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The Malazan Book of the Fallen: The Burning of Kindle

Walking Dad

First Post
Teth (Tough +6, Fort +7, Reflex +, Will +11; Defense +4)


"Fire is life, life is fire" she murmurs, before turning back to you, "An Imass saying, I am told"

"Yes, fire is a power of creation and destruction. But usually it destroys to make room for something new" Teth responds, his aura fading into nothing.

Durzo doesn't answer her, but looks to Teth with raised eyebrow instead. Then he asks him, "Goble working for necromancers?"
"Could be. I don't usually question my employers motives as long as he pays well."


Warren Telas (35 PP):

Blast (Fire, Autofire, Penetrating) +4 (16 PP)
AP: Blast (Fire, Line) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Blast (Fire, Cone) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Obscure (smoke) (smell and sight, Selective) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Fire Control +8 (1 PP)
AP: Environmental Control (Heat, Light) (Independent, Total Fade) +5 (1 PP)

Immunity Fire (10 PP) (already active)
Strike (Aura, Fire) +4 (4 PP)[/sblock]

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Durzo replies quietly to Teth, "Normally, I don't either. But some information gathering when we have some free time might not be a bad idea. Could save us from having unwanted surprises, eh?"

He jerks a thumb to indicate Ivy.


Durzo Stern CS


First Post
Ivy barks a humourless laugh at Helicrates' question.
"My motives are my own, warrior. Besides, my quarrel lies with that pair of necromancers, not you nor their lifeless Bonewitch"

At Teth's words, the woman smiles.
"Perhaps, wizard, that is the point" Ivy cocks her head at Durzo's comment, "The fat merchant? How curious...but then...yes...." her voice trails off.

You all hear the light scuffle of footsteps outside. The high noon sun has begun its slow descent, shadows have lengthened imperceptibly as the time has passed.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Helicrates quickly moves next to Ivy, and drawing his sword he puts it at her throat. "Those better not be your men, and if they are, you can consider yourself a prisoner."


Still with his bow in hand, Durzo heads towards the door, "I will check it out, but it's probably the Bone Witch returning, nothing more."

Still on the alert for trouble though, he makes his way there trying to keep out of sight as we makes his way down the short hallway to the witch's front porch (or whatever she has instead).


Durzo Stern CS

Walking Dad

First Post
Teth (Tough +6, Fort +7, Reflex +, Will +11; Defense +4)

"Nothing more? We are chatting with an intruder in her home. Maybe she will not be happy about this..." Teth responds.


Warren Telas (35 PP):

Blast (Fire, Autofire, Penetrating) +4 (16 PP)
AP: Blast (Fire, Line) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Blast (Fire, Cone) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Obscure (smoke) (smell and sight, Selective) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Fire Control +8 (1 PP)
AP: Environmental Control (Heat, Light) (Independent, Total Fade) +5 (1 PP)

Immunity Fire (10 PP) (already active)
Strike (Aura, Fire) +4 (4 PP)[/sblock]


First Post
Standing at the doorway of Candour's abode, Durzo sees the bone-witch walk slowly into the small hamlet of huts. She moves soundlessly and carefully, as her skirts flick up around her feet withered bare feet can be seen.

Sightless eyes seem to turn towards Durzo. The witch stops, in her arms she cradles a number of long white wax candles. She cocks her head to one side.
"Hello half-breed....what brings you..." the witch rasps, and then her voice trails off becoming a strange hiss.
Her head turns towards her hut and a withered brow furrows.
"What is this? Who stands in my house?"

Inside the hut, Ivy stands and rolls her eyes. She raises her hands placatingly as Helicrates stands closer to her.
"Now you're in trouble, the unpleasant bone witch is going to curse us all..." she drawls, "I suppose I had better put all the bones back properly....carved from some poor child no doubt..."
Ivy idly pushes the bones around on the table before her.

[sblock=Teth]Your magical awareness notes that Candour has opened her warren in readiness[/sblock]


Durzo greets the witch, "We came to protect your boniness again at Goble's request. We found an intruder that would appear to be not too fond of you and your heritage."

He stands aside to let her precede him back inside.


Durzo Stern CS
Last edited:

Walking Dad

First Post
Teth (Tough +6, Fort +7, Reflex +, Will +11; Defense +4)

Not able to come up with a better answer than the one Durzo just gave, Teth remains silent.


Warren Telas (35 PP):

Blast (Fire, Autofire, Penetrating) +4 (16 PP)
AP: Blast (Fire, Line) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Blast (Fire, Cone) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Obscure (smoke) (smell and sight, Selective) +5 (1 PP)
AP: Fire Control +8 (1 PP)
AP: Environmental Control (Heat, Light) (Independent, Total Fade) +5 (1 PP)

Immunity Fire (10 PP) (already active)
Strike (Aura, Fire) +4 (4 PP)[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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