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The Mean Streets

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Updated w/ Equipment

Piotr Wyborski (CR 1) (0 XP)
Male human Smart Hero 1
Occupation Technician
AP 5
Init +0; Senses Listen -1, Spot -1
Languages Arabic, English, Russian, Spanish, Polish
Defense 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10; +2 Dex, +0 class
hp 6 (1 HD)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0
Spd 30 ft.
Ranged taser +2 (1d4 electricity) or
Melee unarmed -1 (1d3-1 nonlethal)
Base Atk +0; Grp -1
Abilities Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 8, Cha 8
SQ savant (Computer Use)
Feats Gearhead, Personal Firearms Proficiency
Skills Computer use +12, Craft (electronic) +9, Craft (mechanical) +8, Craft (visual arts) +8, Disable Device +8, Gamble +1, Knowledge (current events) +8, Knowledge (popular culture) +8, Knowledge (technology) +8, Profession +3, Repair +11, Search +8
Possessions casual clothes, cell phone, duct tape, field bag, lockpick, multipurpose tool, notebook (upgraded) with modem (wifi and broadband); +0 wealth; 9 lbs. (light load)
Allegiances The Organization, CPD, "The Metal Hive" (kinetic artist collective)
Reputation 1
Savant Piotr adds his Smart level to the Computer Use skill.
[sblock=Advancement]L1->Smart 1 HP 8 (1d6+2) SP: 52 (9x4+4x4)
Occuptation: Technician (Computer Use, Craft (electronic), Repair; +3 Wealth)
Computer use +4, Craft (electronic) +4, Craft (mechanical) +4, Craft (visual arts) +4, Disable Device +4, Gamble +4cc, Knowledge (current events) +4, Knowledge (popular culture) +4, Knowledge (technology) +4, Profession +4, Repair +4, Search +4, Speak Language (Arabic, English, Russian, Spanish)
Abilities: Str 8 (0pts) , Dex 14 (6pts), Con 14 (6pts), Int 18 (16pts), Wis 8 (0pts), Cha 8 (0pts)
Wealth: 8
Feats: Gearhead, Personal Firearms Proficiency
Other: Savant (Computer Use)[/sblock][sblock=Possessions]Starting Wealth: +8
In order of purchase:
- Field bag (-0), casual clothes (-0), modem (wifi, broadband) (-0), duct tape (-0), lockpick (-1), cell phone (-1), multipurpose tool (-1), upgraded notebook (-5)
Piotr grew up in a decidely Polish part of Chicago, the only son of Polish defectors. Former academics, they wanted their son to grow up in as much comfort as their now blue collar jobs could afford. What eventually result from their efforts was a lanky looking punk of a kid that was good with his hands and sharp of his wit, though he rarely had the foresight or tact to hold back when it would have been more prudent.

Piotr was an able student, and graduated early with an MS in computer system, specializing in security. Thus, he found himself on the "good" side of the law doing "bad" things with his computer skills. However, what brought his attention to the Operation was his huge gambling debts---the kid may be smart, but he has no head for numbers. The Operation has convinced Piotr that they can help "forgive" his debts if he helps them out. This may or may not be true.

In his free time, Piotr likes to put his creative side to use building kinetic sculptures. He was on the American version of Junkyard Wars with some of his artist friends, but lost out in the second round.

Piotr smokes like a chimney and lives on coffee.
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SIN, the new background looks a lot more workable. I've been thinking about loosening up the task force a bit, so that they might actually use a bounty hunter as a consultant of sorts. Of course, if their suspects show up dead, they might get a bit cheesed off.

Stonegod, the character so far looks great.

Background Info:

The Commission: Technically, the Greater Chicago Law Enforcement and Security Advisory Commission, but nearly everyone involved with it on a regular basis refers to it as simply "The Commission."

Immediately following the events of 9/11, the various law enforcement agencies and other groups responsible for the security and safety of the citizens of Greater Chicago, at the behest of the Federal, State, and Municipal governments, formed a body whose function was to act as a clearing house for information and resources. Each involved agency had a representative on the Commission, and the whole thing came into being with great fanfare and media attention. The public was reassured, and within a year, the Commission was a fixture in the Chicago area.

It's mandate was, and is, somewhat vague, but specifically includes pooling information and resources to make sure that Chicago and its environs are not successfully targeted by terrorism or other large-scale criminal activity, or to mobilize a response to any such acts that occur. To that end, the Commission meets on a monthly basis, or more often if a crisis situation arises. It maintains a small support staff drawn from many agencies, who keep the Commissioners fully apprised of developing situations.

That is the public story.

