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The Official Welcome Thread

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Hello, I'm a working class bloke from near Cleveland who is in the autumn of my youth.
I used to post occasionally on Eric Noah's old site under a different username. I've decided to delurk and join the crowd.

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First Post
Another hi


I've been directed here by an anti-lurking message! Though I wouldn't call myself a lurker - more a researcher. Have dabbled a bit in PbP's after discovering them, though the game I played (at snotling.org) died. Discovered mud's, found out they were the bastard children of true Roleplaying (and I can see why) until I found LegendsofKrynn which I have been playing for a several months now, in my mission to get back into Roleplaying.

I'm an over the top geek who loves delving into discussion about roleplaying (some good things to be found at nerdnyc.com if you're into that sort of thing). Planning an exhibition with another artist I know about RPing, so have been looking around various sites trying to glean info and discourse on the subject. Also trying to find a Dragonlance pbp game I was following on this site but can't search. Hopefully I can now!

That'll do for now. Great site, ridiculously expansive. Several thumbs up.


First Post
Hi all,

I found this great forum last week while I was searching for D20 Modern: Blood and Guts material, and I actually found a lot of information on this board. (Altough I probably missed alot since I couldn't locate a search function :heh: )
I'm a 24 year old student at a Military Academy in Europe, have two Bachelor degrees, and I'm doing a Master in Engineering (or Applied Sciences, I still don't know how they're going to call it). I hope to graduate in 2 years, and then I'll start my military career.
I started playing RPG's 10 years ago, and after a long period of Fantasy games, I descided to invest the little time I have in D20:Modern...
I don't consider myself a Gunnut or something like that, just someone with a (un)healty interest in all things ballistic (and explosives) and Military.
For those who fear I sound like someone who is waiting for WWIII, don't fear professionaly I'm much more interested in disaster relief, and I would have prefered being in Asia now to help the people.


First Post
Hola Enworld, I'm new to the boards. Heard about you guys at the Indy GenCon and I finally stopped lurking and have started to post. I play the only RPG worth playing, DnD. Currently playing a Wizard of Tyr in Argland of FR. I'm also currently working on a Space Wolf army for Warhammer 40k.

If I would have to sum myself up in three words it would be, sarcastic, creative, and dead sexy (I mean really sarcastic.)


First Post
'Lo, 'Lo

just sayin' hello...joined so I could read the RSS feeds here.

Love these guys for providing RSS feeds...makes it SO much easier to keep up on news!


First Post
Hi there!

Just wanna say hello - I really love this site! I'm a 24 year old lad from Denmark who has been a dedicated player/DM/fan of D&D (and a great deal of Warhammer) for the past 14 years, and I've actually never seen this homepage! (DOUGH!!) But it's really cool and I hope I'll enjoy participating in discussions and share som opinions on the page. :cool:

Sir ThornCrest

First Post
Psion comments/questions about the Cerebralmancer...

I have read some others negative comments about the Cerebralmancer, and like prestige classes that "couple" the spellcasting capability. Most comments have been about the lack of high level spells, and how they are being sacrificed to multiclass. How they lack punch, and are always second fiddle to the single classed party members. So I almost didnt select it.....but Im glad I did.
We are currently running a campaign that started at 7th level and is now 10th. I have absolutely 0 complaints. The only draw back that really affects game play is my high level spell casting is behind the straight classed 10th Cleric and 10th sorceror in the game, and to a lesser degree my psi chrystal and familiar are both stuck at 2nd level. Other than that I am the party arsenal! I have selected psion feats to allow me to use other displine powers, and I have just got the feat (forgot name) that allows me to cast spells as my hit di = 10th level wizard-for DC and durations etc. I am effectively a 7th level Wizard and 7th level Psion, and the only Psion in the group.
So my question is, in your experience is it the duel spell casting capability of a multiclassed spellcaster/manifester or just the unique abilities of the Psion that shine the most. Being the parties "second wizard" is somewhat lack luster, so I did chose to specialize in evocation, as where he did not. This certainly brought me back to the A list. My astral constructs are vicous! Anybody else out there play this class or other duel/spellcasting classed (mystic theurge etc). How do you find them in game play, interesting, fun or boring. I have to admit my favorite class is still the fighter. I must also admit my roll playing with this pc is a bit lower than usuall he only has a 9 Cha, and isnt exactly fighting for the leadership position. He is simple a stand back, way back and fire kinda guy...
Secondly this is my latest pc over the last 2 months, and he is noticable almost to powerfull in comparison to the rest of the party. The other spell casters also agree its a whole new ball game once you pass a certain threshold with spell casters/manifesters vs. non spell casters. I have so many powers/points/spells to choose from its mind boggeling. The party has 1 7th Rogue/2nd deulist/2nd Monk, 1 10th Barbarian, 1 11th fighter, 1 10th Cleric, 1 10th Sorceror and me the 10th Cerebralmancer.
What is your take on the duel spell caster prestige classes. And what do you think of the spell caster vs. non spell caster starting around 7th too 8th level boy how the tides turn!

Sir ThornCrest


I've been on here for a little while now, and I am curious how people manage to make their first post in this thread. How do they know it's here?!?


Bobitron said:
I've been on here for a little while now, and I am curious how people manage to make their first post in this thread. How do they know it's here?!?

[David Copperfield] Maaaagic. [/David Copperfield]

Seriously, we have a little note for new members who haven't yet posted, directing them to this thread.

Sir ThornCrest, you should repost your question in the General Discussion forum. That way it can get attention from folks interested in the topic!


Piratecat said:
[David Copperfield] Maaaagic. [/David Copperfield]

Seriously, we have a little note for new members who haven't yet posted, directing them to this thread.

Ahhh, thanks. I must have missed the memo:)

Everything going OK with the snow?

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