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The House of Rath OOC (One More Player Wanted)


First Post
Two small matches were struck against a fare stone. Soon the whole world was swallowed in a mountain of flames.

1372 DR, The Year of Wild Magic:
A falling star fell from the heavens and crashed into the north of Faerun. Where it landed is unknown, but a small earthquake was felt across the lands of the north.

1373 DR, The Year of Rogue Dragons:
Throughout Faerun five metallic dragons were seen at random locations. However, these dragons attacked towns and villages for reasons unknown. Each of these dragons was ridden by figures dark and mysterious. Who these beings were and where they came from is a mystery as well, as was the purpose in their doings.

1374 DR, The Year of Lightning Storms:
A strange year indeed. Violence and crimes have fallen near silent as they dwindled to nothing much at all. The dragons that caused havoc the year before have vanished from the skies. Evil monsters all throughout the lands have been appearing less frequently. Cities prospered, populations grew. People were happy. However all was not well beneath the skin of this glorious illusion. Things are about to change...

It is the 24th day of the month of Eleint and all is well in the Cormyrian city of Wheloon (as it has been this past year). The town has grown fairly well. The lord of city, Sarp Redbeard, struck at luck as his wife finally gave birth, and twins they were. The city itself struck at rich as profits skyrocketed for the city’s businesses. And during the last ten months, only three minor crimes were reported. However, this month strange things began to happen. People began to disappear.

Three months ago twelve adventurers entered town for individual reasons. Though they were adventurers they could not bring themselves to depart this town. Their fates were already set, but of course untold. These adventurers have yet to meet each other. During the same time these travelers came to Wheloon the Red Wizards of Thay established a small compound outside of town. The adventurers heard of this, but have not gone to the compound yet. Led by a fledgling Red Wizard, the wizards and their bodyguards of this compound have a small operation in which they produce potions, scrolls, and occasionally minor magic weapons and armor.

A couple of days ago the adventurers heard of rumors of the disappearance of two young men who never returned to their homes the night before. The men were strong, healthy, and fit, working as loggers. The adventurers investigated a bit individually, discovering that the men were last seen at one of the local taverns named the Golden Songbird, speaking with a tall woman with long, dark hair. The men left with her, and the three were spotted walking out of town as a group. A local merchant got into contact with each of the adventurers and asked them to meet at the same tavern where the incident began, offering information on the disappearance. Ironically, all of the adventurers just happened to get to the tavern at the same time. They greeted each other and minded their own businesses. One by one they entered the tavern...


About the Game
Howdy folks. As you can see I am interested in getting a Forgotten Realms game started. It will be a big campaign to say the least, so I am looking for, that's right, 12 players that think they can bear it out with me. This was a campaign that I wanted to start a while back but never got a chance to start the engine. I'm looking forward to burning those tires now. :)

Yes, there will hopefully be 12 players, but often enough they will be split up for those of you who are afraid of such a party size. This game will have a lot of combat in it, yet there will be long times when combat won't be around. Don't worry if you want to make a very social character, for I try to keep a balance between the different types of characters. However, I'm not going to worry too much about how the party is made up. I want you all to create characters that you want to play and have fun with it. I will try my best to keep this game moving quickly, as I hope you do. I am looking for players that can post at least every other day. 3.5 rules.

Character Creation
  • 1st-level of any apropriate race for that level from the FRCS or Races of Faerun.
  • Any base class, along with the Courtier class from the Rokugan setting book.
  • Standard 25 point-buy for stats.
  • Any alignment may be used. Evil characters will need a good background that sparks my interest before I allow them though.
  • Full starting wealth for 1st-level characters (keep in mind regional equipment as well).
  • Sources for skills, feats, spells, equipment, etc can come from any base D&D and any FR source. If its not coming from the core D&D books or the FRCS, let me know what you want to use, and from where. Give me the description of what you are using in case I do not have that source.

  1. Tell me about yourself, your gaming history, your hobbies, whatever. What's your favorite setting, style of play, etc.
  2. Post your characters stats, along with the sources you are using.
  3. Give a description and background of your character. The more, the merrier.
  4. Wait for my response. Easy. :)

Well, enough of that. I'm looking forward to 12 interesting characters and players knocking on my door here soon. Oh, and in case the beginning of this adventure sounds familiar to you, fear not. Things are different. :cool:
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Mephit James

First Post
I'd be interested in playing. I've played for six plus years now, although I've never played in Forgotten Realms before. My favorite setting is Planescape, and I always thought of FR as the deva hogging the spotlight. With the release of 3e, though, I started looking through the setting and realized that it had a lot of potential and could be really fun with a good DM. :D I can get a hold of most FR books from friends, etc. and would be interested in joining in. I think I'd like to play a moon elf monk from Evermeet. Sort of a philosophical, contemplative... you might say flakey character who has just returned to the ancient home of his/her people.
He'd be interesting as a foil to Ferrix's "typical human fighter" I think: "I say we smash them before they smash us, eh?" "Ah, an intriguing mixture of prescience and initiative." "... Whatever, pointy."
Well, barring that, I think a gold dwarf from the Great Delve (which I think is the realm near the Shar desert... I really need to check into this) would be interesting too. I need to refresh my knowledge of the setting and will check back in tommorow. I will be looking into the Player's Guide to Faerun and Races of Faerun for options.

