The Invasion of Baskrant (southbound) Judges: N/A, DM: Cute-Hydra


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The Sergeant leads you to a town house, two ogres flank the door, seeing the sergeant they salute and pass.

You go in to see a smoking circle of runic chalk on the floor. A clerk looks up to the half giant "Sir, I thought we didn't need any more. The only place still requesting reinforcements is the bridge.."

The giant sighs, "This lot wanted to come, something about they were prepared to try and take the bridge.."

The clerk looks from the half giant to the team of adventurers assembled.. his eyes slightly wide.

[sblock=Arcana DC20]
It's a teleportation circle.

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Voda Vosa

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Sapo hops in, following the bulky giants. She is even smaller that the others, partially because she's always crouched. The monk starts to gurgle, and the sound then, becomes a strange formulated question "what is that is facing the advance of us for that bridge?"


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A handsome young sorcerer walks in with the rest of the group with a dragonling perched on his shoulder. His name was Alnar. He has never been in the army, but he has seen battle before. He was not sure why he signed up for this tour, it sounded fun at the time he supposed. The place stunk like... well like half drunk half-giant and ogre.

Yes, I'm sure we can kill whatever is bothering you, Alnar says, smiling.

What is that, he says, pointing to the smoking circle of runic chalk on the floor. I hope you were not trying to summon demons or anything like that. You are better off using elemental if you were. Elemental, besides being non-evil, don't tend to try to stab you in the back when you least expect it and drag you off to the nine hells.


Walking Dad

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OOC: Sorry, I missed who was recruited.
May Vimak (level 5 leader, low priority) join this adventure? He was with the others in the tavern. His last adventure was alongside of Sapo.


A bespectacled young human mage walks in behind the others, a few moments late to the party.

OOC: I'm in the right place this time, yes?


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The half giant looks disparagingly at the ogre, "Well, I suppose when you put it like that. The Island of Baskrant is an island citadel run by a bandit king. Recently, they were relatively tame and would pay their tithes on time, but something has happened, their fleets are now attacking trade ships that go past, and so the Kingdom of Ravina have nominated the count to lead decisive action.

The bridge is a five mile long magical bridge that was crafted by an archmage hundreds of years ago, it's the only way across short of sailing. We sent a cohort in to secure the bridge, and only one man reported back horribly scarred and forcibly addicted to black lotus.

The problem is we couldn't actually see anything cos the bridge covers most of it. The only thing we got from the survivor and what we could see is that the Baskranians are using some sort of flying creature/s."

OOC: Yes, to both of you, welcome along - I have 5 now, so I can proceed.
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Walking Dad

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Vimak Stonecarver, Goliath Runepriest 5

"Hey, Sapo, wait. I'm coming, too." Vimak calls to the monk as he moves as fast as he can to reach the others.


[sblock=Mini stat block]
Vimak Stonecarver
Perception: 14 Insight: 19 Normal Vision
AC 21 Fortitude 17 Reflex 16 Will 18
Initiative: +4
Hit Points: 49 / 49 Bloodied: 24
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw:
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:12 Surges per day: 10 / 10
At-Will Powers: Word of Diminishment, Word of Binding, Lightning Damage
Encounter Powers: Rune of Mending 2/2, Stone’s Endurance, Flames of Purity, Symbol of Wrath Reversed
Daily Powers: Rune of Endless Fire, Shield of Sacrifice, Cage of Light, Extra Lightning Damage.



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Siveris comes running along behind the others as fast as his legs will carry him. "First I am ignored, then left behind. It's almost like they don't want gnomes joining the army! But, surely the fools won't traipse off to battle without a combat medic," he pants as he comes jogging in.

"Ah, here you are. So, are we teleporting to this bridge then?,"
the pinch-faced gnome asks crisply, pointing to the teleportation circle, "Why not simply teleport directly to Baskrant?"

Arcana (1d20+14=30)

OOC: Hope I'm not too late. Siveris Smythe, Gnome Artificer (Assassin) 4 reporting for duty.

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