• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

The One True Game: According to Hoyle, and Others


[DAY 93 – Weddingday, Azer 25th, CY 81]
– [DAY 96 – Holyday, Azer 28th, CY 81]

Several miles beyond the witch’s compound the party finally rested. The next few days were spent riding along, eating when needed, and generally trying to endure the bleak landscape. Sometime during the day on Holyday an eerie feeling came over Kayla and Diedre. The hairs on their necks rose up and they could not shake the suspicion that something was watching them. When they pointed out everyone started to feel the paranoia. “It’s not natural,” said Rose. “I have never felt anything like this before.” Nor had Grog. It was as every rock and every weed stared at their soul. It was slowly disorienting and only Rose’s absolute direction sense steered them towards Kera. Unfortunately the feeling did not go away.

When the sun set Holyday, they made camp and a built a fire again in case wolves wandered close during the night. Darius struck up a conversation with Grog to try and raise his spirits. He had suffered the worse since leaving the littlefolk’s home.
“Where in the mountains did you live, Grog?”
“Grog not live in mountains for long time. Grog live with brother there. Sargen.” Grog explained Sargen was a Full Brother, which sounded like a real ogre, not a half-blooded one like himself. “Sargen and Grog fought in mountains. Back with ogre clan.”
Darius was unsure if Grog meant he had a fight with his brother or fought others together, but felt Grog was in no mood to talk about it.

Ben begun helping Dalin cook dinner and did a poor job of it. The team sorely missed having Igor the chef to help them out. Rose decided to speak up and tell everyone a little more about her own life.

Rose: “You'll have to forgive my forwardness about my background, it seems to make some of you uncomfortable when I talk so openly about how some of you would make a good sacrifice to my Mother, or how the flesh of intelligent creatures tastes. My experience among humans and in their lands has been limited to about the past week or so. My only time among humans has been with the few half-elven rangers who I trained with who made their homes near elven lands. They were more adapted to elven customs than human so I have very little of human culture to compare you too. Some of your concepts are most strange. The little disks of beaten rock you exchange for goods. Your tendency not to say what you wish and encouraging others to do the same. The way your priests are not allowed to marry.”

“You see, everything I know I explained to you before. And what I know of humans I know from you. So I know that Darius seeks to be reunited with his people and is looking for some kind of mount, and that Dram seeks his brother. But what brings the rest of you into this war and now traveling here together?”

Grog: “Lady Elf, there is much more than Grog ever could think to say at even one sitting. But Grog tell you more about Grog if it will help you to understand.”

“Grog was born in the wilds and shown the ways of things by Grog older, bigger siblings. Germac, tell Grog, Grog: half-bree. Grog not understand what Half-Bree mean until Grog and Germac and others try and take new home. Trolls not like us take from them. So we fight. Grog lose many family to Trolls. Some Trolls big and mean. Others weak. One Big Troll give Grog scars (lifts shift to show). Grog flee to stay alive. Grog find the land here in Margray to Grog's liking. Margray place to start new life. Count good guy. Others not so nice. Tell Grog, Grog: Half-Bree. Half Human, Half Ogre. 10 years Grog live and make good in Margray. Count ask Grog to fight war. Grog say no. But Grog promise to keep South safe for Count. He a good guy. So now Grog fight Trolls again. Grog guess Trolls do bad to others in County. Like Dram brother.”

Rose: “Grog I was meaning to ask you, in your inn the girls said I could do things that they could not when it came to getting a man and that you would want to hire me on and not let me leave. As far as I know our parts are the same, Ben, Darius, Kayla, and Dirdre can attest to that, so what would be the difference between myself and any of the other girls?”

Grog: “Grog get all kinds of customers. They make demands of girls, Grog not know about. But cuz Grog smart guy. Grog know that if Grog have more different kinds of girls. Grog make more coin.”

“Gerta brought girls to Grog. Say they need place to stay and sleep. Say they have friends come and visit. Gerta tell Grog that these friends pay to stay at Grog's. And will drink much of Grog's ale and eat much of Grog's food. Good for business. Gerta right. “

“Yuri not like Grog cuz of Grog good business sense. Yuri Sleeping Dragon never wake up anymore.” (Grog laughed at his own joke)

“Grog get idea for Inn after finding Welcome Wench in Homlet. Ostler Gundiroot good guy. He tell Grog about Inn. So Grog take Grog coin and buy inn here in Kusnir. Grog Inn called Welcome Wench. Work for Ostler Gundiroot work for Grog.”

“But strange customers call place Wanton Woman. Grog think they stupid.”
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By this time everyone else had stopped pushing around their over-peppered stew and was listening intently. To Ben’s surprise, shy Ormand spoke up next.

Ormand the Redd: “I know not many of you speak to me often. And I do feel somewhat to blame for letting the drunk guy get a way. But Dram has been very good to me. Where he goes. I go.”

Pax: “As a squire to a great and noble knight, likewise, where Darius goes. I go.”

Diedra: “I see much adventure in your futures. And I wish to learn more of this world. Kayla has offered to show me some of the mysteries.”
Ben was proud to hear the loyalty of the troops. He had been unsure before they had spoken up, but believed what they each said now. In response he launched into his own reason for adventuring.

Father Ben: “As a newly anointed father in my faith I seek to shepherd those who seek enlightenment. I also feel strongly protective of the peoples of Margrave and fear that their futures are in jeopardy. Without a true congregation I have taken vows to protect those under my care both within the firelight tonight and others living under the name Margrave. We go to the Dwarven Kingdoms for many reasons, but mainly to ask for their aid in the County's war far to the North. I have heard that dwarves are stout fighters and fiercely loyal. Dwarf-friend Darius shows these rumors to be true. I hope that when we reach there we can convince them to aid us in our cause. Or I feel our trip will have been in vain.”

