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The Order of Initiative in: "Just a Simple Escort"


First Post
Beyond the door

Limara looks at the line-up of two drow with crossbows and the four monstrous spiders and asks sweetly "Any of you arcane types got a fireball ?"

"Cool,” Rizzit says to Feng “This looks like our kind of fun!"


"Feng, Feng, Feng, Feng.... pull em to bits bud" chortles Rizzit

"With my teeth!" responds Feng

"With whatever you like" agrees the kobald.

The dwarf interrupts "Oh no! Who opened the door before I'd tidied up?" and Feng grits his teeth to control his building rage. "That...would.. be.. me. Why?" asks Feng.

"I just don't like to leave jobs unfinished. It's just very . . . untidy!" is the dwarfs response.

"You'll make someone a fine wife" says Feng in disgust

"There's nothing wrong with order in your life." Compains Biba

"Please make sure I can get to the front or someone is gonna get a very warm back" Rizzit advises the other party members. "Yeah! Piss on them Muckers, Rizz!" agrees Feng.

Bibabobalobalos appears shocked "Really, the language of some young adventurers today!" but "Suck it up beardy" is Feng’s only response.

Bibabobalobalos mumbles, "I hate repeating myself." He shakes his head. "No respect for their elders, some people," he continues to mumble.

"Alright” calls Feng, ”Earn my respect. Down one of these muckers!"

"You flank it and I'll down it. It's what I do!" offers the dwarf

"Did you bring owt to stand on? Or do yas have a spear? I don't reckon that wee bodkin is gonna reach these big buggers." Laughs Feng

"And can someone kick Beltain awake?" asks Feng looking round "I'd do it myself but I'm afraid I'll get carried away."

Bibabobalobalos "I think Limara may have Alarm Clock revised or something! If not I think Beltain is asleep for the duration." Frowns.

Rizzit "You do flanking? I just thought you slept in battle" still catching up on the conversation.

"They will not get the advantage this time. I am wise to their game." The dwarven thief responds. "And also hiding at the back" quips Rizzit

"This time I will not fall victim as has poor Beltain." Says the dwarf, launching into a speech "What? I stride forward and deal the enemy great wrath and furious vengeance! It is their snide tricks that have brought me low these past two encounters."

"And a weak constitution" interjects the kobald "It’s lucky kobolds and half orcs are made of sterner stuff than dwarves and humans seem to be"

"Snipe not wee one,” advises the dwarf “there is plenty of time to come good yet."

"Just kidding with you Bib, my spirits are high and the thrill of battle is once more upon us, let us rejoice in these blissful days" Rizzit reassures the frowning dwarf.

"Yes! Let us rid Faerun of this vile plague, onward brave snipeling!" is the dwarf’s response.

"HooRAR, and back in time for tea and scones" Rizzit laughs. "And dwarf bread!" says Bibabobalobalos. "Now your just being silly" Rizzit says

"And what's wrong with dwarf bread? Puts hairs on your face does dwarf bread!" asks ibabobalobalos "Many a hearth guard has sworn blind on dwarf bread. Why, my own mother had a plait longer than this," he shakes his own beard, "And she ate dwarf bread every day of her life."

"Actually chaps I have some nice scones in my pack. And some lovely clotted cream and strawberry jam too. Once we have finished with this unpleasantness, maybe we could have some Tiffin?" says Nosnibor, interrupting the exchange.

"I repeat, do not block up the front rank, I am going to go forward and will be frying stuff so unless you want to be bbq'd leave me room" repeats Rizzit while, as if bored by Rizzit's tirade Beltain snores gently.

"Best thing would be get at the front and stick your size 10s on sleeping beauty to stop them getting past the front line" an annoyed Rizzit says to nobody in particular

The dwarf moves rapidly towards the drow and spiders arriving just short of the sleeping Beltain and flourishes his rapier threateningly at the spiders.

Coleridge sighs "Must we always argue so? It makes us look so unprofessional in front of the people we are about to slaughter". "Don't worry Cole” Feng laughs “They'll only have a poor opinion for an extremely limited time."

But the bard is not to be put off and responds "That may be, but we should maintain some standard don't you think. I know if it was me I wouldn't want to be slaughtered by some rank amateur"

"I agree.” Nosnibor interjects “We could certainly try and maintain some standard. And we could be politer about things. Limara. As you are our last standing cleric I feel that it would be pertinent to guard your person against the sleep inducing range attacks of the drow. I will thus shroud you in a mystical force field that should protect you against their crossbow bolts. I hope it works. Thus you will be able to stay in the combat for longer and be able to heal those around you. I hope you chaps see this as a useful utility of my mostly non-combative range of memorised spells?". So saying The Wizard Nosnibor casts protection from normal Missiles on Limara. "Thank you Nos' , that is indeed a most useful utility spell " responds the female cleric.

Drow 2 draws another bolt and fires at Feng but misses.

"I hope we get one of Col rousing battle songs now" says the kobald, revealing an artistic side as yet unseen

"I think a poem is indeed in order, my eager art loving kobold" smiles Coleridge and he takes a 5' step back as he begins his recitation

"Just observe him, the centre of attraction "

"Confident of his prowess, shown by his action."

"An unparalleled charisma, judging by the results"

"his prey, they come to him, their integrity he insults "

Feng's veins begin to pulse and his muscles bulge, as the Barbarian goes into a RAGE!" He strikes hard, putting the power of his might frame into a full cut.

Massively wounding the spider facing him.

"GNAGH!" he shouts and smiles at the drow archer "You're next!" he says "FENG IS HERE! FENG KILLS!"

One of the rearmost monstrous spiders moves to a wall and climbs up onto the ceiling... (the ceiling is approx 10' up)

Rizzit points his wand and says "Joke" A 15ft cone of flames shots out hitting a drow and two of the spiders. The drow and one of the spiders crumple before the flames while the remaining spider is badly singed.

"Toast them buns' Rizzit!" calls Feng. "ROAAARRR!"

"Take some of that hairy bastards" crows the kobard sorcerer.

"I say chaps. Things look like they're getting dreadfully thrilling up there." Notes Nosnibor from the rear of the party.

"Feel free to come and join us Mr Nosnibor, it sure is fun over here" says Rizzit sourly and then turning to rest rest of the party "You should have seen the way the hairs on this spider all flared up when the flames hit him, all sparkly like"

"I will certainly endeavour to assist in a constructive way oh magically talented Rizzit. I was perhaps going to try an incapacitating spell upon the remaining drow. If I can bypass his magic resistance." Suggests Nosnibor.

"Not web, please promise you won’t use web" Rizzit says in alarm.

"As I have previously mentioned. Web restricts the vision too much. The spell I had in mind is called Tasha's Hideous Laughter. A rather prohibitive prestidigitation if it lands. It involves telling a terrible joke. Do you know any?"

Limara moves gracefully in behind the barbarian and casts a Shield of Faith on him. "This shield of faith should compensate for your Raging weakness Feng,” she tells him “Hold them at the door and I will use crossbow fire to pick off the ones at the back. That’s if pyro boy leaves us any ... ", she looks down at Rizzit, currently fiddling with his stick and smiling.

"Thanks for the shield, Limara” responds Feng “My natural tough frame can shrug off most stuff, but I'm touched that you thought of me. Now, back to the Killing!"

The second spider throws a sticky web towards the dwarf but misjudges the height and misses.

The spider in front of Feng bites him, but Feng is able to resist the poison effects..

"Come and join us up here Bob, your missing the fun" teases Rizzit and turning to his familiar “Wizzy keep up will you, stay at my side at all times please, you are my extra eyes and ears little friend"

"So chaps.” Says Nosnibor “Would it be a sensible tactic for me to attempt to incapacitate the remaining Drow? Then we can ask him some questions. However I will only do this if we agree not to Murder him afterwards. Perhaps once we have captured him we can leave him tied up or something. What do you chaps say?"

"Best save the spell then, I am not leaving any of these sneaky murdering bastards behind" Rizzit says savagely.

Bibabobalobalos takes a step forward, protecting the fallen cleric and strikes at the spider facing him. His rapier evades the creatures defences and it is heavily wounded

"Nicely done Bob" admits Rizzit grudgingly while Feng nods approvingly at the Dwarf "Stumpy is awake, it seems - strike hard, little one - I think you are tickling the spider."

"Oi! Nosi!” Feng calls to the elf at the rear of the party “Try that spell on the Drow anyway - he's gonna die so it might as well be when he's happy, rather than widdlin' his pants in terror." And then shouts "FENG KILLS! FENG IS HERE! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!"

"Are you good at tumbling, Rizzit?" asks the dwarf, "Dunno,” relies Rizzit “First time for everything"

"Are you quick of finger and foot?" continues the drarf, "I am small, quick and slipperier than a well buttered eel" boasts the kobald.

