• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The never ending story of ...


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When Hoo arrived with her tow-truck, she scanned the hull of the stricken Phase Rider with a sonic hedgehog and listened carefully to the echo. She nodded sagely and spoke frankly to Captain Jeli who rightly feared the worst. "It's gold fever," explained the owlbear. "She's got too much gold in her ichor stream. Have you been putting gold ingots in the ballast? Yes? Thought so. It's leaked into the bilges."

"Can you do anything?" asked Jeli in a frightened voice.

"You'll have to dump the gold and use a clay poltice to draw out the surfeit."

At the mention of the words 'surf it', Snappy appeared looking cool in Hawaiian shorts and spouting nonsense that he'd picked up from watching too many 1970's movies. "Not now, Snappy," admonished Jeli, "we've got work to do. All hands on deck, mister mate. I will address the men."

"Men, and others," she began, "We have found a safe place to hide our gold. We are going to offload it and stow it in that big glass bottle in the shadow dimensions. I want you all you remember precisely where it is, but keep the secret to your grave. It's our secret. No-one else must know what we know. Is that clearly understood?"

There was a brief silence as the assembled crew frowned, scratched their grizzled chins and worked through the implications in their minds but in the end each of them secretly worked out that if they went along with it, they could come back later on their own and steal the lot for themselves. A ragged cheer went up* as, one by one, they endorsed the plan.

Meanwhile, down in his cabin, Herewulf had been working a private project - a Tome of The Unforgotten. He had just carefully set down the story of Throg, Hermione and All The Fish and given them a whole chapter to themselves. Indeed, had it not been for Herewulf's efforts, that whole thread could never have been written. He concluded the chapter :

And so it was that, by mysterious forces, the ship-in-a-bottle on Hermione's mantlepiece was magically transformed overnight into a bottle containing about five million very tiny gold pieces. Strangest of all, each of the tiny gold pieces weighed as much as an ordinary one (about a third of an ounce) so Hermione was able to convince sceptical bankers to accept them at face value. With the proceeds as security she was able to raise stock and build a commercial empire and ended her days where she began, back in Oxford as the principal of a ladies' college. And what of Throg? He went into politics. You may perhaps know him by a different name.

With everything safely offloaded, the Phase Rider began to recover and hummed quietly to herself again as her servos clicked in. The ship's cook almost ran out of honey making sandwiches for Doctor Hoo, but Od saved the day. He played 'Fight of the Bumble Bee' over and over again on his flute until he practically collapsed with exhaustion from all the cyclic breathing, but it worked and enough bees responded to the call to make enough honey to keep the owlbear fed for a whole hour.

When all was ready, Jeli gave the order to sail on ...

* Why are cheers always 'ragged'? It doesn't even make sense, if you think about it. Are cheers a kind of overcoat?
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When all was ready, Jeli gave the order to sail on ...

…Well. Wouldn’t you like to know? Actually, it was a secret. She had to whisper as softly as she could into the Phase Rider’s ear trumpet. Hoo waved them off. It would probably be another century or two before someone else called on her expertise. Oh well. Plenty of time to eat.

A Secret Location
The ghost ship (Still in its bottle size) emerged in a massive metal cavern. Lights shone down upon the ship. Strangely dressed humans were pointing unusual metal contraptions at them. Behind them was a cloth of green and someone cried “Action.” Herewulf immediately grabbed for his new glaive and readied an attack action as soon as he could see a foe. “Cut.” Came the next command but there was no one near enough to scythe through. A tall well-muscled man wearing a tabard that read in common: Arkhan the Cruel, walked onto the raised platform. “What is this? Another drone? Who’s spying on us? Can’t we make a D&D movie in peace?”

Vision shifted again but this time ended in a splash. The pirate crew became relieved and relaxed again, some wondering how they were ever going to get back to the gold stash location.

It was night, and the rain lashed down like cat’o’nines upon the bare back of the Phase Rider. There was a set of stormy fjords espied in the distance but the waves here were elephantine. Jeli decided to wait it out. “Batten the hatches, hatch the lines, line the sails, sail the folds, fold the posts, post the rigging, rig the clamps, clamp the harnesses, harness the battens.” She nodded, sure that that had covered it.

