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the most common non-magic magic items

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The invisable extra-large damage proof, see through etheral tent.

I have never seen anyone come stumbling out of a tent half-dressed when waked in the middle of the night by an encounter.

I play in an online game. Rolling in the open dispenses with a lot of these.

Of course, there's still the possibility of some others.

Dodge partner of infinite targets

Mundane clothes of elemental immunity

Wand of infinite charges

PC's of "wow, I'm at 1HP, what luck!"

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Of course, the backpack of extradimensional space.

I mean, come on...when my character sheet shows 50' of rope, 10 torches, a lantern, 20 flasks of oil, 400 crossbow bolts, rations for a year, those pesky spell components, 15000gp, 1000sp, those old swords I picked up off the dead guy to sell later...where do you THINK I put it? Certainly not in my everfull beltpouch of storing...


Arggghhh. I hate these things. I try real hard to run a low magic campaign, and invariably the PC's manage to pick these items up no matter how hard I try.

The worst one of all is Avner's Always Available Arm of Action. No matter what the character is carrying, he always has an extra unused hand to perform his action. As in, "Ok, I've got the torch in one hand and the sword in the other....AC 28 from my shield...I fire my bow and pull a potion out of my backpack... I'll put coins in my _bag_ of holding...I pick the sword up off the floor and hand it to Oswald...then I execute a sneak attack with my dagger of venom....now I light the troll with my torch...' One of my favorite 'back to reality' tricks is to get the characters in some high narrow place and then watch thier consternation as I remind them that they just can't put something down at thier feet and grab something else. "Err, Bob, if you draw your longsword without taking the time to put your longbow away, the longbow is going to fall of the path - and its a long way down."

Sometimes it gets so bad I have to take valuable time out of the story to go over peoples character sheets with a fine tooth comb. I'm thinking of passing out pouch/backpack/sack sheets and forcing everyone to keep there items on the sheets as opposed to their regular character sheet. It is equally frustrating to find that the character has 840 lb. of equipment "Are you sure the Haversack holds all this?" and 5 lines in their equipment section "Ok, where have you been getting those torches and just what has your character been drinking while doing all this excercise? How would you like to run around in 50 lbs. of steel engaged in aerobic exercise for 4 hours and not get a sip of water?".

I do make a habit of forcing them to write down and turn in on a sheet what lightsource they plan to make use of and whether they plan to keep thier shield ready or slung on thier back etc. just so we don't get into arguements - e.i. "Bob, you can't ready a sword, ready a shield, put your longbow away carefully in the same round, and attack. Pick two or please consider taking the Quickdraw feat, ok?"

The next worst item is the Rary's Random Reaction Remover, used extensively to generate 27's for initiative. That one gets so bad I have to speak with players about it. "Look, Bob, I know you have +9 initiative, but the last 20 rolls in a row have been modified 20 or higher. What do you think the odds of flipping a coin 20 times and getting heads every time are? Keep this up and the monsters are going to start taking 20 for init, capeesh?"


First Post
Thirsty said:
What about the mages invisible ruler of spell positioning. Don't you love the way the fireball gentley warms the cold armour of the frontline tank, while charring his erstwhile enemy.

Actually that is not a mage-only item, or did you ever see a barbarian charge 5' short of his enemy?


Welcome to Spunkrat Emporium; the place where enterprising adventurers can find all manner of assortments designed to do away with all those little bookkeeping hassles. Never again will you have to travel to the major cities to trade in that multifaceted magical diamond necklace you found. We have vendors in the smallest of the small one horse towns and even the slightest of of our showrooms have hundreds of thousands of gold pieces in their vaults (or underneath the mouldy mattress out the back) ;)

Run out of hands? Why not try Calabrian's invisible prosthetic extra arm! It's the perfect answer for the hero who wants to hold a sword, a shield, a healing potion, a holy symbol, an artifact and a lantern (not to mention that ten foot pole) all at the same time!

Can't understand the secret plans of your enemies? Have you considered Edwardo's instantaneous translator? It effortlessly renders the speech of orcs, gnolls, dragons and demons, (as well as that of the french) into the "common" tongue! (although, in the case of the french, common tongue in an absurdly silly accent). If you use your credit card, we will throw in a pair of Llewellen's Super Literate Spectacles, which enable the adventure to read any text, in any language, from any time period.

Of course no adventurer could do without Taazzanash's Terrific Temporal Retroactivator. This cunning device allows the user to redress the errors of the pass, yea, even after the passage of many years. After all, in the heat of battle many things can be forgotten or ignored. And honestly, who would leave behind something as important as their holy avenger? No one, clearly. And even if it had been the only thing wedging the door closed against Sumateyusan-the-12th-Demondaughter-of-Thrag, surely someone would have picked it up on the way out?
And yes, while everyone running full pelt away from lava flow probably did have better things on their mind than picking up their weapons, this was a very special weapon. SOMEONE would have picked it up. Well, with the Terrific Temporal Retroactivator, now someone did!

So kind Hero... What takes your fancy?

EDIT: Damn, I hate it when someone posts the same point as yours while you are composing. Celebrim even came up with a better name than mine : Avner's Always Available Arm of Action
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One of my favourites has always been the Infallible Encyclopaedic Beastiary (ie. Monster Manual).

Nothing annoys me more as a GM than the third level fighter flicking to the right page in the MM to find out the particular weaknesses of the monster he's never faced before.

Rashak Mani

First Post
We have a player that as soon as he IDs the monster babbles out all the major details of it... even being a DM myself I have always tried not to read more than I need from the Monster Manual... pisses me off a little when he does it.


First Post
Rashak Mani said:
We have a player that as soon as he IDs the monster babbles out all the major details of it... even being a DM myself I have always tried not to read more than I need from the Monster Manual... pisses me off a little when he does it.

In past campaigns, I have sometimes dealt with this in two ways:

1. Periodically vary the creature from the MM. I had a party of 2nd-3rd level characters that encountered a troll. The meta-gamers pulled out the flaming oil and flung; only to have it engulf the troll in a "Fire Shield" doing no harm to the creature and letting it strike for an extra 1d6!

2. If it gets bad, I have used the policy that if one player blurts something out -like suggesting an action- that another character can't know, then that action is prohibited. Even if they were going to do it anyway but just hadn't said it yet. The beauty of it is, as long as you tell them this is the policy beforehand; when it happens, they get ticked at the other player, not you! :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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