"Lovely.” Concludes the dwarf “Maybe you could jump, twist and jink past the two spiders then.".

"I dint think I am that good, I need the spider in front of you taken down first" the kobald explains.

Bibabobalobalos nods "I'll try my best, Rizzit, I'll try my best."

"I will try this spell anyway.” calls Nosnibor “But only to see if it successfully works against these dark elves." The Wizard Nosnibor tells his target the really old joke about how he used to be a werewolf but he's alright NOWooooooooH! The drow looks puzzled but is otherwise unaffected by the spell. It fires at Feng but misses

"Oh golly.” compains Nosnibor “I really hoped that that would have incapacitated that Drow. I suppose Feng will just have to hack him into tiny little pieces. As is his forte."

Coleridge steps forward behind Rizzit to fire over the little kobolds head and hits the beast squarely. It topples over dying.

"Balanced upon a thread of life "

"his movements are sure, they bear no strife "

"having eight eyes, and eight legs, how bizarre!"

"He is the king of his realm, a self made Tzar."

"It's so nice to have a companion who is so lyrical” Nosnibor tells the bard “And artistically minded Mister Coleridge. You're such a lovely chap."

Feng swings his huge axe against the spider in front of him and hits it massively wounding it. "MIGHTY FENG SMITES HARD!" shouts Feng smiling broadly. "My! Mister Feng really is a rather savage chap.” Says Nosnibor approvingly “In a nice way. Obviously."

"Mister Feng is a rather large bugger with a rather large axe doing what he does best!" agree the dwarf. Feng is angered by the dwarf’s patronising tone "WHO ARE YOU CALLIN' A BUGGER, SLEEPY? MUCK OFF! FENG KILLS!" he shouts

"Yep, very effectively, I'd say. Carry on the good work, sir." Agrees the dwarf cowed.

The spider on the ceiling drops to the floor, and moves to attack.

“Hmm,” muses Rizzit “A conundrum I think, what to do now”. A fiery ray shots out from Rizzit’s hand missing the spider facing him. Rizzit curses loudly in kobald.

"Lady luck is not with me today" he says dodging the spiders flailing fangs.

Limara picks up her shield, steps north of Feng and takes a mighty swipe at the spider with her sword. killing it instantly.

Only a single drow and one of the spiders remain of their attackers

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First Post
The Spiders of LLoth

Bibabobalobalos targets the last spider "Die monstrous abomination!" he yells and his rapier strikes home "Ha ha, take that scion!" and the spider cringes back moderately wounded.

Nosnibor aims his shortbow and loses an arrow the spider sways now heavily wounded.

The last drow snarls at the damage to his minion and fires a hastily aimed shot from his crossbow at the wizard. It hits doing minimal damage but the wizard sways and falls – asleep.

Coleridge drops his crossbow, draws his sword and advances on the remaining drow

"When he meets with a yen to mate with a wench,"

she paralyzes him, an action of stench

an eggsack, she places upon his chest

conscious he is of his sordid rest

This sack of eggs, they are her brood

to which he becomes their very first food

subject to such a grievous offence

I would too be filled, with vehemence "

but he is so enrapt in his verse completely fumbles the attack

Feng strides up to the remaining spider, swings his great axe and the spider totters, baely able to stand. "Take that blond ponse down!" he yells to the others. "Go on, Feng, eradicate with extreme prejudice" chuckles Biba, "Wot?” responds Feng taken aback “Uh! FENG KILLS!"

The spider tries to take one last bite at the half orc but the effort is too much and it collapses.

"Take it down!” continues Feng “Then I want a guard on each door until we decide which way to go."

The Wizard Nosnibor snores lightly. He looks so sweet, even in a poisonous slumber. Pussy wanders over to the unwoken wizard and settles into his lap with a purr.

Rizzit waves his hands in an arcane gesture and a small orb of acid shoots forth from Rizzits fingertips, heading towards the drow but missing it.

Limara feeling the all is under control uses her move action to refit her shield.

Biba strikes and hits the drow with his rapier, "Die drow scum! Or would you talk to us now you are very lonely?", he says hoping that the drow may wish to exchange its life for information. But the drow slips to the floor, dead

"Nicely done, Sleepy" concedes Feng


Limara wakes Nosnibor and Beltain and updates them on the fight.

"Feng what lies beyond here?” asks Coleridge “Where should we advance next? You seem to recall the layout well from your last visit and would probably be best for you to guide our direction. Hopefully our sleepy companions will be rested and ready for whatever we may encounter next"

Feng ponders "I think we should take a quick look through the door to the south, but proceed through the eastern door. To this south eventually leads down - I'd prefer to make sure we leave no living foes behind us. Let’s clear everything on this floor first. What say we shut these gates? I'd hate to be interrupted by Dark Dwarfs as we slaughter these feeble elves." Shakes the gore from his axe and continues "Come! I'm in a killin' mood. As usual!. None can withstand us! FENG IS HERE! FENG KILLS!"

"Any chance of makin' Feng feel better, Limara? I'll take a heal if not." He looks over to the beautiful cleric and grins toothily.

The Wizard Nosnibor yawns and stretches "Oh.. That was a nice nap. I feel all refreshed. I have an idea that might bring results. As I have previously stated, I have the magical incantation : Invisibility memorised. This spell will render a fellow invisible for about 4 minutes. Which to be honest is not as long as I'd hoped. But it may be useful if I cast it on Mister Bibabobalobalos so he can silently scout out the area and come back and inform us of our enemies distribution. What say you chaps?"

"...I'd say that would be a good idea Nos. " agrees Limara.

"I am glad of your consensus most holy Limara. What’s say the rest of you stout fellows?" he asks the others.

"We could bar the southern door” suggests Limara, “That would stop anything coming out until we are ready for it ..... anyone got any spikes to wedge the door shut??" she asks as she moves over to Feng. "Feng. How much resistance do you expect to be on this level? How many do you reckon you left behind ...err before you got killed that is.." she shrugs .. " Rizzit, how many do you think were left when you decided to leave?"

Limara takes a scrolls and intones the holy words when she has finished Feng’s wounds have healed. She beckon Beltain over.. "What were you dreaming about babe ?? ", Beltain blushes, “About the last night in Immersea…” he mumbles.

"I had a nice dream about knitting a tea cosy." Mutters the Wizard Nosnibor, more to himself than anyone in particular. "It was smashing."

Beltain moves over to the dead drow, he cuts off the right hands of two of the dead drow, the ones that hit him in combat. The cleric then takes a vial out of his pocket and pours it over the severed hands. He places them in his backpack...

The bodies are stripped and Beltain takes great interest in the armour. He asks the party "Do I have time to try out some of this drow armour?" "In answer to you question hun, I'd rather you didn't try the armour yet because some of us have spells that are still working and it will take quite a time taking off one set and putting on the other. Can you try it later... I'll help you change.." she grins and winks at Beltain. Who completely forgets about changing.

"Ewwwwww. Beltain that's disgusting. Not to mention a little bit unhygienic. You don't know where those hands have been. OK lets give stumpy the invisibility, I would warn though that both doors are locked and may have more drow behind them so Bob may be able to do little sneaking about."

"I am keen to get moving whilst we have some spells working" Rizzit tells the wordy wizard. "I would gladly take the invisibility” agrees the dwarf, “And scout ahead for you all but Mr Rizzit is right. If I have to open a creaky door everyone behind it will know I'm coming, invisible or not!"

"The doors may be locked, but we have keys.” Feng tells him “We also have a Dwarf who may be able to open them. Failing that, we are stout enough to batter these bastards down. Take it from me, they'll be shittin' 'emselves in there waiting on us to brust in. And I hate to disappoint anyone. Laskur's Bane still thirsts!" He nods approvingly at Beltain "Takin' trophies to prove yer valour is a serious business. I used to do that too - before I got so tough I didnae have to prove it no more. I got no spikes 'n such - how about wedgin' em with those rapiers the drow were usin'? Wedge one, and go through the other - we can get to all the places we know of through either one, anyhow. I say try picking the locks, and the first one you succeed on, wedge the other. If we have to batter 'em down - wedge the southern one. But before anything - try the keys." He takes up position beside the western door, Axe poised at counter a sally from the Drow within.

Feng offers the keys to Biba "C'mon boy, you game? Try the lock. I'll bitch-slap owt that shows it's nose while ya work." The dwarf takes the key. "Thank you dear Feng. Let’s see if I can do this without any sound, shall we?"

Feng grins evilly "To begin with, perhaps."

The dwarven rogue moves up past the bard, up to the southern door and gets to work.

x[Bibabobalobalos] Bibabobalobalos: MOVE SILENTLY (DEX) check:(d20+7+3) [19+7+3] 29

"Nah! This one. An pick it if 'n the key don't work." Says Feng helpfully. "Shhh!" responds Bibabobalobalos. "What's wrong with this one?” he whispers to the huge barbardian “You said they lead to the same place?"