The crew scampered below decks, cold and bedraggled but pirates still. They settled down for a rough night. As morning found the ship, all were one level of exhaustion down. Nord opened up and was assaulted by a clear crisp sky. He looked toward the fjords and……


First Post
He looked toward the fjords and thought: "Nor way! Really? The land of the vikings, or maybe even xii kings!" He rushed down to the chart room and pulled out a map of Norway. By looking at the shapes of the mountains and the wiggles of the coastline, he worked out that they must by sailing somwhere near the Lofoten Islands.

Jeli followed him into the chart room, looking all the part of a pirate captain with a telescope tucked under her arm and a parrot on her shoulder. When it heard that they were in Norway the parrot got quite excited because it was a Norwegian Blue and it felt that it was near home. It's name was Pollymath. "There's a small town over there," said Jeli, "is it marked on the map?"

"Å," said Nord.


"No, it's called Å. Weird, isn't it? I suppose they got first pick when names were being handed out."

"Well, shall we go ashore? I need to buy some new socks and a woolly hat."

"There could be trolls. You get trolls in Norway."

"Better pick some suitable spells, then."

"Good idea. I'll wake the others."

They moored off the town of Å and rowed ashore, passing a few boats that were setting out for a day's cod fishing. The fishermen waved and shouted something incomprehensible but they seemed friendly enough. The townsfolk, however, ...


The townsfolk, however, ...

…were not only friendly, they were downright huggy. The town of Å was celebrating Hugfest 31:54. The favourites for the competition were already warming up. All the shore party became the victims of multiple hugs and it occurred to Herewulf that Hoo would have been very good in this discipline.

Nord, just happy to be back on the brine material plane, bought some pickled herring rollmops for everyone to enjoy. The start of the three day festival was cheerful enough in this icy climate and some mediocre minstrels coerced Od into joining them for a ditty or two.

Sam decided to stretch her cold fingers and made for the crowds, procuring three bread rolls, a bone comb and a woollen bowtie. She just knew in her heart, that these items would come in handy soon. REMEMBER. THESE ITEMS WILL COME IN HANDY SOON.

A burly Norseman grabbed her and gave her a big hug with a smile and a growl, but she wriggled out of it with an impressive 18 on acrobatics (after rolling a not so impressive Halfling 1)

Herewulf took to the perimeter of the small town and did a recce, as was his way. He wandered in the cold winds looking up at the beautiful peeks until his nose stumbled upon a foul scent. He smelled rotten meat. The Sergeant dismissed it as a waste dumping area or the stench of a long dead animal but something else was niggling at him. He drew forth his divine sense. There was indeed a forgotten soul here. In a shack, away from the other buildings. Lost and lonely, and full of hatred. Full of foul thoughts, full of……..…tourists? He had to get back. To warn the others when a cudgel hit him on his temple and knocked him out.

He came too, bound and propped up against an inside wall. He looked around and espied Nord, Od, and Jeli all unconscious and also bound. He saw Sam who saw him back and immediately pretended to be asleep as a figure moved between them. There was no mistaking what this creature was. It was a Nordic Hag. The townsfolk exited the shack in a dreamy sleepwalking kind of gait. They had done their jobs again this year.

Whilst picking her considerable nose, the Hag looked at each of the newcomers in turn. The pot was boiling, the incantations set. All was ready. But who to go in first? She chose…


First Post
She chose… the burliest and meatiest, none other than Herewulf himself.

Terrified out of his wits, Herewulf did what any brave soldier and upright paladin would do under such circumstances, he glooped. His gelatinous nature asserted itself and he wetly slipped out of his bonds, flooped across the floor and engulfed the hag's legs.

The hag howled and jumped up and down, trying to get the sticky mess off her skin before she started dissolving. She shouted incantations, ran around in small circles, she even tried swinging from the chandelier (which wasn't very successful because the shack didn't have any chandeliers). She emptied the contents of the cauldron over herself and all that did was make Heregloop slightly larger and even stickier. He hung on and absorbed the outer layers of the hag's feet, which tasted exceedingly revolting but, in a way, grimly satisfying.