“If you ask further though, you will see that many here have different investments in our trip. Darius seeks a steed in the southern peaks. And now it appears we may rescue Dram's brother from slaving trolls. {whispers: though I have my doubts on how this might be done.) It was also pertinent to leave the city when we did. One of our own named Eyegore stayed behind valiantly hoping to stave off attack on our band from corrupting forces in the city of Harling. It is possible that others nearby have such agendas as well. So we have been wary of taking on new member to our group.“

“I myself am confused as to your upbringing Rose and the tale you tell. It seems you were born to fairies in a fairyland far, far away, but that being part Elven somehow lowered your status among those fickle and capricious folk. Is it possible that you were at the front lines these last few years and did not know it? Hearty jesters the Seelie are rumored to be and as wild as the forests the live in. I was told you were present when our party met the Drae at the sunken manor house. It is said no friendly eye was cast anon. Your own appearance even gives pause: blue skin, glowing red hair. There is more than one reason not to trust your differences, but I feel an open mind may be the only way to proceed. We require a skilled guide and tracker. You qualify. To gain further allegiance I suggest joining me for prayers in the mornings and dwelling on the unity of the Circle Pendant. But our confusions best are cleared up here and now. What is it you do not understand of the humans?”

“You should also know that we have had other fireside chats before your arrival only a short week ago. Not all have ended well. So do not be surprised, if the others are not as open as I. Forthrightness is a virtue rarely practiced among the fearful and we live in dangerous times indeed.”
Rose: “No I'm fairly sure I was at the front lines only recently, I've spent the last century or so with the elves and the rangers respectively. I am not clear on what your question is. I left the front lines after my first battle...if you could call it that. I was going forth with some other troops when I heard this strange laughing. Then...it was strange...I never saw the enemy or what hit me, I just remember waking up in the elven encampment from dreams of a darkness filled with laughing and screaming covered with spatters of blood. The elf told me I must hurry away. He told me I must go to the west and find reinforcement quickly. He told me to ride as fast as I could over the mountains to get any help I could find. Then he helped me on my horse and I was away.”

“Yes we met the, drae did you call them? They were fae in the form they use when talking with the elves. I have never seen them this close to human lands so I can't imagine what they wanted unless it was to take some of the townsfolk to replenish their larders. Or perhaps mother or stepfather willed it for some reason known only to them. I warned the townsfolk when we returned to stay away from the moathouse but for some reason the little yellow disks had affected their mind, apparently some craving for them was driving them to the fae encampment.”

“But your prayers they confuse me most of all. Darius I understand. His mother coupled with Thor and he is their child, and Thor grants him the ability to heal. My sisters are the children of Mother, and Mother grants them abilities according to her whims. But you serve the gods of law, but how can all of them be your mother or father? And you and Darius supplicate to them like a servant rather than a son. Admittedly I do the same, but then I am of impure blood and supplication is the proper position for me. But I would think being pure children of your gods your parents would let you address them as parent to child not master to servant.”

“And you leave your dead upon the field for them to rot and be eaten by the flies and worms, while in the town I saw many people who were too thin, as if they had not eaten in a long time. What is the purpose of such waste? And your gods are always so sad look how frequently their tears fall from the sky; do you not offer them comfort in their sorrow? I have never known Mother to cry.”

“I am unclear as to why I would pray to this pendant you gave me ex-husband. It does not warm the day like the sun or light the night like the moon. It provides no sustenance like the water and the grasses of the field or the trees and bushes of the forest. It does not cool my brow like the wind or house my food like the earth. It does not cause the birth and death of all creation like mother and stepfather. And it no longer serves as a symbol of our marriage. What purpose does it serve that I should meditate upon?”

“As for my appearance, this trust and distrust is another strange concept I am still coming to terms with. In the fae lands something would either be done or not done or mother would will it. It is a topic that confuses me as it confuses the rangers, but I think eventually I was finally able to put it into terms they could understand. Among the fae the idea of trust was...it made no sense. Someone would either do something or they would not. And that could change without notice. There was no expectation either way and as such there was no want or will in relation to anybody else. There was only what you wanted and what you could do. But when mother willed something it was done. The idea of not doing as mother willed would be as if I were to say to you ‘stop existing at this every moment’. You could not do it. Mother IS existence. And yet your gods of law seems to have an intent that is not followed by all humans. This concept of wanting something and wanting something of others that you call trust is very unknown. I am unclear on what you would want to make this "trust" in me. You wish me to change my skin and hair?”


Father Benedict patted the sweat from his brow.

Father Ben: “Perhaps an archer with an arrow shot you and laughed? If that is the case, you are lucky to be alive. Maybe that is why they sent you from the Front? Do you remember having a wound or new scar from the experience?”

“Do you remember the names of the elves you were with?”

“You also mention Fae as having more than one form. Are Elves or Fey shapeshifters? Are you? There were rumors supposedly in Harling of shapeshifters taking on other's forms. One of the attacks on Keep Margrave is said to possibly have been done by a shapeshifter. Why even our noble Darius had his good name besmirched from an imposter in Harling. From rumors we have heard, these shapeshifters are of evil ilk.”

“As for why the Hommletites explore the moathouse as you call it, I would hope their motivation is simply one of wanderlust and not this greed for coin as you say. Gold and silver metals are valuable in the human lands. Many other metals are minted for use as currency. (Ben takes out a copper, a lead, and a steel coin) These are the most common currency in Margrave. You can see the markings on either side. They are the embossment giving legitimacy to coin. But its real value lies within the metal itself. For example, this steel coin can be smelted with others to create goods like the armor and steel so many of us wear. But it is greed for metals and also gems, which drives many men to their deaths. While useful for commerce, these monies are but a trifle when compared to the real virtues in life.”

“This leads me to your central confusion. Prayers need not be supplication at all, but still a form of worship. Prayers can be out of respect, honor, obedience, and more, not just appeals to the divine for one's wants. Unlike yourself most creatures and humans are not conceived wholly from their Gods or Goddesses. They are born from the coupling of their natural mothers and fathers. While children are taught to love and honor their parents, prayer is different. First off, not all Divine all deserving of worship. We venerate those who have noble bearing and goodly intention. Those who seek to ensure the safety of Men. Many stories are told of how each one made the world and the cosmos around it. My particular order does not deal in the debates of which is true and which is false. Instead we ask followers to venerate all the goodly Gods, so they might protect us from harm. The war to the East is one example of this. Many powerful creatures exist and it is only with courage and faith that we face them. Our own parents can protect us only so much, but Gods like Thor can do much more. So our veneration is not out of fear, but because the Gods and Goddesses ease our fear by protecting us from succumbing to these horrors.”

