D&D 5E The Lost Citadel: a new apocalyptic 5E setting from Green Ronin

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In today's Ronin Roundtable the ultra-talented cartographer Andrew Law shares his process. Lost Citadel: Creating the First Map

If you haven't taken a good close-up look at the Lost Citadel map, this gives you an up close and personal look at the fine details.



Elder Thing
Two days left. Two.

Time for the second wind, last-lap burst of energy, people. Let's make this project end up as big as we possibly can. :)

With all due respect, Ari (and I know you aren't necessarily in charge of such things), it might help if we had something more game-related to go on.

I think I speak for a number of us when I say that the fiction is great and all, but I'm really curious about game content. What will be in this book that I can loot for other games in the event I don't use for other settings?

Not to imply that this one isn't a compelling setting of its own, but if I can't find a group interested in playing it out of the box, what's there that I can use elsewhere?

Even a table of contents would be something.

With all due respect, Ari (and I know you aren't necessarily in charge of such things), it might help if we had something more game-related to go on.

I think I speak for a number of us when I say that the fiction is great and all, but I'm really curious about game content. What will be in this book that I can loot for other games in the event I don't use for other settings?

Not to imply that this one isn't a compelling setting of its own, but if I can't find a group interested in playing it out of the box, what's there that I can use elsewhere?

Even a table of contents would be something.

Yeah this! I am a backer at the Chorus level but there is no doubt this Kickstarter has under performed. One it is challenging to jump all in with a new campaign setting when the level of support is sketchy. Other than the core book, which as Ath pointed out we have few details, we will have one adventure. the whole multi media thing is fine but as this point the current support for the RPG setting is limited with future support unknown.

Also I must say that many of the questions in the comment section were never responded to. The level of interaction between Green Ronin and the backers has been lacking. I still think the product will be great but this KS should be doing better than it is.


Elder Thing
Yeah, I'm a Chorus backer myself. I keep thinking I should just pull out - there just isn't enough information on what we're actually getting in the game book - but honestly I like the basic idea. Even if I'm still wondering how it can possibly sustain a long-term campaign.

In the end, $60 (plus dice, plus shipping) is a lot for a near-complete unknown. I get the impression that nothing much is written yet, which could account for the lack of previews/info, and that makes me a little nervous too.

Ultimately, 1. I can afford to drop the money, even if the book turns out to be a dud, 2. I doubt it will be a dud because I have some faith in the creators, and 3. I like the visual design enough that I want that book on my shelf even if all it ever does is gather dust.

I sure would love to have more to go on though.

Yeah, I'm a Chorus backer myself. I keep thinking I should just pull out - there just isn't enough information on what we're actually getting in the game book - but honestly I like the basic idea. Even if I'm still wondering how it can possibly sustain a long-term campaign.

In the end, $60 (plus dice, plus shipping) is a lot for a near-complete unknown. I get the impression that nothing much is written yet, which could account for the lack of previews/info, and that makes me a little nervous too.

Ultimately, 1. I can afford to drop the money, even if the book turns out to be a dud, 2. I doubt it will be a dud because I have some faith in the creators, and 3. I like the visual design enough that I want that book on my shelf even if all it ever does is gather dust.

I sure would love to have more to go on though.

Ultimately, I am in the same boat. I think it will be good and I will stick with it but this project could have been cleaner.

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