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The Official Welcome Thread

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Mithril Dragon

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Greetings from Mithril Dragon

Hello everyone, I am an illustrator (fantasy and sci-fi work mostly) and a big fan of Dungeons and Dragons in general. Feel free to check out my site (should be in the signature I think) and let me know what you think of my work. I used to DM (AD&D 80s-90s) and still get together with a few friends for an annual weekend game. I am going to be submitting work to WOTC for publication soon so wish me luck.

Mithril Dragon (my name for this board, though on various other boards I am Warbrother, Undead Dragon, and Arcanum).

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Hi everybody!
The name's Ramsey and I've been a DM for a couple of years now. I actually prefer playing myself but since I don't know many able DM's I usually end up DM-ing myself.

I ended up here while looking for an alternative for the boards of Wizards. That place is ridiculuosly over-populated...

Although I've been playing d&d and other d20 games for quite some time now, I'm still rather clueless when it comes to making races that are ballanced. That's actually one of the reasons I came here. Some of the races I made up for my campaign are way overpowered and need to be toned down.

Anyways, I'm now going to look for the right place to post them and hopefully somebody will be able to help me out.



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Newest First

Hi to everybody! I´ve playing D&D and other rpgs for about fifteen years now and joined enworld because I´ve read since its inception. It´sthe better d20 site in the web I´ve seen.I haven´t decided to write ´till now because I´m from Spain and it´s a little difficult for me to write in English but I think It´s time for me to do it. I hope to write more often since now. I´m very happy to join all of you!:)


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Just Wanted to say hello

Greetings & Salutations,

I just wished to say hello to everyone and hope that everyone is enjoying themselves.



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Some call me RIP
I have been playing D&D since 1981. I remember when there was no such thing as a character sheet, let alone a character generator…
I wish I had the cash I spent, on the numerous books I own, sitting in front of me. (I may be able to retire!) I tend to follow the rules from these books as best I can. I do believe there is an exception to each and every rule, but I try not to challenge the books too much. If for no other reason than, delay of game. If the players can offer a good debate against a rule, I may make exceptions. I am not a killer DM, although a few of my players have lost a character or two over the years, (it’s a game, have fun!)…
I am somewhat of a devil’s advocate, so take no offense if I debate something. I may even agree with you, I just like a good debate and to judge all sides before making a final decision…

For the most part I just love gaming, (all kinds). I enjoy Magic the Gathering, my PS2 (Romance of the 3 Kingdoms is my favorite), a good sci-fi or fantasy book and of course D&D!


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Hello all. My name is Eric. I started gaming in 1982. I've been gaming off and on since then. I am just starting back and I love d20.


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Noob here

Hi every one. I am new to this site. I have been playin the same game of D&D for over a year. It is kinda addicting. My hubby is the DM. I am 25 and female. Yes I am a " nerd" as some would say :eek: . Our game has got to be the most twisted thing ever. My character I play is a well, an elf who is a typical blond with hormonal problems due to her pregnacy by a suicidel god :lol: . She believes herself to be a godess. When in truth she is an elven princess who was forced to serve her sister and was cast out of her kingdom by her parents. Basicly she is a big nobody in danile :( ....


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He has landed!

Hello all, I'm a long-time lurker to this site, haven't ever posted here though :p Born in '82, been gaming since AD&D 2nd edition (Hero Quest first of all, to be fair..) some time around '92 or '93.

I enjoy all sorts of gaming, but I'm usually a fiercely competetive gamer. I like Magic (at the tournament level), had an infatuation with Quake 1-3, huge crush on Starcraft for a long period of time. Generally, you'd think D&D wasn't for me at all, but for some reason I love it. I'm not a powergamer at all and tend to go "Huh, Kensai? What's that?" when people lecture me about powering up characters. If someone is playing a bard, it's probably me.

I've DM'ed more than I've played, which is why I'm at these forums.. constantly looking for a way to make my game better and more enjoyable for all. I'm probably a "too nice" DM in that I tend to want my players to succeed, and treat it slightly more like a game than a reality simulator.. (If for instance I DM a party without any healing capacity, the players will find some doohickey that can heal a little, a couple of times each day. That sort of thing).

Anyhow, enough about me.

EDIT: Wow, join date May 2004.. I have really been lurking a while :p

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