream from the foe.

Hekuba and Karyan arrive at the same time, the half-orc making a feint bash with his shield. The ploy works as the creature leans to avoid the strike, and takes a deep gash from Karyan’s blade. It bellows in pain at the ranger and begins to draw breath for another magical keening. The screech comes out instead as a death gasp as Eriks appears behind the creature, his thin-blade buried half way to the hilt into the evil thing.

It goes down in a heap and releases Mort from its tentacled grasp. As the creature’s last breaths escape into the air, the sense of evil wanes to nothingness. The wall opposite the door melts away to reveal the jungle, formerly the fog-mire.

Mort asks Kamal for what healing the priest can spare, as the group moves into the jungle. “Good has been done here.” Kamal encourages the group.

“Any one you walk away from right?” Mythyria replies.

“I do not know what my people will do now that the fog-mire is…” Hoppup is cut short and wails in pain drawing everyone’s eyes to the lizard man.

“Rot grubs!” Karyan exclaims seeing the creatures burrow into Hoppup’s flesh from the shallow pools that dot the landscape. The group looks on in horror as the lizard wizard rolls on the ground screaming with the rat sized insects crawling under his skin.

“We’ve got to get them out!” Hekuba cries and pushes Kamal forward. Eriks and Mythyria take his legs as Karyan and the half-orc hold down Hoppup’s arms. Kamal begins cutting the Nythian’s flesh and extracting the grubs.
His screams turn to whimpers, and his body goes limp, as blood pours from the wounds inflicted by Kamal’s procedure. The priest intones a powerful healing spell and begins the process again. And again, until the ground is muddy with Hoppup’s blood and the last grub is out of his body.

“We should camp soon, he needs rest.” Kamal says, holding back tears for the grim work he was forced to perform.

Supporting Hoppup, the group finds an area of mostly dry undergrowth. Mythyria casts some protective spells and the party takes a much needed reprieve.


First Post
Session 33

Session 33

Is the past something that is really ever behind us? I know I am not the same man as I was even a few months ago. Circumstance has seen to that! But does this mean that I am free from the influence of my past? By no means. If anything, I press on to discover more of who I will become because of the person I have been. My past is filled with joy and sorrow, loss and gain, good and evil. I have come to rely on my past support and guidance, as I am sure my friends have done the same. Everyone must carry their own past with them, and a precious few will help you burden your own. Such it has become with Karyan and I. If only I had discovered her sooner, perhaps I could have prevented some of the pain she now shoulders. But, I cannot trap myself into this thinking. Regret, whether of past action or inaction is a downward spiral that will ultimately destroy the soul. Karyan bears her past with grace and accomplishment, I cannot wish to change that. And me? I am glad for the events of my past as well, all of them, for they have made me who I am.

The jungle seemed no less thick than ever as the travelers approached the most massive set of double doors they had ever witnessed. The doors were as thick as ancient tree trunks and easily sixty feet high. The walls were even more imposing; almost doubling the height of the entryway. The stone work was similar to other structures they had all seen, but none had ever been this gargantuan. Eriks let out a whistle. “Those have to be ten feet thick!” indicating the doors, “How do they even open?” Hoppup smiled at the awe the party showed his home village, “It takes more than muscle if that is your question. But something does not feel right, we should have run across a sentry by now, and I see no guards atop the wall; only…” The lizard wizard’s words trailed off as the group all turned their eyes to what had so transfixed the Nythyian.

“Dark and empty.” Hekuba swore, “I’m guessin’ that plume of smoke ain’t supposed to be there?”

The half-orc’s question fell on inattentive ears as the group all began to hustle behind Hoppup; who had turned a brisk pace into a near sprint for the towering doors.

“Do you… have another… entrance?” Mythyria puffed out between breaths as she struggled with the heavy pack she bore; filled to bursting with spell components and other various magical accoutrement, the elf belied her small frame by carting such a load.

“I can jump it.” Mort suggested, easily keeping the pace with no lack of breath. Despite the height and difficulty, the party did not argue the boast.

“No need. Look.” Kamal, also burdened with a heavy pack filled with what could only be called a mobile library, pointed ahead of the running group to indicate that the doors were opening of their own accord.

“So the village knows its own?” Karyan asked. Hoppup either did not hear her or was too out of breath already to answer.

“Well, time for some acting then.” Eriks, also easily keeping the fast pace, activated the spell on his magical ring and instantly took on the form of a lean and tall Nythyian.

The sprint became a wary stroll as the group passed through the open doors. There were signs of a struggle everywhere. Scorch marks dotted the land, and buildings-well built mostly one story affairs that did not seem to be placed in any discernible pattern-stood cracked and beaten. No one, Nythyian or otherwise could be seen. The plume of smoke, rising from beyond a huge burial mound, was beyond their vision.

“Serpent’s scales” Hoppup whispered, “We should have been greeted, or…or anything. Where are the guards?” The lizard man made his way for the gate house that was adjoined on the inside to the huge wall, which remained relatively undamaged.

As they approached, the sound of rustling armor and weapons could be heard beyond the door.

“Let’s see what the hold up is.” Mort said, as the monk reached for the door of the station. Before he could touch the handle, the door burst open and a group of six human guards cried out an alarm that would surely be heard halfway across the village.

Taken by surprise, the agile monk was no match for the sheer number of pole-arms being thrust in his direction.

Lightly armored with metal studded leather, and each boasting a long pikes and strange ropes tied together with sizable rounded stones at each end, the humans looked more shocked than the incoming companions at the disturbance.
The sound of heavy footfalls echoed from several corners of the open area as Hoppup at last reaches the gate house door. Barely has the Nythyian taken the scene in before three more guards rush up to block his path back to the group who was caught completely off guard and was left standing in the main thoroughfare.

"Why do we always end up separated!?" Mythyria exacerbated. Her words fell on unlistenting ears as the group began to form up a defense against the approaching humans. The odd roped weapons whirled above the enemies heads, promising broken bones and tangled feet.

"By the Burning Sun!" Kamal exclaimed as a jet of white hot flame shot from the priest's hands and into the foes that had surrounded Mort and Hoppup. "I should remain toward the center, but they need support, Hekuba?" Kamal was beginning to come into his own as a strategist, and the group was well adapted to using each others strengths.