"Yeah, but that is the most direct way to the stairs down." Feng tells him

"Did you go down the stairs?" enquires the dwarf. "No, I was too busy savin' Rizzit's Arse. An gettin' Killed." Admits Feng.

"So you don't know if the stair is long and winding?" the rogue asks, and Feng gives the Dwarf a look. "Sound may not carry down the stair." Explains the dwarf.

"Just open the feckin' door. I'm liable to start the killin' shortly, so make sure there are drow around, alright?" says Feng trying to control his Rage.

"You wish me to jump up and down and shout to attract their attention?" queries the dwarf unabashed.

"Or I can smash your head against the door. I don't really care. But I can't kill 'em if you keep fannying around. OPEN THE DOOR!" replies Feng testily.

"No need to get testy, young Feng, I'll open the door!" replies Biba as he tries the keys in the lock.

Feng bites the haft of his axe in frustration


"We going in or just standing here exchanging pleasantries?" asks Rizzit from the back. "I think Sleepy has finally got his finger out." Replies Feng, fingering his axe.

Coleridge moves over and hands bob the keys which Rizzit gave him

"It is all well and good to wish to satisfy that bloodlust of yours,” he tells Feng “But it would be foolhardy to act rashly before we know what may be ahead now.. remember you've already met an untimely end... well of sorts.. here once already. Let’s get a measure of what we're dealing with, then slaughter it in a nice professional fashion"

Limara agrees "Wise thoughts Col, look at it this way Feng.... if we work together and use our assets well .... then you will be able to kill more of them. Plus we are relying on you to stop the enemy getting to the casters and disrupting their spells... In other words... don’t go off half cocked ..". She is interrupted by Cole in a hushed tone "Maybe half cocked is a poor choice of words... given the Poacher incident" he winces. Limara sucks air through her teeth as she frowns... "Fair poi.. err, comment " and changes the subject swiftly "By the way .. what happened to the Nosnibor’s casting of invisibility on our Bob here so he could scout ahead and report our next targets ?" She asks

"Hmm I'm not sure.." says Cole and looks over shoulder at the elf "Stop your day dreaming about knit-wear friend, our goodly rogue awaits your attentions". The Wizard Nosnibor casts invisibility upon Bibabobalobalos "OK chaps. That’s the Invisibility cast. Go scout out the area Mister Bibabobalobalos. You only have about 4 minutes." Limara looks at the absence of dwarf "Geez, where did... arrr... nice one Nos"

The the party hear the door unlocked (with the iron key), and the door swings open

Revealing a room where arcane and alchemical experiments are conducted. Flasks bubble, strange creatures' body parts float in preservative jars, maggots writhe on an indeterminate piece of meat under a glass dome, and anatomical drawings show an assortment of dissected creatures. Bookcases and shelves line the walls.

The room has an exit north, and two openings south. There is a curtain is on the east wall.

"We had a fight in here, we won of course, the temple is to the south, the big demon guy out of the north" Rizzit explains, "This room looks empty, let’s move in whilst Bob check the exits for trouble”. Rizzit nips into the room and hides at a corner. The Wizard Nosnbor looks around the room and whispers in awe as he glances at the contents. "Books! Did I see books? Oooh ! Books! We gotta take them. Can we have them. Oooh! Oooh! Books! I love dungeons. They're the only place in the whole world where you can start off in a dank and dirty mine and find yourself in a Library."

Rizzit wonders where Bob has gone scouting "You guys coming in or standing out there gawping? Get into position here in case Bob attracts any unwanted attention. He believes he is now in a good position to quickly aid his friend Bob in the event of trouble.

Unseen by the others Biba moves into an area with arcane symbols, although he moves invisibly he still attracts the attention of the spiders of Lloth that dwell in the area. They seem to have no trouble in locating and hitting him, "HELP! SPIDERS!" he shouts, before succumbing to the damage and poison.

"Bobs in trouble,” Rizzit tells the others “Get your arses in here"

"How did they see him?” asks Feng, glaring at Nosni “Did the wizard cease the invisibility for a joke? I reckon the scout is a dead dorf walkin' but we'll do our best."

"Help! I'm getting et to death!" comes the plea from the room ahead.

"Well that's torn it. Perhaps the whole scouting while invisible idea wasn't such a good one after all." Says Nosnibor sadly.

"Hang on in there Bob" calls Coleridge but in the next room Bibabobalobalos falls to the ground bleeding heavily..the spiders swarm over him, biting..

"Are you ok Bob?" calls Rizzit but reply there is none, "Bobs gone very quiet, I don’t like this one bit"

"Bob.. are you asleep again?" Cole asks anxiously "Let’s hope so" mumbles to himself. He extends his heavy crossbow and sights on a spider hitting it on the critical join between thorax and abdomen, and heavily wounding it. "Take that ya bugger and stop trying to eat my companion" he drops his crossbow and draws his sword readying himself for the inevitable retaliation.

"What was that slurping noise? Mister Bibabobalobalos?" asks Nosnibor undiplomatically. "You mean that sound like something up sucking up dissolved dwarven internal juices" replies Rizzit with equal insensitivity. "Mmmmmm. Not quite dissolved. More a sort of liquefied gloop” continues Nosnibor “Oh I do hope the little fellow is alright. I would so hate it for him to have been sucked dry by some sort of vitae sucking venomous spiderkind."

"Oi! Less ‘what is that jolly old noise don'tcher know’ an more of the killin'. I dunno, I reckon I must have taken up with a bunch o' fags." moans Feng. Rizzit stops talking to Nosni and calls to Feng, “I will stick a cats grace spell on ya in a sec, best have some extra protection on".

"Thanks” responds Feng, glad that the party are concentrating on the job in hand “I have the grace of a tiger and the strength of a wild bull already - but as you say, It can't hurt. Just no-one put down a saucer of milk" he adds and seems surprised at his own wit.

"Nosnibor - can you summon some huge feck-off Birds? Right now that would be useful. Heh, Shame Beaker 'aint here. He's a bird, ain't he?"

"I'm afraid Mister Feng, well I'm afraid OF Mister Feng. But I'm also afraid that the only even remotely combative spell that I still possess is a sleep cantrip, though I fear it will not work against these foes. However I will try it."

Limara, ignoring the others, conjures weapon made of pure force that hits the spider that was a target of Cole’s missile. "Spiders... I can see three... I wonder how many there are in there....” she wonders to herself and then calls out “BOB, can you here me?" and getting no reply "Rizzit, I reckon some of your flame-throwing is in order".

Rizzit uses his time to cast a spell giving the barbarian warrior a greater dexterity.

"Flames will be coming up soon,” he tells the flame-haired cleric “Just need to make sure Feng is protected as best as I can seeing as he will be up close and personal with them. I am concerned for Col too, do any of the clerics have some protection spells for the guys at the front?"

"Sorry Rizzit,” Beltain answers “I don't have any. A few spells I hope that the spiders will find offensive but no defensive ones..."

One of the foul spiders hits Coleridge but he is unaffected by the poison..

"Fear not, Coleridge” Feng calls reassuringly “I'd hate to see you killed before you have composed the epic of FENG'S life I'll take down the spider that has attacked you."

Beltain moves quickly into the room and casts a spell but there is no result – yet. He looks around for the summoned creatures, he blushes and hits himself on the forehead “Two Celestial Giant Fire Beetles will be along shortly” he admits “It’s the first time I’ve cast this spell and I, errrr, forgot that they have a long way to come to help us. They will be here next round honest!” he tells the others. They are rumoured to be very fine examples of their kind” he tells Nosnibor “and if they are ‘killed’ they just go back to whatever they were doing on their home plane. So quite a humane spell really”. But already more spiders are moving into the room.

"Good idea Bel” Limara tells her fellow cleric “Give them more targets” and then addresses Coleridge “Col I think we need to back up the way we came, in 5' steps... or we could end up surrounded out here in the middle of the room. Sorry Col... I cast my shield spell on Feng earlier ... can you use a heavy shield, like this ? " she points to her shield. "I don’t know what a bards limitations are.. "

"What say you, I can hear nothing from Bob” she mutters “I fear the worst..."

"Good idea to reposition ourselves, Princess,” Beltain tells Limara “If we can get into the doorway we can concentrate on them as they try and get through. Many of us on one of them. If we can retreat in an orderly manner"

Feng enters the room and confronts one of the giant spiders, he swings his axe damaging it mightily. "Nice one Great Feng! " calls Beltain "And that's even before the big man gets angry" he thinks to himself

"Huh! a glancing blow” says Feng modestly “Good thing me old weapon-master ain’t around to see it. Go people back out an I'll follow when I can be bothered."

Beltain looks impressed at the hulking barbarian

"Oh, Rizz - I dunno if I'm naturally cat-like but I don't reckon your spell has done me any good."

