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The Hundred Seas

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(OOC: Ulghar you suspect for a second that Boian might to be leaving something out, but quickly shrug it off. It has been a long day.)

In the silence that follows, the tall man turns away from you. "Well your Lady I will go and dispense with your commands," he says, bowing to Preda.

“Very well Saufgad,” says Preda, her eyes still watching you.

Boian takes a step back and stands behind Preda’s chair

That evening in the hall you learn that Visel has already raided and burned three villages north and east that owed tribute to Orvogan. These villages are now deserted, their inhabitants either dead, enslaved or fled into the woods. The numbers of Visel’s men and his hired Maergyr are such that Preda and her villagers cannot even risk seeking the security of her brother Ottak’s lands beyond Eastfair. Word has been sent to Ottak, two days before your arrival, but whether he and any men he might send aid to Preda before Visel makes his final raid is questionable.

Preda acts confident that Kotso will weather Visel’s depravations until her brother Ottak arrives, however. She feels that if Visel tries to make a direct attack on the hillfort it will cost him most of his armsmen. She offers you terms of service, promising you each an amber bead necklace (300 gold), and a gold bracelet (400 gold) after the season is out. For now she offers you each a silver hack necklace (100 gold) and accommodation and provisions in the guardhouse. By Engolthen tradition you each swear an oath to her service: “By Moladon’s vengeful blade, let our friendship be sealed in the blood of our foes.”

Preda accepts your service and after you have sworn to protect her.

Fours days pass in Kotso. Given cots in the guardhouse of the hill fort you have learned a great deal about the village and its population.

You learn that Saufgad is the Veerat of the village, a sort of steward responsible for implementing the lord’s commands and requests among the villagers. You see him on occasion talking to Preda or Boian, but he seems to take no further notice of you, perceiving you to be common sellswords.

Kuik, you learn is a gruff and sarcastic priest of Moladon, who frequently trades insults with Bragon and Nado. He seems harmless enough and doesn’t seem to be filled with the righteous zealotry of so many priests of the Downturned Blade you’ve run across in your travels.

Fash One-Eye left with his daughter and a servant two days ago, heading south for Eastfair. He waved when he saw you watching from the hill, but continued on down the Fa’juk road in a loaded cart drawn by a pair of draft horses.

Joda is a suspicious and gruff fellow, the commander of the hill forts 3 dozen remaining warriors. He still does not trust you and you frequently find him watching you from afar.

You’ve seen Kivna once as well, berating an old man down by the river. Kivna you’ve learned is an avoided personality, many of the villagers being fearful of her ramblings and ways.

You’ve learned more of the doings leading to Orvogan’s death: that he and his six chief retainers had been hunting boars east of the village when a party of Maergyr had swept over them and hacked them to bits. Only Boian had escaped after being struck across the head and falling down a ravine.

Boian himself has been more than amenable, often seeking you out to hear of doings in the east and to ask questions of the killer Ghis. Ulfghar’s initial suspicion that the man was only telling part of the truth makes little sense now. The fellow seems genuinely ashamed of his outliving of his lord. He is adamant of fighting to the death for Preda.

And Preda, broods in her tower, rarely leaving. You have seen and talked to her two or three times but she seems to carry heavy worries on her shoulders.

You have patrolled the surrounding area each day, using horses taken from the hillfort’s stable and have encountered only local farmers and hunters, as well as an assortment of game. The place of Orvogan’s slaughter has been replaced by a mound of earth though several signs of battle remain: including chopped branches, a broken shield and broken arrows. Preda had demanded you cease with your patrols, as she did not want to lose new armsmen to another ambush.

Further enquiries within the village have garnered little information on Ghis, though the Blacksmith (a curiously short and swarthy Engolthen fellow named Fadolan) related his encounter with five men several weeks past. All he could remember was that one had a missing ear and was dressed in riding leathers. He only saw the ear after the fellow had dismounted and his cloak’s hood and fallen. He had pulled it back on quickly and had told the blacksmith to check two of the horses’ feet. The other four had been similarly dressed and had the look of warriors and the stink of much travel. Fadolan had replaced two shoes and the men had ridden off barely an hour after their arrival, after tossing three silver teers at Fadolan’s feet.

