D&D 5E The Light of Civilization - A 5e Renaissance Story [OOC]


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I'm not saying change the spell lists, I'm just pondering blurring the line between the two 'types'- in Mutants and Masterminds terms, the 'descriptor'; and not even necessarily removing the difference, just saying that (most) mortal magics can't differentiate- it really does, in most cases, come down to faith and belief.

Or to put it in fantasy Renaissance terms, for all the advances that science and scholarship have provided, there are simply some things that can't be fully understood or explained.

And not fully committed to this idea- just tossing something out for discussion.

At this point, my scholar is looking like she started as Rogue with rituals; her bardic abilities flowered after exposure to the sorcery 'project'.

She still casts most of her spells as rituals, and believes that her abilities are divine in origin. Or at least her non-warlock abilities...

Her 'patron', claiming (if it spoke in clear terms or anything...) to be the spirit of a pre-Harrowing wizard trapped in some pan-dimensional limbo apparently believes the sorceress to be critically important (maybe it is right? or wrong? or crazy? or inscrutable to mortal minds?). Perhaps her constant flow of raw magic, left running for long enough (or especially honed/strengthened) would make it easy for him (it?) to escape its prison to pass on to the Maker's afterlife (or to return to rule or destroy the world).

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In the midst of all this discussion, there is something we definitely have to hash out:

Do we want to start where our lovely group is a group? As in, the events that we're all discussing here have already occurred?

Or would we like to do more of a prelude showing how the group came together, going from there?


Prefer to start as a group as i feel PbP makes coming together a less fluid experience. Perhaps I'm just a bit impatient to get to the meat and potatoes of the adventure.

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First Post
Yes to starting as a group, mostly because I feel it's easier to figure out how you came together than it is to figure out how you'll come together.

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This is what I have regarding piracy.

The rise of Piracy

Exploration has gained a new and prominent role to the city states. With the Harrowing the continents broke and the world was reshaped. Land masses sank into the sea and new islands appeared across the vast oceans. Seas shifted and the face of the world was changed forever. For decades after the Harrowing deep sea travel was nearly impossible. It has only been in the past half century that exploration has had a resurgence. The engineers and shipwrights have made leaps in ship construction which allows them to sail the deep seas. The new breakthroughs in navigation allow a ship to plot courses even when leagues away from land. The city-states send out explorers to chart the waters and discover how the world has changed since the Harrowing.

This exploration opened up new resources and markets for the already powerful trade and merchant guilds. Luxury goods and raw materials where shipped in from across the Narrow Sea and finished goods shipped to every city state along the Scarred Coast. Gold and riches flowed across the new trade routes. With all this money moving it was only a matter of time before men started to take them. Pirates began to spring up along the Scarred Coast. The merchant carracks laden with gold and other riches became ripe pickings for the pirates that plied the Narrow Sea.

The reason piracy has such a strong foot hold in the Narrow Sea is due to numerous pirate havens. These ports and islands are hidden throughout the uncharted islands that dot the sea. Many sit within striking distance of numerous trade routes. None are as notorious as Cracker’s Cove.

Cracker’s Cove is the name of an island in the center of an archipelago. The surrounding islands, reefs, and shifting sand bars have caused numerous shipwrecks. These outer islands became havens for Crackers, sailors that would lure ships onto the reefs using beacons or other lights. Due to this the islands soon gained a reputation as being dangerous and haunted. Shipped began to give the chain a wide berth and refused to chart all the islands in the archipelago. As the ships avoided the islands the crackers left but the some enterprising pirate captains decided to use the legends to their benefit. The charted the islands discovering the protective cove on the central island. It was a perfect location to setup a port and safe haven. It took nerves and skill to run the gauntlet, the treacherous course through the outer atolls and reefs.

The Cove is a pirate haven. It has a wide calm cove for their ships to dock. Protective watchtowers are situated on the narrow cliff entrance to the cove. Within the cove is the port of Cracker’s Cove. It is run by the six high captains. Powerful pirate captains that run the city and keep the peace between the various elements. Most captains pay tribute to the Cove so they can use it as a refuge and place to repair their ships. Fences and black market merchants live within the city there to buy any of the ill-gotten gains of the cities inhabitants. The town is filled with taverns, brothels and shops which cater to the pirate crews. Fights are common in the taverns and rivalries between the various crews and factions in the place are common and encouraged.

That could work. Perhaps You where my contacts into the underworld of the City State. My ship used you as our contact to fence goods and move items into the city.

Problem is with my background I was on the sea and only in the city states when resupplying until recently. I'm guessing I have only been in the city for a couple months at most since I was abandoned and left for dead by my former crew. So we either knew each other from my time as a pirate or you only met me a couple months ago.


Hmm you could have easily been an opponent of mine in the pit fighting circuit. Or, depending on what binding agent we go for, we could be on the run from the church. I do love a good chase. Catch me if you Can comes to mind.

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