Karyan sounded a Darine war cry and made it clear that the guards approaching from the opposite side of the gatehouse would not join their comrades. Her bow twanged and took root in the leg of one of the humans, making him drop his bolas, and cry in agony.

"What's that thing?!" Eriks pointed skyward toward the pillar of smoke that the companions had spied before entering the city.

Instead of a building or some other pyre set to blaze, the smoke emanated from a huge fiendish man riding atop a horse made of coal and fire. Karyan froze at the sight of it, and it was Mythyria who tackled the ranger to the ground as an arrow that would have pierced her heart came streaking from the mounted beast.

"What now girl? Do you want to die?" Mythyria's tone was more sisterly than scornful; but carried enough of both to let Karyan know she meant reproach.
"That's...Jakub..." Was all the ranger could reply, and an understanding lit the elf and Eriks' faces.

The rogue's eyes narrowed, "Jakub? Right then." With a thought, Eriks was in the air and speeding toward Kamal. Mythyria and Karyan could barely make a whispered prayer on the rogue's lips even as his elven thinblade began to glow a faint blue.

Kamal's eyes fleet from Eriks, to Karyan, to Jakub and he understands immediately. "To me Eriks! Not that I think you should, but if you are to fight him, you will need help."

"Lizard, monk, orcling! Be quick, a new foe is come and we best face him as one!" Mythyria had lost all sarcasm, and a timbre that might even be fear sounded in her warning.

The other companions took little time picking up on the urgency and went to work. Hoppup began summoning the elements to his aide; lightning flashed almost as fast as Mort's fists and feet. Hekuba abandoned his crossbow and charged in with his heavy shield leading. The humans were quickly over matched, but more had heard the call and were coming even as the battle looked to be in the companion's favor.

"You're alright." Mythyria told Karyan, though whether it was to reassure or ask the ranger, she would never know. More enemies were getting close, and Jakub had already proven his accuracy with the bow from a great distance. The wizard held nothing back and small orange bead shot from her fingers into a line of eleven advancing men. The shout of alarm came just too late as the bead exploded in a fiery flash that was over in a heartbeat and left all but four of the would-be attackers charred and unmoving.

Her eyes still fixed toward the sky, Karyan hardly notices as two arrows streak from on high. One grazes her shoulder, but the other sinks deep into her side. The shocked cry is felt by Eriks as he reaches Kamal.

"Quickly now, and help her!" The rogue is flustered but cannot afford to rush without some precaution. Kamal's hand's glow with the rosy red of the dawn as he places them on Eriks, the glow surrounds the rogue then fades from view. Without waiting for any thanks from his friend, Kamal begins another prayer, this one to help the whole group. And none too soon, the priest believes, as he hears Mort cry out in pain.

The monk has held his own against six foes, but even his guard cannot stop every attack. Hoppup creates another loop of electricity, and Mort takes advantage of the stunned guard's prone stances. Still crackling with the lizard wizard's spell energy, Mort turns extends his fists to resemble spear points and strikes a nerve cluster in the guard's neck; the human falls like a lump. Behind Hoppup, Hekuba has three foes of his own to face. He comes across with a wide sweeping blow, that the guard easily dodges. Just as the half-orc wanted him to. With the guard's defenses and attention low, he never sees the spiked shield that raps across his skull with bone crunching power.

Mythyria lets loose a bolt of lighting that singes three more guards, and as they smolder, Kamal finishes a prayer that bolsters the resolve of each companion that can hear it.

Eriks shoots skyward, his eyes fixed on Jakub. The hero of Cayden Cailean pulls a bottle out and takes a drink; another warm glow passes over his body.
Rousing from her trance by the pain in her side, Karyan knocks her bow and fires, wounding another approaching guard. She does not know how from such a distance, but she can hear Jakub release two more arrows from his nightmarish mount. She flinches thinking that the missiles are inbound for herself, but is instead startled to hear Eriks cry out from above. In the din of battle she had nearly forgotten that her brother charged into the sky. The ranger turned toward Mythyria. "We have to help him!"

"Not until we can without getting ourselves killed, young one!" The elf replied as she let loose another bolt of lightning. In answer to her own spell, Hoppup's loop of electricity erupted once more. Inside the gatehouse, Mort was faring better than his opponents but was still outnumbered. Hoppup's spells were helping, but Hekuba was tied up with more guards outside. Kamal ran to aide the half-orc and hope to end the ground assault so that their focus could turn to Jakub.
Pain ripped through the rogue's leg as an arrow slams hard into the muscle, before Eriks even has a chance to pull it free, another goes through his left arm. Screaming in pain, and using his good arm, the rogue curses the half-fiend, pulls out a vial, breaks the wax seal with his teeth and gulps the concoction down. As the last drop pours down his throat, the rogue shimmers out of sight. Through the pain rearing in his extremities, Eriks manages a smile and says, "That will be the last time you draw my blood."

On the ground, the companions continued to assail the intruders of the Nythyian village. Spells, arrows, and fists flew from both sides, but it was clear that the invaders were outmatched. Then, arrows from the fiendish rider flew once more. Karyan cried out in pain as an arrow pierces through her armor, shoulder and back out again. Her next scream is muffled as another of the arrows thuds into the ranger's side. She dropped to one knee as her vision began splotching with streaks of gray, but with a determined grunt, the resilient ranger kept her wits and even knocks and lets an arrow fly that drops another of the human attackers. Even with the aerial support, the remaining ground force begins a hasty withdraw. Half of those fortunate enough to be in the open suffer a quick death as Mythyria hurls a mighty lightning bolt at the fleeing humans.

Those left in the gate house, however, were not so lucky. Hoppup spells rip through the remaining guards, leaving three standing. Hekuba slashes his blade and spins with his movement to follow the move wish a bash of his spiked shield. The move drops one of the three left standing. Mort throws fist and foot in a flurry of blows and half of this force drops never to rise again. The final foe flees, but is no match for the monk's preternatural speed. Mort wrestles the invader to the ground and ends his life in one quick thrust.