"This will be a close run thing with the dark goddess’s own spiders pressing their attack, all must play their part" Bel looks ar Nosnibor "I hope you have a spell or perhaps a drow bolt that may stop these spawn from the pits in their tracks?"

"Yeah! C'mon in, the parties just gettin' started" adds Feng.

"Which dark goddess do you speak of Bel... because Llolth is nowhere to be found at the moment. Her worshippers have been overthrown...this is a rare outcrop of diehard devotee's "

"These creatures are the servants of the one you mentioned, be she here or away on her own purposes. Some say that she is dead but she is the mother of lies and I will only trust the information when we can stamp on her bloated corpse"

"Well, we have yet to see any clerics have we? Rizzit and Feng did not mention healers either... and clerics need a god to receive spells from... no divinity, no divine spells.” argues Limara

"Na, No Priests” agrees Feng “But we did not get in so far. I guess they're hidin' behind their pets to wear us down."

"Have heard rumours of dead gods, long passed from the memory of lands whose worshipers, by arcane feats, still gain spells from the lingering essence of the divine ones.” Says Beltain although he does not seem confident of his facts.

"Never mind all this windbagging, lets get chopping" calls Rizzit from his corner.



First Post
Bibabobalobalas surrounded by Spiders of Lolth



First Post
The daemon & the Spiders of Lloth

"If you move just out of the doorway" Beltain tells Nosnibor "You will be protected and still be able to contribute with your bow. These creatures are not well defended so you have a reasonable chance of hitting them."

"I will use my magic missiles to pick off any weak ones when I get the chance" Rizzit tells the rest of the party "and maybe reduce the numbers"

"Good plan." Feng aggress "But do it soon.!"

The Wizard Nosnibor throws a small pinch of sand into the air, and one of the spiders falls into a magical slumber


One of the spiders attacks and hits Coleridge lightly wounding him while another just misses, he retaliates and hits one of his attackers massively wounding it.

Limara massively wounds one of the spiders with her Spiritual Weapon but unfortunately misses with her own long sword.

The party are startled to see a strange creature appears in the doorway. It is one of the demons that Rizzit and Feng described…

Beltain gulps as he catches a glimpse of the demon. "I thought that you said you'd killed the demon Rizzit?" he asks

Rizzit casts a magic missile spell and two of the already injured spiders fall dead., he then takes out a scroll of mirror image, ready for his next action. "Take that you multi legged little shits" he yells delighted.

"Hey another of those big demon things" he exclaims "Your turn to kill this one Feng, one is enough for a little guy like me"

"Thanks for the missile" Beltain tells the kobald "That big bastard looks bloody awful!" says Beltain looking very worried "Is there any secret to killing them?"

"Yeah don't die first" laughs Rizzit "He hits hard and he hits a lot, only way I survived was the have plenty of magical protection on so he only landed one claw on me. He tore Feng apart in seconds"

"I think we need to bunch up a bit guys" Rizzit tells the others with an air of command "I will try to get some protections on me and will take the front rank, but by then I may have no choice. Col I would stay away from the demon if you can, you will be dead as soon as he reaches you. Do you clerics have shield of faith or protection from evil?"

Beltain attempts to cast a Spiritual Weapon spell whilst avoiding the attacks of the two spiders attacking him but fumbles it and the spell is wasted.

"Do your worst Drow spawn, we are brave adventurers and can take whatever you have to throw at us" Rizzit puffs out his chest and adjusts his bobble hat to a jaunty angle

A spider of Lolth moves in and attacks Coleridge again and he is moderately wounded and also feels his strength sapping away.

Feng's veins begin to pulse and his muscles bulge, as the Barbarian goes into a RAGE! "FENG KILLS!" he yells "NOW IT IS TIME FOR THE ABYSS TO TREMBLE! FENG OR HIS FOE COMES NOW!". His axe slams into one of the spiders moderately wounding it.

"A very nice hit, by the way Feng." calls Beltain "You are perfecting the art of splitting spiders down the middle!"

"We need to drop more spiders fast so we can flank the big guy when he moves up" Rizzit advises the party "Nothing offensive from me until I have put up mirror image, may be worth a heal on Col. I have lots of cure scrolls if the clerics get low on heals. Don't you just love these battles Mr Nosnibor? So exciting"

"I think it would be better to fight the big demon from afar, if possible" suggests Beltain "Spiritual weapons, magic missiles and the like, from what you said Rizzit, close combat can hurt. And if you can't help us Nosni, I suggest you withdraw, so I can move back if necessary. You don't have any defensive spells you can cast on Rizzit do you?" he asks the elf.

"We can flank the demon then people can hit it easier," continues Rizzit "I will try with my dagger if it helps a mighty warrior like Feng to score hits. I have plenty of defensive spells for myself, us Kobolds always like to be prepared for anything, something you humans could do with learning. In the underdark death lurks around every turn, the kobold that is unready is usually dead, or enslaved by these white haired bastards" spits at the floor but it mostly ends up down Nosnibor's back

Beltain laughs at Rizzit's outburst "Feng doesn't seem to need flanking to hit these beasts. Your magic missiles will be appreciated, nay required, if we are to fell demon before it deals major damage on us" Beltain tells the kobald.

"What in the abyss is that thing?" says Coleridge tries to recall of any information he may have come across concerning such a beast "Let's rid ourselves of these spider vermin fast, if one of those was able to shred Feng last time then we need to be able to concentrate our efforts on it without the distraction of these spiders"

The Wizard Nosnibor gives a little skip "Crikey! This is all very thrilling. I'm so glad that the sleep actually worked on one of the spiders. I'd have felt silly if it hadn't of.. Don't worry chaps. I will endeavour to stall the evil demon so we can deal with the spiders." says The Wizard Nosnibor hopefully. "Fingers crossed" He conjures an illusion of a gaping, maw like pit opens in the ground like a pulsating vulva blocking the demons access to the room.

Beltain ignores the attacking spider and turns bright red "What in heaven’s name have you conjured Nosnibor" he stutters.

A spider bites Feng wounding him and sapping his strength a little.

"Dammit there are bloody spiders everywhere" tells the others quite unnecessarily.

"These spiders are evil! They take Feng's strength!" shouts an angered Feng "Mighty Feng will crush them all!"

"I know a little late now, but if we can withdraw back to the door we can fight them in the bottle neck it creates one at a time rather than in disarray as we currently are..." suggests Coleridge "Hopefully Nos' *cough* summoning will hold that thing long enough to withdraw to a more defensible position and dispatch these spiders"

Col hits the spider confronting him, lightly wounding it.

"I feel my muse doth proffer me inspiration for another poem," he smiles "I just hope I get the chance to recite it"

Meanwhile the draegloth looks carefully at the strange pit that has appeared before it, turns from the doorway...and moves out of sight.

The Wizard Nosnibor whispers to himself "Oh sweet pixies of Cerilia it actually work. Hehehe." then adds in a much louder shout "Go back foul creature! YOU CANNOT PASS BY MY PIT OF DESPAIR! Well at least that's delayed the Demon for a short time. Best make good use of it chaps."

"Um, that was great Nosni, but next time if you could give some, ahem, warning. And perhaps pick a subject, less, less, explicit?" says Beltain looking at Nosnibor, the high colour fading from his cheeks "Anyway it did the trick, lets hope that we can bring enough strength to bare, to drop it quickly..."

Limara moves to protect Coleridge's retreat, redirecting her spiritual weapon to her new target but sadly the blow misses as does the swing of her long sword. "You guys behind, try and clear a path for me and Feng to move into... we need to concentrate out attacks and protect the casters from getting whacked.." she calls to the others.

Rizzit attempts to cast shield on himself then takes a scroll of mage armour and passed it to Nosnibor behind him

Rizzit attempts to cast a shield spell upon himself, as he does so he is bitten hard by the spider, but the spunky kobold resists the poison effects, "Someone get this friggin spider away from me please" he calls in pain.

Beltain's conjured beetles fail to injure the spiders but his long sword hammers into the spider facing him.

"A tactical withdrawal back to the doorway might be appropriate at this juncture in the melee" suggests Nosnibor "What say you fellows?"

A spider lunges at Limara but fails to hit her.

Feng swings his great axe again and the spider facing him is sorely wounded. "Feng's bane approaches. I feel my doom only heartbeats away." he says in a dull voice, "FATHER GRUUMSH! HEAR ME! HELP FENG TO DIE WELL AND SEND THIS FIEND TO THE ABYSS AS COMPANY ON THE LONG ROAD."

"Don't forget Feng, you have a plucky little Celestial Fire Beetle between you and it, perhaps it will gain us enough time to damage the demon before it reaches you" calls Beltain "Would it not be great to gain revenge for the work of its fellow and gain its scalp to hang among your trophies?"

