• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Key to Victory


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Ernestine wakes with a start. Realizing that something was wrong, however, she waves her hand, and speaks in a different language.

That which protects the great Demon Lord's will also protect me. Come, wanton stranger, and shield me from those above us.
Cast Mage Armor.
HP: 8 of 11
AC: 17 +4 Mage Armor
FF: 14 +4 Mage Armor
Touch: 13
F: +2
R: +3
W: +2

Crossbow: +4 1d8 80

0: Light, Detect Magic, EMPTY SLOT
1: [s]Mage Armor[/s],[s] Summon Monster I x 3[/s], EMPTY SLOT

EDIT: Level Up Post here HM
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Fangor the Fierce

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Mal peers through the dust, seeing figures move, as he recognizes a few. Calling out, he hopes that they do not shoot first and ask questions later...

"Hold onto your spells and weapons. It's just me. Seems there there was a secret passage to the room from above."

Moving so that the others can see him more clearly, he looks about, before adding, "There was a tunnel up there as well, but nothing else. Once we all rest, we might check out the tunnel above, seeing as how the rest of these caves have obviously been checked already. Since this secret door had not been found, seems to reason that the tunnel above had not been checked either."


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Jareth sighs and lets the chain slow its deadly arc, though he keeps working it down incrementally. "Sounds about right, I suppose. But next time you go opening some strange hidden door, try coming back and giving us a warning first, would you? You're lucky I didn't cast first and ask later," he wearily says, the chain coming to a halt as he finishes.

Aldern Foxglove

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Aver chuckles, "Funny we elves normally have an uncanny knack for searching out secret doors. I must be loosing my touch. Anyway, nice work Mal. I'm still feeling somewhat fragile if we are planning to go on rather than rest, anyone got some minor curative magic to spare?"

OOC: Just to point out the elven secret door auto search for the future. I realize Aver may not have been within 5ft. of it, or it could have been rolled in secret, etc.

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
"Sure, rest up. At least now I can take an eagles eye view from above for standing watch. My healing only goes so far."

Mal continues his watch, allowing the night to pass by without much influence from his part. His curiosity was already sated, as he sits and thinks back on the previous months. He brings out the dagger, inspecting the quality of it and testing its sharpness. Thinking on it, and knowing that he has had to fend for himself for food and water, he moves to the water stream, intent on testing his mettle with the fish.

He grabs his dagger, hoping to see if he can skewer the fish. He tries to keep quiet, standing there in the center of the stream so that he can get a judgment of how the fish move and where best to attempt to catch some.

Eventually, he will see if he can skewer a few... He stands near the place where the water crests over the rocks to continue on, hoping that the path would be too narrow for the fish to escape.


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With a saddened look on her face Ern says "And here I thought it was a ledge for an animal." A yawn broke her face, and she sets the crossbow down before pulling up the sheets. "Wake me at the start of my shift."


Thy wounds are healed!
Tira just sniffs and mutters something that sounds like "Humans" before turning in with the others.

In the morning you all have a cheerless breakfast of fish and water. And prepare for the day ahead.

[sblock=OOC] Couple things while we continue to play as I would hate to slow down for it. Can we set up an SOP for watches - this way if there is to be no encounter I can just play through the night like I did, but don't want you all to get complacent thinking I won't have a killer hydra attack while you sleep. :p So please discuss that in the OOC once it's finished I will add it to the houserules for reference.

#2 - AFg that was a one way secert door and you were on the wrong side so the DC was pretty high (so it was an auto fail, sorry). Now that Aver knows what to look for the DC is a little lower. So secret rolls will be posted when needed.

I figure everyone will take turns "fishing" and take tens on survival checks for a better breakfast than some of you have had in a while. FtF that is an elven masterwork dagger (maybe later it can be enchanted).

Ok everyone I am correct in assuming you will be going to rescue Tharivol first and then returning to these caves to see what this item Emma talked about was correct. Or does that change now that you are in the caves and know she was telling the truth.

RP it over breakfast/preparations. I would like spells for the day listed, HP totals (after resting) and expendable items also. DW are you going to pass out potions and holy water or keep them. Will move things forward either way the group decides to go, after everyone has posted and is ready.[/sblock]

Aldern Foxglove

First Post
Aver who has been active for hours when the others awaken waves to them cheerily in turn over his spellbook. He has not been preparing spells save for cantrips - since he did that the night before - but he has made his spellbook considerably more amusing, to his mind at least by perfecting caricatures of all his new companions in the margins.

"Morning all. Anyone have any means of cooking the fish? I am assuming nobody has firewood with them. Maybe we could throw them at Mal? You can do damage when things attack you right? Can it be fire? We could strap a fish to a poll and slap you with it until its cooked..."
He chuckles and winks,

"Or I could just prestidigitate them all, though it will take a while and they probably won't really be properly cooked even then. I can make them taste good though. I've always been partial to cake flavored fish."

[sblock=Watch SOPs]
Well Aver only needs to trance for four hours a night, but he needs to rest for 8 hours to prepare spells. If HM can give me a ruling on whether or not he can be on watch while resting that will inform how much of a contribution he can make to the watch schedule. Whatever we come up with needs to account for resting for spells, obviously, so we are going to need at least what 10 hours? To get everyone rested and have a turn at watch.[/sblock]

[sblock=Spells Prepared]
0th: Disrupt undead, Disrupt Undead, Prestidigitation.
1st: Lesser orb of Acid x 2, Light of Lunia x 2[/sblock]


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Ern is writing things down in her spell book, carefully wording things that came to her last night while she was asleep.

"If I say that, then this object will be there...but how to make it so?"

She seems to have been working for sometime now, as another spell is done on the other side, the ink drying quickly.

Finally, as the last of the fish was caught she stood up, stretching her arms into the air. She then starts back at the beginning of the spell book, reading to prepare her spells.

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Mal points to the gathered wood, shaking his head at the caster. "I take it that your lack of quality jokes won't be improving. Hopefully it is not something else that you have an allergy towards. Like bleeding."

He prepares the fish, using the dagger to test the meat, making sure that it is cooked enough.

"So, now that we know Emma was telling the truth, what's the plan? I know Tharivol is still in jeopardy, but at the same time, whatever the Reavers are looking for might just be nearby as well. Can we afford the time to search that tunnel at least up above? If not, then we should free Tharivol quickly and return before the Reavers find the secret door."

Mal sits, eating a bit of the fish, waiting on the others to gear up and decide what course of action to take. He looks over at Jareth, awaiting the inevitable barrage of urging the others to his own cause. Hopefully this discussion would go easier than last time. After all, he is fine with either decision, but the fact that they are here, and have learned more, someone had to speak up.

Voidrunner's Codex

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