“A few other points you raised: First, the circlet is a meditation focus. You concentrate on its unity of form. With practice your soul can be strengthened in its desire to stay uniform with the world around it. This is why I gave you the pendant. It is not a marriage gift. We were never married. Nor annulled.”

“Secondly, the men and women of some villages are thin because of the lack of food to feed all peoples. Food is never other people for humans. Nor dwarves. And I believe not Elves either. Those who eat creatures who can speak are called "cannibals". It is a heathen act and not looked upon kindly. It is tied with murder, which we teach as a great disruption to the harmony of life. Neither act is condoned by those of Goodly Faith.”

“And lastly, trust is a topic which would be better talked about in length, and perhaps in private. You see, to travel with us, to take watch, to fight at our side, and to partake in our company you must be trustworthy. It is always difficult to tell one’s motivations. But by observing each other’s actions we learn what these might be. A uniformity of action instills trust that your actions will remain the same in the future - that you will not change sides in mid battle - that you will not divulge us to enemies - that you do not kill and eat us while we sleep. Part of trusting is faith in others not causing you harm, as you would also have trust in us. All of which has little to do with your skin and hair.”
Rose: “Perhaps I am unsure of what happened, I didn't feel an injury either before or after, but I may simply have been healed and knocked out before I could feel anything. But in my dreams the laughter seemed to come from everywhere, as did the screams. More than one plea for mercy was cut off before it could finish.”

“Elven names and fae names are different. Among one another elves have a naming system similar to the fae. In our languages such names are much shorter. It is only among the humans that elves use very shortened names like rose to identify themselves. I could tell you the elven name of the company, but I did not know their human name.”

“Fae are shapechangers but I have only ever seen them in the light in elven lands in their black skinned form. I know they have others but I don't know what they are. The elves and fae have a very...different relationship. You see, depending on the stories you listen to mother has only ever been denied her will either once or twice. The story always begins with Fae wanderlust. They sought out what is new and unknown. To the fae the unknown is something to be embraced not feared. And they came across human lands in their wanderings. The fae were changed somehow upon their contact with human lands. They could see the souls of the dead watching them from the sky as they wandered at night; some said they could even feel them during the day. In fae lands there is only eyeless night, mother assures that. It is a great secret among their people what occurred but when they returned to mother they were the creatures you now know as elves. Change of theirs spread like an infection among the fae. Their forms became locked. They began to age. They retained knowledge of the past. It is said that even stepfather was infected. Some say either he left mother or was cast out by her with the other tainted ones. Some say he was not tainted but used this to distract her while he left her. She ordered all of the tainted ones killed. And there was war. For three days the fae and the elves fought. Until the humans arrived. Tales say it was only a caravan. Looking for a shortcut through the forest. Tales say none survived as the intruders were attacked on sight for simply being present. The fae are never ones to let food go to waste. So they ate what was present. It was said that when the first fae tasted of human flash his gasp of surprise and delight froze the battlefield, and that the land is still in winter to this day. This new distraction made the fae forgot all about the war, as is their nature. And the elves devised a way to keep them distracted using the humans. Thus the Runners of the Black Flame were created to keep the fae distracted with their new taste. Since the fae have little memory, the taste is new and delicious with each meal. If the tales are true then mother has since found a way to protect her children from the corruption of this land. Still the human meat has become an addiction to them. The fae and the elves do not get along. But they tolerate one another. Apparently the fae still have something the elves need. I imagine it's the magic the elves so desperately crave. In the fae lands magic is in the air and the water and the lands. Here it is weak. The elves have developed a way to find the magics they crave like a hungry man smells food. With my upbringing I could not, I am like the desert rat, I do not crave the water that the other desert creatures need so badly, I have enough within me to last for as long as I like.”

“The monies are still very confusing. It’s a quality of the fae. Monies get you things you want. But the fae never truly want. If they desire something, then they either take it or they forget about it and desire something else.”

“I still do not understand these small bits of metal. The earth gives you all you could wish for. She provides food and shelter. You can rest within her like a child in the womb of its mother. So why then do you take her bones, and burn and twist them beat upon them until she screams and is no longer the rock you once knew but a this strange metal substance, with no connection to the mother who gave it to you? You coat yourselves in them for convenience. You use tin cups to drink from when you have two hands. The only metal I have seen that I understand is at the farm. For a farmer the metal he uses to till the earth is his way of showing reverence. He uses metal because the bone of the earth would blunt all other materials. He makes soft beds for the earth to nurture and by the end of the day he himself is as much a child of the earth as any plant. All this other metal it seems to be apathy. A metal cup is easier to use than a wooden one and it lasts longer. Never mind how the earth and the stones were tortured to get it. Never mind you are taking what in only a few thousand years could be soil for growth and forever taking it from the earth's grasp with no intention of returning the gift. It seems to drive men mad. They quest for it. They hunt for it. They kill and die for it. And for what? To gain more matel to be more convenient and start the cycle over again. Why not simply do away with all of it and save the lives and the wasted efforts?”

“But what is strange is that your gods allow this to occur. Though it was far from perfect there is something to be said for a power that is absolute in her domain. Mother's will is never unknown or questioned. It is the law of the fae. All obey it for to cease to obey it is to cease to be. Among here your gods are confused. How can many gods have created the world in different ways? Is not doing so a lie? Do they ask you who may or may not have created the world unless it was this god or this god or these goddesses? It would seem that it would hardly be showing proper respect to a god if they say they did one thing but another god disagrees, I mean which side do you choose? By venerating all of the creators aren't you calling them all liars to some degree?”

