• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Factors Affecting Will Save:
Dewydd tells everyone it's an illusion: +5 [Everyone receives this bonus]
Khubsheth's Blessing: +5 [Tam does not receive this bonus]
(Dewydd made it.)
(Tam made it.)
(22) = Failed
Travis: (23) = Failed
Respen: (40) = Made it
Vale: (23) = Failed
Thallok: (30) = Made it
Kleborn: (22) = Failed
Despite being told that this is definitely an illusion, half of the party falls victim to it.
(Failed = Lenny, Travis, Vale, and Kleborn.)

Buffs from the axe, affecting whole party:

+2 Artifact Bonus (stacks with everything) to saves vs. Fear

Buffs from Khubsheth:
(Affecting: Dewydd, Sylvar, Respen, Vale, Kleborn, Thallok, Lenny, and Travis) [Basically, everyone except Tam.]

Geas for the duration of the adventure.

+5 bonus to all saves (Guardian Bonus, stacks with everything) for the duration of the adventure.

DURATIONS: (Original duration) [Current count against duration, in rounds]
Fly: Less than 12 mins (117 rounds) [-105]
Armor: 24 hours (14,400 rounds) [-105]
Shield: Less than 24 minutes (237 rounds) [-105]
Alter Self: Less than 120 minutes (1197 rounds) [-105]
Dragonskin: Less than 120 minutes (1197 rounds) [-105]
Prot. vs. Evil: Less than 24 minutes (237 rounds) [-105]
Blur: Less than 12 mins (117 rounds) [-104]
(Counting the minute spent in conversation, below.)

Those members who failed their Will saves (Lenny, Travis, Vale, and Kleborn) suddenly become extremely tired!

If a target fails his Will save, he automatically suffers the
effects of fatigue (can’t run or charge, -2 to Str and Dex,
plus any strenuous activity causes the target to become
exhausted) and thirst (Con check every 10 minutes (DC 10
+1 for each previous check) or suffer 1d6 points of nonlethal
damage) as well as a mild form of confusion.

As the reality of the harsh sun begins to set in, the party members who made their saves try in vain to convince the ones who didn't that all of this is not real. After about a minute of conversation, the four who failed begin to feel the effects of the heat!

For every 1 minute under the effects of this spell, the target
must make a Fort save (DC 15 +1 for each previous save)
or suffer 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. Heavily-clothed
targets or those wearing armor receive a -4 circumstance
penalty to this save. A PC reduced to unconsciousness
begins to suffer lethal damage.

Vale's Fort Save: 1d20+11 (+16 w/ Khub. Blessing) Vale has -4 to saves because of heavy armor, but Easy Travel property allows him to apply armor's rating of +3 toward mitigation of heat retention in this instance, so penalty is only -1.
Kleborn's Fort Save: 1d20+10 (+15 w/ Khub. Blessing)
Lenny & Travis' Fort Saves (Same): 1d20+10 (+15 w/ Khub. Blessing)

Vale's save: (18) = made it
Kleborn's save: (24) = made it
Lenny's save: (20) = made it
Trav's save: (24) = made it

No one has yet begun to suffer from heat exhaustion, although the heat is now, ALREADY, almost unbearable.

Dewydd's Memories:
...The sandy wastes of a desert stretch in all directions. The air is stifling and heat waves emit from the scorching sands, obscuring your sight. In the distance, the verdant tops of vegetation can be discerned, perhaps from an oasis. It’s difficult to determine if this is a chamber at all, or if it’s a portal to an actual desert...


The party notices, in the distance, the green tops of trees, popping up in the midst of the seemingly endless wastelands. An oasis, abundant with shade and cool water is a tempting destination, given the circumstances.

Players Handout 001a.png

Everyone: What do you do?
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Supplemental Info:

To everyone that made the save, the sand is real. It is a white, glittery, blue-glowing, obviously enchanted substance. The trees in the distance look real as well, perhaps actual vegetation that was transplanted? You can't be sure without drawing closer. The sun is not the sun at all, rather a simple, magical light, floating in place. There seems to be a "horizon" or edge to this area. You estimate the boundary to be circular, about 500 yards in diameter. You and your companions are somewhere in the southern hemisphere.


Kleborn, feeling the effects of the heat, and feeling tired, sees the oasis ahead. A sense of urgency overwhelms him. "I need a drink of water, and that area ahead looks like a great place to get a drink. Perhaps we can stop for a moment and rest under the shade."

Thallok will accompany Kleborn, mainly because he wonders if it is an oasis at all, or some trap. He turns his attention to Tam, "Giant slayer, I am going to accompany Kleborn to the water ahead. Perhaps you can take a look and see if there are any traps?"

Kleborn looks at the group and says, "Perhaps we can all go and check it out, nothing good is happening sitting here."

Kleborn and Thallok both wait for the group to join before going to the oasis.


Tam, agrees to scout forward, though he feels it is unnecessary since he feels it is all a trap.
OOC: I will do some DC rolls for this, but am presently at work...again. Getting lots of overtime and building my PTO.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Tam, it occurs to you that if the sand really is there, which you know it is, then there is no possible way to build a stable trap in it, much less detect one. Instead, you focus on spotting movement, especially creatures like Sand Worms, that are known to travel just beneath the surface of the sand. However, your eagle eyes spot nothing. If there IS something hidden under the sand, it's very well hidden.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
GM: Moving things along to prevent bogging down the game due to over-analyzing everything :)

The part advances toward the oasis; at a regular walk, with Tam just in front, and Dewydd flying alongside, it takes just under a minute (5 rounds) to reach your current position. To those that failed their saves, the heat is now stifling.


Green = Dense foliage, half visual distance, x3 movement cost
Beige = Sand, x2 movement cost
Blue = Water
ST = Statue

Finally, after cresting a sand dune, you spy a lush stand of trees crowding a small pool of clear water. Situated among the branches of the massive palm trees is a simple stone statue of a female sphinx. The tan statue is kneeling at the water’s surface, admiring its beauty in the glass-like surface of the pool. Three questions immediately spring to mind: 1] is the water safe to drink? 2] Is the sphinx statue looking at her reflection, or 3] is there something in the pool?

Player Handout K.png

EVERYONE: What do you do?


"Um, guys, would one of you detect magic on the water, or the statue?" Tam asks of the party. There is nothing in this place that he entirely trusts what his senses tell him. Though the sand seems, and maybe is real (and the heat, too), his thieves' distrust makes him question everything (well, except when he's stone drunk).
First, he notices how one claw touches the pool of water. Is it enscorceled to turn anyone or anything to stone that touches it?
Second, or --- does just looking into the pool cause the same enscorcelment?
Third, is the stone statue an excellently crafted golem, just waiting for the party to get too close because there may be something to protect?
In secret, he was hoping it was a golem. That meant there was the possibility of an amazing treasure, besides gems, coin and jewelry.

Voidrunner's Codex

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