• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Meeting Place - Discussions and so forth


First Post
There would always be some people just itching to believe that what they see is truely real. They'd be the ones who may generally be seen as nuts, or may try capturing the cat being for science or the tabloids.
A smart non-human would take care to avoid this kind of attention, if they didn't want to be mobbed by the crazy person's friends or stuck with a tranquilizer and kidnapped to some sideshow zoo or laboratory.

Aliens are still hush-hush, aren't they? We shouldn't see some little grey men on the streets outside TMP getting drunk and phaser-blasting up the neighbourhood.

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Yes, Aliens are still rare so, although some know and believe full well their existance, they are still not fully accepted. Those who desire to play alien beings can do so easily, but I would suggest perhaps "attempting" to hide the fact they are an alien, or accept people flipping out or trying to "tame" you. ;)



curses and drats, drats and curses...why..oh why..couldnt you all've set this room at the year 2050....then you could use the mecha crusades setting....mars, the moon, and europa colonized, and at war with a resource depleted, disenhearted earth....and the best part? big machines called mechas! ah well......thats me....*sniff* I had my heart set on piloting a mecha 10 meters tall...with an advanced chaingun on its right arm...*drools..*



Drindin said:
Hey, could you do like a full moon schedule for the place, please?

Could you please email me with exactly what you're looking for and I will do my best to make it happen. :)



The Storyteller

Right, I understand aliens are rare, I was just putting out the fact that whether or not they were extraterrestrial or of Shadow would affect how people see them.



Personally, I think aliens should be lumped in with the other Shadowkind creatures. Yes, they exist. Yes, they live and work among us. But most of the time they keep themselves hidden....

...until they've had a couple of good stiff drinks, and then it's like: "Y'know Joe, ya seem like a pretty decent guy... I just thought ya should know..."

*rips face off, revealing horrible alien visage, with eyes, tongue, antennae, and tentacles protruding... cue the blood-curdling screams...* :D




Personally I don't see the difference between people being confused, wary, frightened or oppotunistic about aliens or about "races". If a sci-fi fanatical human spots an elf but doesn't believe in fairie tales anymore, they might claim the pointy ears prove the unlucky elf is living proof that Spock from Star Trek really did have relations on Earth or wrap the elf up in tin foil (to prevent it from warning others of it's kind) and demand to be given the location of its ship.

A vamp might be considered an invader from the canabalistic planet Ginjoy (becase everyone knows that movie from 2009 was a documentary of the true nature of the aliens. The government just wants you to believe it was fake to hide the fact they sold out the human race!) and taken hostage by a paranoid street gang in the hope that torturing it will provide valuable information.

Or oppositely, the short green alien girl who's human-tone makeup begins to wash off when someone dumps their drink on her gets noticed by a believer that good things happen by magic, who begins stalking her to find her pot of gold. (Everyone always knew someone who thinks faeries live in Central Park and the guy with a bad hairdo is a werewolf was cracked...)

Come on. We're role players, we read a lot of fantasy and science fiction. But how many people really wouldn't be afraid of the ulterior motives of the government and aliens, or actually believe the beardless "little person" woman working at the library secretly has an axe stashed near a mineshaft entrance somewhere?

;) :angel:





Oh Pounamu, you make me laugh! What a great way to look at things! This is going to be a great room once it gets going. :)

News from the boss-lady:
The TMP is on schedule to be opened before the end of the year, pending a
few technical aspects being completed on time. Everything looks good so far

So... provided all goes well we should be seeing the opening of TMP within the next 3 months! :) Keep an eye on these boards for more updates as I'm sure when things get closer, we'll be seeking more of your input. So far everything is looking very nice and working well. This has been an excellent group effort! :)

I take my hat off to you all ... :tiphat:
(hehe... I just had to use that new smilie.. I just noticed it was there!)

~ Reesa

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