“But what do you use to determine a gods intentions? Mother is supremely lawful in that she is the law among her people and such will is inviolate. She is also supremely chaotic in that he laws change with her whims. She is good in that she sees to the continuation of her people. She gives them pleasures and rapture like none known in mortal works. Those that are chosen to sacrifice themselves to mother are reluctant at first but do so willingly once in her presence. She is said to be glorious and that her sacrifices experience a feeling that no words can express. Her beauty overwhelms them and that for any creature so perfect as she to choose one so miserable is an honor beyond imagining. Their bodies are impure shells and they kill themselves in the hopes of leaving their stains behind with the body. And she consumes them, they become one with the godhead, even if they are and she purifies them as she consumes them. And before they die and after death they experience a grace that no mortal could understand and become something greater than themselves. She protects her children and keeps them from harm as often as she encourages them to harm one another. And Mother is evil. She encourages pain and suffering and capriciousness. She allows her children to fight and kill without cause or gain. She sends her servants into the human lands to steal children and leave monsters called changelings that will destroy the parents in its place. Her sacrifices are often tortured mercilessly out of boredom. In the fae lands humans do not fear death. Death is a friend to be welcomed. They fear life, and the fae can keep creatures alive for AGES.”

“You mention the war to the east. It troubles me though. IF the gods can do more then why do they not? It is said that we fight a god that seeks to destroy all that exists. Would this not be a matter better resolved among the gods themselves, why bring mortals into it at all? IF they protect and care for us, why do they not simply fight directly with their own abilities rather than using their servants as channels?”

“I do not understand why you do not eat your dead. The dead become the soil over time. The soil grows the food. Why not simply eat them as they are and save time? What good does burial do to a dead body? It’s perfectly good and can be readily eaten by the hungry, it seems cruel to allow them to starve because the current form is unacceptable and you wish to wait for a more acceptable one. Your dead are of no use to you at all it seems.”
Ben blinked and shook his head overwhelmed. Grog looked bored, as did a few of the others. Dram had been following closely however.


Dram: "You are a funny little fae-creature aren't you? And a skilled jokester to boot! I love the way you keep your cute little fanged face so straight while delivering such a farce! All your creepiness and darkness and "Mothers".....it's really quite a hoot. Pshaw! And who but farmers and meddling old women bury their dead? We burn 'em on glorious pyres sending them home to the fires beneath Thor's forges. What child doesn't know that Thor's fire passes through our fathers' loins to plant our seeds in our mothers' wombs? We are all fuel for that everburning flame."
Rose: ”Now THAT makes sense, the ashes allow one to return to the earth and become one with the land.”

“But you asked earlier what fae and humans taste like. The answer I gave was too quick. It was correct but not accurate. I'll try to put it into terms that mean something to you.”

“Human flesh tastes like the fat of the land. Take any pleasure you've ever had from any meal or drink. The first sip of water after a long day on a dry road. The first bite of beef at dinner after a hard day over the forge. Take all of those experiences at once. That is what your flash tastes like to a fae.”

“Your heart and brain are special though. For your brain. Take any story you've ever been told. Take any song you've ever head any time you've ever danced with a young lady. Remember how all those made you feel. That is what your mind tastes like.”

“For the heart, take every time you've acted bravely. Remember any woman you've ever loved. Think of any child you've ever held with care. Any time you've felt the heat of battle burning through your veins. That is what your heart tastes like to a fae.”

“What does one fae taste like to another? *sighs* There are not words to describe what it feels like. I doubt any but Kayla, Father Ben and possibly Darius would be able to understand.”
“Why are we the only ones could possibly understand?” said Kayla
Darius nodded on agreement. "Why us?"
Ben jumped in. “Perhaps you mean the taste of magic that we have but glimpsed?”

Rose: ”Exactly” (nodding to Ben) “To taste of the fae, the pure fae at least, is to taste of raw magical power. You are tasting of a creature that was old when greenwillow was still a single tree. A creature of raw magical power that fills their being. A creature for who magic is not a learned ability or a granted by the gods, but an innate part of their being. To eat of fae is not to tap the well of magical power. It is to dive in and immerse yourself in the waters. But like all power the price is high. You will not know the thirst for this until you have drunk, and once you have taken your first sip...it will forever haunt your thought with the desire for more.”


Dalin listened politely to the half-fae, and respectfully to Father Ben and others. Patiently waiting for his turn to speak, he sat quietly a moment and then shared what he had to say.

Dalin: "Your openness is refreshing, Rose," he begins, hoping that the lady has not noticed him stealing glances at her, admiring her unusual beauty the past few days. "I have asked myself the same questions many times recently. I have no personal quest, or family members to rescue. My parents, as well as two of my brothers and my youngest sister, live comfortably on their estate, surrounded by their apple orchards. A life there, helping with and perhaps eventually inheriting the family business, still awaits me if I choose."

"My family has regarded me as a bit of a black sheep, although they remain convinced that I will outgrow my adventurous ways and come home to settle down. If and when I do, I have a debt to settle with them. I can only hope that they received my letters and know that I have found my calling. My parents have covered my gambling debts too many times to count. A few months ago, they resorted to tough love and told me if I continued to wager money on games I was on my own. My luck ran out, as it always eventually does, and I was again over my head. This time the county was kind enough to offer conscription as an alternative to debtors' prison."

"Having some training with arms, I have even participated in a few tournaments, I elected to maintain some degree of freedom and try my hand at the military life. I took to it better than I had expected, and found some good and loyal friends there. While I stay out of the investigation and politics myself, we learned some things that I can't simply ignore. If the fight does not go well, our way of life could end. Having served my time, I now have the best arrangement I can currently imagine. First, I am able to exercise my combat abilities in a way that benefits my homeland. But this has also proved a profitable way of living, which gives me the bankroll to feed my true love, gambling."

"The times when I am most happy are when I am winning at a game of chance, preferably despite the odds being against me. Previously I was most able to find this feeling while participating in a literal game, with money on the table, be it cards, dice, drinking, or more creative such games. I know you, Rose, have expressed a inability to understand our use of coin, but surely you can relate to risking something of value, either losing it or winning and gaining more items of value."

"But now I know that I can experience that same feeling when engaged in a battle of arms with a fearsome foe. Again, I am wagering something of value, my life and health. Should I lose the debt may well be all that I have, in the most literal sense. But winning means vanquishing an evil being at the least, and likely gaining ownership of a share of his possessions and a better understanding of why he sought to do me in."

"There remains one other game of chance at which I have not had much opportunity of late. As pleasing as I found the company of a young lady at Grog's establishment, there was no challenge to paying a price in mere coin, especially not when I have the coin to spare. The pursuit of a fair woman is a game I have been absent from for far too long, and I look to correct that soon."