To Be Continued...
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First Post
Session 34

Session 34

The Battle Against Jakub Continues

Outside, Kamal rushed to the kneeling Karyan. He felt the power of his prepared spells in his mind and found a more potent one. Then, concentrating, the priest let the structure of the spell slip away and conjured it instead as a powerful healing touch. Karyan's wounds closed, but remained bruised; the ranger nodded her thanks and, slinging her bow on her unwounded shoulder, drew out a potion and swallowed it in one gulp. Her bruising eased, and her breathing became more controlled. "There now," Kamal said warmly, "Feeling-" His concern was cut short as two of the fiend's arrows pierced his finely made armor. Neither shaft struck deeply, but both drew a heavy amount of blood and the priest staggered.

Behind Kamal, Mythyria fired four unerring missiles at the mounted archer Jakub. Karyan took a defensive stance in from of Kamal and let two arrows fly at the fleeing invaders-dropping both of her targets. Behind her, Kamal prays for the healing light of Sarenrae and is answered with a surge of warm light that closes some of his wounds and even more of Karyan's.

Well timed too, as two more of Jakub's arrows fly into the cleric. One opens a piercing that had only just closed, ripping his flesh and causing the man to sway and nearly lose his feet. Mythyria lets fly another volley of magical darts, but this time the energy is just absorbed in the demon Jakub's skin. Kamal maneuvers out of sight and prays again for the healing light of his goddess; more warm light washes over those left on the ground. Karyan, seeing the ineffectiveness of shooting the rider, instead levels her bow at the fiery horse. She lets loose two shots in rapid succession, and both connect solidly into the steed. It loses some altitude and bucks, but Jakub shows no sign of losing his saddle.

The fiendish human locks eyes with the ranger that dared to attack his mount; he let fly another of his deadly arrows. The missile pierced Karyan's armor but most of its force was absorbed by the protective plates. The small force of humans remaining on the ground regrouped to make a final charge on the companions; knowing that their airborne leader would support the effort.

"That will be far enough boys" Mythyria said with a smirk. The elf's fingers waved frantically but controlled as she incanted and arcane words and retrieved the components of one of her most potent spells. A tiny bead of orange streaked into the gathered humans, and before any of them could react, it exploded engulfing them all in flames. Only two of the gathered eight remained standing, and the spell was sufficient to turn their heels.

"Oh no ya don't!" Hekuba takes aim with his crossbow and let fly. The bolt sinks into one of the fleeing thug's arms, but the man growls through the pain and continues running.

"Never mind them good orc! That is our target!" Hoppup indicated the half-fiend and its hellish steed while cautiously getting in closer range.

The rest of the group follow the lead of the Nythyian and take refuge behind buildings to obstruct Jakub's view of them. All that is except for Karyan and Mort.

With courage defying her wounds, the ranger loosed another two arrows at the Nightmare; it dodges the first, but the second cleanly sinks into its flank. Another small bottle falls to the ground from seemingly nowhere. Mort spots a set of stairs. "Guys! We can get higher, and get to him!" He yells back as he bounds up; taking the stone steps two and three at a time.

Jakub flies his steed closer to the wall while shooting once more at Karyan. The half-fiend screams something at the ranger, but it is lost in the wind.

"Karyan, we need to get higher, and you need to stop bleeding!" Kamal calls the ranger to his side. She hurries to him as the whole group begins to make their way up the stairs Mort discovered. The cleric expends another of his spells to close more of Karyan's wounds. Just as the group has reached the bottom of the wall, Mort bounds out of an upper level opening on the wall and leaps the space left open between the huge wooden doors. As she runs, Mythyria conjures a ghostly hand that she can use to deliver spells to her opponents.
The monk begins to taunt Jakub, and the fiend obliges with another deadly arrow. The projectile misses its mark however, as Jakub flies closer still to the group. While they climb, Hoppup summons an insectoid ally the resembles a flying ant the size of an average dog. Kamal calls down the power of Sarenrae and a healing wave washes over those in the group around him.

"Wait! Karyan, Hekuba, over here. Each of you gather ten of your arrows or bolts, I have an idea." Kamal stops the two before they climb even a singe step. With Mort's taunts echoing above, the cleric calls forth a ribbon of light and ties it around the missiles; they retain a slight shimmer as the two companions replace them in their quivers. The hum of wings can be heard as the summoned ant flies toward Jakub, even as the half-fiend fires another arrow at Mort that misses the agile monk. A second arrow flies from Jakub's bow as his steed passes the wall and begins circling back. This arrow pierces the approaching ant through the thorax, sending it careening toward the ground; lifeless before it knows the impact. Seeing the height and time it would take to traverse the stairs, Karyan and Hekuba start to climb a smaller building to get a better vantage at Jakub. Hoppup, Kamal and Mythyria each cast spells into their palms but let the power stay there without releasing. Each of them waiting for Jakub to come into clear view.

Mythyria gets the first chance and lets loose four glowing bolts that connect to the nightmare. Jakub still keeps his saddle and fires again at Mort. Again the monk taunts the half-fiend; though the arrow would have hit, Mort uses uncouth speed to knock it harmlessly away. Karyan gains the top of the small building, while Hekuba struggles to find the grips the human did. She readies an arrow and perceives that Jakub has not taken notice of her. A smile crosses her face as Hekuba's hand at last grips the roof. The rest of the group makes way for the stairs once more leaving Kamal, Hekuba, and Karyan below. Jakub lets two arrows fly toward Mort. The agile elf dodges one and smacks the other away.

"You really need to learn how to use that thing!" The monk yells, not caring whether or not Jakub can hear him. The nightmare whinnies as Karyan's arrow, now glowing with holy light, sinks into its haunch. Jakub turns in his saddle and raises his bow toward the ranger.

"Hey ugly! Did'ya forget about me?!" Mort tries to regain Jakub's attention to no avail. The half-fiend fires two shots at the ranger, and Karyan cries out as both projectiles find their mark.

"Worry not, keep shooting the horse!" Kamal calls up to the ranger as the cleric channels more divine energy around himself. The healing wave steadies Karyan and she fires another glowing arrow. The missile makes an audible thud as it drives deep enough into the creature to pierce its heart. The steed falters, then rider and mount fall. Jakub kicks off the nightmare and unfurls wings of his own. The half-fiend cannot get enough momentum to arrest his fall. He manages to trade an arrow with Karyan and dodge a crossbow bolt fired by Hekuba before landing in front of Mort.