"The demon that killed Feng I already killed for you, this is a fresh one and as yet untested against the mighty Feng" explains Rizzit to the barbarian.

Nosnibor concentrates and attempts to move the Pit Moves to the southern Door but fails and the pit disappears, to Beltain's evident relief..

The spider goes after Feng but stumbles in its haste and falls prone..

Meanwhile on the other side of the room a spider kills one of Beltain's conjured beetles, while another spider gravely damages Beltain himself and saps his strength. "Coleridge - get ready with them feckin' pipes if'n you don't want to get et." Calls Feng and does not clarify who he expects to do the eating

"Oi! Beltain!" he continues "Stop playin' with them spiders and come and heal your good friend Feng! I want to be in good shape when the beast meets the Demon." He smiles gently at his own joke, his rage cloaking his fear.

"Um, Feng" responds the cleric from the other side of the room "You may not have noticed but I have troubles of my own - like three of them!!"

Meanwhile the wizard Nosnibor casts mage armour upon himself, and suggests a move to the others "Ok chaps. I can't move the pit. But at least it kept the demon on the move for a bit. May I suggest a tactical retreat to the door?"

"May I suggest a kick up your arse?" growls Feng to Nosnibor's suggestion "There's too much goin' on down here, and retreating from combat is gonna get ya butt-:):):):)ed by big-bad when yas turn to run. STAND AND FIGHT! FENG KILLS!"

There is a faint shimmer and Bibabobaloba's Ghost quakes at the sight of the draegloth.

Coleridge tries to bolster himself and his allies for the coming ordeal by composing some verse

"Deep underground lay the legendary Lake of Largesse"

"in a sodden and shadowy cave."

"The dark, damp air undisturbed by recent ingress"

"of people come to say what they crave."

Limara waits until the verse is finished and calls out to those fighting in the North "Rizzit.. Bel honey, you've got to move back into the other room ...we need to somehow concentrate our attack so that a healer can cure from behind the frontline. That is you Bel, I will fight alongside Feng while you cure ... only cure the people in combat I can cure the rest afterwards." She turns to Feng "If Bel is not in place to heal you in time then I will.."

The Draegloth moves into the room. The creature moves round the outside of the room, and then in on Feng. The plucky little fire beetle bites at the Draegloth as it passes, lightly wounding it.

Beltain looks South at the little beetle and gives it a beaming smile, perhaps next round it can bite the loathsome creature that has its beady eyes on Limara he thinks...

"We all seem to be in the front line" sighs Rizzzit.

"oh yes, so you do" says Limara sweetly "That's because you have the tactical awareness of a baby.. hopefully you will get the basic concept before we all die....amateurs. " and then, speaking to Beltain "Beltain my love, I don't know what to suggest, you are surrounded by spiders and you just seem to be Rizzit's personal shield. If I was you I would push that kobold through the doorway and defend yourself against just one opponent at a time.". Beltain beams at being called 'My love'.

She then turns and, seeing the plight if the only warrior in the group, hacks his spider opponents head off. Then she retargets her spiritual weapon onto the dreagloth wounding it.

"Excellent, truly excellent, Princess!" Beltain calls to Limara "If that doesn't shake them then nothing will". He turns to Rizzit "Well sorcerer, what can you show us?"

"RIZZIT.... pull your finger out of your arse and do something," says an exasperated Limara "Or your gray skinned friend here will finish the day pushing up the daisies again. "

"Crikey!" interjects Nosnibor "This is all getting very heated. It is a shame that we could not reach the door to make a defensive stand. I fear that our bravery and eagerness to take the fight to our foes will be our undoing. However I for one will stand alongside you chaps, be it for good or ill."

"Alongside?" Beltain raises an eyebrow at the wizard standing in the next room

"Fear not of Noble Beluthian Thainor," continues The Wizard Nosnibor completely unfazed "Now that the hoped reason for my previous tactical withdrawal and...er.. withdrawn, I will re-enter the fray with gusto. Indeed I was considering the wisdom of drawing my long sword and gaining some much needed practice in the melee martial arts. Though perhaps I would serve you better finding a suitable vantage point for a little target practice."

"Perhaps if you want to move forward Nosnibor," replies Beltain "I'm sure Rizzit would be happy to stand aside, unless he has some action to assist the party planned, that is?"

"It was my intent to move past him and to your right Beluthian and either melee or use my bow from there. Though I think Rizzit will move before me. I wonder what his intent is?" affirms Nosnibor.

"Feck off Limara with your talk of tactics, you ran into the middle of the room while me and Nos kept back, not our fault you can't hold a front line and stop the spiders getting passed you. Maybe later on you can explain the wonderful battle plan you seem to be working to that appears to have totally alluded me this time" and steps north.

"You will remember, Rizzit that we ran into the room because we didn't (and still don't) know what had happened to Bob. We were not expecting as many spiders and certainly not a demon as well. To be honest I don't think that Bob is conscious in there. It would be nice if we had the luxury of more time, I would like to heal up too, but Feng, Cole and Limara are in the front line against the demon like the one that you fought toe-to-toe in your account. We must all do our bit to bring the battle to a speedy conclusion, even Nosni appears to be prepared to move forward and smite the foe with his sword. I think less critique of the actions of others and more on your own action"

Rizzit casts another protective spell on himself from his secure corner of the room. "I am not doubting we did the wrong thing I am taking offence at Limara spouting :):):):):), I thought we left Spar outside but it seems someone wants to fill his shoes"

"Limara has not infringed on your monopoly for talking :):):):):) - you have the whole field to yourself!" snaps Beltain angrily.

"Peace goodly brethren. Peace!" says Nosnibor, starting a speech "'Tis not the time to show discontent upon the battlefield. I for one have utmost faith in all of your abilities. And am sure that will come through this caper in both a living and a hearty state. Indeed I take great consolation from all of your actions. Rizzit is bolstering himself in a sturdy fashion in preparation for combating the fell demon. Limara is smiting about herself like the veritable Valkyries of legend. Coleridge props up our combative efforts with a rousing song of epic proportions. And of course the Mighty Feng doth make all who stand against him feel the error of their way. Beluthian, you yourself take the battle to our foe with disregard for the danger. Are we not unto the very visage of heroes of days of yore? Peace I say mighty fellows. Peace! So that our smiting will become threefold with our resolve and unity."

Beltain takes a swing at the spider facing him and brings it close to death even though he has adopted a more defensive posture.

"Nosnibor, your speech is wise. I am not discontented, I was just trying to speed up Rizzit's attack, but he seems to have got the hump.” Replies Limara to Nosnibor's speech. Rizzit still sulks at the back and tries to see where his dummy went but realises it rolled under a spider when he spat it out.

Feng winks at the draegloth "You go to the abyss today, to be my servant in the afterlife" and hits it yelling "FENG KILLS! I'll RAPE YER CORPSE AND TAKE YOUR HEAD AS A TROPHY!"

"Great hit Feng! Maybe you don't have to take the walk..." says Beltain quietly from the other corner.

"Rizzit, just to set the record straight," says an exasperated Limara "It was you who entered this room first, then you called us in to help Bob, I quote 'Bobs in trouble, Get your arses in here'. I followed Coleridge into the middle of the room where we were attacked by spiders and Feng joined the affray. Since then we have been fighting furiously whilst backing towards the door to defend the casters. I have slain and summoned an extra blade, Coleridge has inspired the whole group with beautiful poetry whilst in melee, Feng is smashing them into the ground, Beltain is summoning creatures to aid us whilst acting as a human shield. Even Nos, who you said has rubbish spells managed to block off the demon with an illusion….meanwhile you have gone from hiding behind the door to blocking the doorway and, apart from one volley of missiles, all I see you doing is protecting yourself. We don’t have time to make such preparations, its too late for that…we need offensive spells, now.” She states flatly. “ C’mon Rizz, don’t get me the wrong way, I’m not like Sparhawk… I’m happy to let you do your own thing, I don’t want to change you… it was you who told us of your offensive prowess, I was just asking for some of your damage dealing spells to be delivered…. I don’t want to fall out over nothing, Friends?” she says in a smiling tone.

"When you want my help don't go giving me abuse," responds Rizzit begrudgingly "I have no doubts I can deal with what's left here on my own if I needed to, the only reason all the spiders are still alive is 'cos I cant use burning hands whilst I would burn half the party, as for that stupid four armed thing, I killed one before I can soon do it again, all I ask is some respect, my tactics here were not at fault and did not need your ridicule. I will do as requested and unleash some magic upon whatever foul beast needs it in a few seconds time"

"Thank you Rizz..." she replies

"Rizzit - You are a star!" exclaims Beltain

"Less Talk, more smitin'" admonishes Feng from the front line.

Beltain looks around the room with awe "Try not to damage the books with your spells Rizzit, there is a treasure house of knowledge here. It will tell us much of the world and how these drow live and think."

