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The Mean Streets

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First Post
Character Name: Brett Nyokas
Class: Strong
Level: 1
Occupation: Military
Age: 26 years
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 238 lbs
Eyes: Black
Hair: Grey/Silver

Str: 15 (+2)
Dex: 15 (+2)
Con: 15 (+2)
Int: 10 (+0)
Wis: 9 (-1)
Cha: 9 (-1)


Hit Points: 10
Armor Class: 16 = 10 +3 [undercover vest] + 1 [class] +2 [dexterity]
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30
Action Pts: 5
Wealth: +1 (+6 was my starting Wealth)

Balance Dex* 2 = +2
Bluff Cha -1 = -1
Climb Str* 5 = +2 +2 +1 [Military]
Computer Use Int 0 = +0
Concentration Con 2 = +2
Craft (Structural) Int 0 = +0
Craft (Visual Art) Int 0 = +0
Craft (Writing) Int 0 = +0
Demolitions Int 0 = +0
Diplomacy Cha -1 = -1
Disguise Cha -1 = -1
Drive Dex* 2 = +2
Escape Artist Dex* 2 = +2
Forgery Int 0 = +0
Gamble Wis -1 = -1
Gather Information Cha -1 = -1
Hide Dex* 4 = +2 +2
Intimidate Cha -1 = -1
Jump Str* 2 = +2
Knowledge (streetwise) Int 2 = +0 +2
Listen Wis -1 = -1
Move Silently Dex* 4 = +2 +2
Navigate Int 0 = +0
Perform (Act) Cha -1 = -1
Perform (Dance) Cha -1 = -1
Perform (Keyboards) Cha -1 = -1
Perform (Percussion) Cha -1 = -1
Perform (Sing) Cha -1 = -1
Perform (Standup) Cha -1 = -1
Perform (String Inst.) Cha -1 = -1
Perform (Wind Inst.) Cha -1 = -1
Research Int 0 = +0
Ride Dex 2 = +2
Search Int 0 = +0
Sense Motive Wis -1 = -1
Spot Wis -1 = -1
Survival Wis -1 = -1
Swim Str** 2 = +2
Treat Injury Wis -1 = -1

Armor Proficiency (light)
Combat Martial Arts
Simple Weapon Proficiency [free]
Personal Firearms Proficiency

Melee Smash


Glock 20 x1
Total Attack Bonus: +3 = 1 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Damage: 2d6
Critical: 20
Range: 30'
Weight: 2 lbs each
Type: Ballistic
Size: Small
Rounds per Clip: 15
Special: +1 to attack and damage within 30'

Knife x1
Total Attack Bonus: +3 = 1 [base] +2 [strength]
Damage: 1d4
Critical: 19-20
Range: 10'
Weight: 1 lbs each
Type: Peircing
Size: Tiny
Rounds per Clip: N/A
Thrown: +3 attack

Cleaver x1
Total Attack Bonus: +3 = 1 [base] +2 [strength]
Damage: 1d6
Critical: 19-20
Range: 10'
Weight: 1 lbs each
Type: Slashing
Size: Small
Rounds per Clip: N/A
Thrown: +3 attack

Brass Knuckles x1
Total Attack Bonus: +3 = 1 [base] +2 [strength]
Damage: +1 (lethal)
Critical: 20
Range: Melee
Weight: 1 lb
Type: Bludgeoning
Size: Tiny
Rounds per Clip: N/A
Thrown: N/A

Dynamite x 5
Damage: 2d6
Critical: -
Range: 10ft
Weight: 1 lb
Type: Concussion
Size: Tiny
Rounds per Clip: N/A
Thrown: +3 attack


1 Concealed Holster (Shoulder)
1 Glock 20 (in Shoulder Holster)

1 Daypack (containing)
-1 Boxes of 50 10mm rounds
-1 Electro-optical Binoculars
-1 Demolitions Kit

1 Mesh Vest (Holding)
-2 Extra Box Magazines (Full)
-1 Knife
-1 Cleaver
-1 Cellphone
-4 Detonators (2x Blastcaps, 2x timed)
-1 Multipurpose Tool
-25 Zip-Ties
-1 Duct tape
-1 Digital Audio Recorder
-1 Digital Camera

1 Set of Casual Clothes (Worn)
1 Set of Fatigues (Worn)
1 Overcoat (Worn)
2 Fake ID's (Drivers License & Passport - Coat Pocket)
1 Gasmask (Worn)
1 Notebook (Laptop - at motel)
1 Undercover Vest (Worn)

MAX CAPACITY: 66/133/200 [/sblock]


EDIT: scroll down about half way. I changed it from there.

Brett was born into a poor Newyork household during the late 80's. His father, a welder by trade, originally hailed from Mexico, while his mother was American. Brett's childhood was far from perfect. Most days he was beaten by his father, usually for no reason, as was his mother. During his yonger years he resented his mother for not defending him, but as he grew it became apparent that his mother was in-effect powerless, and developed an empathic bond with her . During his teens he took to the streets; Robbing, hustling and scamming for a living (just to escape the beatings), which inevitably introduced him to the world of narcotics.

Within a short time, Brett had serious drug issues; Addictions to Cannabis, Morphine & Heroin were his main problem, though it wasn't unusual for him to dabble in other drugs. At the time Brett didn't care. Drugs were his key to the escapism he so desperatly needed. His mother passed away when he was in his mid teens, choosing suicide as a way to escape the hell that was her life. This had a catastrophic affect on Brett, causing him to become severly depressed. He loathed his father no more from that day. From then until his death, he truely hated him. Brett became somewhat of a recluse, spending his time either wasted or lifting weights. He didn't care anymore...

During his 18th year his father died, leaving Brett with nothing. No job. No family. No friends. Having no money, he first resorted to selling what he could from the apartment, but eventually he ran out of things to sell and soon found himself homeless.


After living rough & roaming from shelter to shelter for about a year, he'd finally kicked his addictions (mainly due to lack of money, but with a little will power too).He was 19 when he joined the Marines, and went on to serve for 4 years as a successful and well trained soldier, returing safely from 5 tours of duty. It was during his time in the army that his morality was rekindled. After years of war and bloodshed, Brett couldn't it take anymore, psychologically. He left the army slightly disturbed, his mind scarred by images unimaginable...

After discharging himself from the army, Brett moved from place to place, working the door at clubs and bars before finallly settling down in his current job as a Licensed Bounty Hunter, a job which he actually enjoys. Still able to use his military training but to his own ends, Brett excels in his line of work, driven by the need to remove evil from the world (Be they drug dealers to terrorists) - needless to say, more than a handful of his 'bounties' have been turned in dead rather than alive. Adjusting to 'civie-street' has been hard for Brett. His dress sense is somewhat confused and eccentric, choosing to wear a mixture of clothing, usually fatigue bottoms, bright T-shirt, a waistcoat, baseball cap, trainers and a full length thick overcoat.

He's currently residing in Chicago, lured here by the shear amount of violence. Brett plans on changing that, by force if need be...


If there's stuff you don't like. Let me know. Thanks...[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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