"Now we see how you really fight." Jakub's voice was an imposing bass that resonated with a hiss like a volcanic steam vent. The towering half-fiend made an arching swipe with a longsword that hummed with a shadowy palpable evil force. The agile Mort waited til the very last moment then rolled his torso backward, leaving Jakub to growl in frustration as his blade's momentum carried it harmlessly over the monk. Mort deftly moved his hands to the stone crown atop his head and used the power inside to harden his skin from an already resilient leather to that of stone. The half-fiend roared with rage and brought his second sword to bear, he feigned another high blow and as Mort rolled his body under the blow, Jakub followed with the other blade, digging into the monk's side. Mort faltered in his dodge, and the first sword came down to slice his shoulder. The monk let out cry of pain but took hope to see Mythyria at last arrive at the top of the stairs. The wizardress released a spell as soon as Jakub was in her line of sight; the half-fiend cried in pain as crackling black energy ripple over his body. Mort seized the opportunity to press an advantage; he let fly a flurry of fists and feet too fast to follow with normal vision. Despite the enfeebling energy he had just suffered, Jakub managed to dodge the first blow and block two more. Then two kicks hit in rapid succession against the half-fiend's exposed side. His infernal resilience absorbed one blow, but the other connected solidly; Mort heard a telltale crack and was sure that a rib had broken. The monk smiled, as did Jakub; the half-fiend brought his swords back into an offensive position then cried in pain.

Behind Jakub, Eriks' invisibility dispelled with a quick flash as his thinblade pierced both of Jakub's kidneys. The half-fiend roared in pain and unfurled his leathery bat-like wings. He takes to the air as Mort retreats to the stairway. Mythyria aims a fiery ray of arcane power at the fleeing Jakub and releases; the spell bounces off the half-fiend's skin like a small rock hitting a tree. Hekuba appears behind the elf and quickly fires a crossbow bolt at the flying target. The bolt is repelled in much the same manner as the spell and Jakub gains more altitude. Eriks, using the still active power in his boots flies in pursuit of his sister's bane but Jakub has a substantial lead and continues to gain the advantage of height; the villain casts a spell over himself while flying and a shimmer flashes over him. Mythyria, down to her less powerful spells, lets loose four more bolts of arcane energy. They are absorbed in Jakub's flesh and he makes no sign of slowing. Then, Hoppup appears, his hand aglow with built up magics he has been storing during his climb of the stairs. In much the same manner as Mythyria, the lizard wizard releases arcane bolts; instead of four however, twelve of the missiles appear and explode onto the fleeing Jakub. The half-fiend cries in pain and falters. Before he can regain control of his flight, Eriks is upon him. The rogue flies in close with his body horizontally aligned. With his off hand he grabs the still writhing Jakub by the shoulder, matching the rhythm of the beat of those leathery wings. Eriks brings his mouth to the ear of Jakub and whispers in a voice more sinister than he thought himself capable of. "This, is for my sister." The human drives his blade, its glowing holy energy piercing all defenses through the back of his foe. Jakub finches and reaches for a blade of his own, but Eriks is the quicker. The rogue pulls his blade free, then releasing his grip on his enemy's shoulder drives his blade through the back of his neck and out of Jakub's own mouth. A gurgle of blood and bile are the last sounds made as Jakub plummets fifty feet back onto the city wall.

Karyan comes to the top of the stairs just as Jakub falls, and fires her bow at her own personal demon. If Eriks' blade, and the fall had not finished him, the ranger's shot surely would have. Still glowing with the holy energy Kamal had bestowed upon it, her arrow flew straight into the left eye of the falling fiend burying itself to the shaft and protruding out the creature's skull.

The companions gathered around the fallen Jakub and stared for a moment. Karyan, with a fire of death itself in her eyes approached the broken creature with her sword drawn. Saying not a word and giving no regard for the half-fiend's modesty, she ripped away his breeches, lifted her sword high, and swung a huge downward arc; eliminating evidence of Jakub's masculinity.

"Good Karyan, please..." Kamal was stopped short by Eriks. "She needs this priest, let her be."

The ranger then kicked her severed prize away from its host and fell to her knees. With a scream born of terror and rising into a shout of victory she reversed the grip on her blade and drove the pommel into the flesh before. She continued this until all that was left before her was a dark red smear of flesh.
None of the other companions felt it wise to disturb the ranger, so they quietly went to shedding Jakub of his equipment.

"The bow, both blades, the scabbard, both rings, the cloak, the belt, the armor, and the necklace." Mythyria, using her ability to see unseen auras of magic reported the items worth inspecting further.

Hekuba reached for the swords, but was cut short by Eriks. "Hold friend, you may not have seen, but at least one of these blades is filled with malice." The rogue closed his eyes and, in the same way Mythyria focuses on magic, attuned his vision to see the evidence of evil around himself. He opened his eyes and indicated the same sword that had hummed with vile energy before. "I'll hold on to this, we need to have it destroyed." Eriks announced to the group. Taking a winter blanket that had seen no use since arriving on the Isle of Dread, the human wrapped the blade and stowed it away.

"Look!" Hoppup had moved to the edge of the wall, and when the others joined him, they could see what he spotted. Nythyians, dozens of them, presumably the villagers were emerging from small buildings all around and looking through the bodies left on the ground and up at the triumphant heroes.

"Lets burn this body." Kamal indicated toward Jakub, "I do not wish him to ever return." The group agreed and as Hoppup and Mythyria began gathering magical fire Eriks stepped in front. "Hold a moment please." The Nythyian seemed just as content to let the fire dance around his hands, while Mythyria though clearly not singed by her own flame gave a rather annoyed look at the human. Eriks worked quickly, ruining a plain dagger, and sawed the right horn off of Jakub's lifeless head. "Proceed." the rogue said with a triumphant smile. The arcanists let loose their combined power and the body of Jakub was engulfed in short order.
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First Post
Session 35

Session 35

Meet the Nythyians and Take the Ship.