"Are you coming to fight beside me Nosni?" he looks over to the cheerful elf.

"The books! The beautiful books. Please don't hurt the books, or be nasty to the books. Books are our friends. Lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely books!" says Nosnibor appalled at the possible damage to the library.

"I agree Nosnibor" says Beltain to the agitated Elf "Errr, what do you plan to do this time around?"

The Wizard Nosnibor steps forward 5 feet and aims his short bow at the spider. He draw and fires. As The Wizard Nosnibor pulls back the bowstring, the spider bites at him hurting the fearless elf. Beltain winces as the elf shoots an arrow past his ear, but the aim is true and Nosnibor wounds the spider. "Take that you varmint!" Nosnibor chortles with glee, but his strength too has been damaged as the poison seeps into his system.

The critically wounded spider strikes at Beltain but misses while another of the spiders moves toward Rizzit. Beltain lashes out as it passes hitting it serious damage, it lunges for Rizzit but misses.

"Mr Nosnibor brave as you quite clearly are you need to keep back from the fighting or I fear you may perish" advises Rizzit. "Please let Beltain and myself deal with these foes"

"As sweet and fluffy as your sentiments are goodly Rizzit," says Nosnibor bravely "I am not a delicate flower to be protected so. I will stand by you my friends and I will fall with you my friends."

"You are truly a brave one Sir, this battle will be won and won soon, I would prefer to see everyone alive at the end" says Rizzit and then adds "I think I need to maybe teach you to use the Shield spell, an invaluable aid to the vulnerable mage"

"Limara, can you send that floatin' sword to kill the spider takin' chunks outta Beltain, and you sort out that Spider chewin' on you. I reckon I can deal with this Monster m'self." Grunts Feng as he battles with the draegloth "Then I guess we should help our cheerleaders back at the door pronto - while we still have some. If we lose anybody here - I'm gonna tear this place down to find the people responsible for settin their pets on us. "Oh, n' that :):):):)in' dwarf had better be dead, 'n not hidin' someplace waitin' to see how it all tuns out."

The bard continues with his verse, maintaining the morale of the party

"The mood was now disturbed by a visitor however."

"A young mage bent on making his name."

"He had sought out this place in his resolve to uncover"

"the 'them' of 'us and them' fame."

Coleridge strikes out at the spider between himself and the mage but fails to connect and curses under his breath midst poem

The Spiritual Weapon conjured by Limara waivers and disappears its time expired.

Not understanding in his rage, Feng yells "WHERE THE :):):):) DID THAT GO? WIZARDRY! THERES A :):):):)IN WIZARD BEHIND THIS! I'LL RIP 'IS FROAT AHT!". The draegloth strikes out at Fend hitting him with a claw and a critical bite, the raging barbarian sways backwards moderately wounded.

Limara concentrates on the spider in front of her, she strikes quickly and accurately and the spider reels back, its wound dripping ichor.

Three missiles of magical energy dart forth from Rizzit's fingertips, the missiles strikes unerringly, killing one spider outright and causing heavy damage to the one in front of him. The spider attempts to strike bad, but it is unnerved by the kobald and misses.

"Thanks Rizzit" Beltain tells the kobald "We were sorely pressed"

Beltain's last surviving summoned Celestial Fire Beetle, attacks the spider on Limara, but misses and then returns to the celestial plains

Beltain takes a step North West hits out at the spider in front of Rizzit, massively wounding the vile creature.

The spider next to Limara attacks her with renewed vigour but it is not adept enough to penetrate her defence. The draegloth reels as Feng swings his great axe, Laskur's Bane, and connects heavily with the demon's torso. "WA HA! TAKE THAT YOU TOOTHY :):):):)!" he taunts his foe. Draegloth scowls at Feng..but still it stands..

"Wizzy may just go and finish off the demon" boasts the kobald.

The Wizard Nosnibor moves past the two spiders to take aim at the Draegloth. As he does so he risks attack from the spider. The first Spider successfully bites the wizard, but its poison does no damage, then the spider then collapses. But he is also bitten hard by the second spider and the wizard slumps to the floor dead...

Coleridge is bitten by the same spider that killed Nosnibor, luckily, the bard resists the poison effects.

"Bel... you spoke to soon." she says as she glances over at the slumped body of the mage motionless on the floor" the beautiful cleric tells her partner, "Two dead..- This is bad.... and we are barely in the complex. " she exclaims. "We cant afford any more fatalities, we must work together and cover each others backs. The next city we reach is Suzail, it has a church of Tempus there of which I am allied. I will go there and try to get us a discount on 'raising' our friends. Tempus is my gods sponsor so I am hopeful of a good result. "Poor Nosnibor.... he died in battle with a weapon in hand.... who will write to his Aunt Beryl ?".

"He should not have tried such a foolhardy action" responds Beltain with a sigh "He forgot that he was a wizard, not a fighter, it was a stupid thing to do, but brave, oh so brave. Cole must write a eulogy to remember his selfless act. Meanwhile, we'd better look after Pussy, it is what he would have wanted. But the fight is not finished yet. We must focus on the job in hand!" he concludes and flashes a warm but weak smile at Limara, a tear glistening in his eye.

"Beltain" calls Rizzit "I have some scrolls of cure light wounds, can u take them and heal Col and Feng please, our people to stay alive, I should have given them earlier but I didn't realise you were out of cures"

"I'm not out of cures, quite yet" responds Beltain to Rizzit confused "Why did you think I was? I've been shielding you in combat and sadly have not had the opportunity to cure our people - yet."

"But thanks for the scrolls," he tells the kobald "I will use them quickly. Once this fight is over and I have used up my spells". Rizzit snatches back his scrolls "If we need more cures ask for them then, everyone is severely beaten right now, I understand it may be more difficult to cast in these conditions but people need cures now not after the battle when we are looking at our dead"

Belatin shrugs at Rizzit's outburst "People do need cures but even more they need the monsters dead and the clerics alive to heal them." he replies, thinking a pity that the kobald thinks only of himself, he spent two vital rounds buffing himself up to impregnable then wants me to drop everything and cure him. I thought that the 'gift' of scrolls was too nice a gesture to be true. Kobalds!!!

"Beltain I don't ask for a cure," Rizzit protests "I point out that we have fighters who need them badly. I am not making an outburst as you say Beltain, but I may well do if I see Col and Feng join my other friends on the floor"

"I am sorry, I am very upset about the fate of poor Nosnibor. It was foolish, and against my advice, but brave no-the-less. There was nothing, nothing I could do to prevent it." Beltain continues "This round I intend to move down and take on the spider attacking Cole and allow him, if he so wishes to take a step out of the melee. There is no way that I can reach Feng and do anything in a round. He's just too far away. I assume that you will missile Feng's attacker and maybe one of the spiders, if they are in range?"

"Nosnibor should not have tried such a foolhardy action" Beltain says with a sigh "He forgot that he was a wizard, not a fighter, it was a stupid thing to do, but brave, oh so brave. Cole must write a eulogy to remember his selfless act. Meanwhile, we'd better look after Pussy, it is what he would have wanted. But the fight is not finished yet. We must focus on the job in hand!" he concludes and flashes a warm but weak smile at Limara, a tear glistening in his eye.

Coleridge grimaces as the plucky wizard goes down, but stoically continues his verse to continue to inspire his allies till the fight is done

"He had cajoled arch-demons and also made threats."

"He'd endured the laughs and weathered disgrace"

"He had questioned his friends and called in all debts"

"and now here he was in this place."

Coleridge lashes out at the spider but, still smarting from the assault, he fails to connect, he readies himself for retaliation and prepares to dodge the spider.

The wounded Draegloth still attacks but the wounds are affecting its accuracy for it only manages to hit Feng once.

"I'll take down ugly here," Feng tells the others "Then move up to help Cole - it looks like the Princess can look after herself" He says looking admiringly at Limara "Oh, yeah - poor Mage. I'm really cut up - BUT NOT AS CUT UP AS THIS BITCH! FENG IS HERE! BRING 'EM ALL! FENG KILLS!"

"I will pay whatever I have to bring Mr Nosnibor back" muses Rizzit. "Me too, Rizzit," agrees Beltain "I already miss the cheerful little bugger".

Limara casts a healing spell on the defensive as the bard is looking venerable and his wounds are only light, now. Coleridge nods in acknowledgement of Limara's gift of healing

"Feng..." she says "I know you are wounded... I will cure you next, if you need it...."

And then, turning to her partnet continues "Bel, use range weapons or heal yourself... don't go getting yourself killed please...."

Feng snorts by way of reply, concentrating on the wounded demon but Beltain is more appreciative and smiles over at Limara "And don't get too overconfident yourself, Princess, that's a venomous spider behind you, and it isn't dead yet! Take care!"

Rizzit lets rip at the spider with magic missiles massively wounding it.

