The Long Arm of Lauto 1: Algarezh Hoofchew

Dawn Raven

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Les scurries after the others but does not hurry too much. What use would she be if she tripped and fell? Or worse, failed to notice reinforcements coming? Her yellow eyes dart to the doors as she moves up the stairs and she desperately hopes nothing comes in after them. Her chain swings idly by her side, making small circles as she spins it casually.

Standard and Move: Move 12 to W31 (I think?)

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Lord Sessadore

Raiyek turns to Vashik, says a short prayer, and touches the wizard's arm, restoring some health to the old man. Then he runs up the stairs after his companions, but doesn't go too fast so as not to give the sniper an unnecessary advantage. "Your fellows are all dead. Why do you persist? Do you really desire to die today?" he calls to the lone orc.
[sblock=Actions]Minor action to use Lay on Hands on Vashik - Vashik heals 5, Raiyek loses a surge.
Double move to X27, or as far as I can get.

Also, I rolled a 19 on my save vs. -4 AC at the end of my last turn, so that should be gone. Not that it's likely to matter, heh.[/sblock]
[sblock=Mini Stats]Raiyek Meliam - Male Elf Paladin 1
Passive Insight 18 | Passive Perception 20
AC 20 | Fort 14 | Ref 15 | Will 14
HP: 26+1/27 | Surges: 9/11 | AP: 0 | Second Wind: Not used
Group Awareness: non-elf allies within 5 squares gain +1 racial bonus to Perception.
+1 to all defenses for the rest of the encounter
1 temp hp

Holy Strike
Valiant Strike
Lay on Hands (1/3)
Divine Challenge
Piercing Smite
Channel Divinity
Elven Accuracy
Hunter's Quarry
Paladin's Judgment[/sblock]
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OCC: Is Cross aware of the upstairs sniper's approximate location?

ooc: Yes, Cross knows where the sniper is. Actually, regarding the sniper's position, I made a mistake in the sniper's action: he's not allowed to take a move action after making a charge; charging ends your turn. So he's still adjacent to Merenwen, and is visible to those on the ground floor who are south of row 6.


First Post
Merenwen quickly backstepped away from the orc sniper before he could engage her further in close combat. She had no real reason to do so considering the sniper was clearly on its last legs. Lost in her emotions at the crimes of the creature in front of her she unleashed a further two shots at the sniper. Finally she moved further away up against the wall in an effort to remove herself from the danger of the ledge and the snipers charging attacks.

[sblock= occ] Rolled 5 times to many dice on IC so decided i'd just take the top 5 as i assume they are the first rolled. [/sblock]

[sblock= Actions]
Minor to shift from S26 to T26
Standard to use Twin shot and apply hunters quarry damage. (Gain prime shot)
Move to move from T26 to Y24

Attack break down
1d20+7; 1d20+7; 1d10; 1d10; 1d6[15,7] = (22)
1d20+7; 1d20+7; 1d10; 1d10; 1d6[20,7] = (27)
1d20+7; 1d20+7; 1d10; 1d10; 1d6[2] = (2)
1d20+7; 1d20+7; 1d10; 1d10; 1d6[9] = (9)
1d20+7; 1d20+7; 1d10; 1d10; 1d6[2] = (2)

First shot hits (i'm assuming?) and deals 2 damage. Use hunter's quarry to deal an additional 2 damage.
Second shot hits and criticals so deals 20 damage.
Total Damage; 24HP

I hope thats enough to kill the orc. Though if cross or Les or anyone does so before myself i'll alter this of course.

Link to dice rolls: Roll Lookup
As i said just took the top 5 as that seemed the simplest way to correct my mistake.


wherein the DM gets impatient

Round 6

Whatever Cross is considering, he waits too long to do it, as Merenwen quickly steps back and fills the last remaining orc with arrows. It crashes to the ground, lifeless.

Raiyek moves to Vashik and lays hands on the wizard, giving him a momentary respite. But the poison takes hold again, and Vashik looks shaky.

(ooc: We're out of combat, but we need to resolve the ongoing damage to Vashik, since there's still a (very small) chance that it could kill him. Vashik regains 5 hp from Raiyek, and takes 5 poison damage. He gets to make a save for the end of his turn. Other people can do various things, like heal checks, to grant him additional saves, should he fail.)

[sblock=Initiative and status]

Les 16/24, +2 to defenses 'tsnt
Merenwen unharmed, +6 temp hp, +1 to defenses
Kilbeth 30/31, +1 to defenses
Raiyek 26/27 +1 temp hp, +1 to defenses, -4 AC (save ends)
Orc grunts, all dead
Balth 19/22, +1 to defenses
Larinza 17/24, +1 to defenses, prone
Vashik 6/20, bloodied, 5 ongoing poison damage and slowed (save ends), +1 to defenses
Kruk unharmed, +1 to defenses
Cross 14/25, +4 temp hp, +1 to defenses

Resources used:
* Vashik: Acid Arrow, 1 surge
* Cross: Flaming sphere, AP, 1 surge
* Larinza: Bulwark of Defense, Inspiring word x2, 3 surges, second wind, AP
* Raiyek: AP, Channel Divinity, Hunter's Quarry, Lay on Hands x2, 2 surges
* Merenwen: Evasive Strike, AP
* Les: Inspiring Word x2, AP, Bulwark of Defense, second wind
* Balth: Two-fanged strike, AP, Second Wind, 1 surge, Elven Accuracy
* Kruk: Brute Strike, AP
* Kilbeth: Goring charge, Evasive Strike, AP


ooc: BTW, Brutoni, I'm not sure how you're calculating the damage on your crits, but I don't think it's right. The damage you would have rolled for the second shot was 1d10+1d6 from HQ. That gets maximized, making 16. I don't think there are any other sources of damage for that crit: not a high crit weapon nor a magic weapon. I don't know where 20 comes from.

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