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The Mad God's Key (Bront Judging)

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[sblock=OOC]We're up to five. Time to get started![/Sblock]

The wait seemed interminable, but in reality the earliest arrival had only been sitting for a half-hour before the door they had entered opens abruptly.

The middle-aged man who strides through the door is dressed in a crimson robe, and his thick beard is groomed and braided with silver rings. The newcomer casts one look around the room, then moves past the young blonde student and through a thick wooden door behind her.


The door closes, and the sound of rustling can be heard through the door for several moments. It then reopens, and a deep baritone voice calls out. "Miss ir'Donalin, send the latest batch in. I do not wish to be disturbed while I am with them."

Talia looks up at each of you, and then calls out your names in the order of arrival, indicating that each of you should enter as your name is announced.


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Rystil Arden

First Post
*Alysina enters first, as her name is first, making a grand sweeping entrance.*

"Greetings, my lord Proctor Altamaic," she greets the older man, "Proctor Altamaic, can I say what an honour it is to finely meet you in person! As far as I'm concerned, A Sad Foundation: What Lies Beneath The Cogs is the seminal work in its field, and I've always loved reading about ancient Brelish goblinoid civilisations and their secrets. It's like I always say--anyway who wants to really understand anything about modern-day Sharn should quit focusing on these crazy socio-political studies and focus on unearthing the trends arcing back to the ancient past like real researchers!"

"Ah, but that's not why I'm here--I heard you need help with a mystery, and if so, my sidekicks and I would be perfect for your cause!"

[SBLOCK=OOC]Not my greatest Diplomacy roll ever--14, but Alysina's Diplomacy is such that she still always comes out well :)[/SBLOCK]


First Post
[sblock=OOC]Well, with the +2 circumstance bonus for proper scholastic brown-nosing, you just squeaked by. :D[/sblock]

It is obvious once any of you enter the room that the rustling noise from earlier was the Proctor changing his clothes. The heavy red robe is no longer seen - perhaps stored in the closet on the far side of the office - and he wears a simpler tunic now. Visible beneath his beard is a golden holy symbol of the Sovereign Host.

"Alysina Verani." He nods for her to take a seat across from his massive wooden desk as he leans back and looks her over with a critical eye. He smiles at her words and nods. "It is always a pleasure to hear that my works have reached the common man. Sit, sit! Let me have a look at you and your companions and see if you are the people I need."


First Post
Sirrel follows, much less expansively. "In other words, we'd like to help you recover your missing property. Thank you for taking the time to see us, sir. I'm sure we can handle your problem quickly and discretely." Hopefully, she thinks, the rest of us can provide enough of a businesslike counterpoint to Alysina that the Proctor won't think we're all quite so florid.

[SBLOCK=OOC] 24 to aid Alysina's diplomacy check, conforming to the law of nature that you always roll a natural 20 when it doesn't count for anything.[/SBLOCK]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The battled-scarred construct enters next, at the tail end of Alysina's speech, though Sirrel pushes his way through first. "Weapon. Construct-at-arms. My introduction is terse and functional, like myself."


First Post
The Proctor leans back in his chair and clasps his hands over his stomach as the gnome speaks. "Lady d'Sivis. I've seen your work here at Morgrave. According to your professors, you have quite a talent for field identification. I trust that you will choose to be discreet if you accept my employment; I have enough problems with lackluster students without being the subject of gossip!"

"Weapon? That is quite a ... functional name." The Proctor's smile lessens when he notes the warforged's nation of origin, and he when he continues, he speaks softly, as if remembering something long-missed. "May we never forget the homeland that was taken from us." The words were a mantra, often spoken when greeting a fellow refugee.
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Tam enters just before Rionus. "If we are the ones for your jobs depends on what you want us to do. Retrieving lost things can become two different things altogether if the things were stolen and you know who did it, or if they were just lost."

"However I've heard that the basing of heads may be part of the job, and that makes me think that we may not have to look for your things too much."


First Post
Someone said:
"However I've heard that the basing of heads may be part of the job, and that makes me think that we may not have to look for your things too much."

I should hope that whomever is responsible for this outrage is made to pay for their actions. Violence may indeed prove to be necessary, but employment through me is contingent on drawing as little official attention to yourselves as possible."
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Rystil Arden

First Post
Proctrovost Altamaic said:
The Proctor's smile lessens when he notes the warforged's nation of origin, and he when he continues, he speaks softly, as if remembering something long-missed. "May we never forget the homeland that was taken from us." The words were a mantra, often spoken when greeting a fellow refugee.

*Alysina bows her head as well at this and nods, solemn for a single moment, which is unusual for the usually breathy and chipper scholar.*

"My Gram was lost in the Mou...in the War..." Alysina explains, "My mother used to tell me all sorts of stories about her, and about her childhood home, our homeland..."

[SBLOCK=OOC]Who'd have thought--a 20 for the +4 and a 2 for the +12 :lol: :eek: That's excellent sidekick work though! ;)[/SBLOCK]

Voidrunner's Codex

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