As the group collected themselves on the top of the wall, more Nythyians began to gather.
"Allow me to lessen our wounds before we meet your people Hoppup." Kamal raised his holy symbol and mimed a gesture that resembled a rising sun. Warm light washed over the companions and the worst of their visible cuts and bruises subsided; the priest repeated the process twice more. Each time, the group felt more refreshed and less battle weary; the errant bone could be heard snapping back into place. By the time the companions descended into the city once more, the Nythyians were waiting with cheers and saurian smiles full of sharp white teeth.

"Well met good Nythyians!" Eriks' command of the slithering language was far from perfect, but the greeting party seemed to understand him well enough.

An aged Nythyian with a headdress made of small bones and colored, polished stones stepped forward and quelled her cheering kinsmen.

"I am Oha-Uaho, former chieftess of our tribe. Hoppup, if you are here, then has Oxyl has deemed your spirit quest at its end?"

The lizard wizard bowed his head in a submissive gesture. "No, my quest is not at an end, but I am afraid that both Oxyl and Moxtie met their ends helping us reach you."

Oha-Uaho's face fell forlornly and she sighed. "How did this happen?"

Hoppup recounted the tale of Oxyl's trek over the mountain and the heroic act of distracting the ogre hoard so that the companions could pass safely. When he was finished, the looks of cheer and praise were gone from every face; Nythyian or otherwise.

"You can not linger here young Hoppup, your quest is not at an end." The chieftess said with a soft sadness."

"Where is everyone else?" Hoppup asked. "In a short time, have that many died?"

"No, young one. Many have been taken by the humans to the forbidden plateau. We have seen a ship out to see as well; they block our trade routes and threaten to take more of us to the plateau."

"Sounds as though we need to take out that ship then." Hekuba commented.

"We could use a replacement for the Dance." Mythyria remarked.

"Oha-Uaho, please show us the ship. My friends and I will capture it, and then free those that were taken to the forbidden plateau."

"See that you do young Hoppup, see that you do."

The companions exited the city and did not have to travel far to spot the ship anchored in a nearby cove. As the sun set, they set their camp just inside the tree line; planning a full assault for the morning.

As the Eastern sky split, Eriks and Kamal were already awake and preparing for the day to come. Karyan strolled to her brother's side. "Eriks, do you here that?"

"I hear nothing Karyan, should I?"

Hekuba began his morning stretches and commented. "Yeah, somethin's not right. I don't hear any animals."

"Back home" Mythyria chimed as Kamal tried desperately to keep his focus with all the conversation. "If the animals went quiet, it usually meant..."

Her words were cut short as the earth began to tremble; knocking the wizardress prone and thoroughly breaking Kamal's concentration.

"An earthquake or something was on the way." Mythyria finished from an unflattering position next to her gear.

"Shall we then?" Karyan said with a chuckle. "I think that ship needs to be ours within the hour."

"I tend to agree." Kamal said, rising and gathering his things. "Let us break camp and be on our way."

The companions gathered on the beach in the cove where the ship lay anchored.

"I'd say we're about eight long-shots away." Karyan noted.

"Plenty of time to augment ourselves magically to make this much easier." Mythyria replied.

Kamal began with a spell that allowed the group to walk on the waves as though they were solid ground. Mythyria and Hoppup spun enhancements over the group; causing Eriks to shimmer from sight and Mort to increase to the size of an ogre. They set out at once, a wave of air flowing as Eriks, though invisible, flew above the group. Hoppup, having no need to walk on the water, dived into the waves and easily kept pace with the running group.

A call sounded from the ship and a pair of arrows flew towards Mort, Who had outpaced the others in short time. The agile monk knocked one missile away, but the other skid across his shoulder. A thin red line formed, but Mort did not slow. The companions ran on, undaunted as a pea-sized orange ball flew from the starboard side of the ship and exploded amongst them. Cries of victory were cut short as the group emerged from the blast, singing and smoking in the dawn light, but otherwise unslowed. The silence turned then to cries of alarm as Mort lept onto the deck and landed a powerful blow against a large reptilian figure.

Still striding the water, Kamal drew power from his goddess and summoned a celestial companion to help the monk on the bridge of the ship.

The lizard creature began waving its arms in an articulate arcane pattern. Mort, enspelled by Mythyria to match his opponent's size, kicked high into the air and knocked wide the red lizard caster's hand. It growled in frustration as the palpable energy it was gathering charged the air, then fizzled into a harmless hum. Two of the leader's ship mates emerged from below decks and pressed against Mort and the Archon. The monk anticipated the maneuver and jumped straight up, tucking his legs as he did, and causing the blade to cleanly sweep under his legs. The Hound Archon felt the blow land behind it, but rolled forward with its right shoulder absorbing the blow, then spinning to make a wide arc with its greatsword. The arcing sweep came just shy of splitting the crewman's stomach from side to side.

Eriks popped into to sight as his thin blade dug deep into the red lizard's flesh, causing it to howl and turn its gaze to the new foe. The eyes of the leader bore into the will of the rogue, and he could feel a weight like a drunkenness and a soft voice whispering to stop attacking. Eriks, being no stranger to the drunken sensation shook of the compulsion. Eriks smiled and lowered his sword to feign the creature into thinking its eyes had worked. The red lizard grinned, then began an irregular spasm. Mort, still dodging the crewman behind him, let loose a flurry of fists and feet that caused bones to snap and deep impressions to form in the creature's flesh. No longer needing to continue the feint, Eriks pressed his advantage and drove his thinblade into the throat of the red lizard. It falls to the deck with a gurgle of blood sputtering from its torn throat.

A third and final crewman dashed topside and swiped at Eriks, but the limber rogue glided easily away from the clumsy stroke.

The Hound Archon's foe made another lunge; this time the summoned ally caught the crewman's arm. The Archon bit down on the human's shoulder with its canine snout, then drove its greatsword through the unfortunate man. The scream would have been louder, if the man had not spent his last breath on the desperate lunge.

The second crewman made a wide swipe at the Archon, but the celestial creature jerked his greatsword free with a flash and knocked the attack high and out of any threatening area.
Mythyria, still striding the water rattles through a quick spell and releases two fiery rays at the crewman whose sword was parried. The fire dances over him, but he remains standing.

Eriks turns to face the third crewman just as an arrow and a bolt sink into the second. Karyan and Hekuba stand triumphantly on the water as the crewman falls to the deck burned and broken.