Heedful of Limara's advice Beltain, drops his sword and conjures a magical weapon that attacks the spider wounded by Rizzit, it hits bringing the foul denizen close to death.

Feng swings his mighty axe and shears through the demon's defences, it falls to the floor – dead.

"Woot" calls the kobald while Beltain can't help cheering when he sees the draegloth fall.

"Well, Princess" Feng tells the beautiful priestess guarding his back "A nice little fight. I don't suppose anyone else could have killed that monster. THE MIGHTY FENG IS HERE! DROW WIZARDS TREMBLE!"

Coleridge continues his ballad:

"His journey had taught him not to bypass the obvious"

"and besides, there was no-one to see."

"So he called out "Show me all those covert and devious""

"and awaited the results of his plea."

Coleridge strikes out to try and finish the spider Rizzit's magic has so nearly felled but his blade once again fails to find its mark.

Limara turns and attacks the spider behind her, her blade just misses and she tuts in frustration, while at the back Rizzit moves, drawing his crossbow and draws a bead on the spider fighting Limara and Feng.

Beltain chases after the badly wounded kobald, collecting his sword on the way, eager to heal him and his Spiritual Weapon manages a solid hit on Cole's spider and it sinks to the floor dying.

One spider of Lloth still remains


First Post
Victory and descent into the darkness

Coleridge continues his poem:

"Several minutes passed by before he looked in the lake
and saw nothing more than his reflection.
But he had laid other plans given what was at stake
so it was not yet time for dejection."

Then carefully circles round behind the remaining spider swings his sword and at last his blade finds its mark, disabling the beast.

"You guys kill this spider," calls Feng "And if the other is still alive by the time I bring my axe to bear, I'll off that then. Dying in it's sleep. When it reaches the afterlife I'll bet it's pissed off."

"...I doubt the spider will notice its dead, just the change in its surroundings" muses Limara casually runs the spider through at the spider with her sword, then returns Justice to its scabbard while Beltain watches her admiringly. "Nice one, Princess." He exclaims "That's cleaned out this nest of evil - but there will be more I suspect" he smiles

"Thanks babe...." she acknowledges "We need to regroup and do something with our dead comrades. Maybe Sparhawk could look after them... We need to heal the wounded too"

"Limara - we need to keep up the scare, here." Feng tells her "Our dead comrades - I suppose the dwarf is probably dead are going no-where but our foes, and their treasure, might. They know the secret of their hideout is now lost, and they will probably look to move quickly, or strengthen their defences. We must give them no time to re-organise and regroup. The old chieftain used to say "hit'em on the end" which means to you city types "keep 'em offbalance. Heal me, and we'll go through 'em like a knife through baby's guts. If'n we do it quick enough, we might get enough loot to raise these sad sacks." Feng feels the weight of his axe and looks speculatively at the sleeping spider. Rizzit - you reckon we could train one of these like Beaker?..an If you ever need to get to the bar in a busy inn, I reckon this would clear the way for ya! Anyone got a sack? I gotta take ugly's head cos I want to mount it on my helm. Them claws might look good mounted on my shoulders, too."

Beltain casts a healing spell on the kobald and Rizzit bounds out of sight, bent on exploring the complex.

Feng's Rage subsides and he feels Fatigued!!

Limara feels that the experience gained in the fight has moved her to the next level. Beltain rushes over and hugs her "Congratulations!" he exclaims, clearly delighted

Beltain sighs and hurries over to the small figure lying amongst the dead spiders, the joy drains from his face. He kneels and starts to intone the elvish rituals of the dead, calling on the Lord Protector of Elves to guide and Protect The Wizard Nosnibor as he journeys beyond this life. After some time he finishes and then anoints the frail body with a vial of oil, tears coursing down his face. He wipes his eyes and rises. "It is done" he says.

He goes over to pussy and strokes her absentmindedly "Your master will be back" he tells her

"Chest back here" Rizzit yells back from the next room. "Get Bob to look at the chest when he gets back from wherever he is hiding" he laughs.

Beltain heals himself and then starts to take his armour off and try out the drow chainmail. He calls out "Has someone killed that sleeping spider yet, I'd just hate for it to wake when I'm in the altogether!"

Feng smiles and evil smile and administers a coup de grace on the sleeping spider, then removes the head and claws from the Demon then rests.

Coleridge absent-mindedly continues his poem as he walks over to Nos' remains

"He searched in his pack and finally withdrew"

"some ingredients, and a pestle and mortar"

"with which he ground them to a powder of purest royal blue."

"Then deftly sprinkled it over the water."

He finishes with a sigh " 'Tis a shame I did not get to know you better Nos, you truly seemed a chap of nigh-on inexhaustible happiness - a rare commodity in this world... if we are unable to get you raised I will f course endeavour to get news of your passing to your aunty Beryl Now lets see if we can't find out where Bob has gotten to, he may yet need our help" so saying he moves across to where he first encountered the spiders after Bob's cry for help. "Ohh no!! Bob too" coleridge laments as he finds the dwarf's body.

"Yeah, I feel bad for them, too." Says Feng in a disinterested tone "Now does anyone want to heal the big fighter that will save their arses?"

"I'm happy to do some healing, when I get this armour changed" calls Beltain from the next room "In the meantime, I'm sure that Limara will help you..." there are some clanks as he struggles with the change of metal-wear

"C'mon people - healing now!" shouts Feng and add (in for those hard of hearing), "MIGHTY FENG NEEDS STRENGTHENING! MIGHTY FENG THINKS THERE ARE MORE FOES TO KILL!"

"Damn," whispers Rizzit from the unsearched room "Can you move Bob to the other room please Col, I will scout around"

"..If we are not going to put the bodies outside with Spar, then at least can we put them together near the exit.."

Limara summons forth the healing power of The Red Knight, curing most of Feng's damage.

Coleridge drags the desiccated dwarf corpse back into the other room and lays it next to Nosnibor.

"Feng, they have already had time to set defences and regroup" Limara tells the barbarian "While I applaude your braveness and confidence, I think that are already two men down and we should be sticking together to maximise our defensive capabilities and stop further causalities. I also suggest that a more cautious, less cavalier approach would be more effective...in other words, a tight pack formation moving together will kill more drow.."

"We'll find Rizz when we follow the screaming." Says Feng stoically "Now, any more heals? I'm still knocked around a touch. C'mon Beltain, lay hands on the Demon-Killer."

Rizzit yells back "I should of been a rogue, I am great at all this sneaking about quietly"

Feng just smirks "He'll never make a shaman." As ge goes to take a quick look into the barracks.

Feng heads down to join Rizzit at the last closed door. "What the others doing? Still recovering from the trauma of battle?". Feng strugs "Or group hugging. Strange bunch". "Or shagging to the melodic sound of a love ballad" suggests Rizzit. "They don't have the balls." He flinches slightly.

The other group ignore this conversation. "I have yet to use any of my daily allowance of spells Limara so can as yet cast 3 first level spells and 1 2nd level and my cantrips of course... I can however only use my poetics to inspire us on two more occasions this day though. "I will check the chest, but I will wait for Limara and Beltain to move forward, I do not think now is the time to spread ourselves out and make individual targets of us, especially in light of our recent losses." He turns to Limara and adds "I think your advice has fallen on deaf ears, it appears two of our number have recklessly rushed ahead, it would be my suggestion we stay together as you yourself suggest and make our way forward to try and catch them up... We can look at this chest Rizzit called back about on the way"

"I agree with Limara and with Coleridge. We must not fall prey to over confidence" says Beltain "Also we should search this room for treasure and, more important, for information. 'Know your enemy' for if we can find out more of the strengths of what we face here we can prepare ourselves better. My feeling is that they sent no word for aid from their fellows fearing the wroth of the females should they even contemplate the possibility of failure. Not that they would have considered failure possible" he continues "The drow are an arrogant race and convinced of their own superiority." He bends over the body of the fallen dwarf and retrieves the drow keys. "Who knows" he tells the others "These may come in useful"

Meanwhile down in the South Rizzit asks Feng "Who has the drow keys now? Try knocking on the door Feng," he jokes "Maybe they will just open it"

Feng reaches into his pocket and tries the key in the lock after listening and hearing nothing.

"Just open it will ya Feng" Rizzit tells him impatiently

Back in the North Beltain turns to Coleridge "You mentioned something about looking at the chest that Rizzit found" he says to the bard "Do you want some moral support in your endeavours?". The three of them cross to the room containing the chest that needs checking..

Limara addresses her two comrades. "Why won't those two just do one thing at a time... If they carry on running around like kids in a sweet shop we are gonna get ambushed again. guys... we need to do things as a group...." she appeals.

"Bel...can I have a read of that book when you have finished. Knowledge of their creatures will be useful" she asks her partner. "No problem" he replies, giving her the collected papers, but mentions that the books are useful for reference the bonus given by book is only for whoever is carrying it.