It is the truth, so far as it goes. Behind the scenes, however, the Commission does far more. It maintains a large network of informants, from all walks of life. It draws in consultants as needed. It employs sworn officers from city, county, state, and federal agencies. These officers generally work for the Commission on a part-time basis, otherwise acting as normal for their parent agencies.

The Commission has access to wiretaps, surveillance cameras, and personal information that would make civil libertarians frantic if they knew about it.

While the sworn officers retain their powers of arrest, generally speaking the Commission leaves the actual apprehension of suspects to other agencies, preferring to keep their "active" side out of the limelight. They do not generally operate outside the law. They are not a vigilante group, and their internal controls are quite stringent. They do however often cut corners in ways that more publicly accountable agencies would find it hard to consistently get away with.

One effect that this has on Commission activities is that teams are often formed on an 'ad hoc' basis. Civilian consultants and informants often get a lot closer to the action then a more formal law enforcement agency could or would tolerate. Support staff also have at times found themselves closer to the action then might otherwise be the case.

With that being the case, the Commission is fairly careful about who they recruit as an active asset. Potential assets have to either be quite dedicated and trustworthy, or they have to be completely deniable, easily discredited, or controllable in some fashion.

It also means that at times resources and support can be uneven. Most often, especially for information and analysis, facilities and equipment can be borrowed from other agencies. For more field activities, however, active support can be somewhat hard to arrange.


First Post
Kenneth Ballard
Dedicated 1
Occupation: Investigative

Kenneth is tall and lean, and has an athletic build from years spent jogging. He is fair-skinned and clean shaven, with wavy, chestnut colored hair. His eyes are large, and a deep chocolate brown in color. His wardrobe is professional and practical, with a lot of gray and white.

Personality/Background in progress. I figure he works in forensics right now, which gives him his Investigative background.

Str 12 +1 (4 points)
Dex 14 +2 (6 points)
Con 14 +2 (6 points)
Int 14 +1 (6 points)
Wis 12 +1 (4 points)
Cha 10 +0 (2 points)

Hit Points: 8
MDT: 14
Defense: 13 (10 base + 1 class + 2 dexterity)
--Fort +3 (1 base + 2 con)
--Ref +2 (0 base + 2 dex)
--Wil +2 (1 base + 1 wis)

Speed: 30ft

BAB: +0
Ranged: +2
Melee: +1

Initiative: +2

Computer Use* +6 (4 ranks, +2 int)
Craft: pharmaceutical +6 (2 ranks, +2 int, +2 med expert)
Investigate* +4 (2 ranks, +2 int)
Knowledge: earth/life sciences +6 (4 ranks, +2 int)
Listen +4 (3 ranks, +1 wis)
Profession +5 (4 ranks, +1 wis)
Sense Motive +3 (2 ranks, +1 wis)
Spot +4 (3 ranks, +1 wis)
Treat Injury +9 (4 ranks, +1 wis, +2 healing knack, +2 med expert)


--Simple Weapons Proficiency
--Personal Firearms Proficiency*
--Point Blank Shot
--Medical Expert

--Healing Knack

* Occupation Skill/Feat

Starting Wealth: 7


--One bedroom Condo
--Dodge Neon (rented/leased)

Equipment still in progress.

I sat down last night to work on fleshing out Cristal a bit more. I got through skills, feats, and part of the way through equipment. The wealth system is a bit different, so it took a minute before I felt like I understood things enough to delve into making purchases. I'll work on her again this evening and will hopefully also be able to post her.

Rhun, Kenneth looks good.

I'm looking forward to really getting this thing rolling.

I have starts in mind, at least, for most of the characters I've seen, so once we do get moving, it should be in a fairly quick way.

I finished up Cristal and posted the rest of her numbers and equipment.

I made mention of this earlier in a couple of the games I'm DM and playing in here, but it probably bears mentioning in here since we may be starting soon. I normally reserve weekends for family and church, but this weekend and next are scheduled to be long weekends in my household. This week Thursday through Saturday I'll be downtown in Honolulu with my family attending the Hawaiian Islands Ministry conference. The weekend after that is Easter weekend, and I plan to take both Friday and Monday off from posting.

After that, I'll be around my regular schedule of M-F.


First Post
Thanks for ruining my day. Woke up, went to work in dreary weather, log in... and the first post I read is from someone in Hawaii... waiting for their long weekend break... =[

Maaaan, Britian sucks...

You can console yourself by admiring your beautiful British architecture, your country's storied history, and the fact that you actually have seasons over there. ;)

Every place has it's ups and downs.

But, yeah, I live on the beach so who am I to complain! :p

Voidrunner's Codex

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