the Kyri Chronicles - last updated 22 Oct

Richard Rawen

First Post

Dare I ask?
What happened next?
Did they find the Prince of darkness... erm, well ok, not That Prince of Darkness, just the lower case darkness? :lol:
Looking forward to some form of . . . continuation, exploration... closure?
I do hope all is well with you and yours Plane...
M < > <

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Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Hi Richard, thanks for waking the 'nearly dead', I *must* get back to writing updates! I've had aa much more busy summer than normal, but things are quietening down a little bit now, so hopefully I'll have the chance to get back to my notes and start writing again very soon now!


Richard Rawen

First Post

Plane Sailing said:
Hi Richard, thanks for waking the 'nearly dead', I *must* get back to writing updates! I've had aa much more busy summer than normal, but things are quietening down a little bit now, so hopefully I'll have the chance to get back to my notes and start writing again very soon now!


title could also be: "I'm feeling much better now... I think I'll go for a walk..." ;)

So anyways, I'm sure your loyal fans would easily forgive you the 'pause' in the action once you return to spinning the fantastic tale of the Knightsbridge Company (none of which are of course still around, but hey, ya gotta call'em something :D
Just thought I'd let you know we're out here, rootin for the good guys, appreciative of your time and story-telling skills.
M < > <

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
They continue their search of the library and find a secret door which apparently contains a small fragment of a pass-phrase, similar to the one found by the well room. Tania is closest to working out the meaning, but doesn’t have the confidence to push her point of view, especially in the light of Trajan’s insistence that it must be something different. After much discussion they decide that they will have to return to Bridlerest and hire sages to do some research for them. They leave the site, and rendezvous with Count Noliss at his hunting lodge once more, where they bring him up to date with their discoveries (including the news of a blood relative who was once court wizard to the king) before heading off to Bridlerest.

A week passes before they return, with their coffers slightly lighter but with more information about the history of the kings of Tanor, and in particular the kings advisor Severi. Tying things together they realise that the pass-phrase for the impenetrable doors must be “the throne belongs to Severi” spoken in infernal. An odd sentiment for the kings advisor. It seems certain that the final secret they are after lies behind the sealed doors, and these words may give them entry.

They bypass the pit and range themselves around the huge doors into the last remaining uncharted part of the dungeon. They cast their preparatory spells – inertial armour, protection from evil, displacement. Zherinda casts shield other upon Trajan. The phrase is spoken and the doors disperse into a foul smelling mist.

The room beyond is filled with darkness, dimly lit from below by a pulsing evil red light emanating from a pentagram on the floor. As the flood of evil pours forth, numbing their senses and slowing their reactions, a tall, cadaverous figure strides forth, swinging a blade of pure darkness. Swinging wildly, putting all the power it can into the blow and channelling it’s evil essence at the same time it lands a might critical hit upon Trajan; the blade passes straight through his armour as if it wasn’t there but tears into his shoulder. Zherinda cries out in agony as the “shield other” spell transfers much of the damage to her (full power attack, smite good, critical hit – did something like 80 pts damage in the one blow).

The party surge into action. Zherinda desperately heals herself, Trajan unleashes a withering flurry of attacks, M’ir uses his concussion wand to good effect once again and each of the others targets the huge figure.

The fight is all over within twelve seconds. If they hadn’t prepared themselves magically for the battle it would have gone much more badly, but together they were able to defend themselves against the slashing blade of the one-time prince and his wicked piercing tongue which thrashed around at them, while cutting him down.

Ironically, he turned out to be one of the least dangerous fights they had experienced down here!

The darkness slowly dissipates, as does the red glow of the pentagram as the curse is lifted from the keep and its environs. On the finger of the fallen prince they can see a bright gold signet ring, of the kind which signifies royal blood – the token they were hired to find! The black sword still lies where it feel on the floor. Anne-Marie attempts to pick it up and feels her life-force suppressed by its evil nature. She attempts to shatter it with Sunrazor which she recently obtained but nothing other than living flesh seems to have any effect on the composition of the sword – although it lies on the ground, no other metal or stone can touch it. Carefully it is wrapped in hides and placed in a sack.

Towards the back of the room they can see the remains of a long dead robed human, cloven in twain although his thick velvet cloak still seems in pristine condition. Next to him is a small wondrous satchel whose insides seem far larger than the outside, which contains the wizards own journal and a few odds and ends.