EDIT: After looking at FR resources, my new back-up plans are a ghostwise master slinger from the Chondalwood out to explore the greater world to defend his people, a Thayan wizard out to strike it rich, or a gold dwarf from the Great Rift (I almost got it right) who wants to break free of the cultural barriers of his home and see what Faerun has to offer. I also got a hold of a copy of Faiths and Pantheons for expanded options for patron deities. Considering I'm thinking of elves, dwarves, and halflings, I think this is a good thing...
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If you'll have me.

Tell me about yourself, Tell me about yourself, your gaming history, your hobbies, whatever.

Long standing CP2020 player and more recently LARPer. Came to D&D fairly late and still have never played FtF.

What's your favorite setting, style of play, etc.

Would want to play in the Realms more, but those games always fill up more quickly. Only setting I'm really familiar with (have rather a lot of the 3.0 and 3.5 books)

I usually end up playing support characters with a fair ammount of social fu; will probably go for a Marshall if I can http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20030906b, or a Bard

Chauzu said:
Tell me about yourself, your gaming history, your hobbies, whatever. What's your favorite setting, style of play, etc.
I've been playing D&D off and on for over 20 years. I'm also an avid boardgamer (e.g., Settlers of Catan, Puerto Rico) and computer gamer.

I have never played in a F2F or PBP Forgotten Realms campaign, but I've always wanted to. I enjoy the setting from its appearances in Neverwinter Nights. (And I do own the FRCS, as well as a couple other FR books.)

My play style is a combination of brilliant planning, kicking butt, and story. (See this thread.)

Post your characters stats, along with the sources you are using.
She's incomplete, but...

Elf (moon) (female) rogue1
CG Medium humanoid
Init +3; Senses low-light vision, Listen +2, Spot +2
Languages Common, Elven, Gnoll

AC 15 (+2 leather armor, +3 Dex)
hp 6
Immune sleep
Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +0 (+2 vs. enchantment)

Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee longsword +2 (1d8+3*/19-20) *wielded two-handed
Ranged longbow +3 (1d8/20x3)
BAB +0; Grap +2
Atk Options sneak attack +1d6, Combat Expertise

Str 14, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 8
SQ elf traits, trapfinding
Feats Combat Expertise
Skills Bluff +3, Climb +6, Disable Device +5, Hide +7, Jump +6, Move Silently +7, Open Lock +7, Search +7, Tumble +7 (4 ranks in all skills)
Possessions traveler's outfit, leather armor, longsword, longbow*, 20 arrows, dagger, backpack (2 flasks alchemist's fire, bedroll, flint & steel, 3 days' trail rations, 50' silk rope, 2 torches, thieves' tools, waterskin); 8 pp, 6 gp, 3 sp, 9 cp; 53.4 lbs. total weight carried

* longbow = free Regional equipment

Give a description and background of your character. The more, the merrier.
Physically, Meliria is small, even for an elf: she stands just a hair over four-and-a-half feet tall and weighs a slight 87 pounds. She has jet black hair tied back in a pony tail to keep it out of her face, although a few strands are always hanging down in front of her bright green eyes.

Meliria hails from Tangled Trees, a small town in the elven forest of Cormanthor "largely populated by youngsters, warriors, adventurers, half-elves, and rogues who did not join the Retreat" (see FRCS page 124). She honed her skills (such as they are) on the not-so-mean streets of this village, but quickly tired of the local bumpkins. Recently, Meliria has arrived in Wheloon, a small city in Cormyr (see FRCS page 113).

Meliria has an inferiority complex about her small stature. She likes to use big weapons, talk big, and take big risks. If there's one thing she can't stand, it's being called "Mel" -- so don't even think about doing that!

Meliria doesn't much like dwarves, Thayans, halflings (she was once mistaken for one, which she's never gotten over), gnolls, or men with too much hair -- and she won't hesitate to tell you all the reasons why.

OOC note: Although Meliria is a spiteful character, I am not a spiteful person. She will save her most withering putdowns and sarcasm for her enemies, while merely teasing her fellow PCs.
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First Post
Ferrix said:
I remember this I think from perhaps the first time around and will toss my hat in as a typical human fighter.

Cool, then let's hear more about this fighter.

Mephit James said:
After looking at FR resources, my new back-up plans are a ghostwise master slinger from the Chondalwood out to explore the greater world to defend his people, a Thayan wizard out to strike it rich, or a gold dwarf from the Great Rift (I almost got it right) who wants to break free of the cultural barriers of his home and see what Faerun has to offer. I also got a hold of a copy of Faiths and Pantheons for expanded options for patron deities. Considering I'm thinking of elves, dwarves, and halflings, I think this is a good thing...