Kamal, and Hoppup at last breach the top of the ship and join Eriks around the last crewman. The slaver waves a basic defense pattern with his blade and follows with a swing at the Hound Archon. The following drop in his defenses find him a thinblade, a dagger crackling with electricity, a deadly sharp scimitar, and several fists. He goes down in a heap and the companions encounter no more threats on the ship.

Mythyria inventories the few magical items the red lizard was carrying and the others take stock of the ships supplies.

"She's a good ship." Mort replies after looking the vessel over bow to stern. "I think at last things are looking up for us."

Karyan shoots the elf a wicked glare, and the monk steps back to see Hekuba, Eriks, Mythyria, Hoppup, and even Kamal staring daggers at him.

"What'd I say?"

Eriks sighs and cups his forehead in his palm looking at the deck of the ship. "You never say things like that, you just never do. The minute some fool comes along and talks about how everything is going good, is the same minute things will become worse than we could ever imagine."
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First Post
Session 36

Session 36

The last days of THE Last action HERO...

Diary excerpt from The legacy of Mort Cromwell: monk. man. mystery. maniac

After the battle on the ship we went back to the now "liberated" lizard folk village to summon their god of battle, Zot Zala'ha. As the villagers were running around in these crazy masks around a burning wooden stake with a statue on the top, The statue suddenly came to life as a figure covered in black hair with an angry visage of a bat for a face. (honestly... I'd hit it... I mean it has been almost a year and a half) once the figure was standing in front of us she looked at Eriks and said something* that sounded like she was pissed, or at least that's the impression I got.
*writers note: she said "I have heard your puny excuses for prayers and that witch is mine should be returned"

After she spoke the figure turned into seven flaming bats and that's when the village burst into utter chaos. We broke out to vanquish these flamers, but yet again just when I thought I would be of use to the party by punching the **** out of these foes. I was faced with the fact that Lizard people like to run to fire producing rodents of the air, and my punches were doing more damage to me than to the bats. After the foes were taken down mostly by Hohop, Mathyria, and Karyan. We treated the wounded and put out the fires that the damnable creatures had started Unfortunately some of the kind, but less intelligent, Lizard folk didn't make it. I will always remember you green one, green two,slightly less green one, and damn near green two. You were not on my list as the brightest but dying like that had to have sucked.

After I helped clean up, We decided to turn in. This was a pleasant change to the normal sleep on the ground because we finally got to spend the night inside a "building".

The Bat Cave:

The morning was more pleasant than I figured it would be. We found where the crazy demon man was hiding all of his fancy useless junk and his food. Most of the village elders that were still around started going through the room while we restocked our food supplies and headed off to the bat lady god temple. It was two days of uneventful travel. The breeze coming off the ocean was nice and I didn't have to struggle to breathe, walk, or anything for that matter.(I wish we could have stopped.) When we arrived at Zot Zala'ha's temple entrance man was it hot. I figured it would have been a building out side of the volcano, you know, maybe with something like the previous temple, but no, We had to go into the bottom OF A FRAGGIN VOLCANO. I mean who has the for thought to think. hmm good place for a temple. GOD DID I SAY IT WAS HOT, cause it was hot. I'm not one to complain about stuff too much, but damn it was hot. As we descended down the path to the temple room I figured with my luck we would run into some more fire rodents of doom, but no, it honestly was kind of easy. Then we made it to the chamber where this statue of the god went. When we got in the room Eriks placed the statue in its corresponding place and we started to leave. That's when she came out. The same figure as in the village but this time she had WAY more bats and I'm thinking OH ****. She saw us and then luckily saw what we put back and sighed. Dismissing all of her flame bats with a wave of her had she told us that we could have one item out of her treasure room that was now opening. Now I know what your thinking of course this is where Mort gets the girl, no, Mort gets an amulet because the rest of the stuff that was in the room was for the rest of the pansies in the party. Kamal took a lucky stone, Mathyria took some Powerful Pearl... figures. Eriks took a buckler with his gods symbol on it. Hopop found an invisible ring, I mean I couldn't find it. Hekuba got a breastplate of Mithral, and Karyan found a quiver of holy arrows. When we were leaving I couldn't help thinking that we could have taken more stuff than what she offered. I could have taken her.

So we headed back to the village, again pleasant conditions and a longing for the sea. Hop hop said goodbye to his elder I guess she told him that. He needed to stop being a pansy and not to come back until he was a man cause he left in a fowl(smelling) mood.*
*Hopop was actually told that his visit was not one of unpleasantness, but that it would be wise for him not to return until his journey was complete, because it would cause distress to the remaining villagers, Hop hop also stated that he now knew what his spirit journey was.

The day the Muscle died:

So we headed north again to hopefully convince the Recostas to lend us a hand by lending their arms to the locals so we can finally start making a dent in the forces controlling the island of dread.*
*So lets take a side bar here for a second. Why would you want to liberate The ISLAND OF DREAD? I mean I feel bad for the people on the island, but really pick a better name like big ass jungle island of horrible things that could get you eaten. I mean that's more like it because at least you know what your getting into I would dread going to the island of dread because it could be anything dreadful from a parchment cut to not having enough blankets because the damn weather changes on a whim. I'm done...

On our way to the Recostas we have to cross a stink fest of awesome known as the tar pits, I mean I have sailed with men that could compare to the smell of this place, but it is not anyplace I would like to spend any time in. While crossing the tar pit we hear a large growl and some high pitched whimpers and squeaks from the woods to our left. Eriks flew up to check it out while Karyan, Hekuba and I took the sneakier rout to see if their was anything we could do. After a few seconds of noise from the other two we quieted down to actually sneak up on what it was. Eriks got really quiet so I shouted for him to tell me what he saw. His reply was "I think this is one for Mort!" After hearing that I broke into a dead sprint to get to what ever this massive rumbling was, boy oh boy I was not disappointed. When I broke the tree line their she was. The BIGGEST, the UGLIEST damn lizard I had ever seen, and she was picking on these little monkey/sloth looking creatures trapped in the tar pit. I mean like they were a sampler platter you would get at one of those fancy parties hosted by someone with way too much money and too little sense to just serve everyone dinner already. At seeing this I wanted to do nothing more than to hit this thing as hard as I could. So I ran, and ran, and ran... I got close, close enough for it to notice that one of the samples had come out and wanted to get eaten faster. Unfortunately for me. I found myself in the massive jaws of this colossal beast trying my best to get out. The last thing I remember is was clawing everything I had to get out of its jaws, but the smell and the strength of the massive creature was too much the last thing I saw was Karyan screaming in anguish and a massive burst of flame from one of Mathyria's great fire ball surprises. Soon, my body seemed to go numb, but it was as if my eyes still "saw" everything. I thought I saw Elloy for a moment, but I wasn't about to leave the party for his ugly mug I wanted to make sure everyone made it.