This distraction allowed Sam to slip her bonds and start to slap the others awake and untie them. Quickly realising the situation, Nord flung lightning spells at the hag and, in consequence of his Storm Sorceror feature, was lifted a whole foot off the ground by a howling blast of wind. This was quite useful because he could avoid treading in Herewulf. Rapiers flashed and the hag started to ooze green from several wounds.

Suddenly ...



The heavy weather flap of the shack flew back and the whole town population, it seemed, were surrounding them with crude weapons drawn. There was a dullness to all of their eyes. As if they were not really there. Jeli tried to reason with them. Her highborn-privileged-private-tutorage-library-knowledge surely coming in useful here:

“Gjood fjolks ojf thje tjown ojf Å. Yjou Ajre bjeinjg mjanjipulatjed bjy thjis evjil hjag. Fjight thje swjay shje hjas ovjer yjou.”

They lowered their tools and weapons for a moment. Jeli nodded proudly, silently remembering one of her expensive tutors. They scratched their heads and looked to each other for enlightenment at what gibberish had just spewed out of this lady Elf’s mouth. A shrug here and there, and they all raised their weapons again.

“Damn. I almost got through to them. I should try again..”

“..Uhm perhaps a different approach is needed.” Herewulf extended his gelatinous pseudopods out as far as he could reach, and engulfed the Hag once more. She cried out in pain and the townsfolk glimpsed weakness and fear in their dominator for the first time. Doubt crept into their minds. Then calm assurity. This is the evil monstrosity they should follow. Not the Hag. Speaking of witch/which, She had drained into the ground, mashed, mushed and bubbled away.

The folk of Å knelt as one to their new leader. They raised their arms forward palms up and waited, expecting a decree or an order or something.

Herewulf sighed and…


First Post
Herewulf sighed and… resumed his human form. Then he extended his Aura of Remembrance to include the townsfolk and they began to recall the days before the hag had come. They remembered the long summer days when the sun never set, the fish were plentiful and the ferry called once a month with barrels of red paint for repainting their houses. It was time for picnics in the woods and swimming from the long sandy beaches. Summer was a good time before the hag came and it would be again, now that the divine Gløp had released them from its thrall. They remembered, too, the long, dark days of winter when the sun never rose and the sky was lit with the shimmering green curtains of the gods. That was the time to stay indoors with the pine-log fire blazing in the hearth, drink warming fisk soup and sing about whales and fisking.

A lot of hugging came next.

Jeli tried to explain about the socks but none of the fiskerfolk understood her until pollymath suddenly spoke in his native tongue "Hun ønsker å kjøpe noen sokker," he squawked. There was a moment of puzzlement, then some of the womenfolk laughed and nodded. "Hva har hun til byttehandel?" they asked. The parrot translated. Jeli was perplexed for a moment, then said "Nord, give them your boots."

"I would do anything for you, my love," replied Nord, "but nar that. I draw the line at me boots. Give 'em yours."

"Would you do that for me, Oddikins?" Sam asked winningly.

"Nope. But you'd steal them off my feet anyway, wouldn't you?" replied Od.

You don't need to speak the lingo to know when clouds are passing like fluffy chickens over the sweet sunshine of romance and the villagers discretely withdrew, leaving the party to Investigate the hag's shack.

Under a foul-smelling blanket, they found ...


Under a foul-smelling blanket, they found ...

A small wand entitled Wychwarpwoody. They examined it with care, and after a time, came to the conclusion that it was magical. There was a discussion about who should wield it. This turned into an argument and after identifying its nature, it appeared that Sam had the highest Wisdom score, which was strangely prophetic as she had already swiped it during the argument.

Sam took some time alone to become accustomed to it.



Who are you?

Who are you?

Is there an echo here?

No. I’m Sam. Who are you?



What’s so funny about that?

Nothing. It's just a bit. you know. Rude. Phallic. Anyway what can you do?