Severi’s own journal is revealing:

/43 Ah, the time is drawing nigh I can sense it today I cast my most potent spells into the prince, bending him even further to the control of my superior mind his body had a difficult time handling the raw power but I was able to stave off disaster using the skills taught me by the fiends I’ve been contacting recently. Soon the prince is ready to become king in name at least. My patience has at last borne fruit. Twenty long years have I waited. Sixteen long years after I touched the unborn mind of our dear prince, making him mine. Now he will grant me a kingdom.

/53 I received a letter from my fool brother Bediss today, making sure everythings running smoothly he says. Bay! Bediss is nothing more than a walking rock with a sword strapped on. The great idiot thinks the safekeeping of the prince is his responsibility. Won’t he love it when he learns the truth? I can’t wait to see the look on his face and I’ll tell him “this is what you allowed me to do, sweet brother, thank you for your trust” as I send him to the executioners block. “But the boar will charge forever” he’ll say, because that is what he always says “The boar will charge forever”. Bay! Even I couldn’t think of a more moronic saying! Damn this boar of ours. After I ascend the throne I’ll change my symbol to something else, perhaps a horned serpent. The rest of my noble family would do well to replace their boars as well if they don’t want to join Bediss in the afterlife.

/60 – that rotund, over-pious lump of a cleric is starting to annoy me. He keeps watching me and trying to listen when I enter the princes cell. He’s outlived his usefulness. I believe it is time to put my princes power to the test.

/61 – Admirable! Septimus is no more and no one suspects “noble” Severi or his highness!

/71 – Damnation. Everything has gone awry and its up to me to sort it out. The prince must be unstable; he went on some bloody rampage tonight and butchered every man woman and child he could find. I don’t doubt that I will be able to reassert control, but why must things always be difficult?

So, the prince was turned to evil by the wizard Severi who was supposed to be his guardian. Not great news for Baron Noliss von Purry, but compared to the news that there was indeed a prince of the royal line who stayed in the old family keep, it is small potatoes.

They leave, relieved to be back into the clear open air again. Only a few minutes after setting off back towards the hunting lodge they meet the Baron himself, and prepare to give him all the news…

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Noliss is delighted by their news – no more minor nobility for his family! And even more intrigued by the ring. He asks to see it and Anne-Marie hands it to him.

No sooner is it in his grasp than he leaps skywards, propelled upwards by the power of his pre-cast fly spell. He has been scrying them through all their adventures in the dungeon, and knows that with this ring he has the tangible proof he needs to bring down the current line of kings!

But there are annoyances to deal with first – having taken a single more skyward he guestures and dozens of thick black tentacles erupt out of the ground and start grappling the company!

Taken by surprise, even Trajan’s initiative fails him for once, and as he and Orlandar leap out of the grasp of the tentacles Noliss drops a cloudkill on top of their struggling companions. M’ir protects himself from the grappling damage of the tentacles by manifesting inertial barrier, which prevents their squeezing grasp from hurting him, although he still can’t struggle free. Tania thinks quickly, touching Zherinda, Anne-Marie and dimension dooring them out of the tentacles along with herself.

The Baron is flying away at high speed when he is surprised by a fireball from Tania bursting over him, and the sound of Anne-Marie virtually matching his speed as she charges through the forest paths below him. Swiftly he casts invisibility on himself and changes direction, travelling across dense forest where Anne-Marie has to slow from her breakneck speed.

Meanwhile M’ir has been attempting to struggle out of tentacles while avoiding inhaling the poisonous gas which is pooled around him. He nearly succeeds, and uses his Seer powers to manifest ‘fate of one’ and escapes at last.

Noliss has escaped, and is clearly their enemy. Anne-Marie wonders aloud if that means they are not going to get their money now. Trajan cocks an eyebrow and Tania patiently explains that a man who has clearly been studying the black arts himself, is the descendant of an evil wizard, and who just attempted to KILL THEM is probably not going to allow a little fiscal impropriety to embarrass him...

Richard Rawen

First Post
Plane Sailing said:

Noliss has escaped, and is clearly their enemy. Anne-Marie wonders aloud if that means they are not going to get their money now. Trajan cocks an eyebrow and Tania patiently explains that a man who has clearly been studying the black arts himself, is the descendant of an evil wizard, and who just attempted to KILL THEM is probably not going to allow a little fiscal impropriety to embarrass him...