Mythyria hit it with everything she had scorching rays, Hop hop used powers I had never seen before they were like fire ball surprises, but full of hate and lightning. Kamal put on Hopop's ring of invisibility and stood below the beast channeling energy to the now eaten Eriks who was cutting his way out of the beast not for his own sake but also for his sister's. All the while Hekuba stood back firing every arrow he had at his disposal for his comrades in danger. Eventually the Massive beast was taken down by one of Mathyria's weirder spells she uses. When the beast fell, it fell on top of Kamal. He shrugged it off and began to cut out Eriks and the others. I saw my body there. limp and burned from the stomach juices. Poor Karyan it seemed shared a similar fate to mine. Eriks was upset of course, but knew he had no time to morn the loss of his sister at the moment.
The party talked with the little monkey/sloth creatures for a time. The creatures led them away from the body to what looked like a near-by settlement.

At least my last days weren't as boring as I thought they would be.
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First Post
Session 37

Gaining Momentum

I failed to save her...

That terrible beast, gigantic compared to the one we faced on the beach swallowed my sister, and despite taking perhaps the biggest risk of my life to jump in and free her, she is dead. Mort was also taken from us, but his spirit remained. Karyan is simply gone. I can only hope that her soul finds peace or finds a way back to us soon. I will not dwell, for to do so is to be defeated. If Karyan sought Bargle's death, then I shall carry on where she left off, keeping hope that she may yet be returned to me.

Eriks, in a shallow attempt to hide his despair, went to work dislodging teeth from the fallen Tamahotee.

"Son, we can bring her back, do not fret." Kamal's words were of little comfort to the rogue, but he smiled nonetheless.

"We ought to find the Phanatons" Hoppup commented, "They will be eager to help knowing we have killed this beast."

A cool breeze swirled in the air, accompanied by a faint shimmering blue light.

"Dark and empty!" Hekuba swore. "What was that?"

Before anyone could garner a response, the chill coalesced before the group and a translucent image of Mort manifested itself among them.

"Is that my body?!" The monk's voice sounded as if it were muffled under heaver wool blankets.

"Are you surprised?" Mythyria asked, seeming unaffected at the sudden appearance of Mort's ghost. "You were eaten and began to digest."

Eriks could feel his heart race and he looked all around for another shimmer of light, felt for another chill breeze, listened for another muffled voice, but it did not come.

"I cannot abide this Mort." Kamal spoke loudly, "We must return you to your body as quickly as we can. We will do the same for Karyan."

"I'm down" the monk replied, "Where is Karyan?"

Eriks felt the lump rise in his throat, and unwarranted anger swell toward the oblivious Mort, but before he could spill his wrath, Hoppup replied.

"She is busy, I communed with her spirit for just an instant before you appeared Mort. She says she will gather information for us and return as soon as she is able."

What should have been happy news fostered only resentment in Eriks. Why would Hoppup lie like this? If it was to spare his feelings, he should not bother, the anger in him threatened to boil over, he reached for his Aranea alcohol determined to take at least three fingers then speak his mind. Instead, the man took his sacred drink and downed the concoction. Since being blessed as the Hero of Cayden Cailean, every time he drank it, he would lose a small amount of memory, while the others told him of mighty deeds he did not remember doing. The drink finished, Eriks' eyes slowly closed. When they opened, Karyan and no one else, stood before him.

"I've not the time to deal with you sulking, I will return when it is fitting and no sooner." The tone of her voice made it clear she was not at all happy with her brother. "And if I don't return at all, you must do what I could not. Now snap out of it!"

"Eriks!!" The sound of Kamal's voice reverberated through his skull. "We make for the Phanatons, do you have enough teeth?"

In his absentmindedness, Eriks had not realized that he was still pulling teeth from the behemoth of a dinosaur, he counted a dozen lying near him.

"Yes. Yes, sorry. Let's go." Was all the ordinarily eloquent man could muster.

"Hey, she'll be alright, don't worry." Hekuba, who shared a ranger's bond with Karyan laid a meaty hand on Eriks' shoulder.

Mythyria, already several paces ahead, raised her voice and said, "Neither of the dead ones will be alright with out the proper components, and Hoppup says the Phanatons should have what we need."

Hoppup was able to help Hekuba locate a camp of the small Phanton tribe, and the group asked about finding the diamonds needed to bring Mort and Karyan back to life.

"Find Teka Tek, he leader, have many jewels." The language was similar to Nythian, but primitive enough to cause more than a few "I'm sorry's" and "Repeat pleases."

The companions were taken to Teka Tek, and the chief did not trust the group.

"You look like those that stole family." He said, glaring at Eriks.

Missing not a beat, the rogue activated his magical ring and changed his appearance to that of a Nythian.

"I look like many things." He said while using the ring to look like an elf, then a tall Phanaton. "But a kidnapper is not one of them."

While this thoroughly amused the other Phanatons, and annoyed his companions, Teka Tek seemed less impressed.

"You have great magic. You come to hurt Teka Tek;s family."

"You have it all wrong." Hoppup announced. "We have already defeated Tamahotee."

A high pitched laugh spread through the gathered Phanatons and Teka Tek spoke once more. "No one can kill Tamahotee, he is ever hungry."

At this, Eriks stopped shifting forms and spoke up. "Ah, but we are more hungry." The man brought forth a tooth of the mighty beast to show all the Phanatons, then brought out the eleven others to prove it was not a fortunate find. Teka Tek appeared even more worried.