"Father Ben, I have been a bit negligent in giving thanks to your order for saving me from paying that greatest debt. My nights often leave me wishing to sleep in mornings, but I should take this opportunity while we are traveling to keep a proper schedule, starting with joining you for your morning prayers. Please wake me tomorrow in a timely manner, if you do not mind."

Dalin smiles at his companions, and continues to listen to the fireside chat.
Darius looked around at his friends and began his tale shortly after sipping his waterskin.

Darius: "My life. Heh. I find myself around good friends on a mission to rescue a good person from evil designs. Truly there can be no other lot in life."

"Back in the Dwarven Kingdom, I am one of 5 children. My older brother is with the army, a seargeant I believe (Or equivalent dwarven rank). My twin sister is a Hearth Sister, or priestess. Dwarven clerics are very much like our Father Ben here, but different as well, as they never leave the Hearth. Paladins and medics are our only form of healing outside of the home, and the potions our Clerics make for us. My younger brother is skilled in the ways of the scout, though not as proficient in woodlore or combat as you, m' lady. I also have a little sister, my silfar-kahl, who is still too little to venture outside of the mountain.”

“I was a diplomat for relations between the gnomes and the dwarves, and was learning much about the gnomes. I was actually close, I believe, to learning their method of speaking with the stone. However, my visit was cut short when I learned of my mother's illness. My mother was an influential priestess, so they sought out all her relatives to come see her before her passing. My father was there, long retired from smithing. In this, Dram and I are of a common bond, warriors who are the sons of shapers of metal.”

“It was on my mother's deathbed that I swore to take up the work of the church, and was an acolyte before becoming squired to a Paladin there, Durok. My father and my family's influence were apparent, as he was the First Paladin of Thor for our lands."

*Darius chuckles a bit, but refrains from his normal dwarven laughter*

"I am pleased it did, for Durok was an excellent instructor. His teachings in combat, diplomacy, mount riding, and healing have truly assisted me in my travels."

"I was sent forth to Margrave on a diplomatic mission. I joined to assist in the defense of the county because I felt it was my duty. From there, as most everyone here knows, things moved fast, becoming a seargent, then a captain, without ever originally intending of joining the military at all. Now I travel forth once again, looking to do Thor's bidding, to bring the message to my people of the situation here, and right now, to save my friend's brother."


Kayla waited patiently while each of the others spoke; when her turn came she looked from one person to the next and sighed heavily.

Kayla: "I suppose it's time I told you the truth of my past, especially now that you have met Balron, lest you get the wrong impression," she began.

"I was born to a poor family in the town of Holmfaust. It soon became quite apparent to them that there was no way they could afford to raise me as they were already greatly in debt. And so I was given to Balron as a servant in repayment of their debts." She paused briefly as she glanced around to see how this was being received by the others.”

Dram's eyes flashed with anger and his hand moved instinctively to the hilt of his sword at the mention of selling people, especially little girls, to pay off debts. "Scumbags!” he muttered under his breath.

Noticing Dram's anger Kayla said, "Please do not be so angry. I bear them no ill will. Living with Balron I always had food to eat, clothes to wear & a warm place to sleep. That is not something that my family could give me, or at least so I believe. I have always seen it as them giving me a better life & helping themselves as well. If one does not take care of themself, who else will? Each person must be responsible for themself as there may not always be someone there to willing or able to help.”

In a moment she continued, "As I grew older I suppose Balron saw potential in me, he began to train in the ways of magic. I became somewhat of an apprentice to him. I helped him keep his library organized & this like that.”

“At this point let me say that Balron likes to keep to himself & especially likes to keep out of politics. That being said, when he was asked to make a 'contribution' toward the war effort, instead of going himself he asked me to go. He said that if I went in his place he would consider my debt fulfilled. And so now I simply seek to discover where I belong as until now I have been nothing more than a servant."
Rose: "That brings up another issue however. How are we going to get Dram's brother back? How much is it going to cost to buy him? Do we wish to buy some other slaves to return them to their families as well or at least give them a chance at freedom? I've been thinking about it and I have the following ideas. Grog says that people like unusual things. Therefore the most unusual of us, myself and Darius, should probably claim to be slaves of the humans that way people will try to purchase us, which we can refuse, instead of capture us, which would end in a fight. We don't know what laws exist in their land but the laws of slavery must be held firm or the society would not function. Also good sense says that if we break up we should be in groups no smaller than 3, again to avoid capture. I do know that Mother does not do her own shopping, and elves have little use for slaves. If you see an elf with a black badge in the shape of fire he is one of mother's runners of the black flame. They are one of the groups of elves that believe themselves to be superior to humans. They trade humans to Mother and the other fae. I'm not sure what the fae pay them with, but it must be valuable because they do a brisk business and fae don't keep full larders. I don't think you'll see any this far west but it's something to keep an eye out for.”
Dram: "Hmmm. The little blue spook has prepared some interesting food for thought. Hadn't really laid out a plan in my own mind yet cuz we don't know what circumstances lie ahead, but it wouldn't hurt to have a few options at the ready. Grog has more experience with Trolls than anyone else here? What say ye Grog? What lies ahead? Do the blue one's ruses have a chance to trick the trolls?"

Grog: “Trolls not smart like Grog. Trolls ugly brutes. All they think to do is kill and take.”

“Grog travel lands of Trolls. Grog travel in Kera too. Kera not Margrave. Kera have different rulz. Earl Kera small man with beady eyes. The land of Kera not good place for growing food. So they have to make coin some other way. In Kera people dig holes in ground and in hills. People cut trees from Greenwillow. And people in Kera have need of many strong backs and arms. The people of Kera fear the people of the Mountains. Trolls too. Trolls take people of Kera in years gone by. But people of Kera smart. They outsmart Trolls. They give Trolls people not of Kera.”

“That why Grog bring you to Kera first. Maybe Dram brother not given to Trolls yet.”

Darius: “Sounds like they use slaves for mining. My friends, we must be careful while we are there. It doesn't sound like this is the work of a single man, it sounds like it may be us against their entire society.”

