• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The Official Welcome Thread

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...and Salutations!

I just wanted to take a moment (literally) and introduce myself.

I've been an avid lurker of EN World for awhile. At last, I think I'd like to give a little something back! I am a long time player of D&D (ODD, 1e, 2e, 3e, etc), and an RPGA Guild-Judge, with well over twenty years of gaming under my belt. I'm here to look for the usual Great People and Great Games - and little else. Chances are, I'll spend a considerable amount of time in the chat room - now that I have direct access!


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The adventures of Seeron - abridged

Hello there, I'm Seeron - named after possibly my most ill-fated DnD character ever. A 1st edition fighter with an 18/96 strength, psionics, and weapon specialization in the two handed sword.

Some highlights of Seeron's career...
Fort Call - Defending the border of Melnea against hordes of the bordering evil kingdom. The PCs were just about the only survivors at the end of a week of repeated attacks, including a Duergar that got Enlarged to the point his axe wiped out an entire column of goblins.

Cursed by Death - Seeron had unfortunate religious experiences, leading to him being cursed by his patron deity - the Newhon god of Death. Periodically, a random person would glow blue, and he would have to slay them. After some period of frustration at this, he joined the Gaulinitian Empire's legions, figuring he could work it out in battle. After taking a walk one morning and finding 150 pilgrims peacefully going through a meadow...who started all glowing blue. Well...let's just say that they don't talk much about Massacre Meadow.

Inspired Sainthood - Sometime much later, after fighting for and winning his freedom in the gladiatorial arena, and evil more or less taking over most of the known world, Seeron found himself among heroes doing the right thing again, finally. In Arslaad he traveled, his psionic healing one of only two cures for a plague that was wasting away the population horribly. Traveling from village to village, headed towards the source of the terrible plague, he was 'blessed' by helpful companions, who would marvel at the 'spontaneous' appearance of statues of glass showing scenes of the great 'Seerhan' healing the common folk.

Aligned True Neutral, his good in the end balanced out much of (if not all of) the evil he had 'inadvertantly' done.


First Post
Hi there, y'all! Just a quick "Hi there" to all here at EnWorld.
For those interested, my name is Jim, and I come from this fine country that is England. If anyone in the Gloucestershire area wants to drop me a line, feel free!

Hope to hear from folks soon,



First Post
Just wanna say Hi

whats up everybody? I'm new here (Uh-Doh!) and I just wanted to introduce myself. Some guys over at my LGS said this was a pretty cool place to hang. Anyways, I've been a gamer since the original D&D Chainmail rules. The first game I ever bought was the Blue boxed set of Basic D&D, and I still have the ugly mishapen dice. I try to play just about every type of game, from RPG's to board games to computer and console games. I had the first console (Atari) and the first home computer (TRS-80 circa 1979), so I've been lucky enough to see most of the growth in all aspects of the gaming industry. I even worked briefly for a small game company called FGU; playtesting, moving boxes, and shrink-rapping mostly. I had started a wrighting project for them, but they moved out to the West Coast and We lost touch. I'm based in the NY area and I'm lucky enough to have 2 game stores within 7 miles of my house (it used to be 3!). The only type of game I haven't been able to play is miniatures, though not for want of trying. So far I've painted three armies, but the groups break-up by the time I finish painting! Most recently was Warmachine. Everyone I knew was playing, so I bought an army. Two months later I finish painting and showed up at my LGS on WM night and they were playing something else! They said no one is playing that anymore. bummer. I got some pretty cool looking figures though, so its not a total loss. Anyhow, I ramble: I just wanna give a big shout out to all my fellow gamers!


A Wicked Kendragon
lindy said:
i am a mom with a 11 yr. son who is into all video /computer gaming , paleontology/fossils etc,. i need some help/advice, and am probably in the wrong place for it. please let me know?i hope everyone had a great christmas. my son has a 2 yr. old xbox. we just got him some new games, halo 2 special edition, clone wars. he had a friend over a couple weeks ago with the new halo and it olayed then. now it will not play or read his games. it played one new game yesterday, but will not recognize it now. it will not even play a cleaning disc. i took the games to a video store to check them out and they work fine. so it has to be the laser eye???? how can we adjust it again or ? i really do not want to have to buy a new xbox or send it out for a 2-3 week repair period thru microsoft. any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. thanks, a mom
Have you tried calling the Xbox customer support (the number can be found at http://www.xbox.com/en-us/support/default.htm)? I would advice against trying to fix it yourselves. The problem might not even be the laser eye. Some Xbox models have defective disc players. The Xbox has one of 3 possible DVD Drives. Thomson, Phillips or Toshiba. The Thomson drive is one of the worst drives to have as it has a high rate of failure.

Edit: umm...yeah...I just noticed how long ago that was posted and am thinking that she most likely must have found an answer already. Ugh. :eek:
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Ghengis Cohen

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Hello Everyone

Hello all,
My name is Ghengis Cohen, and I'm a part time computer student, full time Target employee, and closet game designer. Before getting into the d20 system, I ran campaigns in White Wolf's World of Darkness, and R. Talsorian's Night City. I've also played in numerous campaigns, including 2nd Edition Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft and Dark Sun. Currently, I'm attempting to build a modern campaign world, but time constraints has put much of my DM work on hold. For now, I'd be content to find a decent PBEM game, provided that the setting is well thought out. Anyway, it was nice to meet you, and hope to hear from you soon.


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I found this thread once, then had a heck of a time locating it again afterwards. I must pay attention whilst browsing...

On to introductions, then. I'm new to ENworld, and relatively new to gaming itself (only been playing since 2000). My groups have been heavy FR-ers, though they have introduced me to Star Wars, and d20 Modern & Future. I'm an anthropology student, which I figure is terribly cooler now because of all the gaming related applications. I don't game as often as I'd like (do any of us?), but great efforts and many miles commuting are put in running games all year round, with as few many-week breaks as possible.

The wealth of experience and knowledge here can be slightly overwhemling at first, but is without a doubt very useful, and I'm grateful this place exists, and that you all visit. I hope that in time I can contribute positively to the community. For now, I'm enjoying learning the ropes.

Thank you for your time (and the welcome thread),


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*waves hello to the new people*

Hello new people! Welcome to ENWorld!

(Small plug: any girls who've recently signed up for the boards, come say hi in the ENWorld women thread! The link's in my signature...)


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Hi all, well basically, I'm just interested in the reviews here :) I'm just posting to get rid of that welcome message. lol

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