All three of those ideas sound like they would work out great, especially the Thayan hehe. :] It's up to you really though. :D

Wilphe said:
Would want to play in the Realms more, but those games always fill up more quickly. Only setting I'm really familiar with (have rather a lot of the 3.0 and 3.5 books)

I usually end up playing support characters with a fair ammount of social fu; will probably go for a Marshall if I can http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20030906b, or a Bard

Great. The Marshall sounds like an interesting class. It would be unique to the Realms however, and because of such, you can use it if you provide a great background as to how he came about becoming such a person. I would be eager to hear any ideas you have out there for him. :)

Joshua Randall said:
Meliria has an inferiority complex about her small stature. She like to use big weapons, talk big, and take big risks. If there's one thing she can't stand, it's being called "Mel" -- so don't even think about doing that!

Meliria just doesn't trust the Thayans and is already convinced that they're behind the disapparences. She's itching for them to try something so she can mix it up with them....

Great, great. In fact, I can see some good character interaction between Meliria and Mephit James' Thayan wizard if he decides to use him.

Mephit James

First Post
Well, so far I'd been looking into the moon elf, but there is an elf already. I also like to play as wide an array of characters as I can and I recently played a character like this. I think I'll go with the Thayan wizard, he seems more and more interesting the more I think about him. I'll try to post some stats this evening, so that I can change anything controversial soon. On that note, would you like us to use the original regions and feats from the FRCS, Chauzu, or the newer rulings from Player's Guide to Faerun? Also, how do you feel about Complete Arcane and/or Magic of Faerun? I guess I'll just include whatever I come across and change what you don't like. =D It's only a first level character, so the background is pretty independent from the stats at this point anyways.


First Post
If you have the Player's Guide to Faerun, use it. By all means, use Complete Arcane and Magic of Faerun. I don't own Complete Arcane though, so you'll have to provide me with the information on the stuff you want to use from it.


Chauzu said:
Great. The Marshall sounds like an interesting class. It would be unique to the Realms however, and because of such, you can use it if you provide a great background as to how he came about becoming such a person. I would be eager to hear any ideas you have out there for him. :)

A version of Persimmon Agglax from the now defunct OrkJaeger would seem to fit the bill, with a little tweaking:



If you want him to be unique then he can be their only, or star pupil.
How is that for starters?

Mephit James

First Post
Here's what I have right now. Background to come.
Jand Blackstaff
Human Wizard (evoker) LN
Region: Thay
Hit Points: 4
Age: 19
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 140 lbs.
Str 8, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 8, Chr 13
AC: 10
Languages: Chondathan, Common, Draconic, Infernal, Mulhorandi (native)
Patron Deity: Kossuth
Familiar: Ramas (raven; speaks Draconic)

Skills: (ranks)
- Appraise +8 (2)
- Concentration +4 (4)
- Knowledge (arcane) +7 (3)
- Knowledge (geography) +7 (3)
- Knowledge (history) +7 (3)
- Knowledge (Thayan local) +7 (3)
- Knowledge (the planes) +6 (2)
- Spellcraft +8 (4)

- Scribe Scroll [Bonus]
- Spell Mastery [Human]
- Tattoo Focus [Regional]

Barred Schools: Necromancy, Illusion
0-level: acid splash*, arcane mark*, dancing lights$, mage hand*, open/close*.
1st-level: burning hands#*, charm person, expeditious retreat, floating disk, light#, mage armor, magic missile#$, mount, obscuring mist*, shocking grasp#.
* typically prepared
$ bonus prepared specialization spell
# spell mastery (doesn’t need to be written in spellbook)

48 gp, 9 sp, 5 cp
5 candles
2 sunrods
1 pound of seed for Ramas
Flask of alchemist’s fire
Spell component pouch
Quaterstaff (black, crooked)
Scholar’s Outfit
[Regional equipment]
Scroll of scorching ray
2 Scrolls of magic missile
2 Scrolls or burning hands
Scroll of comprehend languages
Scroll of identify

[sblock]- Having been traveling by himself for some time, Jand has taken to talking out loud to Ramas, voicing his thoughts. Sometimes he does so without thinking, but usually when they are secretive thoughts he unconsciously uses the mysterious Draconic tongue. He isn't really asking Ramas's opinions, of course, but will usually answer the raven as if it has responded to him.
- Though he is reasonably well-read on the geography and history of Faerun, Jand universally refers to countries besides Thay as "hinterlands" and "wilderness." When stepping off of the merchant vessel he rode to Cormyr, for example he scoffed. "Such a buzzing," the wizard complained, "as if these barbarians have any tasks of consequence in these Cormyrian hinterlands."
- When engaged in combat, Jand enjoys gloating over well-placed spells. After striking an enemy with a magic missile, for example, he might yell: "Perhaps now you will better appreciate real power, mongrel!"[/sblock]
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