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The Heroes of House Tharashk


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Kajamba Lion said:
OOC: I'm assuming that would be something that Cazanjan would know from his professional training as a diplomat, but let me know...

quote from House Kundarak's copy of "Customs of the Kingdom" (340YK): Not much is known of the foods prepared by the barbarian tribes of the Shadow Marches. One imagines and hears rumors of all sorts of horrid delicacies, but this should not be taken as truth.
What we know for certain is that rice is an important staple, fish and other water dwelling creatures are common, and that the wide variety of peppers that grow in the area are used.

From Mistress Greals "Manners and the Diplomat" (830YK): A good diplomat will try and enjoy native foods, but will avoid overeating. Many cultures will take offense should an overindulging diplomat regurgitate the food he was just given.

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Cypress runs through the menu quickly and professionally. Many Items are unfamiliar to you, othrs are old favorites. Crocodile features prominantly among the specials, from stew to ribs, to steaks. Most food seems to be served on a bed of rice mixed with peppers, mushrooms and other odd bits. Pork is available and apparently plentiful, beef is rare and expensive. Fowl of various sorts seems to be in good supply as well as fish, crayfish, and shrimp. The variety of liquors, beers, ales, and wines is more than adequate.

As Cypress bustles off with your order, the elderly halfling gentleman from the bar wanders over and eyes Cazanjan up and down, muttering.A dwarf? A dwarf? I know there was something about a dwarf!Something, something? He starts as he sees Gamil. Oh! Yes! The Tornn boy's friends! I'd almost forgotten. Welcome to Zarash'ak in general, and Huckabee's in particular. Your rooms and meals are being taken care of of course. I'll see to you getting your rooms set up. Is there anything I can get for you?


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Dox will say" I will try alligator stew for something new along with a nice wine. We must make sure that we at least enjoy our hosts hopitality."
At Huckabee approaches I will great him kindly and introduce myself " I am Jarkan and also in the employ of House Tharashk, and glad to meet you."

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Cazanjan orders a crocodile steak on a bed of rice, peppers, and mushrooms with whatever seems to be the traditional sauce and appropriate ale (he defers to Cypress's judgement on this one).

"A pleasure to meet you, Master. I'll be sure to ask if anything arises, but, for now, I think Cypress has handled everything admirably."


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"Beer" Gulo repeats, glancing out the window at the wet landscape. "If possible something not brewed from the local water."


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Your drinks arrive rapidly, The wine, ale, and food are all excellent and plentiful, and they even manage to come up with some Graywall Xoriat dark beer from Droaam with the explanation that Lord Khundran has become very fond of it. Huckabee (the old halfling you manage to gather, he never introduces himself) regales you with stories of Lord Khundran's apparently wayward youth, the giant crocodile hunt that led to the current specials, and anything else that pops into his head. The aged half orc turns out to be heavily armed, and never gets more than a few paces from Huckabee. The old halfling eventually exhausts his store of energy and nods off at the table next to yours.

Cypress approaches, and says "Grandfather set things up for you folks to have a private suite with four bedchambers and a common area. If you would prefer unconnected rooms that can be arranged. For dinner tonight you can order food to your rooms, or come back here. There'll be a bard, and lots of other guests"

The "suite" is a small house with it's own entrance, but connected to other "suites" and the main Inn on the second floor. It is roughly 20' square on the ground floor, and 25' square on the 2nd floor. there are 4 bedrooms, one on the ground, three above, a common room with a table and seating, and an indoor privy. (There are no doors connecting the "suite" buildings to each other or the main Inn, but there are covered walkways.)

Separate rooms would use a common privy (still indoors), and would be within the main building of the inn.

After you are settled into your rooms (whichever type you choose) around 5:00 pm, The sky opens up, and an ocean, or at least a large lake comes falling down out of it. It rains for about 2 hours.

If you have other things you wish to accomlish this day (Sar, 4th week of Dravago, 998 YK) let me know, otherwise we'll fast forward.


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Dox will just be looking around the Suite and area around it. Looking for escape routes and routes of accessibility. Also I will check out the security of our rooms for now.
Otherwise I will wait out the time.

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Cazanjan settles himself into his room and watches the rain. He prefers the suite, but will not object if the others want separated rooms.


Gamil wonders around the outside tavern and it's surroundings during the afternoon, taking shelter inside when it starts to rain. Once it starts to get dark, he settles himself in his room and spends the night performing routine maintenance on himself and his equipment.


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Gulo puts his gear in one of the remaining rooms. He digs out his battered chain shirt and puts it on, and then out of habit, checks the condition of his blade and bow. He spends most of the time doing this and resting.

When night comes, Gulo, slightly annoyed, with the fishy smell he percieves all around him, walks the perimeter of the Inn. He watches the water trying to see what lives in it while at the same time attempting to stay dry.
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