Grog: “How good Dram brother at what he do? If he big and strong like Dram he probably sell for 10 gp. If he big and strong like Pax. He probably sell for 20gp. If he exo.. if he blue and fiery like Lady Elf. He probably sell for 20gp. If he carved from stone and have strong features like Darius. He probably sell for 30gp. If he have Royal blood like Darius and he son of Smith... well he could sell for more than fingers and toes on whole group.”

“Indentured servitood normal for Kera people. Slaves more come from mountain people. That why Kera people fraid of dem.”

“Grog family have slaves when Grog small. Grog family keep goblins. They not good workers. They too brittle.”

Darius: "We are not selling me."

Grog laughed loud and strong until his sides hurt and he had trouble breathing.


Darius: “I see one problem with myself being claimed as a slave, and that is my armor and weapons. Surely a slave would not be this well armed, and I do not long to go into the town unprotected. I supposed I could be a slave guard, as much as it detests me to do so.”

Rose: “That might depend on who your master is.”

“Perhaps the famous witch Kayla able to ensorcel the hearts and minds of men to forever do her bidding and you are simply one of the loyal toys of her harem that she uses when she wishes protection when she goes out to pick up some new diversions. Perhaps she has already enslaved Dram and wishes to collect the brother as well to start a series.”

“Or perhaps you are merely broken. It has been said that those raised in such environments long enough lose all hope and fire in their soul and will not go even if the chance for escape is presented. There is no danger of you being anything but a loyal guard because all fire of rebellion was quenched long ago.”

“Perhaps you are one of those who were responsible for the brother getting captured. The war hero Dram, upon returning home to find his family scattered found out what you had done and held your family hostage in trade until his is reunited. He does not worry about you killing him in your sleep since doing so would only kill your own family, an anathema to a dwarf if your words about how you care for them are true.”

“Perhaps you are yourself, but you lost one to many games of cards to the famous gambler Dalin. And now you are honorbound to serve as his slave for a period of time to pay off your debt to him.”

“Perhaps you are a loyal guard of the church from a family that has committed terrible acts that stain your soul, though you yourself are innocent of them. You sold yourself into the service of Father Benedict in penance to ensure a place in paradise.”
Dram stood up and stretched his legs and arms. The sun was gone and the sky full of stars.

Dram: "Well, it seems there's a whole lot of high and mightiness being bantered about the campfire this eve. The night is still long so, if it's all the same to you I'll just quietly suckle my wineskin here...it's as good a mother as I've ever had and she requires nothing of me other than eventual sleep. As you say, my wee strange one, I am obligated by blood ties to rescue Tankurd, my brother.....or die trying. He'd do the same for me. Blood is thicker than water ain't it? My family bonds are strong and I reckon I count these lads and lassies as my brothers and sisters as well (he nods at each in the group). They have aided me in times of need, even helped rescue my father from the clutches of dirty goblin claws, so I am bound by honor to return the favors. Trust? It's simple...you watch my back and I'll watch yours. Kin aside, I am a free man. I choose my path as I see fit. The County is where I was raised as a lad but I never felt like one of her sons. The tales my father would spin late at night about our ancestral home in Guxler (a wistful gaze), now that is where my heart lies, though I've never yet felt its earth beneath my feet, drunk from its streams or breathed its cool, crisp air. What does it matter whether the County is run by buffoons, bugbears, billy goats or dwarves (a wink at Darius)? It's all the same as long as my friends and family are safe and content, I have a full stomach, strong drink in hand (raises the wineskin), a hefty chank in my pouch, and the prospect of some warmth at night. Whatever good the County has done for me in my lifetime has been returned tenfold and I've got the scars to prove the debt is paid. Now that my eyes have been opened to a wider world the County is seeming mighty petty and small. Like Grog here, perhaps I'll buy an inn in Hamfast somewhere down the road, but for now that road stretches way beyond my sight and no doubt forks, twists and turns in unexpected ways. Now, a toast to my friends and the safe recovery of my brother Tankurd! (glug, glug, glug) And by the way, my little blue lady, if'n ya don't wanna keep yer coins, pass 'em on. An inn'll cost a mountain o' gold I'd fathom and I may as well start building it now. Don't get it? I won't hold it against ya, pass yer unwanted bits and scraps of metal to ol'Dram here and I'll put 'em to good use!"
Dram rolled over and laid his head on the earth. He was half asleep before Rose could answer him. "I would, but part of the ranger training is never own more than you can carry on your back. Anything else is donated to help the less fortunate, so I'm afraid you don't quaify Dram." But he did not hear her. The rest of the party slowly moved to their blankets and quietly bedded down for the night. Father Ben pulled Darius aside and walked a distance away from the fire so they would not be overheard.


Father Ben whispers: "You should know that I may have a contact or two in Kera. It is not something I relish, but my family in past generations has been less than honorable. My parents, my brothers, and my sisters all raise horses in Margrave. But we are the black sheep of our family. We were dubbed Selzkin when we arrived, because it was suspected my parents came from Kera originally. The name is not one we have been able to shake off, but I do believe that the lives led by my immediate family have proven us in the community and to the manors with which we work."

*looks off wistfully for a moment*

"It would be nicer to visit the horsefarm, but I do have relatives we could visit in Kera. I don't know what kind of reception we would receive, but one lead is better than none. My father's sister Celestia Wainwright and her husband Sebastion live somewhere within Kera. It is possible we could learn where they are and ask for aid."

"What do you think?"

Darius: “Perhaps that would be a good idea. I would like to see if our names have carried over to Kera by now or not. I hope not, because I would prefer travel without raising attention. Visiting your family seems plausible enough a reason without raising the ire of the locals. How much can we trust your aunt, however? I only ask because of the nature of the land we are about to travel into.”

Ben: "It is possible we cannot trust her or her husband at all. It is possible that she will sell us out because I am of the cast out side of the family. It is possible she may even attempt to capture and sell our band through trickery or some other means as the name Selzkin translates to SELLS KIN as well as SELLS SKIN. I do not know."

"But it is also possible, as she is a Wainwright, that she is a simple maker of wagons. She may suffer from the yoke of indentured servitude as Grog mentioned. She may take pity on Dram's brother and wish to help us. She is likely to be very knowledgeable of the workings of Kera and its Earl too. It is difficult to tell."