Ahhh, the ole' double cross. Tsk Tsk... and Anne-Marie, for the record, after you lay the smackdown on that black hearted curr you help yourself to his stuff! The sad thing is that is doesn't appear as though the Company was really even suspicious of the Baron. Had he paid them their fee they would probably just moved on... but now... now they have to teach the Baron all about playing nice. Of course that level of caster will have some goodies in store I am quite sure, assuming he doesn't just declare the PC's outlaws and turn the Good Guys against them... I definitely like this setup PS, I may have to YOINK this for my campaign, when my PC's get out of orcs and gnolls that is lol.
Thanks for the updates,
M < > <

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
The bones of this adventure came from a Dungeon magazine, I'm struggling to remember which one (I think it might have been called 'Bloodlines'). I scaled the adventure up a little to suit my higher level PCs, and made some other changes to integrate it into my campaign. I really liked some of the ideas behind it though.

More coming soon...

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Thanks for the reminder bump Richard - real life is getting in the way up until next Monday, but Tuesday evening I've scheduled as a writing evening...

In the near future there are meetings with an old friend, visiting the largest city in the world, an audience with the king and the normal array of deciet and villany before heading North again for the next chunk of adventure and two PC deaths.

Oops, did I mention two PC deaths? Hush!

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Not very happy with the current situation, the band make their way through the woods back in the direction of Bridlerest. Near the edge of the woods one of them becomes aware of a bird which looks suspiciously as if it is following them. Not prepared to walk into an ambush, they call out for those shadowing themselves to reveal themselves, and are surprised to hear a familiar voice from the past boom out in reply

“My friends, it is I, Juma!”

At the edge of the woods they find a well hidden campsite with four adventurers gathered around it. Juma the huge black barbarian who has fought alongside the party a couple of years ago when they first encountered the temple of elemental evil welcomes them with warmth, asking the identity of those he doesn’t know and introducing them to his new friends – Leeta the druidic shaman dressed in animal hide who crouches at the edge of the firelight. Sir Torvald, the honourbound knight of Lythau and Blenhem a wizard from the same nation.

Sharing war stories, the new party commiserate with them over the problems with Baron Noliss, and Sir Torvald suggests that their best route for seeking redress surely lies in the city of Tanor. Juma and his pals are heading northwards past their old stomping grounds and into the Barrier Range, seeking a dragonhoard which they have heard about, and a magic mirror contained therein.

“We will be rich, brothers!” Juma boasts with his customary laughter, and they spend a comfortable evening together before setting out their separate ways in the morning.

Back in Bridlerest they put their affairs in order and gather their supplies and belongings ready for the trip down to the capital of Tanor. Apart from the advice of Sir Torvald, and the fact that Baron Noliss clearly wanted to do something to destabilise the kingdom with the information they had discovered in the crypt, there was also the matter of communicating with Warlord Astimon about everything that has been going on recently – a commission with money involved.

Before they set off, it appears that letters have arrived for each of them.

Trajan has a letter from Jannek, Grey Lawgiver and head of an inquisition team and his cohort. Apparently Daros has been seen in the Borderlands, but no further action has been taken their since Borderlander Rangers killed the last inquisition team who went there. In addition the sword saint problem is due to be resolved shortly.

Trajan also has a number of letters from women at court in Bridlerest, seeking romantic liaisons, plus a letter from Countess Naomi, in very restrained language, informing him that he is to receive an honour at the court of the king of Tanor.

Anne-Marie has a letter from a group of Cadlanian guardians (psychic warriors) who wish her aid in mustering an assault on a demi plane apparently used as a prison by illithids, and a letter which is apparently written by the wizard who created her magic boots more than half a century ago before she had been time trapped. Strange because the wizards tower had been abandoned and taken over by fiends, and all the evidence suggested that he had died a long time ago, yet this was fresh writing. Furthermore, the wizard remembers that once upon a time Anne-Marie had been instrumental in the romance with his beloved, and he seeks help from her once again in romancing the reborn image of his one-time lover – Tania!

Tania has a letter in code from her Black Circle mentor Lonnia. She is to meet up with him that night to help him in a circle magic ritual. She never finds out what the ritual is used for. Tania then hurries off to make a secret report to the Morannon ambassador, filling him in on all the information they have recently learnt.

Then it is off by coach. Four days travel down roads clogged with merchant caravans laden with grain and hay – far more than might normally be expected at this time of year. A poor harvest in Tanor perhaps? On the fourth day they come in sight of Tanor. An amazing, marvellous, vast city. It is the first time that Zherinda and Trajan have ever seen the sea, and that is wonderful in itself, but the city – it stretches for miles! And in the centre, dominating the harbour is a volcanic plug rising up above the shoreline; and on top of that is the palace of the king.

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