It’s more of what can you do when holding Woo..

Stop! We need to change your name. Anyway What can I do with you in my han..d....This is so wrong.

You can Warp Wood.

This has come...up…Damnit!…before. I think it’s one of our Poster’s favourite spells.

Which is why I’m here, I guess.

OK. The Warp Wood spell. Not been seen for a couple of editions

That makes me Legendary. That plus I can talk to you.

Are we talking, talking? Or are we doing this the old mind way thingy?

Not sure. May I suggest that we reconvene this conversation whilst in the presence of your fellow party members?

Sure. OK. This won’t make me appear weird at all. So, what do I name you that's not...Woody?.....


First Post
So, what do I name you that's not...Woody?.....

How about Silvester? Ever since Harry Potter, spells have been in Latin and 'Silvester' is Latin for 'woody'. My command phrase could be Lignum Stamine, said with suitable cinematics, of course. V&S components and all that jazz. By the way, you are a Druid, I suppose? Don't wish to be rude, but one can't be too careful. I only operate for druids, you see. It's a nature thing.

Satisfied, Sam announced "This wand is called Silvester and it does Warp Wood in the hands of a druid."

"I could do Druid next session, if you like," offered Jeli's player, "But is Warp Wood a 5e spell at all?"
"It's a homebrew," said Herewulf's player knowingly. "Up to the DM if he wants to allow it."
"Well, the DM out the wand under the blanket, so presumably he's okay with it," pointed out Od's player.
"True. Let's assume it's legit, then."

"This is a valuable find," said Od, "I shall compose a song about it. Let's see now, what rhymes with 'Silvester'?"

"Lot of Roman towns," offered Nord, "Colchester, Cirencester, Rocester, ..."

"It's pronounced 'roaster'," objected Sam. "I had an auntie who lived there."

(This was an absolute lie. There have never been any halflings living in Rocester. There was a stout family in Uttoxeter, though, in the 3rd century AD. They kept racing pigs.)

"Well," said Herwulf trying to sound managerial, "We have agreed objectives to work steadily towards, have we not?"

"You mean finding the biggest diamond in the world?" suggested Jeli, "I think we should sail further north. An alchemist once told me that diamonds are made of ice and there's a lot of ice up there, towards the north pole."

"As long as we don't meet ice trolls and ice demons."

"We probably will. But we're going anyway."

Captain Jeli had spoken. So they bade farewell to the fiskerfolk (via the parrot as interpreter) and a few hours later, back on the Phase Rider, they gathered in the captain's cabin. "I've just remembered something," said Herewulf suddenly, "We haven't used the three bread rolls, the bone comb, or the woollen bowtie ..."
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"We haven't used the three bread rolls, the bone comb, or the woollen bowtie ..."

“Well that’s just as well because we have forgotten something else. We have forgotten…..Snappy! We left him surfing in the shadowy place. We need him to carry the big diamond when we find it don’t we?”

“Oooh Snappy. Darn, we did forget him. OK. Yes. First we collect our toothy companion, then we go get the stone.”

With the plan agreed, they set off into the Shadow-Realm

“There once was a wand named Silvester
No good in the hands of a Jester
Passed onto the Druid
It zapped out its Fluid
And Warped Wood until it possessed her? Or should it be undressed her?

“That’s not a song.” Replied Sam. “But it’s fun, so I’ll let you off.”

The Phase Rider appeared at the point it had left. There was no sign of old toothy so they set about their lure. First the bard (and only a bard could accomplish this), played the comb. Noone could hear it but in this realm the ultrasqueelic sounds travelled fast and far. Next Nord broke up the bread rolls and let them drift into the dark ether. Lastly the woollen bowtie. Everyone stared at Nord and what he was going to do with that thing. The Pirate unravelled the wool, tied it around Snappy’s football, tied the other end round the foremast, and began kicking it out and back several times. For a while….nothing……and then…..there in the distance, cresting a shadow cloud, was the most well-travelled crock in the world: Snappy.

He smiled as he began his approach vector and when his jaws opened, the most curious object emerged from them...

Voidrunner's Codex

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