"I wanted to mention this to you in private, as the others may have heard the name Selzkin or of my family. I do not want to bring shame to them or danger. I trust you will keep this guarded unless circumstances require otherwise. It is potentially hazardous for my kin and me, if the name Selzkin was defamed in Margrave. Perhaps moreso, if word spread in Kera. Negotiations with Celestia and Sebastion will be delicate to say the least."

Darius: “What I would propose then would be for you to venture forth and meet her, not alone, but not with the entire party. Diedra and Pax would serve best, as they are the least likely to be known at this point. I stand out entirely too much, and should avoid contact until as such time as I can no longer look like myself, and instead as any dwarf. We should wait outside of whatever village or town she resides in, or find lodgings within the town on our own.”

“I don't think we can afford to miss out on the opportunity to learn more about these lands.”
Ben nodded in agreement. Before going to bed Darius woke Pax to take the first watch. All seemed set for the team’s arrival in Kera.


[Session 13]

[DAY 97 – Sunday, Sceptre 1st, CY 81]

The team slept in late Sunday after the long discussion around the campfire. No one relished another day of saddle sores riding through the rough terrain. Grog looked to be tiring as well. Darius convinced Dram to describe his brother in case they could find him in Kera. “He looks like me only shorter… and a little older. He’s a damn find smith”, said Dram.
“Good smith is worth much as slave,” said Grog. This tugged at Ben’s memory.
“What do they do in Kera?” he asked. “What’s it like?”
”Fifth Earl of Kera rules. People of Kera, they mine metal. Bad metal. Not good metal like Margrave or Dwarves”, said Grog. “Kera cuts wood from Greenwillow too.” Grog admitted he had not been to Kera very often. He did not like it there out of everywhere he had traveled.

“Where have you traveled to, Grog?” asked Darius. The half-ogre said he had walked all along the Hellfurnace’s Mountain range. But only on the western side near Margrave. He did not explain why he had not crossed to the west, but quickly continued with his story. “From North Grog visit Radon, Sunstar, Nightshade, Raveneye, Kera, and Margrave. Grog like Margrave best.” Radon was a placed ruled by the Viscount Radon – a short human – and very militaristic. “They are likely at the Front then”, surmised Kayla.
“Sunstar, Nightshade, Raveneye is mixed breeds, half-breeds,” explained Grog. “Council… Feefdum.”

As the day wore away a cool wind a strong, cool breeze picked up from the east. As the group walked into it Grog said they would reach Kera by nightfall. Outside the city were several unprotected territories. They would be at the outskirts of one or another soon.

Rose’s ears twitched. The feeling of being watched was stronger than ever. Kayla and Diedre had been bothered by the sense too. Ben felt least effected. Something was watching them; something in the woods. Rose who was sharing her horse with Darius convinced him to steer towards the Forest. Once in range she called out to whatever animals might be within. It sounded like strange grunting and chittering to everyone else. “Why are there no roads? Grog, don’t the people of Kera ever come to your… inn?” asked Kayla.
“No road. Broken land is here. Caravans are attacked here,” he responded. “People can be sold for money. In Kera. It is a secret, but everyone knows”.

Rose used the human tongue again. “It is always like this. It’s difficult to be certain, but it may have always been like this. The watching.” Ben rode up to her and Darius’s side. He requested a private meeting off to one side with her for a few minutes. After a few grumblings Darius agreed, but he would not leave the horse. The dwarf tried to ignore the two as they talked in private.

Rose: “What is it husband? Have you finally admitted we are married?”

Ben: "No. Just stop for a second.”

“You said before that you had a dream, a dream where laughter seemed to come from everywhere. It is very important to me about the laughter. Do you know whose it was? Have you heard it in your dreams since then? Do you ever feel anything when you hear the laughter? Or do you hear it when you are awake? It is important. It may mean more than we suspect right now. It may also be a key to your own past."

"But this should not be a concern of the others right now either. Likely they will think I am making too much over this thing. So if you do hear it again it might be best to tell just me. To tell me when you hear the laughter and how you feel when you do. Do you understand? Can we keep this in confidence?"

"You know that there are two kinds of secrets that the Gods speak to us of? The first kind is divisive. They can separate us and create conflict, even cause pain because of their existence. This is the type of secret most think of because they eventually become so widely known and the conflict is seen. But there is a second kind, the kind that draws those who know it closer together. The kind where shared confidence strengthens bonds and not severs them. Your telling us your past is like this kind of secret. A bonding. Do you agree? Will you keep this a secret?"

"There are some other concerns I wanted to talk to you about too. You spoke of the history of the Fairy. How they could see souls in the sky watching them in the night. Is this really possible? Can you see such things?"

"Also, our band has had difficulty in the past with shapechangers. Darius may have been framed by one in Harling. Others killed many at the town we were staying in. They burnt down an Inn and...killed a Brother of mine. They worked with an infernal reptile creature with black scales. Some called it a Dragon like in the stories. Is it possible that the Fae would work for such a beast? Perhaps the 'Runners of the Black Flame' as you call them?"

"And where are the Fae lands? Behind the stars perhaps? It is said that the heavens above have a myriad of stories we can never know. Your description of the lands as being eyeless night might give us a clue on where they are. Surely not in the depths of the earth below, no? The flame below the table of land on which we stand would have lit your eyes then, right? But perhaps you were truly blind and not just in darkness. Perhaps you could recall how you came to the world from your lands?"

"As to your own questions it would be best to wait before answering. We are almost to Kera now and it would be best to focus on minds on the difficulty of freeing Dram's brother."

"For such petty issues of greed and avarice we might not need to speak at all. The love of gold by Dwarves is widely spoken of, the love of money and power by Mens, magic by Elves, and now flesh by Fairy. Each is a vice which is best overcome rather than dwelled upon."

"And yes, yes, we will speak of Gods later. And how many do not lie, but speak with knowledge greater than we can learn on our own. And of the use of earth and metal (though Darius is likely better versed in that topic than I). And of Will and of Fate. And of the war to the East. And of the how our dead serve us in ways you may not have imagined. We can save these questions for later."


