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The Kolloseaum: Team Gil's Conscience (DM: Iron Sky, Judge: Luinnar)


First Post
HA HA! exclaims Gil, his eyes taking in every detail of the wonderous blade. Then he notices the young girl, How cute! How old are you? the young wizard blushes, I mean, I'm Gil. What's your name?

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First Post
*Kauldron continues to smoke upon his cigar all while watching the group gather. Not really knowing anyone other then Cyr. Though his eyes shift to the young lady as she enters into the small gathering of warriors. He grins to himself under his masked helm.*

Oi, now that be a pretty lass. Hubba, hubba.

*Admiring Joy with a sly grin. He moves over to stand next to Cyr.*

Good to see you again, Master Cyr. I see we shall be fighting alone side one another once again.

*Kauldron fiddles around with his new equipment upon his forearm. A pair of blades extend outwards from his fist over his hand. Then retract back over his forearm (think predator wrist blades). He nods to himself as things seems to be working smoothly*

[sblock=Initiative]Initiative 10[/sblock]

"I was thinking it will be only three of us and now we're tripple the number. With so many adventurers bored it's no wonder these games are popular. At least that means there is peace in Daunton. So you have means of avoiding area attacks or voice of the gods?"

OOC: I'm asking if I can make stunning blast attack with you in it? Targets fort...same goes for everyone, if you can avoid such attack, tell me :)

He then startles as the child enters.
"You shouldn't be here little one. You may have talent, but it's real danger here. You won't get any breaks from these foreigners for being a girl or noble or anything else."

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
The Sandy Arena, Round 0

The contract complete and signed, the goblin looks it over, then sniffs. It reaches into a jar of snails sitting behind the wooden plank it's using for a desk, pulls out a trowel, and crunches the snail onto the contract document to seal it.

"Go kick some ass. Take the ferry to the ship and give this to the arena master. Rikkit here will lead you to her when you get there." He pulls out a kruthik hatchling, out of a bag nearby and ties the document onto its back. A moment later, he produces a small jar of what is, by the scent, ogre sweat, dips a cloth in it and drops the kruthik and the cloth in a small cage.

The ferry departs soon, carrying nothing other than a massive tube-shaped cage stacked next to four smaller tube-shaped cages, all draped in heavy leather tarps. Strange scraping noises come from within and the larger one's canvas tarps seem to have been soaked in water before they were thrown on for some reason.

Before long, the group arrives at the Kolloseaum - it looks even larger when you are moored along side it, staring up at it. A muffled scream cries out from somewhere above and the ship's deck planking shakes with the stamp and roar of the crowd.

The group is instantly lost. The ship is like a small city, but as many as ten decks tall in places. Fortunately, someone remembers the kruthik. As soon as its cage is opened, it high-tails it across the deck and it's all the group can do to keep up with it.

It leads the group under massive creaking wooden bleachers, past a group of children playing gladiator and whacking each other with sticks, past a scary-looking minotaur in plate mail covered in scars and blood, and a pair of goblins struggling to haul what looks like a small green dragon's head towards a busy taxidermists shop.

Hovering at the center is a blue-skinned ogre mage surrounded by floating sheets of parchment and a crystal ball hovering beside her. She's constantly shouting orders and somehow managing the chaos going around her. The group has no chance of being noticed until the kruthik leaps off a goblin's head and clomps onto her foot.

She looks at it in irritation, rips the document off of it and begins prying it open with one hand as she blasts the kruthik to a spray of green ichor with a snap of her fingers.

"Gil and company?" she shouts, glancing about. She spots the group and floats over. "We'll start you off with something relatively easy and simple. Head to Arena Five - nothing too exciting, just your standard sandy pit - and get ready for the fight. For a group of your caliber, should be a bit of a challenge, but nothing you can't handle. Get to your arena, you'll definitely know when the match starts..."

With that cryptic statement, she floats off and instantly begins shouting at an ogre dragging an angry drake into the room by the tail, the savaged body of a goblin clenched in the beast's jaws.

The arena itself is pretty much what comes to mind when one thinks of "gladitorial arena" - a sandy ring with two stone pillars in the center, some stairs leading down into iron-bar doors. The only difference is the arena probably seats a thousand people...

GM: I grabbed the first pictures I could find in my collection for Joy, Lerrick, and Gil. If those don't work, you can find better ones after the adventure since I already created portraits for you from them.

I have probably a thousand pictures in no discernible order, so there might be ones that are better, but it takes a long time to skim through them all so this is what you get.

For those who don't know, in 4e class nomenclature | usually indicates hybrid (Cleric|Shaman) while / indicates multiclass (Rogue/Assassin). You can also have both (Wizard|Artificer/Assassin).

Place your characters wherever you want on the map and roll initiative if you haven't already. The monster initiative is 22 (which is pretty remarkable since I roll all the monster's initiatives then average them...), but they won't arrive in the arena until their initiative count, so if you go before them it's probably time to ready actions and whatnot.

Once everyone's rolled init and placed their characters (and finished their characters *cough* Lerrick *cough*) we'll get this thing underway (it'll be tomorrow night or Monday night at the earliest for me).