(OOC: Don't post yet guys, I'll write up the synopsis of last night's game and post it first)
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--Being an excerpt of the Chronicle of Graves, by Ghano

By the fifth day after their arrival in the river-hamlet of Kotso, they had begun to earn the trust of Preda’s men. Judging by what was to follow, this was of course, necessary and expeditious. For on that day a rider came to the village, warning of the Maergyr’s approach. And at that moment so they came, a score of black furred raiders riding into Kotso, bent on slaves and loot.

Urgently rousing and rallying the garrison, they departed the safety of the hill fort and with a dozen men engaged the steppe barbarians toe to toe on the grassy field below. The Maergyr, intent on departing with a cluster of prisoners left their terrified prey and counter-attacked quickly. The air hummed with arrows and after a bloody engagement that saw many on both sides cut down, the Maergyr were routed and fled the fray, seeking the safety and distance that their quick ponies’ could afford them. So it was that Kotso lived for another day.

A wise student may note that this skirmish has not been altered beyond a straightforward accounting, with none of the embellishments added by other talespinners of less honest merit and more dubious character. It is noteworthy to recognize that Bragon Gault, for instance, did not leap upon a Maergyr horse’s neck and pull the beast down, with the rider tumbling off to be impaled on Nado’s blades. Nor did the archer Ulfghar single-handedly slay a dozen men with his bow. This was but a bloody taste of what was to come, and embellishment is not needed.
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--Being an excerpt from the Chronicle of Graves, by Ghano

Days later, the tribulations of Kotso would spiral to their inevitable conclusion. The four companions were roused early in the morning by the sounds of battle and terror. Visel’s men had descended on the village by river boat in the early moments of dawn, quickly alighting much of the village and taking a multitude of prisoners.

Preda and her armsman Joda, rallied the garrison to action. Beneath the hillfort, the warrior Halek, known as the “White” for his flowing white beard and infamous in the region for his cruelty had assembled his host and awaited Preda’s response. The Engolthen warriors swept down through the gate and met Halek’s men. One does not need to detail the outraged fury of Preda’s Engolthen armsmen, suffice to say they charged down the hill recklessly and without fear. In the centre of Halek’s battleline he had assembled several noble warriors, doubtlessly of Visel’s house guards. To these, the four companions made haste, bowstrings strumming in the smoke filled air.

The battle rang out around them as they entered the fray with Halek and his men. Boian had charged down the hill with them and was engaged with one of Halek’s supporters. Then at a critical moment, Boian, displayed his betrayal and struck at Bragon. The big Niadan took the blow, sliding away at the last moment and fought back desperately. Thus it was revealed that Boian had sought Preda and Orvogan’s downfall. Bragon and Fintain finally cut down Halek who fell cursing their mothers and Boian fled the field seeing that the day was lost.

Visel’s levies began to stream away as Preda’s remaining warriors and villagers gained the upper hand. They fled into the woodlands or made their way to the beached riverboats. Thus was Kotso’s last battle fought, but in so doing the village was undone...
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Long has been this day, as you've tallied the dead and buried them together outside the village underneath the stone and sod of a barrow. Most of the villagers have taken leave of their Lady with respect, or have simply trickled away into the woodlands, hopeful they can survive by foraging and such.

Saufgad, and six of Preda's armsmen have survived. Preda has brooded deeply on Boian's betrayal and has vowed his death. Nonetheless, for now, Kotso can no longer survive. She has decided to abandon it, and will go into the south with those who will still follow. The road will be too dangerous since Lygadh to the south now already pays its tithes to Visel and he will have men seeking her and her followers. The Maergyr will doubtlessly ride the northern road beyond the river. Thus, Preda's only route will be the river. She has called on you to aid her remaining folk down river past the woods and marsh to Eastfair, where she can find sanctuary and support.