Rose: I can't remember anything useful about the laughter. It came from everywhere and it sounded vaguely female. It always fades from my mind when I wake like dawn on the morning mist. I don't feel anything in particular when I hear it, it's just laughter. This concept of secrets is strange. Why would I not wish to tell anyone of my past? Am I supposed to be ashamed of it?

I see the eyes of the souls of the dead watch us every night, you do as well. You call them stars. In fae lands no souls have ever escaped mother.

The fae would work with anyone that the whim strikes them to work with. Prolonged work would require something they would continually need though. The runners are elves. Elves are more constant than fae, but to my knowledge they cannot change shape.

The fae lands are next to these. But entry and exit to and from them is barred, stones called "The Dancers". Legends say that stepfather erected them when mother cast him out; to keep her from re-thinking her decision and trying to win him back. Legends say that stepfather pulled them from the earth in his anger when he left her. Legends say that powerful druids erected them to keep away the fae from these lands and mother especially so she could not add this domain to her own. Legends say no pure fae can cross them. Legends say no iron from these lands can cross either. Of course some legends also say that mother breaks from her confinement every year and goes in search of step-father. Legends say the bards and minstrels and storytellers call to her every year for inspiration and she plants the seeds of stories in their minds so that the runners might find fertile ground upon which to reap their harvest. As she goes she brings the cold and ice so beloved to her that keep beautiful things frozen in time, just like her. But she never finds him and it takes half the year for the druids to chase her back into her realms, or if she does find him, he chases her back, and the fight goes on for half the year. I have already told you the story of how I came to be here I fell into a trader's wagon. I fell and when I awake the air was warm and I could see again. The sky was so bright I was dazzled at first. The fae lands have no sun, only eternal winter shrouded in eyeless night. Mother lives in a castle of her own devising, made of a strange material I could not describe to you. Smooth like ice or glass, but warm and opaque.”
“That’s enough!” cried out Darius. “I’m not holdin’ my bloody ears any longer. If you two want to talk, it’ll have to be later.” Darius steered his horse back to the main groups and joined the circle. “If we are going to go into to Kera and find Tankurd, I think we should be undercover,” he announced to everyone. “We will be buyers of slaves looking for a smith to profit from the Margrave war effort. That should explain why we are new to town and our interest in finding Tankurd.” The others silently nodded in agreement.
“You can call me Mard,” Dram said. Dalin took the name Rollin and Pax would be known as Jax. Father Ben thought he would have a difficult time remembering all the names. “Is Pax even known to be anything but a henchman for Darius?” he thought to himself.

“I shall be named Cera, but I believe Diedre, Rose, and Grog should all use their usual names. They have not traveled with us long and should not raise suspicion…” Kayla eyed Rose again. “…much,” she finished. Father Ben said he would take a vow of silence. “Or just go by Father, if anyone asks. No one seemed to have Faith in Kustner. I’d rather wait and see what Kera reveals.” Ormand admitted no one had ever asked his name since he joined us, so he decided not to use a pseudonym either.
“Aye, the name Darius should not be spoken by any of us,” stated the dwarven paladin. “I shall go under the moniker ‘Brin Mjollnir’ from the old stories of Thor when he lost his hammer.”

At Father Ben’s prompting Darius told the story of Thor and how he won his hammer back. Dram knew most of the details too. The northman’s family had long worshipped Thor who Ben had taken as only a dwarven God. The tale was one of warring gods and goddesses and even a strange bit where Thor was changed into a woman. It was not something Ben had heard of before in his studies with Father Stauk-Flezr. Darius told other tales about Thor and his dwarven heritage late into the day. When Darius had left the hold his father was in line to ascend to the Council of Thanes. It sounded like a very important role. In time the day passed and the sun began to set.

“Orlain is first village we come to in Kera,” spoke up Grog. “The Spitting Serpent is the Inn there.” Apparently they were very close and could reach the village by nightfall. Upon Darius’s urging Grog told them a little about Orlane. “They are very wary of strangers and may not let Grog stay ‘cause we arrived at night.” Grog suggested staying inside a cave near the forest’s edge until the morning. Kayla drew the others in close. She suggested the town was probably a dangerous place and may be part of the slaving business. Darius agreed. He told Father Ben not to go into the village until the morning with Pax and Diedre. Then the horses were turned northwards to find Grog’s cave.

The misty hole looked to have burst from the ground. A curved hillock at the edge of the Greenwillow Forest cozied around the hole’s rear side. A dark tunnel sloped down inside angling under the forest. The team dismounted, lit torches, and Rose led a few of them inside to explore first. After about fifty feet or so, the little Fae found a pool of water blocking the end of the cave. Darius used his vision to look in the dark water. It reminded him of an old mineshaft. It would need to be drained to further explore. A quick search of the rest of the cave showed it to be free of debris. Diedre noticed a set of footprints leading in from outside. “Nobody move!” said Rose. She skipped over to Diedre’s side and examined the prints. “Wolves,” she said. The prints were strange as they led up to the pool’s edge, but did not return.

“whoa…” said Kayla who tried to keep her balance. “This is the place. This cave is what is watching us. It is very strong here.” The sorceress sat down to steady herself.
“Is it the witch?” asked Ben. Rose moved up to the water’s edge and called out to it in Common. There was no response. She tried Elven and then Fae. With the last a strange hissing with a male’s voice replied in Fae. “GET OUT” The pool simply bubbled and hissed to Ben’s thinking.
“Trade?” asked Rose. “THROW SOMETHING INTO POOL”, the water hissed and bubbled again. Rose took out two of the mushrooms she had taken from the littlefolk’s lair and tossed them in. The water formed an arm and swallowed the fungi whole. Then it stilled becoming smooth.

“I think we should be okay for the night”, said Rose speaking to everyone else now.
“Are you sure?” asked Kayla. “This is like the blob we found outside Hommlett.” Rose assured her it would be safe. Double watches were assigned just in case and the team bedded down to rest. “What are you doing? Are you crazy!” yelled out Dram at Father Ben. He had been caught red-handed putting rocks under his blankets. “uhh… It’s to keep me from rolling around in my sleep,” Ben said hoping it was at least partially true. Dram simply looked at the priest as if he had lost his mind. Kayla and Pax were stationed at the front and back of the cave as the others slept. Every two hours new watchers were awoken until the morning sun rose.
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