The Hand Wave


Because the players really would have only been spectators anyways, and our time time the session was up, I recently handwaved the titanic strugle between two dragons that occured in their wake.

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Voadam said:

I used to roleplay it out, now I just say what's available and hand wave acquiring and selling normal and minor magical items.
Oh yeah - that too. Unless it's something big, they just get whatever they can pay for within a reasonable amount of time.


Shopping. I occasionally introduce an NPC merchant, especially early in the campaign when the PCs are pinching coppers. If the NPC takes, there are occasional conversations, etc. Once money is not an issue (usually 2nd level for mundane goods), I say, "Use standard book costs. Next?"

Travel. Again, I may throw in some descriptions or give the PCs a stage on which to interact, but usually it's a matter of doing the Indy Jones "line on a map" thing.

Physical romance. I like to have it established which characters frequent the random prostitute table, and I might use a brothel in the same way as a tavern if the group has the right outlook. But any "camera work" is head and shoulders only. Usually, it's a matter of the player declaring, "Time to go wenching," or some such. Similar hand-wavium for "advanced" romantic encounters, or the "sweet nothings" that lead up to them.


Eating, excreting, finishing off the wounded (well I check that the PCs _are_ finishing off the wounded, but the answer is always 'yes' - my old drill sergeant would be proud... ;)


First Post
die_kluge said:
Using the can? I didn't think people in D&D had excretory systems? :lol:

Uneventful boat rides.
Sleeping safely through the night.
Uneventful trips from one side of the city to the other.
Sexual encounters. :) (see my other thread)
Killing helpless victim(s).
Purchasing mundane gear, although if I'm in a role-playing mood, I'll roleplay this one.
*Cough* Every adventure that I have created since 1975 has had 'facilities'...

But I most certainly do hand wave their use... :p

Food in times of plenty, uneventful travel, temperate weather... wave, wave, wave...

The Auld Grump


Clockwork Golem
Pointless combats that are hopelessly one-sided in favor of the PC's

Any combat where the players come up with a viable plan that should wipe out the opposition without any real threat.

Stuff the players come up with that's just far to cool to fail because they blew a die roll.

Those tend to be the big ones, although exactly how often it happens varies depending on campaign and gane system. I do far more of the last option when playing Feng Shui, for example, than I do when playing d20.

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