For now, this means Ghis and Joffer will have to wait. It would be easy enough to let Preda and her followers fend for themselves, but too many decisions already on this long journey have made you compromise your oaths and loyalties. No. Preda will be delivered to Eastfair, and THEN you will continue on your quest.

Preda's retainers have organized her household and loaded the captured riverboat with supplies and treasure. Altogether, six warriors, Saufgad, Kuik and twelve villagers will be accompanying their Lady downriver. The rest of the village have decided to take their chances in the woods.

The river keelboat is 30' long and 10' wide. It has a small sail but oar banks for eight men. It easily accomodates all of the passengers. Ten horses are taken aboard too, as well as supplies for the journey and Preda's belongings, packed in a half dozen locked chests.

(OOC: One of Preda's warriors is experienced enough to master the great boat, and the time of year will not be conducive to using the sail--the winds blow from the south during the summer season. You will occasionally need to take a turn at the oars, though the Janek's current should help your progress downriver. The vessel will have a speed of 10' to 20' depending on current and number helping at the oars. One person will always be needed at the bow to watch for obstacles and another at the rudder. This crewman will need to make successful Wilderness Lore checks (DC varies) to assist the crew in safely avoiding dangerous obstacles -- if a crewman or PC has at least 5 ranks in Profession-Sailor there is a +2 synergy bonus to all checks.)

Preda's men have fired the hillfort and thick black smoke billows into the air to be dispersed by the wind. As you are about to cast off, Preda is the last to board, her gaze taking the village in for perhaps the last time.

You each stand near the bow, watching her as she climbs aboard with a helping hand.

"'Aye. Sailing stirs the blood, doesn't it just?" smiles Nado, gazing downriver, his hands grasping the gunwales.
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First Post
"Sailing doesn't do a lot for me Nado" replies Ulfghar. "I prefer to have my feet over solid ground whenever possible"

(OOC) Ulfghar has his chain shirt off and stored in his backpack while on the boat.

bragon gault

First Post
"Couldn't agree with you more, Ulfgar. I'd be much happier with a horse or solid ground under my feet but if it brings me closer to that bastard Boiron I'm all for it. I'm going to enjoy cutting him open." retorts Bragon as he slowly sharpens his longsword.


With the Lifegiver westering now beyond the distant Mouths of Merdolan, the Janek's course has taken you west that day. You've made your way downriver without incident. The width of the river seems to vary but never widens more than 60 feet. You've seen countless sandbars and rocks that could have caused the boat problems, but carefully (and sometimes narrowly,) you've avoided them. The smoke from the hill fort had dwindled away a few hours after your departure. You crossed the ford at Merdand by mid-day and have only the outlying fens of the Narlann and the Bucha A'lei ("Wood of Spirits") ahead.

Preda revealed to you after the ford had been reached and left in the distance the full scope of her plans. She will journey through the Bucha A'lei and reach Eastfair by the sea. There she has family with which she shall garner support. She fully suspects some of her people will be captured and interrogated regarding her whereabouts, so she would prefer Visel's men waste their time waiting for her to come out of the Wood of Spirits instead of drawing them to Eastfair.

The river narrows as it passes from the open grassland into the outskirts of the woods. The shade of the great trees surrounding you increases as the Janek quietly moves forward. Long stretches of the river are enclosed by a canopy of grasping limbs above, turning the world as dark as a moonless night. Even when the water widens and the sun's blessed rays strike the blue body beneath the boat, the limbs above beckon to one another until they embrace again, sheltering all below in false night once more.

The villagefolk and even Preda seem genuinely uneasy as they glance to the dark edges on either side.

"Meidat told me that the Old Ones still inhabit this place," says Nado, his face uncharacteristically uneasy. You notice his hand constantly straying to his swordhilt and then relaxing. "Old when the Mariner Kings first came into the west," he concludes.

Meidat, a stout and and weathered fellow gripping his spear tightly and leaning against a gunwale nods uncomfortably. Mida conducted himself well in the battle yesterday, but fear now dances about his face.

(OOC: Bragon, please make a Spot Check-including bonuses)
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