On opening the door Feng sees an immense egg sack fills this warm, humid chamber.

"Hmm" says Rizzit as he takes out his wand of burning hands and stows the crossbow "this room needs to be burned, you got any alchemists fire bud?"

"Why?" asks Feng, "This could be a hostage - it's probably quite important to these spider-freaks. It could also be a potential pet or bodyguard – let's not be too eager to kill it before we've looked into it properly." He spots a hundred, maybe more large spider eggs, each nearly 6 inches long.

Coleridge examines the chest and noticing nothing of significance he attempts to open it.

"We need to rest and regain our magic capability" Beltain says to Limara and Coleridge as they prepare to open the chest " I will head South and try and assist them in making a defence. We need to watch those stairs - perhaps we could find somewhere to conceal ourselves and take turns in watching the steps in case danger threatens...?" and so saying heads off to join Feng and Rizzit.

Rizzit agrees "Let's check everything then camp up by the stairs and stop anything coming up, maybe put some beds across the top"

"Sounds like a good scheme Rizzit!" agrees Beltain

"Oi Beltain" says Feng pointing at the gigantic egg-sack "Not even Feng's nadgers are in such a large sack - what does ya reckon?" Beltain thumbs through the notes from the magic users study, to see if there is any references to egg sacks but finds nothing of significance.

"Perhaps I was wrong" wonders Feng "Never saw the point in readin' before now. Anyways help me shift some bunks to the top of the stairs, Belt"

Beltain goes with Feng to collect beds for the makeshift barrier, leaving Rizzit to deal with the egg infestation. Beltain mused as he walked as to just what kobalds ate in the wild, perhaps ant-eggs and spider-eggs, amongst other things, he thought to himself, I wonder if it's in that old wizards notes. "Kobolds can eat pretty much anything, " laughs Rizzit as if reading Beltain's thoughts "Animals, plants and even dirt and shells. Its pretty hard to starve a kobold" he chuckles "But what about the eggs? We must destroy them" insists the kobald.

As they walk over to collect the bedding for the barrier Beltain asks Feng. "Do you think it might be a good idea to have the barrier 5' back from the top of the stairs? That way we could 'seed' the space at the top with caltrops. That would slow them down a bit!" he laughs and looks at his companion for a response.

"The caltrop one is a fine idea - the attacking Drow will be hopping mad when they try to breach our breastworks" Feng smiles at his pun

"What's keeping the Princess and Cole - he serenading her whilst she fixes her hair?"

"I don't think that she needs to fix her hair, ever" says Beltain naively, taking Feng's words at face value "She always looks like an angel to me. Although sometimes an avenging angle..."

"And why bother burning the eggs?" Beltain asks Feng "It sounds as if they would make a nice snack for Rizzit. But if he isn't hungry then closing the door would seem to be the best idea. I hope that they are spider eggs, the idea of demon spawn gives me the creeps" he shivers

Coleridge examines the chest but can't find any trace of a trap. The chest does appear to be locked, but he attempts to pick it a dart shoots forth from the chest hitting the bard and doing both constitution and wisdom damage. Inside the chest a set of magical leather armour and some money but still no magic user spellbook.

Meanwhile Rizzit brightens up and trots off and starts to descend the stairs mumbling something about voices in his head "Squeek, squee, sqittity squeek" he says to Wizzy

Beltain dumps the bed he was carrying at the head of the stairs and follows the kobald, calling softly to Limara and Cole telling them what's going on. Beltain looks upward towards heaven and says "Morituri te salutant "

Very soon he is joined by Feng "Very well, Mighty Feng is ready for more battle" he announces. Beltain gets out a healing scroll and uses it on the big barbarian Feng nods his thanks

Meanwhile Limara commiserates with the bard "Ouch! Bet that hurt Col, sorry I don't have anything for poison ... yet" puts the money in her backpack with the folded leather armour. She then goes back to the room with the acid and puts the two vials in one of the backpacks side pockets. Then she jogs back through the summoning chamber to join the others as they go down the stairs.

"Wait for Coleridge boys.." she recommends "I think that we have enough spells and cold steel to smash this place before bedtime, Rizzit give me one of your cure scrolls and I will cast it on you when you request a heal". Rizzit rummages in his pack and pulls out 4 cure light wounds scrolls that he passes back to Limara and Beltain. "Just use them on anyone that is in need" says the kobald generously.

"What do u see Wizzy?" whispers Rizzit asks his familiar as it scurries ahead into the darkness at the base of the stairs.


First Post
Feckin Clerics, its Kobold not Kobald.

Rizzit for those who read this (as if) is the 2'2" power house of the group. A never still, rarely quiet bundle of mischief.
Somehow he seems to survive through encounters that by rights should see him in an early grave.

Rizzit is recently from the underdark, sent out to the strange surface by his tribe to seek out a fabled magical sword that if found will enable him to return and rule them (A complete load of bull designed to get rid of the annoying little runt and hopefully get him killed for his lack of an evil heart).
On the surface he was captured with the half orc Feng by Zhents who they latter escaped from, this tale and others should be here somewhere.

Feng the Mighty

First Post
As anyone who has viewed the succession of narrow escapes and disasters will know, Rizzit's bio is rank misrepresentation and is yet another example of the belittling of the half-orc. As any reader can clearly see, the Mighty Feng is the hero of the piece, and but for him, the party would be dead and rotting meat, pronto.


First Post
Danger Below

At the base of the stairs they find themselves in a room with doors to the North and West. Feng listens at the western door and hears a single voice, he thinks female, but he doesn't understand the language. The sound seems to be coming from beyond the west door. The party decide to go in that direction.

"Want me to be subtle, Rizz?" the big barbarian asks the kobold. As he hefts is axe and gets ready to try the handle, "Let's be careful bro" his diminutive companion councils. "That's why I'm listening first!" responds the barbarian with a smile.
Coleridge staggers down the stairs still a bit woozy from the further dose of poison his system has taken.

"Let's go bud, sounds like drow to kill" whispers Rizzit to Feng, throwing caution to the winds. Tries the door, it's locked – but opens to the drow key.

"Let me know just before to intend to go in" Beltain asks Feng in a low whisper "Then I can get a Bless off, to add even more power to your, and our blows"

"Now is the time, Beltain. Feng is about to do what he does best! Right, lets keep it quick and bloody. No prisoners, and plenty o' loot. Last one to kill an opponent buys all the beer when we get to town."

"Lim, you and me take point," he continues "Everyone else, make your blows tell."
Belatin takes and reads a Bless scroll while Rizzit takes a potion and reads a scroll to improve his defence. He takes out his mirror image scroll and readies the wand of burning hands "Open it bud, lets kick some ass" he tells Feng.

"No one got a 'lets stop sleepy arrows hittin' mighty Feng' spells?" the big barbarian asks hopefully, but there is no response. "No? - Door opening time, then. " and he pushes open the door

Beltain listens and points North West as the source of the female's voice. He is struck by the harsh beauty of the area and impressed by the intricate floor patterns, a place of importance he guesses...

"Good idea feng," aggress Limara "I will gladly take front row duties with you....Rizzit you wanna stay there or cast from behind me?...my sword is powerless in the second row" ...Rizz...maybe we can ready an action where you cast a spell then retreat behind me " she suggests.

"Let's go" Beltain whispers "Let's see what the lady is up to"

"Maybe if i can get nearer i can understand what she is saying Feng... " muses Limara in hushed tones but think on this... if she is talking, there should be more than one person... female drow are senior to male here, she is probably a caster too....be ready" she whispers advisedly.

"Let's move forward in party order as a group" suggests Beltain in a whisper "Then we can get surprise on these guys - for a change!"

Feng whispers "OK, All in formation,C'mon!" he tells the others and moves into the area beyond the door. It looks like a meditation area but at that moment he catches sight of a Drow - who also catches sight of him!!!!! "Ogglin zhah ghil!" the drow shouts.

Once again, the plucky kobold and the half orc are in the frontline....


First Post
The Hero

While all the party member have flashes of daring do and courage, as anyone can see the true hero or rather heroine of this tale is Limara. With characteristic good humour she guides her flock through the dangers that beset them, supporting the party with powerful magics, slaying mighty monsters but still being able to cure the afflictions of her party. Beautiful, wise and thinking she brings the incisive thinking that characterises those who follow the ways of the Red Knight to battle and victory.

You've just got to admire her

Beltain, Cleric


First Post
I missed the mention that the first one through was the courageous Rizzit, putting his own safety to one side as usual and bravely striding forward to meet our foes, followed at a discrete distance by the mighty Feng whilst the others decide if they should follow.

Its just a shame Riz is down to one offensive spell, looks like the burning hands wand may take a bashing.

If Beltain gets any further up Limaras a :heh: se he can chew her food for her.
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