@MetaVoid - I haven't figured out the second and third matches completely yet, but the answer to your Hand of Fate question about the first match is "Yes". I'll answer the other ones when I get them figured out - I have to get up in 7 hours and I still have other RL stuff to do before I can get to bed, so I'll worry about the rest later.

[sblock=Terrain]The walls out of the arena are 30 feet tall sheer stone Athletics (Climb) DC 25 if you want to try to escape into the stands for some reason. The pillars in the center are the same DC and can provide cover.

The stairs are all difficult terrain. The northern podium area is one square above the rest of the arena.[/sblock]


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Ootah arrives at the arena with his large bow firmly grasped on his hands, but the situation doesn't suit him. He always preferred to be the ambusher.

start of turn: Start combat at O24
Minor action:: Use Perception to hear enemies approaching
Move action: If Perception check is succesfull, move in opposite direction of approaching enemies, if possible.
Standard action:Ready an action to use Clever Shot against the first enemy within range to appear. If the shot hits AC 22, the enemy takes 10 damage and falls prone.[/sblock]

[sblock=mini-stats] Ootah Half-Orc Ranger 5
Initiative: +7, Passive perception: 22, Passive Insight: 15
Defenses: AC: 21, For: 16, Ref: 19, Will: 16
HP: 46/46, Bloodied: 23, Surge value: 11, Surges/day:8/8 Speed: 6 squares
Languages: Common, Giant
AP: 1
Twin Strike, Clever Shot
Two Fanged Strike, Disruptive Strike, Invigorating Stride, Furious Assault, Surprise Strike
Skirmish Stance, Flying Steel[/sblock]

OOC: Since I'm the first posting and we have some time, I figure I can start slow. Is the perception check (as a Minor action) high enough to know where (what stairs) the enemies are coming from?

Edit: Since it looks like we've chosen our places this won't be neccesary. I've included the full actions in the sblock.
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"When we get in, spread out immediately. That is the word of the Sky Lord." Once the party enters the arena and Cyr looks at the setup he continues
"Let's take that corner for ourselves. There, we can have solid wall behind us, enough space for maneuvering and one pillar if there is a need to hide. Kauldron, you could stay here and intercept whatever comes from yon cage (stand in L26), Brenwar, stay on the other side (N20) while the rest of us will stand behind."

OOC: You didn't say from which door we came in. I'd say we take K22 then down and right corner with defenders on the intercept route toward the stairs, on having hexblade the other ranger as backup, while Gil, Martelai and Cyr spread behing them providing control as needed. Joy and Lerrick should choose one defender to backup and heal. What do you think?

Cyr stands in N24


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"The creature that lead us here was kruthik. Least of the beasts. Given that big container we travelled here with, I'd guess at least one combat will include other kruthik. Be careful when positioning yourself, these things literally hide in the ground, bursting from under you. You may have an opportunity to see what it was like in caves infected with them, young mage."

Warlock stands with his back toward the wall as he pulls out both of his rods.

Martelai stands in Q24.


First Post
Brenwar smiles as Joy shows up, "Greetings once again, hopefully this goes as well as our last adventure together. Did you ever hear what happened to the Paladins of Apoli on Garnaman?"

Joy's own smile broadened a bit. "Tis good to see you again as well. Perhaps this will not be quite so... anti-climactic."

As the ferry made its way over to the larger ship, Joy stayed close to the bow, obviously enjoying the sea air. Once they found themselves in the arena, she unsheathed the long curved sword from her back and surveyed the open battlefield. "Should be easy enough, if we don't get stupid. Stay on the deck, prepare to repel boarders- we've even got a foremast and a mainmast to guide on," she said, waving at the two large pillars. Once again, those close to her could hear a faint stir of music with no clear source, the first soft notes of a rousing sailor's chanty.

[sblock= OOC]
>Initiative 1d20+4= 21; roll Roll Lookup

>Stand at Q 20

[sblock= “Joy”]
Human (Elan), Hybrid- Ardent|Bard, MC- Warlord
Initiative +4/Passive Perception 18/Passive Insight 12;
HP 46 (46)/Bloodied 23/Surge value 11/Per day= 9(0 used)
AC 20/FORT 16/REF 17/WILL 20
Speed 5/Size medium/Saves normal
STR 13 (+1)/DEX 14 (+2)/WIS 8 (-1)
CON 14 (+2)/INT 12 (+1)/CHA 20 (+5)
Melee basic: Falchion +1, +8 (AC), 2d4+4 damage

Skills: Arcana +8; Athletics +8; Bluff +12; Endurance +10; Perception +8; Streetwise +12
Racial and class abilities: Telepathy 5, Origin= Immortal; Bardic virtue (Valor, +3 tHP once/turn); Skill versatility; Ardent mantle (elation; +2 Diplomacy and Intimidate, +2 damage dealt with OAs for allies with aura 5); Psionic augmentation (+2 pp)

At-will Powers: Demoralizing strike, Energizing strike, Misdirected mark
Encounter powers: Shout of triumph, Ardent surge (x1), Majestic word (x1), Elan resilience
Daily powers: Slayer’s song, Invitation to defeat, Inspiring word, Inspiring fortitude
Item powers: Harsh songblade (daily), Dwarven armor (daily)
>Action points: 1 left (of 1)
>Second wind: not used

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