The last colony


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Saul Leoster, Human Bard

DarkMaster said:
As Saul takes the luxury room, the lady smiles. She takes the money and give him back his key. She then says "We will bring your food in about an hours. I will ask that we prepare you a hot bath. Enjoy your stay" She finishes with a large genuine smile.

Some of the men in the room still keep an eye on him (roll spot 18)

Saul bows his head and winks to the lady as he takes the key.

"A bath would be glorious, sweets," he says, then saunters up to his room to put his feet up.

Rolls:[sblock]Saul is apparently blinded by his own marvelousness: Spot=1[/sblock]

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Ferrix said:
Kerten takes a moment to absorb the varied speech of these small folk, halflings more properly. "Beast in the wild," he almost burst out laughing when he heard that comment, he was definately not the beast in the wild here. Holding himself quite upright so as to properly present himself, he speaks, "my name is Kerten, I come in peace to this place." His speech is punctuated by a momentary pause, as if expecting this to be enough, although with the continued odd looks he continues, "I am a discoverer, an explorer of sorts. Who would you be?"

"Huynia is my name," is Huynia's laconic response, and he remains silent throughout the rest of the conversation.

As the situation deteriorates with the sudden advent of the angry Owlbear, Huynia mentally directs Atapa to take flight and circle behind the creature, gaining a more advantageous point of attack. He himself thinks briefly about trying to quiet the enraged beast, but he dismisses the idea pretty quickly. If it was an injured badger or even a hungry wolf then he might make some attempt to soothe it, but a rampaging Owlbear is quite beyond his expertise in handling beasts. He's not even sure it would have any response at all to his calming gestures and soothing words. Instead, therefore, he hefts his staff and prepares to ward the creature away. He does not move to take the front line against the beast, but neither does he plan to back away if it approaches.

[sblock] Huynia will stand where he is and ready an action to attack with his staff if the Owlbear comes within range and obviously has hostile intent.[/sblock]

Pencil and paper

First Post
DarkMaster said:
As the group continues their discussion Groleg surges out of the bushes. "Take cover, Take cover I found one and it doesn't seems to be happy.

Behind him the group can hear the strange and distinctive growl of an owlbear. Judging from the movement of the leaves and bushes he seems quite big and moving rapidly towards them.

With his full atention on his meal Groleg returned sudenly, Vaanork amazed by the scene, dont gets himself to do anything...

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