The Immortal's Handbook: Gods & Monsters (unfinished)


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I think I have Dabbat down as having Strength: 666, Dex 10, Con 555, 38 VSC's and 8 Size Categories. I think he's averaging about 25 million damage per hit.

I also note Dabbat as having 7 crowns.

Wouldn't he have to have at least 401 dex? (time lord template gives +400 to all ability scores) Also 25 million damage actually seems kinda low considering time lords have over 1 billion hp

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Hiya Yqatuba mate! :)

Yqatuba said:
Wouldn't he have to have at least 401 dex? (time lord template gives +400 to all ability scores)

Well, a few things, firstly he's going to take a bit of a hit as regards size category penalties to Dexterity. Secondly, he could have swopped his dexterity over for other ability scores. Thirdly, thats my very first notes on him, not a finished stat block.

Also 25 million damage actually seems kinda low considering time lords have over 1 billion hp

Thats 25 million as the base before we even start giving him special abilities! Plus he'll probably have at least 10 attacks...7 heads, tail, 2 wings etc.

Hello there hécatonchire! :)

Welcome to the forums!

hécatonchire said:
Helioiedes , zoas, intelligible, all are interresting.

I do hope to explore all those concepts at some point in the future. The Intelligibles are pretty cool, the zoas are thoughts given form, creatures sort of 'summoned' by reality warping Pseudonaturals, unlike say the Brood/Slaad, which I see more as physical experimentations of the Far Realm let loose on other planes and evolving from there.

i hope 3.5 revival.

Hhmmm. :erm:


First Post
in my campaign ( begined in the darksun world ) , Avangion are atavic pseudonatural hidden in the human genetic code. The avangions forest maker is ancestor of true Avangion, one of races of thought (zoas) .
I categorized Avangion in two Orders :
Upper : Starmaker (helioeides who start giant gazeous like jupiter in 2010 space odysseus and create suns in cristal sphere). Worldmakers ( terraformer Avangion), Forest Makers ( start biological cycle)

Lower : BeastMakers, evolvemakers, and sentientmakers favorising development and evolve of animal and sentient being

1 starmaker, 9 worldmakers, 9 forestmakers, and so on... like classical panthéons.

In the past , gods welcame Avangions because they have multiplied Mortal ( potential worshipers and quintescence pool). But rivality take place and avangions was hunted by most of gods and incarcerated i, Darksun sphere.
After millenia, Few avangion will freedom, few will vengeance, few will mercy...

Sorry for my english, but i need to write this. i think it s a good idea for a Zoas subspécies.
I though to a cosmic avangion Cristal Spheremaker in conflit with intelligible or gods of fate... what do you think?

Bonsoir hécatonchire! :)

hécatonchire said:
in my campaign ( begined in the darksun world ) , Avangion are atavic pseudonatural hidden in the human genetic code. The avangions forest maker is ancestor of true Avangion, one of races of thought (zoas) .
I categorized Avangion in two Orders :
Upper : Starmaker (helioeides who start giant gazeous like jupiter in 2010 space odysseus and create suns in cristal sphere). Worldmakers ( terraformer Avangion), Forest Makers ( start biological cycle)

Lower : BeastMakers, evolvemakers, and sentientmakers favorising development and evolve of animal and sentient being

1 starmaker, 9 worldmakers, 9 forestmakers, and so on... like classical panthéons.

Very kewl! :cool:

In the past , gods welcame Avangions because they have multiplied Mortal ( potential worshipers and quintescence pool). But rivality take place and avangions was hunted by most of gods and incarcerated i, Darksun sphere.
After millenia, Few avangion will freedom, few will vengeance, few will mercy...

I like the Avangion concept. :)

Sorry for my english, but i need to write this.

No apologies necessary. Always nice to see people taking my ideas and spinning them in different directions.

i think it s a good idea for a Zoas subspécies.

There is no right or wrong way to imagine them.

The following may be interesting to you.

Vala, or The Four Zoas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One of my strongest influences (on the direction of my ideas for the zoas) was from the Slaine: Book of Invasions (3 part series).

[ame=]Slaine - The Books of Invasions: Moloch and Golamh v. 1: Pat Mills, Clint Langley: Books[/ame]

I though to a cosmic avangion Cristal Spheremaker in conflit with intelligible or gods of fate... what do you think?

For some reason I have a mental picture of the Crystalline Entity from the pilot episode of Star Trek: the Next Generation.

Hey Yqatuba mate! :)

Yqatuba said:
Didn't you say the helioeides template makes you look like a miniature sun? (helioeides means "sun shaped" after all)

True. But gas giant planets that get too big turn into stars/suns. So the idea isn't out of kilter.


First Post
thank you krust for the links. Your work about immortals and epic rules are the best.
it's my base for my epic (divine) campaign.
i ll publish some monsters and templates (3.5 version) one day.
(now, i try to find good ideas, in reading frank herbert "dune" and all books of brian herbert.)
Reading sci fi is good for heroic fantasy rpg . i seek to create a good kwisatz haderach's template for humanoid races....

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