"You hungrier than Tamahotee? Kill Tamahotee? Now kill us?!" The Phanaton group began to gather together as Kamal stepped forward.

"Mighty Teka Tek, we are here only to help, but we also need help. Tamahotee killed two of our friends, and we need certain materials to bring them back to life."

At this Mythyria and Hekuba respectfully pulled the corpses of Mort and Karyan out for view. Teka Tek looked them over and solemnly spoke. "Tamahotee indeed. What you need from me, if you can kill Tamahotee?" Mythyria chimed in. "Two of those stones." pointing to small uncut diamonds on the chiefs adornments.

"We trade?"

"We trade." Hoppup and Hekuba spoke in unison, causing another curious glance from the Phanaton chief.

The ghost of Mort hovered nearly invisibly behind the companions, and insisted that they trade his magical ring of protection for the diamond component.

"Teka Tek thinks this not good trade." The chief spoke. Hekuba intervened. "This ring will keep you from getting hit." At this declaration, Teka Tek put the ring on another of his numerous "family" then proceeded to punch his partner in the face. As the startled Phanaton rubbed a bruising cheek, Teka Tek pulled off the ring and said. "No work."

"Good chief." Eriks interrupted. "I apologize for that, the ring must only work for tall ones. May I offer these in its place?" The rogue produced two mundane golden rings.

"Both for this one?" The chief gave a look as though he didn't understand the unfair trade but would not question the tall one's dimness. "Okay, but not enough for stones."

"I thought as much." Eriks continued. "I will add this, though it has served me well, I offer it to you to show how great is our need." The human pulled out his finely made spear and it began to crackle with the cold energy that it constantly held. The offering worked as Teka Tek's eyes lit up and he hesitantly grasped for the weapon.

For an instant, the cold touch burned at the Phanaton's skin, but as his hand grasped the shaft, it remained bearable but still steaming in the hot jungle.

"This great gift, we trade." Was all the chief could manage.

The rest of the Phanatons were in no less awe of their chief than he was in the weapon. Two diamonds of the proper size were produced immediately from the vestments of Teka Tek. The chief then brought out two more diamonds larger than an orc's fist. "These too big, you take." All eyes, especially Eriks' widened at the sight of the gems. Mythyria broke the silence as she passed the smaller diamonds to Kamal. The priest went to work on Mort's body and Mythyria approached Teka Tek.

"Good chief, we need more I'm afraid."

"That all we have for trade. Why you tall so hungry?" Teka Tek questioned.
Mythyria smiled at this and replied. "Hungry? Indeed. But you misunderstand, we want no more treasures. We need aid to find the Rakastas."

"Rakastas gone, taken by the other talls." The reply made her frown, but she quickly hid her displeasure. "But we have heard they made weapons, weapons we can use to fight the other talls. You mentioned hunger, are you in need of food?"

"We no hunt for long time, you feed us?" The sides of Teka Tek and several other Phanaton mouths began to moisten as a collective grumble resounded from stomachs at the mention of nourishment.

Mythyria smiled, "Who among is the best artist?" A moment passed and a young female Phanaton stepped forward. "Tega." the small woman introduced herself. Mythyria recited a string of arcane syllables and conjured a canvas, brush, and several bright pigments. "Paint whatever you wish to eat dear."

Tega hesitantly took the brush and put it to the canvas. With magic guiding the strokes, in a matter of minutes a huge feast was depicted before them all.

Kamal heard the exchange but paid it no heed. Anticipating success, the cleric had prayed for certain powerful spells that morning and was invoking the power to raise the dead into Mort's body. The monk's many wounds closed to form pink and gray scars and color returned to his cheeks. His chest began to rise and fall. Slowly, Mort opened his eyes and smiled. "Next time, don't let me do that." Kamal smiled, "Next time, you will forget this time." The priest moved then to Karyan's body. He began praying, and though he felt the power flowing, no soul was present to answer the summons to return to the body. Frowning, Kamal turned to Hoppup. "Is she still out there?"

"I do not know, I can attempt to locate her once more." The lizard wizard said. As the Nythian postured into a meditative stance, Teka Tek's voice interrupted.

Through a mouth full of conjured food from the painting Tega and Mythyria created, the chief spoke. "You talk to stars?"

Hoppup, taking the Phanaton's meaning nodded.

"Our star talker was taken, you talk to stars for us?"

Hoppup nodded once more. "I'd be happy to."

As the day drew to a close, Hoppup's trance became more intense, and the revelry took several ups and downs as stories were traded between the groups.

The Nythian came from his meditation at last and approached the group.

"Your own star talker still lives, as will all of the Phanatons if they help us." Turning to Eriks, Hoppup added, "Karyan is okay."

"This great news!" Teka Tek exclaimed, nimbly bouncing from one foot to another. "Jek! Get Jek!"

A much older Phanaton answered his chief's call and introduced himself to the companions as Jek.

"Jek knows the jungle, knows where Rakastas village was." Teka Tek tells them. "He take you there."

Without a word, Jek bows his head and meanders back into the crowd.

The day grew darker, and the night passes with more stories and occasional snoring. As the suns rays break the Eastern horizon Kamal and Eriks are speaking about the coming battle and the role Karyan was to play, the rest of the group is making a light breakfast as Teka Tek approaches them.

"Teka Tek speaks!" the chief, despite his small stature commanded much attention. "I say, these talls are family, and we help them on flat mountain. We come in one week. Now, we gather rest of family."

"Here" Eriks said, rifling through his pack. "Take these with you so that the rest of your family will know that together we are strong." the rogue produced tow teeth of the mighty Tamahotee, as well as two smaller teeth he had collected on the beach months before.

The chief took them, the smaller set easily could have been used as blades for the Phanatons, while Tamahotee's measured nearly as long as the tribe's average height.

Cheers from all over the camp responded to the announcement. The makeshift village is quickly broken down and Jek hobbled over to the group.

"You know the way to the Rakasta's village?" Hekuba asks.

"Jek knows, young tall, Jek knows." the older Phanaton replies "And know Rakastas liked to hide things."

Several of the companion's ears perked at this, but Mort spoke what they each thought. "Like weapons and armor?"

Jek, already walking a steady pace with his cane and small knapsack just turned his head and gave a knowing smile.

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