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The Long Journey Home

Ray Ray

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He looked over at Rey, wondering why she hadn't said hello yet, then realised she was talking with the alien. He turned to the small alien he was carrying around.

"What a show off,ey...? Hm, you don't have a name. Or you probably do but I don't know it... Maverick. I'll call you Maverick. Thats a good name for now, I guess."

He thought for a moment, looking away then back at the alien.

"Come to think of it, I'm not quite sure why I didn't just leave you with those other aliens. Though maybe you're safer here. Mr Raymond is pretty buff after all, ey?"
He prattled on, probably appearing quite odd to his fellow soldiers. For a brief second he thought maybe the space air was getting to him and he was in fact going mad, but dismissed it quickly.

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Ghost visibly facepalms...

Private mourisette why do you still have that alien child with you? It's not a pet or a stray that you can just pick up and walk off with. It might have family here, which in effect makes you a child abductor. Our relations with these aliens are dicey at best, do you not fear this might provoke an aggressive response? Also....

He looks towards the alien in the middle and Rey. But decides not to finish his sentence, and watch and wait to see what was happening.

Thinking: Is she really communicating with it? They're making similar noises towards each other I guess, how was she able to pick up the language in the short time we were here, that's quite impressive if she has.

"Miss Mourisette once again demonstrates her tactical worth; her speed of thought is just as valuable in missions as Arthur's explosions, Mr Mourissette's artillery, and my beautiful and glorious pectorial muscles." The captain finally weighs in, bowing his head to the negotiator as a compliment, before turning to Ghost. "Your team seems to be relatively intact, brother-captain. I am glad that you and Mr Mourisette are doing well. Still, we cannot remain here forever. We should start considering our options. Perhaps if we can move these newfound friends to a safe location; perhaps an isolation ward on the wanderer, then perhaps we can get to work surely understanding their plight more seriously. Regardless of what plan we execute, however, I am certain that you'll agree with me in saying that we're not in the finest of positions right here. An unknown foe, in unknown number and unknown strength. In order to win a battle, one must first know the battle."

Smiling to Mr Mourissette under his helmet, he bowed his head to him. "I am sure you were nothing but safe in Captain Ghosts hands. It is the duty of a captain to use all of his natural resources, be it natural intelligence or god-given might, to protect his fellow soldiers under his command, be they squad-mates or otherwise. Isn't that right, Brother-captain? This virtue is more important than anything else. It is what separates baseless warriors from knights and soldiers."

OOC: ((My replies are as slow as ever -_- I apologise!))

Mikhail Zhukov

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And sometimes life reminds me that things could be worse. Said Mikhail to himself.

​I am not sure how good of an idea is moving them. Besides the lack of space, air and food there is also the issue of them probably not trusting us enough. Also it is not like the Wanderer is unreachable by the toasters. If anything it is a more obvious target.


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Ghost thinks for a moment before speaking up..

The duties of a captain are not so simple, yes we have to keep our squad alive, a captain is nothing without the squad he or she commands. But we also need to ensure we complete our mission objectives, a captain whose every mission ends in failure is not fit to lead.

He looks down for a moment..

Thinking: Such as my recent failure, resulting in the capture of myself and private mourisette. As well as leaving the squads without their rearguard. Snowdrop has been sabotaged as a result and a hostile used a disguise as one of us in order to get close to the squad, risking not only the mission but the lives of my squad. That is a catastrophic failure in my books. The fact that it turned out well and the hostile was neutralised has nothing to do with me, merely luck and the judgement of my squad without their leader.

He looks back up and towards the squad assembled there...

I agree with Miha though, we have limited resources available to us. I sympathise with the plight of the aliens, but we can't afford to take on an entire species. We have limited food and no guarentee we'll find any more. Not to mention we don't understand their biology, and the environment they need to be kept in to survive, we have our MDAs to provide us with the atmosphere we need, they have no such luxury. There's the issue that they don't trust us enough, that much is true, but I'm not sure I trust them. We'd be exposing the civilian population of the wanderer to a possible hostile entity. That's not just the aliens themselves but any pathogens or such they might bring with them. Also, if we did secure them in a wing of the wanderer, they would require a guard force, further weakening our strength. If another large scale assault from the toasters comes, and our alien friend who fused with yourself captain doesn't turn up, we will need every available soldier to repel the attack.
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Mikhail Zhukov

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The aliens should know the area and if we are lucky might even know where the toasters base of operation is. Plus if we plan any kind of direct action they can reduce the advantage in numbers the toasters have over us, especially if we can equip them with some of our weaponry. Even if we try covert action they could potentially provide enough distraction.

Now we just need to find out how to shut down toaster operation here, or at the very least ground it so that it cannot interfere with or threaten the wanderer although denying toasters whatever they are looking for as well as finding out exactly what that something is would be nice as well.


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<You are mostly right there, we are explorers and I have managed to understand how you communicate... but I would say we are not trapped, Not only are we well armed and skilled to break free from what is trapping us here, I believe we may be able to help eachother>

She paused, rolling on the balls of her feet for a moment <When one of your species cried out it augmented with our energy> she makes a small display of paksis energy to make sure they were on the right page Do you naturally manipulate this energy? Can you work with it? If so we may be able to help each other even more>

J. D. Tsuba

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J.D. Awakes

As J.D. arose from his self enforced stasis, he felt a strange tingling on his neck, something wasn't right.
As he wandered back around the facility nothing looked out of place, everything was as it should be in a run down dump that has been attacked several times over, but still...
Finally he got to where he had left his team-mates almost 2 weeks before, and it was then he realized what was amiss; It wasn't just that everything was as it should be, it was that everything was as it was. Two weeks had passed, he was sure of that, both his pocket-watch and the timer on his portable stasis field were working normally, but nothing had changed, even his fellow squad members had barely moved.

As J.D. observed them, it appeared as if nothing was amiss, they acted normally enough, so he decided it best not too mention it, but still... this was a strange phenomenon indeed.
As the conversation became banal (a rather quick conversion, as usual) he started to wonder on this curiosity; Could this be a form of solipsistic existence? He tried to think back to other periods of his life, and sure enough, nothing important happened without his conscious input. He had just never been in stasis long enough to notice before.

'What does this mean for my importance to the world then?'

Surely this could not be what he thought, that he was the sole creator and occupant of the universe? he was...God? This would have to be considered in more depth. What impact does this have on the starseeker mission? Was this all just a self gratifying dream?

Yes. Clearly.

OOC: I've been without internet for the past 10 or so days and internet has been going on the fritz here. Then there is the stag that some of us are going to so. What I shall do is post an update post sometime on the Sunday when everything has calmed down. Watch for that, I will try to give a booster shot into the game.

Voidrunner's Codex

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